Final Fantasy 3. I ADORE classic Final Fantasy. HOWEVER, the final boss of FF3 is bullshit. The boss itself is hard sure, it's a final boss. The true problem lies in what happens if you lose. You have to redo an EXTREMELY long dungeon, a separate boss, and then 4 OTHER bosses before you can fight the true final boss again. Somehow, the 3D remake is arguably worse. In the 3D remake, fewer enemies can be on screen at once to compensate enemies are given extra turns. This SHOULDNT EVEN MATTER for the final boss, she's a single enemy, but for SOME GOD FORSAKEN REASON, they gave her TWO TURNS. Now, there's something I neglected to mention about the boss fight. She has a signature move that can practically wipe your entire team. In FF3 NES, this can really hurt. In the 3d remake, SHE CAN USE IT TWICE IN ONE TURN INSTANTLY KILLING YOUR PARTY. Also yes that does mean you have to do the ENTIRE DUNGEON AGAIN, DO THE BOSS AT THE END, KILL THE 4 OTHER BOSSES, ONLY FOR A ANOTHER CHANCE AT THE FINAL BOSS WHO STILL HAS A CHANCE TO USE HER INSTA DEATH RAY TWICE IN ONE TURN. It's still a fun game, though.
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Now I'm curious. So here's another Twitter/X question for y'all~
Any thoughts @jelly-fish-wishes @pianokantzart @itsavee4117
@peaches2217 @silenzahra @sophiafireheart
@megamagimugi @multicolour-ink @vulpixfairy1985
And anyone else I might have missed?
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Imagine the awe and wonder an Inkling would have hearing that Jesus walked on water
Inklings and Simon Belmont both appear in Smash Bros.
Respawn points are canonically a real technology in the Splatoon universe, and it's impossible for an Inkling to permanently die while they're synchronised with one.
Simon Belmont is canonically Christian.
This information in mind, I want you to imagine Simon Belmont trying to explain the miracle of the Resurrection to an Inkling.
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Nothing Doing no. 35
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Love these lesbian orbs a lot
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i managed to get a leak of tomorrow direct and i’m freaking out right now
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Speechless, flabbergasted. They're so good!!!
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More paper mario ttyd humanizations / gijinkas. Here are the ones I did for all the party members: x
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I'd buy it
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Vivian and Goombella are real and I saw them kissing behind a domino’s
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Best Mario ship don't @ me
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super excited about the remake enjoy lesbians
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paper mario said trans rights!
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We won
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I’m going feral for the TTYD remake. After the announcement I replayed through TTYD and then convinced my friend to play it while I watched, and honestly not enough. I need more Vivian in my life y’all. Also I NEED trans accurate Vivian in the remake, it’d make me complete.
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If anyone did this to me, be prepared to have a nemesis, buddy. I'd be in my super villian era. Super speed huh? How's this comically large glue trap treating you? I'll treat you like the rat you are.
(Don't use glue traps for mice. Only speedsters, you really hate)
if i had super speed im sure people would be like "how could you possibly have super speed" and i would be like "ok, ill prove it. name something you can get at a grocery store" and they would be like "hmmm okay. cheddar cheese" and then i would use my super speed to shave their head completely bald almost instantly. theyll never see it coming
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It's beautiful
|| Bit of a change of pace and content regarding my previous posts, if it's not what you followed me for then i apologize ||
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got interested in an old pokemon comic, that being Eeveelution Squad, by EV-Zero aka PKM-150, really enjoyed it so i kinda just made some bits of art about it it's corny and all that but hey enjoyment of some form of media can lead you to unexpected motivation
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Hey mods, why do I keep being asked if I want to follow the same tags multiple times? I've clicked "follow" on the same tags dozens of times, but later it'll say I'm not following it. Goodbye thanks for everything
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Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlbomb
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i love this render its so fuvking funneeeeee
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They can also protect your surface from corruption
"Hm, I've already established that this nation in my story has a lot of sunflowers as a background detail, I should take five minutes real quick to see what those can be used for."
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🎶You can eat the stalks! You can eat the leaves! You can eat the petals! You can eat the seeds! You can eat the tubers! Turn 'em into booze! Go and plant some sunflowers! If you don't you lose! 🎶
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