i-hate-onion-boy · 2 years
I had a nightmare a few months ago that I joined some meet up to get secrets from Onion and his groupies. It turned into this whole weird cult like thing where we had to take a test to see if we good enough for him or not. At one point he was right behind me and I was terrified. I don’t know if it was the fact it was him or the fear of being caught of being a fake fan but he gave off a vibe of being interested in me and I was just even more scared.
Oh God, that sounds awful! I'm so sorry that you had a creepy dream like that... D:
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i-hate-onion-boy · 5 years
Please reblog this, it needs to come to light.
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i-hate-onion-boy · 5 years
Anyone else keep having horrible nightmares with Greg/James and Kai? I keep having them and it's horrible, they've been reoccurring a lot lately and it genuinely makes me think even more for his victims, how they must feel... I couldn't even imagine..
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i-hate-onion-boy · 5 years
Imagine still being a fan of Onision
Posted on 11/24/19. I wonder how much worse it’ll get.
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i-hate-onion-boy · 5 years
This is my first post on here, but be prepared as I'm going to bring hell down upon the onion.
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