"Woah, woah." Derek said, holding his hands up, "Calm down kid." He sighed and shook his head. "People have told me I'm not real." He tried to sound calm. "I'm a werewolf." He stated, flatly. "Most people tend to think I'm a fairytale." He looked at the expression on the boy's face and then asked, very dubiously, "So you're telling me the USS Enterprise and everyone on it is real?"
Derek sighed. "It's a TV show, kid. They can't be real!" He said. "And besides, Starfleet and Vulcans and everything of the sort was discovered thousands of years later." He said, now trying to convince himself more than anything. "I don't speak Russian." He said. "Okay, what about some tech from your stardate or something?"
You Ran Into The Night; You Can't Be Found || Derek&Pavel
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I haven't played in years. You pick. What--Are those unicorns?
I ordered an Xbox from room service..
Hey Derek, I’m Charlie.
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Newb’s choice, I’ll play whatevs. Seriously try this game, its like crack.
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Derek nodded sarcastically. "And I'm sure Scotty, and Sulu are real too, aren't they?" He asked, rolling his eyes. Raising an eyebrow, he looked at the boy from head to toe, and then shook his head. "You can't be!" He said. "You're fictional!" Then he amended himself, "Chekov is fictional!" 
Looking over to the man he had seen earlier, he shook his head. "Those are probably plastic ears." He shrugged. "Doesn't mean he's Vulcan." He said. He placed a hand on the kid's shoulder and smiled, "Look, kid, unless you prove that you're actually Pavel Andreivich Chekov," He said, grinning, "You probably won't convince me."
You Ran Into The Night; You Can't Be Found || Derek&Pavel
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My name is Derek. 
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A challenge? No, but since I can't leave, better this than sitting alone all day, wouldn't you say? Any suggestions?
I ordered an Xbox from room service..
Oh hey random man. Did you smell a challenge?
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Nothing good, for serious.This game is frakking awful… but I’m kinda hooked. Call room service again and order up some games.. put it on the credit card by the phone. 
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Anything good?
I ordered an Xbox from room service..
Dude they delivered! I love this ‘verse.
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Who wants to get their ass kicked?
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Believe it or not, I'm just as lost as you are. 
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It's the apocalypse, by the way. 
Where is Everyone?
Speak of the devil.
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I mean, hi Hale. What are you doing here?
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Oh, great, you're here too.
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Welcome to the end of the world. 
Where is Everyone?
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It’s like everyone knows something I don’t. Or I’m supposed to be where they are, but I didn’t get the memo. This feeling is so strange.
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Derek looked at the guy dubiously, "I know." He said, as if speaking to a child. "Lieutenant Uhura is fictional." He explained. "She's not real?" He tried. He understood that some people were fans, but this was just absurd. "Really though, kid, what is your name?" He asked. 
Snorting, he shook his head. "A convention is where many people, who are fans of the same things meet up and stuff." He explained lamely. His eyebrow rose. "His race?" He asked. "Are you serious? Spock is a character." He said, very slowly. 
You Ran Into The Night; You Can't Be Found || Derek&Pavel
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Derek snorted in a very un-Derek like manner. "Uh-huh," He nodded. "And I'm Lieutenant Uhura." He shook his head, a little laugh making his way out. He then craned his neck to look over the boy's shoulder and looked around for people dressed similarly, and they were all over the lobby. 
"Are you here for some sort of Convention?" He asked, "My sister tried to make me go as Spock, but when it came to the rubber ears, I just refused." He said, smiling slightly at the memory. 
You Ran Into The Night; You Can't Be Found || Derek&Pavel
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Derek to sense something akin to stubbornness in the kid and leaned against the wall, smirking at him. His gaze flickered to the symbol on the kid's shirt and it struck a memory. He hadn't seen it in years, but that was the symbol of Starfleet. He used to watch the show as a child, when William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy used to depict Jim and Spock. "Nice shirt," he commented dryly.
When the kid spoke, he raised an eyebrow. "Russian?" He asked, "Or are you trying to act like Chekov?" He smiled slightly at his own reference. "And I'm not much of a people person." He said, eyeing the hand warily but taking it a moment later, giving it a firm shake. 
You Ran Into The Night; You Can't Be Found || Derek&Pavel
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I can't believe I'm stuck here.
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Derek raised an eyebrow. The kid was just across the lobby a few minutes ago. He observed the kid and sniffed him discreetly. He smelled strange. He smelt of substances that seemed far beyond reach. He eyes the boy and noticed that him, and several other people in the lobby were wearing similar clothes. A uniform, probably. They had the same crest on the top right corner of their shirts. 
You Ran Into The Night; You Can't Be Found || Derek&Pavel
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You Ran Into The Night; You Can't Be Found || Open
Derek looked around his room in Stark Hotel and sighed. This was not what he had planned. He had to go look for Boyd and Erica. He closed his eyes and huffed. He felt empty-the bond the pack gave you hardly there, only alive because of Stiles. The boy was strange, and yet intriguing. He was the only person he recognized in the sea of faces in London. Fucking London. Deciding that he needed to do something, he got up and walked outside his room, and made his way to the lobby. He looked around at the lavish hotel and shook his head to himself. This was... Different. Sure he had stayed in Hotels, but nothing so... obscenely luxurious. It was disgusting, really. 
Derek found himself a spot in a corner and watched the people trudge in and out of the doors. He saw a girl, one to whom he had spoken to earlier, the one with the red hair and slightly odd nose, yappering on about video games and such to Stiles. He looked away and saw a man, someone who looked nothing like him, and yet so much alike. He had a gun strapped to his ankle and another one tucked in the waistband of his jeans, where it peeked out when he shifted. The man looked strong and hardened. Almost like a soldier. But not quite, because his eyes spoke of a hope that was rarely there among soldiers. 
His gaze shifted and he saw a blond man, talking animatedly to someone who looked twelve, with a strong Russian accent. The blonde man was walking beside the Russian and--Fuck. Was that.. Oh Jesus, he needed a drink. He could not be hallucinating about Star Trek characters coming to real life. It had to be one of those people who must have gotten them surgically implanted. It had to be. Busy convincing himself, he let his guard down for a split second when someone next to him coughed and he spun around to glare at the perpetrator. 
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I need to find Boyd and Erica--I don't have time to be stuck here. 
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I need to get out of here.
Good luck with that, Derek. If you find a way out, lemme know and I’ll be right behind you.
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Do I look alright?
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London's great. I just need my pack. I need to look for Boyd and Erica. 
I need to get out of here.
Are you alright?
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I mean, sure it’s London, but come on….? Haha?
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I need to get out of here.
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I was at home, and a second later, I in London. And my pack isn't here.
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Uh, can someone explain to me why I'm in London?
Doctor Who experience, Sherlock Holmes museum, and probably a secret doorway that leads to an alley full of wizarding shoppes…
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Why wouldn’t you be in London, man?
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