i-am-a-book-dragon · 4 years
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turtle school
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 4 years
“men dont like that. its such a turn off” good . turn off . where is ur off button . shut up . please stop making noise
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 4 years
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Unusual friendship 
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 4 years
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The Index-Journal, Greenwood, South Carolina, August 6, 1952
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
““Every hand that we don’t shake must become a phone call that we place. Every embrace that we avoid must become a verbal expression of warmth and concern. Every inch and every foot that we physically place between ourselves and another, must become a thought as to how we might be of help to that other, should the need arise.””
— Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
Can't wait to see this SPREAD
Pundemic 2020
I am going to use this time to spread puns faster then the corona virus.
Instead of spreading misery, we spread Puns, groaners, dad jokes, and all sorts of word play
use the #Pundemic 2020 
Spread the word my Pun People
Lets make it go VIRAL
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
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Re-posting this because I finally got to scan it in high-res.
Betty Bates is a goddamn hero.
—“Betty Bates, Lady-at-Law” in Hit Comics #47 (1947)
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
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A friendly reminder to wash your hands as often as you can! 🧼
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
i’m all for peter being portrayed as a teenager bc that’s just classic spidey, and if you prefer him being portrayed as a teenager that’s fine we all have preferences. my only issue with it is that people who only watch the spidey films and don’t read the comics are really missing out on some good adult peter moments. like right now in the comics peter parker is around 30 years old and watching him interact with younger superheroes is really heart-warming, because he’s been there and he gets how hard it can be, he feels responsible for these kids
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and then there’s the renew your vows comic where he’s an actual dad married to mary jane, and they have a daughter who’s named annie may. and that series is full of really fun stories, plus it’s interesting to see how peter juggles being spidey and being a dad/husband and how those two things intertwine, also the dad jokes are endless
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teenage peter parker is a timeless version, but that version is shown so much (especially in film) that it seems like a lot of spidey fans feel like adult peter wouldn’t be as good or true to his character which just isn’t true, so if you’re ignoring the adult version of peter parker then you’re seriously missing out on great character development/stories that show peter’s journey and his character more than anything
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
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#a badass
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
i really hate coming out but still want my extended family to know, so my mother took it upon herself to invent the game “guess which one of my kids is gay.”
the rules are simple.
sit down with uncle so-and-so
he says something about gay people in passing
my mom says “there’s a gay person at this table right now. guess which of my kids it is!
he looks frantically between the three of us trying to figure out if she’s joking or not and trying desperately not to offend anyone but also she won’t continue with the conversation unless he makes a guess so he has to make a guess
we all enjoy his discomfort immensely
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i-am-a-book-dragon · 5 years
The largest Hydrogen Peroxide experiment ever 🧪 ⠀ By @Nickuhas and @DavidDobrik
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