I am Emmet
1K posts
I am Emmet. I am a Subway Boss. Follow the rules, safe driving! ◇◇◇◇◇ Run by @lindwyrmrelinquished, the artist of the header! Profile picture by partner blog, @i-am-1ngo!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
i-am-3mm3t · 3 days ago
Emmet had expertly commanded his Pokemon, and he didn't even have all six out- although, six might've been a little much. Three was already a tricky endeavor, and he was a Double Battle Specialist. He must have slipped up at some point, made a miscalculation, because suddenly Omega was right in front of him and-
His Pokemon all screamed. The Galvantula rushed to his toppled body, panicking over the point-blank shot he'd just suffered - no doubt it was critical - and the Klinklang stuttered in the air, grinding gears halting for seconds in between each distraught click. Eelektross, though... Eelektross was enraged.
Sparks flew as it sped to protect what was left of its Trainer, which was most of him save for the damage to his clothes, and the most violent Discharge yet went off in a dozen directions at once. Even Virus hadn't seen this kind of electricity, and she had stolen Emmet's train. Its eyes were honed in on the robot responsible for the carnage, and, ignoring the turn rules of battle, a Thunderbolt cracked down on Omega.
Vengeance of the All-Devourer: Part 2: Wrath of Omega
//ooc: closed RP with @i-am-3mm3t @that-one-poison-trainer @the-poke-virus @moonlit-faller @voltage-zenith @annieblast @rock-bird-go-brr @ho-oh-mosexual @local-crobat-enthusiast, and everyone on @nebula-incursionists-official
Opportunity Nebula, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, and Crispin of the BBA Elite Four had been running inside a downed V-Corp starcruiser within the Belly of Quantuvour, the All-Devourer, for quite some time. They had been making their way from BBA following a bright glowing green light that seemed to promise safety. Eventually they came to a very secure door, which the Jedi sliced open, only to find a robot on the other end, but not the robot they were expecting
GAHHHHHHH!!!!! OPPY?!?!?!?!?!?
TOP MAN?!?!?!?!
False alarm guys! Help has arrived!
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i-am-3mm3t · 3 days ago
Before August can reach the little spider, someone else walks up to it, and bends down to allow it to disappear into the fuzz of his second set of arms. Emmet Trewyn seems awfully calm for this situation, and as Viper is preoccupied with trying to survive this encounter, no one else sees the slight twitch to his smile and the rigidness to his stance, both usually impeccable but now as hard as stone.
"Excellent job, Mint Bark. Return to your siblings. Your mother and I will take it from here."
He turns his head - just his head - to face Omega, politely tipping his hat as though that will have any difference in the fight.
"Hello. I am Emmet. I am a Subway Boss. The worm we currently reside in has eaten my station, however. You are the Messiah. You are not invulnerable. Follow the rules. Safe driving."
One hand unclips a Pokeball from his belt. Then a second. Then a third.
"Follow the schedule. Everybody smile."
Each Pokeball is thrown up into the air at the exact same time, almost lazily. He's fought his fair share of cultists.
"Check safety. Everything's ready! Aim for victory!"
With all four arms, he strikes his signature point-and-call, though it does feel a bit more electrified than usual. His Pokemon - Galvantula, Eelektross, Klinklang - all cry out in unison with his final statement, and attack.
Vengeance of the All-Devourer: Part 2: Wrath of Omega
//ooc: closed RP with @i-am-3mm3t @that-one-poison-trainer @the-poke-virus @moonlit-faller @voltage-zenith @annieblast @rock-bird-go-brr @ho-oh-mosexual @local-crobat-enthusiast, and everyone on @nebula-incursionists-official
Opportunity Nebula, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, and Crispin of the BBA Elite Four had been running inside a downed V-Corp starcruiser within the Belly of Quantuvour, the All-Devourer, for quite some time. They had been making their way from BBA following a bright glowing green light that seemed to promise safety. Eventually they came to a very secure door, which the Jedi sliced open, only to find a robot on the other end, but not the robot they were expecting
GAHHHHHHH!!!!! OPPY?!?!?!?!?!?
TOP MAN?!?!?!?!
False alarm guys! Help has arrived!
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i-am-3mm3t · 4 days ago
Despite very much being there and aware, Emmet seems to be stubbornly ignoring the rest of them. His eyes and hands are solely on the train, checking it over to find the extent of the damage and possibly, possibly, have Elesa fix it once all this is over. He flinches at the sudden yelling from Ana, but that's about all the brainspace he can devote to the group of people here.
"Don't break anything. Else."
Oh, and that, apparently.
Vengeance of the All-Devourer: Part 2: Wrath of Omega
//ooc: closed RP with @i-am-3mm3t @that-one-poison-trainer @the-poke-virus @moonlit-faller @voltage-zenith @annieblast @rock-bird-go-brr @ho-oh-mosexual @local-crobat-enthusiast, and everyone on @nebula-incursionists-official
Opportunity Nebula, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, and Crispin of the BBA Elite Four had been running inside a downed V-Corp starcruiser within the Belly of Quantuvour, the All-Devourer, for quite some time. They had been making their way from BBA following a bright glowing green light that seemed to promise safety. Eventually they came to a very secure door, which the Jedi sliced open, only to find a robot on the other end, but not the robot they were expecting
GAHHHHHHH!!!!! OPPY?!?!?!?!?!?
TOP MAN?!?!?!?!
False alarm guys! Help has arrived!
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i-am-3mm3t · 6 days ago
Vengeance of the All-Devourer: Gear Station Attack
//ooc: transcript of a Discord RP with @that-one-poison-trainer and @i-am-3mm3t
Anastasia Viper Emmet Gyro Zeppeli Medic
Storm Eagle
As Quantuvour's attacks reach their height, so does Anastasia's worrying. As such, she departs Incursionist Alley with no real destination in mind, which puts her out at Gear Station, going through the Unova Door (which would be the same one Top Man, Gamzee, and Virus entered the station through). Emmet's been having a bad feeling this entire day. Maybe it's the weight in the air, maybe it's the news he read of a discolored sky. He's heard of a discolored sky before. It hadn't ended well for any of his family. Or maybe it was just a bad day combined with the requirement of people. Who knows. ... Or, it could be someone else coming through that door again. He'd reinstalled security cameras down there. Nothing would escape his notice, or his wrath. He flung his uniform coat on, and started down to the abandoned tunnels. Viper notices how upset Emmet looks and runs after her
hey boss! Everything alright!?
I saw something on the cameras. Just making sure it isn't a problem! You are welcome to come with if you have nothing else to do.
He doesn't stop his pace, but he does make an active effort to make his monotone voice not sound pissed off. It really didn't take long to get there, and when he did, he stopped. Who the hell was that?? The person was not the miscreants. Rather, it was a woman he'd never met before, who seemed to be enjoying watching the Joltik from a distance
Oh? Am I not supposed to be here? I'm sorry, I was just watching those cute Pokemon. They're kinda like Quasar's spider
My apologies, ma'am, but you are correct! You aren't supposed to be here. These tunnels are abandoned, it is dangerous. And those are Joltik. All mine, so there is no need to report an infestation.
Again, sorry. It's just... everything's too much right now!!!
Anastasia seems on the verge of a meltdown. Poor girl. ohhh shit. Emotions. Emmet briefly glances at Viper, then decides no, he shouldn't push this off on his employee despite how immediately awkward he feels. He examines the static electricity hanging in the air from all the Joltik.
Ah, it's alright! Here, why don't I take you to the main station where things are cleaner and less... Damp? You can bring some of the Joltik, if you want...
It's all my fault! Quantuvour's looking for me! Stanley'd be ok right now if it wasn't for my stupid hide falling here thinking I could be happy! And I haven't heard from Quasar, Oppy, Gamzee, or Clara so I think they went the same way! sees she's being spoken to No. You should just leave me. All I do is bring misfortune
Ma'am, I really must insist. We can get you some water and snacks, and keep you safe from whoever is looking for you. Gear Station has very good security.
Emmet'll pretend he didn't recognize a few of those names... One in particular. Viper runs in and notices Ana
sorry boss, got caught up with- Ana?! It's me Viper! Stanley's friend
You, um... Know her? Do you know how to calm her down?
she's a friend of a friend Emmet, and I have no idea what I'm doing
Ana tries to run but trips. Viper runs to her and tries to help her up. Emmet carefully steps forward, avoiding the webbing even though it couldn't trap any of them if it tried, and offers a hand to Ana - one of the normal ones, with minimal Joltik fuzz on it.
Ma'am, you are currently inside of a Battle Facility. People here come to challenge their skills. If there is anywhere your pursuer can be fought off, it is here.
yah! It takes someone with real skill to beat my bosses! I may not fully understand what's going on, but I think you could use 5 minutes to breathe Ana
Ana stops, but then her eyes grow wide and she jumps over Viper and attacks something behind them, which recoils, allowing her to get her bearings, and for the others to see her holding a pair of knives far more expertly than a normal person would
I have to fight again... I thought I could leave that life behind...
the creature isn't downed yet, as it bears its swords, and 2 others come up behind it. This is far above Viper's skill level so her plan right now is to just hide behind Ana
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On instinct, Emmet releases his Klinklang, Tick, and sends it to attack. A Steel-type wouldn't take much damage from swords. The Duelists spread formation, each confronting a fighter. Tick's Steel type helps, but these things are relentless. Ana takes to dodging, looking for an opening on the Duelist's vitals. Viper tries to think of a plan to deal with the guys, opting to send out her Chandeleur and commanding it to attack with a fire type move. Seeing the Chandelure, Emmet commands Tick to use Thunderbolt in conjunction with the Fire-type move, knowing from experience that both things combined hurts a lot. The Duelists are staggered, but not destroyed, but it's enough for Ana to get a kill-blow on all of them in, dropping them with that last little bit of damage.
Victory! Verrrry impressive, you two.
He clapped his hands once, already looking around the tunnel for any more attacks. Tick seemed on edge.
we should get to somewhere safer, no doubt this is another one of Quasar's situations you help a guy beat some robots one time and now he thinks he can just call you up whenever to go in inter-dimensional journeys
Yep, to the main station. I will call the Depot Agents. Very exciting, yep!
He started tapping away at his Xtransceiver, presumably sending out a group text based on the lack of any actual calls.
come on Ana, we got you
They run toward the station, but then a massive BOOM tears through the tunnel and an enormous spike crashes through the tunnel, right behind where they were only moments before. Ana starts shaking like a leaf, about to fall to her knees. Viper tries to hold up Ana
It's happening again...
don't worry! We're gonna keep you safe!
Emmet barely stops himself from saying "AW CRAP" out loud, and instead starts ushering Viper and Ana out of the tunnels.
Come on, come on, these tunnels are even less safe now.
He sends out another group text.
Change of plans: Evacuate everyone. Now.
they arrive at the hub of Gear Station, right as another spike hits, blocking off part of the exit. Emmet makes a Sound of some sort, that vaguely, in Pokemon language, translates to a curse word.
Well, no building is complete without emergency exits! You two find one, I need to guide the crowd.
He rushes off, towards the main office. Viper takes Ana and guides her to an emergency exit, only for that to be blocked by a gaggle of swarming creatures with the same vibes as those Duelists earlier. Viper sends out her Chandelure, Garvantula, and Scolipede to form a triple attack against the creatures
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Surprisingly fast for how the crowd is rushing around and panicking, the intercom springs to life with a little bing-bong! Emmet immediately starts telling people to evacuate Calmly, saying where every exit is, etc. The Balls are not strong, but it is enough time for the emergency exit to be blocked by another big spike. There's another update on the intercom, to inform people that one emergency exit is now unavailable. Emmet must be looking at the security cameras. One thing becomes apparent about these spikes: in addition to blocking some of the exits, they also appear to be spawning more of the monsters, in many varieties. More directions come from the intercom, and the Depot Agents that are present are valiantly fighting against the monsters in order to get people out. It's... Kind of succeeding? Not very well, considering the situation. Someone just let out a Hydreigon. Viper runs with Ana and her Pokemon to another exit. All the while more spikes are dropping, the exit gets completely covered and massive booms and monsters coming from other tunnels means that spikes must've hit other tunnels. ANd the monsters attack more than just people - the station itself and its trains aren't safe either. The intercom cuts out for a minute while Emmet laments the loss of his trains and tries not to start losing his Entire Mind over Everything. Viper bursts into Emmet's office
I can't find any exits! Also is this a bad time to mention I've been considering putting in my two weeks notice?
It's a terrible time for anything, really, but I won't be upset about that!
Emmet says, trying desperately to find an exit himself on the map of Gear Station.
This would be SO MUCH EASIER if Ingo hadn't taken today off.
Ear-shattering blasts make them aware that the main stairs of Gear Station have been reduced to rubble by a larger Shadowglass with rather potent weaponry
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He just... Turns, slowly, towards the thing that destroyed the stairs, and very calmly hits a button on one of his Pokeballs. His Crustle comes out, and he points at the Shadowglass.
Stone Edge.
... hey girlie where did All of your emotion go? The Dracomortar takes a big hit, and recoils. At that moment the intercom is hijacked.
Nebula Incursionists! This is the Unseen Shield to the Nebula Incursionists! Do you read? We see you but we can't reach you on foot, so we'll have to do an extraction this way
Emmet these guys are with the incursionists! They're here to help!
Oh and sorry about the roof
Emmet's hand twitches. He speedwalks back to the intercom console, slams his hand on it, and, with a very large smile, says:
Three circles on the roof faintly glow, as if a strong light from above them is shone, then they explode. A rope is lowered through each of the three holes. Viper grabs onto one of the ropes. Emmet quickly recalled his Pokemon, deciding to trust the Incursionists despite the fact that three of them stole one of his trains, and grabbed a rope as well. Suddenly a tremendous cracking is heard, and the station lifts into the air, ground it's on and all, smashing into the escape crafts (//Corellian YT-2400 Light Freighters, for those other of you with a sci-fi spaceship special interest) and grounding them. The force of the station lifting into the air causes Viper to fall to the ground. She tries to crawl out of the way of any falling rubble. Emmet YEEPs and clings tight to the rope with all four arms, managing not to fall over thanks to both that and the experience of moving trains.
Well so much for that plan
Look Viper's really stressed out right now she's gonna say some awkward things. Emmet is barely keeping himself from saying fuck. Although, in this situation, a couple swears could be permitted
Can someone please explain what seems to be the problem here??
multiverse stuff probably
"Multiverse stuff can go-"
don't say an insult don't say an insult don't say an insult don't say an insult
"... Take a nice long walk in Lostlorn Forest."
... you can say fuck if you want
He's gritting his teeth so hard in that smile.
Right now is the time to stay calm. I'll say fuck later. At home. With my brother.
haha you said fuck
Tea kettle noises as he tries not to say fuck again. Hey girlie you know you can let go of that rope right? Apparently, he does not. Up, up, and up the Station goes. Into the sky, into orbit, into space, up to a massive hole that opened in the Worm's mass. The Station is taken into it as it closes, eventually coming to rest in a dark, cavernous space that fluctuates ominously, slowly moving toward a dark mote at the far (and I mean FAR) end - which they hope against hope isn't some kind of crusher, black hole, or other harmful apparatus of digestion. As the station is yoinked away, the lights rattle and go out as their power sources are snapped.
what. What. WHhmmm. Okay. So. The entire station is here. We are cut off from power. Several dozen people and my staff are still in the building. And... We are still moving. Do I have this right?
yah I guess
Viper turns to Ana
how are you holding up?
It takes a while, but she eventually clocks the whole situation
I knew it would end up like this... I never should have allowed anyone near me...
hey, Ana, it's gonna be alright. we're gonna get through this, we're gonna save Stanley and get Gear Station back where it belongs so I can do all the proper quitting my job paperwork
Actually, I should have some of that. .. uh, somewhere.
Emmet looks around, realizing the amount of stuff that got knocked over and jostled in the chaos.
...I don't know... And even if it does... Should I be saved? When all I've ever brought anyone is suffering?
... you should meet Virus sometime, she's got all the same issues
Suddenly erupts a bright green light the same color as Quasar's Convytezynce, a stark contrast from the dark purple of everywhere else in here. It seems to promise safety, so those around start going toward it
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i-am-3mm3t · 1 month ago
High-Stakes event announcement. Warning: High-Stakes
Reblog if you’re interested in my space kaiju-themed rotomblr event involving giant worms, time travel, dimensional encounters, lingering powers of ancient gods, and at least one insane robot
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The worst fear of the multiverse has been realized: Quantuvour, the All-Devourer, has been released from its prison of time and has resumed its feast on the multiverse. It has set its sights on the pokemon world and has begun to circle. The All-Devourer is too big for any earth weaponry to damage from the outside, and gives off energy preventing Deity-level Legendary Pokemon from getting close, and the dimensional deities who first sealed it no longer live. The only hope the world has is for bold adventurers to enter its body and kill it from the inside out, attacking at 2 major points: its heart and its brain.
Vengeance of the All-Devourer is an event on the lower end of high-stakes open to all of Rotomblr (and Gliscord (discord) if preferred) in 3 parts: First your muse will survive an attack from Quantuvour’s minions at a landmark from the region of your choice after Quantuvour appears in the sky, shooting its spines around the landmark. The part will culminate in the landmark being lifted into Quantuvour’s stomach, where your muse (along with all the other muses) will make their way to Gear Station within the stomach, and begin part 2. 
Part 2 is a collaborative fight against Quantuvour’s Heart and an insane robot named Omega, ending with Quantuvour preventing a chain reaction from Omega’s exploding core from destroying it by consciously funneling the energy away into its attacks on the Earth, needing you to run to its brain. 
The final part will be an attack on Quantuvour’s Brain as it begins the final stage of its planet eating process. Its spines cause the planet to shrink and it positions itself to swallow the planet whole. After the success of the attack on Quantuvour’s brain, the chain reaction started in Part 2 will destroy Quantuvour, its front half plummeting to Earth to form a new continent and its bottom half forming a planetary ring system around the Earth. All landmarks will be returned to their original conditions and positions, except for Gear Station and Blueberry Academy, which are lost in the dimensions somewhere (finding them will be a future plot point)  
If you have multiple characters, feel free to sign them all up! They’ll each get an encounter! If you have multiple blogs, same story! All types of PkmnRP blogs are welcome here, be they faller, hybrid, eeby, self-insert, and/or all or none of the above! Everyone is welcome to participate! So what are you waiting for? If you want to participate, reblog this post! Also the tag for this event will be #vengeance of the all devourer
If you have any questions the mod will be more than happy to answer them! 
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i-am-3mm3t · 2 months ago
//ooc: old IP thread I did with @still-capricious, @the-poke-virus and @i-am-3mm3t
Shortly after Top Man's escapade with the Nymble, he returns home, knocking on Virus's door. she opens with a big grin on her face.
hi Toppy ・:*+.(( °ω° ))/.:+ welcome home ( ^ω^ ) how was the terrorism?
Groovy to the max! Say Virus, ya ready for that important mission I mentioned? (the others can catch up dw)
the train heist
she looks worried for a second, before perking up again
Yes! ((o(^∇^)o))
Then let's cruise!
but on their way out, at the teleporter, they notice a different person has joined their band
WhAtChA dOiN AH! ("°O°)
Letting Virus finally drive the train of her dreams. Wanna come?
LeZ dO iT okay ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )
turns out, to Virus's surprise, the Unova Door leads to an infrequently used train platform - that leads right to Gear Station (on one end of the corridor it opens into)! That was easy!
ahh, the memories. just yesterday I was piloting Viper's body to rummage through these tunnels for my sister's shards for my grand [UNALIVE] scheme Oh YeAh WoNdErLaNd. ThAt WaS fUn. We StOlE a TrEaSuRe ChEsT fRoM a ClOcK, aNd ThEn
Top Man cues at Gamzee for him to shut it
Oh... SoRrY
ANYWAY, once we hit the end of that tunnel we should have a clear view of all the trains. "Redips"'s briefing said to "let [the digital girl-thing] pick it out" so that's what we're doin
Virus gets excited and runs ahead. Top Man's wheels are good for keeping pace with excited Virus's. The Homesuck man is surprisingly fast. Somehow, instead of being met with an empty trainyard, they are met with a trainyard with One 👆 Subway Boss inside it. Both sets of arms are folded neatly behind a white coat, and the usual smile is there, sharp and shadowed. With the lights this dim, only one eye visible, sparking with Electricity, and it is fixed directly on Virus. She pauses in fear, absolutely paralyzed
"You are still banned from Gear Station."
Can it jive turkey! Virus grab your fave! Gamzee cover us!
Virus is too paralyzed with fear. Emmet's eye narrows, and one hand lifts to flick the brim of the white hat upwards. The smile stays, and for a split second, the Subway Boss almost seems to be glowing, light reflecting harshly off the white coat and red stripes. As it fades, the entire trio feels something - a LOT of somethings - crawling up their bodies and draining the electricity all of them hold. A Joltik hoard does not come without training, and breaking the rules does not come without consequences. A Top Spin gets these off of Top Man easily. They take longer to remove from the troll. Well that's one way to get nocked back into reality. Virus eats a Joltik that comes close to her mouth. Top Man grabs Virus and puts her on his head.
Just think about your favorite train and send it to me I'll get us there!
AY! Can't stop the Top, remember? And you... SCRAMBLE THUNDER! RE-ENERGIZE!
Top Man's color shifts, and he shoots lightning everywhere, trying to panic the joltik with an over-feeding
she focuses, and points out one of the trains
that one
back to Top Spin, he spins toward it
Dodge bullets when I'm spinning!
...new plans are just beginning...
The thunder hits! Quite a few of the Joltik break off and skitter away, forgetting any commands that were issued, but Emmet himself... continues not moving. At least until Virus points at a train, and then he calmly walks over to it. If Top gets too close before he reaches, well-
A mere snap of the fingers overloads Top Man with too much electricity to handle. The discharge hits Virus as well, thanks to the piggyback ride she's currently receiving.
Scrap, I really don't want to have to bring that out, but
Without warning Gamzee opens the doors and throws them all inside. It's like this trolls made of rubber or something. It seems like this finally gets Emmet to show any front other than calm security guard, because all four arms fling out to cling to the train against the sudden movement before she finds herself restrained by Homestuck.
Ya HaVe A mOmEnT tO tAlK aBoUt MiRaClEs?
Ok you're up
Get this hunk o junk movin girl!
Don't you dare
As Virus heads to the control room of the train Emmet nearly growls, smile twitching into something less, something violent. He doesn't need to move, because lightning starts pealing off of him and striking nearly everything in the room. The train itself is charged and barely able to be touched. There's so much, it's blinding. Virus falls to her knees, stopped in her tracks. Gamzee turns Emmet away as Top dips into his Sub-Tank to heal Virus
This should do. I got more where that came from
t-thank you
Very suddenly, Gamzee is slammed directly in the diaphragm by an elbow that really shouldn't prickle that much. Damn Joltik fuzz. You know when you fall and can't breathe for a few moments because you got hit in the gut? That's what happens when you get hit in the diaphragm. Emmet escapes easy and dashes for Virus, arms out to grab her and throw her right out of the station.
Get drivin. I'll see if I can find that Reverse Thunder FM- NOPE!
Emmet gets a face full of wheel, and then a Chill Spike barrier goes up. Virus makes it to the control room unharmed, her eyes light up as she finally sees all those switches and buttons in person. In this moment, nothing matters. It doesn't matter who Emmet is or their past together, fuck Emmet for all Virus cares. This is the moment she was created for. Top Man also enters, and blocks the door with his heavy metal body. She turns back to TopMan giving the biggest fanged grin of her life.
ready (╹◡╹)
Emmet somehow lands on his feet, and goes to tackle Top Man, firing off another bout of lightning. It seems to be getting weaker, but the fact that he's trying his damndest to tear into the robot with his bare hands overrides that a little.
Gamzee is back up, barely
ThAt WaSn'T vErY mIrAcLeS oF yOu
Virus fires a Gemini Laser directly at Emmet's face, her eyes have gone pitch black
She fires up the train. We are now in motion people. Emmet's smacked head-on and knocked away just as the train starts moving.
Emmet scrambles back up to his feet and starts booking it, despite knowing full well that he can't catch up to a train, because it's a TRAIN. He still doesn't want Virus to win. She puts the petal to the metal and drives faster. Gamzee's still grabbing Emmet when his eyes grow wide and he stiffens, and suddenly turns and runs away full sprint still holding Emmet, only putting her down when they're back at the main Station and then running off down an infrequently used tunnel. Emmet fucking SCREECHES as he's dragged away, completely helpless to stop the theft from his own station. If he had any sort of chance before, it's gone now, but he does make sure to through an extra-strong Discharge at Gamzee as the juggalo flees. Suddenly, a voice in her head.
Let them go, Emily
He freezes for a minute, just a minute, but it's more than enough. Gamzee is gone, Virus is gone, his train is gone... That's it.
They don't know it yet, but they have an important task to do with that train. Thank you for letting it go. Now a great multitude of people on my world can have hope. Again, thank you, Emily. You have done my world a great service
She scowls, but stays where she is. She has to figure out where she is, actually, and then get back to the main office, and file the goddamn paperwork that comes with this, and get pictures of those three so they can go on her Banned From Gear Station board- there's a lot to do.
It's made just a little better by the name that isn't hers, yet.
Luckily it looks like she's right by the main entrance. Easy enough. Now to figure out all that other nonsense... and this new voice in her head (thank goodness this one seems more orderly than other voices, and not permanent)
…is everything ok?
She sighs, and starts walking off to where she needs to be. The air of discontent that she radiates, despite the smile once again stuck on her face, is enough for people to clear a path. The office door just barely doesn't slam as she closes it.
...as you wish. The others are nearing position anyways
the voice fades. Em hums. There's not much else to say about the boring job that ensues.
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i-am-3mm3t · 2 months ago
For legal reasons, I cannot say what happened or what is on my mind, except I have a lot of fucking paperwork to do.
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i-am-3mm3t · 2 months ago
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i-am-3mm3t · 2 months ago
Something just happened.
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i-am-3mm3t · 2 months ago
Favourite thing about the battle subway so far is a poster near the entrance that has a list of all the pokemon banned from the battle subway. Which includes the likes of Kyogre and Arceus
*snaps fingers* aw man. they don't let you bring God onto the battle subway anymore. Because of woke.
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i-am-3mm3t · 4 months ago
Peliper Mail: the other half of that birthday cake
Happy [PART 2] Birthday ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
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i-am-3mm3t · 4 months ago
Peliper Mail: half a birthday cake
・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
Share with the Joltik you took.
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i-am-3mm3t · 4 months ago
How is it only kind of your birthday?
What is the negative calendar??
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i-am-3mm3t · 4 months ago
[He realizes she's falling asleep on his couch and goes to grab a blanket from the folded pile right next to it. It's a little weird to tuck his own employee in, but he tosses the blanket over her and lets it settle before going to refill that bowl of water, just in case.]
[... What the fuck is he gonna say to Ingo in the morning?]
closed rp starter with @i-am-3mm3t
[it was late, night was starting to fall over Unova. The unsuspecting Subway boss Emmet heard a nock on their door, strange, they weren't expecting anyone?]
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i-am-3mm3t · 4 months ago
[He speedwalks back into the kitchen and comes back with a bowl. Lemon tries to stick her head in. He holds it away from her. Eventually he does manage to transfer the water over, even with a big silly spider crawling up his body.]
closed rp starter with @i-am-3mm3t
[it was late, night was starting to fall over Unova. The unsuspecting Subway boss Emmet heard a nock on their door, strange, they weren't expecting anyone?]
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i-am-3mm3t · 4 months ago
[Emmet manages to refrain from laughing and just sets the water down on the coffee table.]
Do- Would a bowl help-?
closed rp starter with @i-am-3mm3t
[it was late, night was starting to fall over Unova. The unsuspecting Subway boss Emmet heard a nock on their door, strange, they weren't expecting anyone?]
29 notes · View notes
i-am-3mm3t · 4 months ago
[Her expression softens, only a little.]
Is this the same as-? Nevermind. Don't cause any trouble. These nights are hard enough as it is.
[Emmet walks back in, holding a colorful plastic cup. It's quite large, and filled with water. He offers it to Viper, apparently not realizing she has massive claw hands now.]
closed rp starter with @i-am-3mm3t
[it was late, night was starting to fall over Unova. The unsuspecting Subway boss Emmet heard a nock on their door, strange, they weren't expecting anyone?]
29 notes · View notes