A place where I post pics of LEGO mecha and spaceships (mine and by others) mostly intended for the wargame Mobile Frame Zero.
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Not sure of the scale, but that could be an awesome Mobile Frame Zero: Intercept Orbit ship.

LEGO Spaceship-03 by ToyForce 120 http://flic.kr/p/RD3rwK
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Night Patrol by Jeremy Williams
Still so much detail at this micro size..!
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People were asking about instructions for the most recent version of the Hammerhead that I made. I'm not good with LDD files and can't make those fancy step-by-step instructions, but I can take breakdown pictures. Here you go. :D
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Octan S-P31 Drone by BobDeQuatre http://flic.kr/p/Ry55P3
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///DESIGNATION: HAMMERHEAD Mk XX VARIANT ////ROLE: TBD ////BUILD NOTES: An attempt to build a version of the Hammerhead Mk XX in white. I didn't have that white hinge plate brick or the 2x2 trapezoid plate in white, and so had to improvise. This is the result. I rather like the back. Name suggestions? I was thinking of something along the lines of "shiro" or "kabuto" (white and beetle in Japanese).
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Azure Lion Mercenary Squad
A 200 XP mercenary squad for Osprey Wargames Rogue Stars sci-fi skirmish game. My group is using LEGO just like for our games of Frostgrave.
We still have yet to play Rogue Stars, but the process of building a squad is pretty involved. There are no basic stat lines for models as in Frostgrave. Instead, the Traits and equipment possessed by each model possesses modify the target number for successfully performing certain actions. For example, a model needs to score a 10+ to make a successful ranged attack, and the Marksman Trait, which you can purchase multiple levels of, adds bonus to the die roll when making a ranged attack. That means you can really customize your squad, but it also means a lot of bookkeeping. As we haven't played yet, I also don't know how useful certain traits and equipment is.
The breakdown of the Azure Lion Mercenary squad is as follows:
I went with the Mercenary Theme (duh), which means I have access to all Civilian and Military equipment lists, a decent selection of Traits, and the ability to upgrade one model to a Veteran. I still haven't chosen my Tactical Discipline yet, but I'm leaning toward the one that allows me to ignore the -2 penalty when making rapid fire shooting attacks.
The four human mercenaries have the same basic profile. All have Marksman (1) and Steadfast (1) Traits. That grants them a +1 bonus to shooting attacks and a +1 bonus to Morale rolls. I want them to be good at laying down fire and not break and run. All are equipped with an Assault Rifle, a Vibroblade, and Light Combat Dress. The Assault Rifle is capable of rapid fire, allowing them to shoot twice as a single action at a -2 penalty, and looks lit it puts out decent damage. The Vibroblade seems like a pretty standard melee weapon, and Light Combat Dress provides decent protection without affecting movement. Each one comes to 35 XP.
The Sergeant (front and center) is an additional 12 XP (47 XP total), and has the Leadership (1) and Veteran Traits. That grants the squad a +1 bonus to the initiative roll at the start of the mission, and an additional +1 to morale rolls as long as people can see him. Veteran grants him a +1 bonus to action and reaction rolls.
The Medic, off to the left, is an extra 6 XP (41 XP total) and has the Medic (2) Trait. That grants a +2 bonus on First Aid checks to remove Wound Markers and revive OOA (Out Of Action) models. It cannot be used on robots however.
The Technician, to the right, is an extra 6 XP as well (41 XP total), and has the Robotech (1) and (Tech1) Traits. That grants a +1 bonus to fixing robots and making hacking rolls. Here's where the choice of Mercenary theme is a bit of a disadvantage. I can only purchase the first level of both these Traits to start with; another theme would have let me go higher.
The fourth mercenary is just a "vanilla" trooper.
The Wyvern in the back there costs 36 XP. It has the Artificial, Non-reactive, Big, and Tough (1) Traits. Artificial grants 3 points of armor everywhere and makes the model immune to things that wouldn't affect a non-living target. It is balanced by that Non-reactive Trait, granting a -1 on reaction rolls, which you _have_ to take when making a robot. Big, while granting a +1 bonus to anyone shooting at the robot, seemed too appropriate, and Tough (1) grants a +1 bonus to resist damage. It's equipped with a built-in Heavy Blaster Rifle, which reduces its movement but can't be dropped. Offsetting that movement penalty is a Jump Pack, allowing it to spend an action to move pretty far, ignoring all intervening terrain and models. It also has Bionic Eyes and a Neurojack Array, meaning it ignores any visibility penalties when making shooting attacks and can make Tech checks to hack doors and security systems.
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////DESIGNATION: WYVERN (HAMMERHEAD Mk XX) ////ROLE: MOBILE WEAPONS PLATFORM ////NOTES: The 'Wyvern' Hammerhead Mk XX provides mobile heavy weapon support to Azure Lion mercenary squads. Built in jump jets ensures its heavy blaster rifle will always be in position, while advanced targeting sensors ignore dust, darkness, and other visibility interferences, and a computer interface jacks allows it to hack security systems. ////BUILD NOTES: An updated (and slightly blurry) version of the Hammerhead frame I originally made for Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack. It now has a weapon and jump jets. I'm particularly proud of those jump jet packs (minifig town binoculars sandwiched between some 2x2 round plates), but I wish the 1x1 round plates didn't stick out so much. Oh well.
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///DESIGNATION: HAMMERHEAD Mk XX ////ROLE: MOBILE WEAPONS PLATFORM ////NOTES: The Hammerhead Mk XX provides mobile heavy weapon support to mercenary squads. The hardpoint on its back mounts a number of weapons, and the built in jump jets means it will always be in position. Advanced targeting sensors ignore dust, darkness, and other visibility interferences and computer interface jacks allow it to hack security systems. ////BUILD NOTES: Despite being for the Rogue Stars skirmish game, this is just the Hammerhead I designed for Mobile Frame Zero. When I started putting together my NEXO Knights I saw I had a lot of blue and light grey pieces and wondered if I had enough to build a Hammerhead. I did. That little 1x1 plate with the lion insignia and the kite shield in blue sealed the deal. I really like how this game out. I still have to make jump jet nozzles for the "wings" on the side of the head and design a weapon. I've paid for a heavy blaster rifle in the game, and need to model something appropriately big.
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Rogue Stars Mercenary Squad
Believe it or not, but I wasn't all that keen on the LEGO NEXO Knights at first. The sets were cool, but as we were playing Frostgrave, a more traditional fantasy skirmish game, the nonmetallic armor and glowing weapons weren't all that useful. Now that we're playing Rogue Stars though? They're great. Brightly colored armor, translucent swords and shields, and glowing orange bits are great for sci-fi. I love the blue and light grey color scheme of the "regular" knights and carried it over to my mercenary squad.
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“Capricorn” Drone by Garry_rocks http://flic.kr/p/QyspRu
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007 2017 mechanized wanderer… 🤔
#mech #mecha #robot #sketch #quicksketch #sketcheveryday #sketchingisawesome #instaart #instaartist #cantstopdrawingbots #robotloversunite #sketchbookpro #autodesksketchbook #sketchbook
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Definitely too big for #MobileFrameZero, but this is fantastic. (0_0)

RD-VIKSKAL Skalmöld by Messymaru http://flic.kr/p/PHct6G
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Maybe a bit big for #MobileFrameZero, but I really like this build.

Tablescrap robot man
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Not #LEGO, but that's some great inspiration.

006 2017 Chunky Monkey… 🙊
#mech #mecha #robot #sketch #quicksketch #sketcheveryday #sketchingisawesome #instaart #instaartist #cantstopdrawingbots #robotloversunite #sketchbookpro #autodesksketchbook #sketchbook
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