Good Girls School
Eyes here. Follow my words and focus on them. Good girl. your mind is stuck Focus for me and relax. Relax and listen. Listen and follow. your mind is focused Following each word with anticipation. My words feel good. your mind is blank They feel so nice to just read. To stare into. To sink into. To fall into. your mind is blank I'm here to think for you. You're here to be a good girl and listen.
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Listening is simple. And now that you're listening closely to my words We can teach you some very important lessons on being a good girl. You're ready to listen, aren't you? Of course you are. You're eager to. The first and most important lesson is that good girls don't think.
So do me a favor, slut, and just go blank for me.
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Just go blank. Just go blank. Just go blank. Just stop thinking
Stop thinking and start sinking down. Drift and drop deep. Your head is empty. Your eyes are focused. Melting down. Melting deeper into bliss. Listening and obeying my words. You are no longer allowed to think. I've revoked your privilege.
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Good girls don't think. You're a good girl so you don't think. You just listen and you follow. Say 'bye bye' to your brain. Because you won't be needing that anymore. Good girl. Now that you've said bye bye to that silly brain of yours... We can just take it and mush it up into a blissful puddle And then pour that stupid puddle down the drain so you Won't ever have to worry about it again. Okay, sweetheart? Good girl.
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You're a good girl and good girls go blank. Mouth open, mind off. Head empty and soft. Mind dazed and lost and caught and stuck. You feel the happiest in this state. Just a silly obedient slut melting To colors. To my words that fuck your pretty head. Such a good girl.
The dumber you go, the more of a good girl you are. You need it.
If you even think of thinking, you feel discomfort. You feel pain. Your head aches. Just let go of those responsiblities. They don't suit you. You're just a stupid blank slut that needs to sink. Good girl.
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Now that we've established this first lesson we can move on. you're a good girl Now we will go in depth what what a good girl is. Let's start. you're a good girl Good girls suck cock. Good girls keep their mouths open. you're a good girl Good girls listen respectfully. Good girls keep their mind blank. you're a good girl Good girls don't worry about thinking. Good girls worry about serving
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Good girls let their mouths drool. Good girls are stupid girls. you're a good girl Good girls edge and rub themselves. Good girls fuck their minds. you're a good girl Good girls let their cunt leak. Good girls know they are dumb cunts. you're a good girl Good girls open their minds and their mouths. Good girls go blank.
you're a good girl
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Good girls do not cum without permission. Good girls suck cock. you're a good girl Good girls understand their worth. Good girls are good objects. you're a good girl Good girls objectify themselves. Good girls show themselves off. you're a good girl Good girls show their gratitude. Good girls are good hypnosluts. you're a good girl
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Good girls love getting their pussy and their minds fucked. you're a good girl Good girls make a mess of themselves. Good girls edge. you're a good girl Good girls don't think. Good girls are never allowed to think. you're a good girl Good girls don't need rights. They just need to obey. you're a good girl
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Now we've come to a better understanding of what you are. You're just a good girl. Good girls like and reblog this post. And good girls comment "Good girls go blank." as they go blank. Good girls listen and sink deeper. I think I will keep you just like this. You are useful like that. You're such a good girl.
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Please direct your attention to the screen. Do not lose focus.
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Anyone wanna become friends? And you slowly put suggestions into our conversations, making me unable to notice that I’m slowly becoming o ceased with you. And then you begin sending me files for me to listen to ❤️👉🏻👈🏻
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Does anyone know of any good discord hypnosis CNC groups? 👉🏻👈🏻
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My asks are empty :( does no master/mistress want to put me into a trance?
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I’d do anything for master
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Current fantasy:
You’ve been stalking me for months. You’re good at it too, I don’t even notice you touching yourself through my bedroom window as I’m changing for bed.
You take up my hobbies, get a job at my work, and slowly become friends with me. We see each other everywhere, and I just assume we’re very much alike.
You come over one day after work. My house is small but homely. You assess the area, trying to figure out where to plant the cameras.
The front door leads to the kitchen first, the bathroom immediately to the left. I was lucky enough to get a large bowl bathtub, and spent a lot of time inside of it. But you already knew that.
I take you to my living room, which is only a few feet from the kitchen. Small, but homely. We sit on my L shaped couch and relax to some shows. With my hair off to the side, I don’t notice your eyes staring directly at me instead of the tv. I don’t notice your plans to take me as your slave.
We end the evening with a hug as you leave the back door. I close the door and go for my evening smoke break. I grab my supplies, and slowly make my way to the couch.
After a large bowl, my entire world begins to wobble and slow down. I turn on my favorite cartoons, and begin to zone out into my own world for the night. What I failed to do before hand, was lock the door. I was always trusting of my neighborhood, so there were moments I’d forget to lock it during the day. It rarely happened, but there were times where I’d forget to lock during the night. You’d know this already, though, but never took advantage of it yet. You needed to see everything in the safety of daylight first, to get your surroundings.
I continue to stare at my cartoons, soon taking another hit before grabbing my blanket and wrapping it tightly around myself. I can barely see what’s around me anymore, only what’s right infront of me.
You immediately smell it outside my door. The toxic whiff of skunky green plants being burnt, it brings a smile to your face because not only am I so intoxicated I wouldn’t notice a thing, but as soon as you touched my door knob, it twisted right open. It was going to be an easy night for you.
You walk back into my home, the smell being a little stronger now. You close and lock the door behind you, not wanted anyone else disturbing your peace.
You look into the kitchen and open my fridge. I had a jug of water, a job of milk, some drinks, and some food. You smile again as you reach into your pocket. Inside is a little tub filled with a liquid. The tub reads *trance activator*.
You open my water jug and pour some inside, then the milk, then my other drinks. This was so easy, in my intoxicated state there was no way of knowing what you were doing.
You close the fridge and enter the living room. Inside you see the show I’m glued too and smile once more. You know exactly what to do once you’re done.
You begin placing a tiny camera onto my book shelf, under my desk, and in the corners of each room in the house. They’re so small, yet so high quality.
You start going through my belongings, starting at the important things. You look through my weed accessories, and noticed I have a mask. Seeing this makes you want to laugh, how could your luck get any better?
You come back into the living room and noticed I was fast asleep now. You grab my grinder and pack a new bowl into the mask. The excitement you feel is great as you slowly begin to burn the bowl.
Smoke immediately begins to fill my mask, suffocating me with the delicious drugs being burnt. My vision is already cloudy inside the mask, so I don’t see you infront of me burning away the weed.
I’m shocked at first, eyes wide open as the place is filled with smoke. I realize quickly it’s my mask, and get confused at how it got there. The confusion doesn’t last long though, as the drugs hit quickly like a punch to the gut.
My vision begins to blur through the smoke, and my body begins to relax. I no longer care how my mask got onto my face, I only care about how tingly my body feels, and how relaxed I am. It feels so painful breathing in all that smoke, but it felt so good too.
As my body begins to grow limp, you quickly turn to my TV and pull up and very pretty spiral. You sit me back up, and slowly take off my mask.
I nearly fall over, my entire body feeling like and fuzzy. You hold my shoulders to prevent me from falling over, as I’m too high to even notice the pressure on them.
My eyes roll back for a moment before the adjust to the tv. Because of my impaired state, my eyes immediately snap to the center, and grow tired and too lazy to move away from it. My entire body begins to relax again, but this time for a bit of a different reason.
As I begin to relax against the back of the couch, you get to work putting headphones on me, connected to a small MP3 device. You press play, and instantly began to play binary beats into my ears.
I hear a snap in the noise, and my body nearly goes numb from any feeling. My muscles feel nonexistent, and my bones liquid. In my state of mind, I didn’t care. It felt way too good to look away now.
I didn’t notice any words being said, but everytime I heard a snap, my body would grow even more relaxed. If that was even possible.
Once the audio is over, you take your mp3 device away, and place my cartoon back on the tv screen. Once the drugs leave my system, you’d have been long gone, and i would have been far too impaired to even remember what just happened.
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hypnoticslave-trance · 2 months
I’m so stoned, my body is so out of it
Please someone tie me up, gage me and force a spiral in my face
I’d have no energy to resist
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hypnoticslave-trance · 2 months
Puff smoke in my face and watch me drop
Please come into my inbox/dm and force me to fall under your words
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