my favourite instagram account is "wheredoesthepeecomeout" and it's run by a girl who asks men on tinder where cis women pee from and then documents their answers
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being human is awesome because you can bite while fighting, having sex, or both
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people always talk about evil clones like oooh a dark mirror oohh what if you saw what are cruel person you were/are capable of becoming. and well yes but what if you were the evil clone. what if you looked in the mirror and what you saw was so bright it blinded you. what if you had to know exactly how good you could have been.
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experience while driving
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started to watch star trek tng, bet you can't guess my fav (๑>؂•̀๑)
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never let anyone tell you that trawling through mediocre victorian poetry isn't worth it. we just happened upon an absolute BANGER of a worm poem. go read it or else 🪱🪱🪱
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here’s the closeted furries “hey man… can u bum me a cig” and “the one uncle nobody invites to the family reunion but SOMEONE keeps telling him where it is anyways”
if you want an idea of what john is like, imagine hau from pokemon sumo
ALSO the ppl who kept asking me for trans thomas art, HERE he’s trans in this au (; 
ft John:
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I’m in love with this gif. The way the cat is tucked in and kneads the air. How they immediately reaches for the teddy bear. How it’s lodged into the cat lovingly. The way the cat holds it. The face. The face the cat makes squished up against the toy. The way the cat grips it. The cat looking back on the audience at the end. I could stare at this gif for an hour straight and still be enraptured by it. Fucking Cozy.gif
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Post corrections/clarifications are my favorite genre of humor: a compilation
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i accidentally napped and had a dream (nightmare?) where a new update for stardew valley released where everything was the same except on a random day in year 3 Evelyn would just straight up die. There was a whole cutscene that started in her house where she collapsed, and then transitioned over to the hospital where Harvey gave George and Alex the worst news of their lives. However, they got to speak to her where she said something along the lines of "Yoba will protect me, and I am sure he will let me watch over you."
Alex and George would not talk to the player for more than a few words for a full season after this event. George would spend most of his time in the bedroom, so if you had less than 2 hearts with him, you could barely ever speak to him.
And Alex... oh my god, poor Alex. If you were married to him during this event, he just stayed in bed all day. Otherwise, if single, he would just stand on the beach most of the time, staring off into the ocean. If you tried to interact with him, it would just say "Alex is grieving... Better leave him be."
There was also other NPC dialogue like mayor Lewis saying "I haven't seen the community in this state of mourning since your grandfather passed..."
there was also a glitch where you could make Evelyn live forever and there were entire guides for the "immortal Evelyn glitch" that got patched out in the next update. If you tried to perform the glitch after the patch, mr. Qi would tell you that "hey, it happens to all of us. We can't prevent it, and neither can you, no matter how hard you try."
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I’m A Lesbiab
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this is my new favorite genre of images
here’s more, you gremlins.
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the notes are broken 😂
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unfortunately no eclipse photography can ever outdo the waffle house one from 2017
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been thinking about fantasy/scifi rule systems and free will
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