hyoutenkaroozu-blog · 4 years
Introduction thing...I guess?
I go by Roozu or Hyou. Roozu by friends and Hyou by aquaintences. I am Demisexual, 27 years old, and I go by they/them pronouns as I write both male and female characters. So here's the characters I plan to write as on here as I am still pretty new and learning about the fandom verse beforehand, Any help or intel is appreciated: -Hyoutenka, Roozu ( Protagonist) -Nameless (Archer) -Medb (Rider) - Tamamo (Caster) -Karna (Lancer) - Siegfried (Saber) Please be patient and understanding with me.
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hyoutenkaroozu-blog · 4 years
I am /that/sister lol.
my sister looking at pictures of Cú with me over my shoulder: Cú looks good in a shirt
Me with no hesitation: Cú looks good without a shirt too.
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