hylian-riders · 2 months
"We're clear" lin'k replies, though he doesn't seem particularly intimidated. Then again, he hasn't been particularly intimidated by anything short of hojo, really "in future I'll just tell you that you smell like you're panicking and let you do with that what you will."
Rufus shoves Lin'k hard on reflex, indignant rage blinding him so thoroughly for a moment that his fingers brush his weapon before he gets ahold of himself. He shoot straight back up to his feet. “Fuck. You.”
He paces away posture rigid, like a coiled spring ready to unwind. “Clearly you senses aren’t as keen as you think if you can’t tell the difference between panic and ire. And if you lay a hand on me again, I’ll shoot you.”
He doesn’t even look at Lin'k. Right now, he means it. The last person who made him this angry is his father, and his secretary would be a much easier target. It would be a shame, since this one was actually competent, but clearly he’s let things get too personal between them if he thinks he can get away with talking to him and manhandling him like that.
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hylian-riders · 2 months
"I'd rather you be angry than panicky. So be as pissed at me as you want" lin'k replies bluntly, letting the other move away. It's very obvious that he'd let himself be shoved off, though and the only other thing he says is "you can try to shoot me, if you want. I wouldn't recommend it though. Alongside the fact that it wouldn't work, you'd be out here entirely alone. That wouldn't end well, I think."
Theres no threat to his words, just calm with the smallest hint of amusement. Lin'k is more focused on the sky, trying to calculate how much time has passed since they'd entered those damn mines
“Its better to deal with those than dehydration, rufus” lin'k retorts flatly, his tone going sharp “now sit down before I sit on you. Pacing isn’t going to help and winding yourself up won’t either”
He tilts his head a bit, listening for any familiar or useful noises.
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hylian-riders · 3 months
Rufus is abruptly caught by the shoulders, lifted bodily and sat, gently but firmly on a rock. Lin'k causes no harm in the motion but this is not human strength and there's a distinctly inhuman tone to his voice as he says "Sit. Down."
Then he takes a deep breath and says "I want you to sit because you're about to panic. I can smell it, rufus and that's the last thing we need here. Talking to you didn't work to stop it so now I'm insisting you sit your ass down and take a deep breath before you actually panic instead of standing on the edge of it."
He pauses, then quirks a brief smile "and if I'm pissing you off, angers better than panicking too"
“Yeah but do you actually have the energy to right this moment? It’s wiser to rest for a bit before that kind of trek” lin'k replues firmly.
Theres no judgment in his tone, no hint of him thinking rufus is incapable. Only an understanding that the man is entirely human and that there are limits to his stamina
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hylian-riders · 3 months
"Its better to deal with those than dehydration, rufus" lin'k retorts flatly, his tone going sharp "now sit down before I sit on you. Pacing isn't going to help and winding yourself up won't either"
He tilts his head a bit, listening for any familiar or useful noises.
“Yeah but do you actually have the energy to right this moment? It’s wiser to rest for a bit before that kind of trek” lin'k replues firmly.
Theres no judgment in his tone, no hint of him thinking rufus is incapable. Only an understanding that the man is entirely human and that there are limits to his stamina
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hylian-riders · 3 months
Lin'k rolls his eyes, leaning against a boulder "Yes well, you'll be fine until halfway there if we don't take ten minutes now. Just- trust me on this, okay? When you find a good resting spot in the wilds, you rest, unless your being hunted."
He glances at the stream, following rufus' gaze and adds "that waters cleaner than you think"
“Well, technically I can but I doubt they’d recognize the sound as anything ah- to approach? Pretty sure you squishy folks are supposed to run away from draconic screeching” he replies with a short grin as they reach the edge of the river.
He looks around and grins at the clear space and goes to plop by the water “we will! I’m sure of it”
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hylian-riders · 3 months
"Yeah but do you actually have the energy to right this moment? It's wiser to rest for a bit before that kind of trek" lin'k replues firmly.
Theres no judgment in his tone, no hint of him thinking rufus is incapable. Only an understanding that the man is entirely human and that there are limits to his stamina
“Well, technically I can but I doubt they’d recognize the sound as anything ah- to approach? Pretty sure you squishy folks are supposed to run away from draconic screeching” he replies with a short grin as they reach the edge of the river.
He looks around and grins at the clear space and goes to plop by the water “we will! I’m sure of it”
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hylian-riders · 3 months
"That I agree with in its entirety" he comes to a stop at a much clearer spot with some large boulders "this looks good to stop at. Clear enough to be seen but close to water and good sightlines. And hiding spots"
“Well, technically I can but I doubt they’d recognize the sound as anything ah- to approach? Pretty sure you squishy folks are supposed to run away from draconic screeching” he replies with a short grin as they reach the edge of the river.
He looks around and grins at the clear space and goes to plop by the water “we will! I’m sure of it”
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hylian-riders · 3 months
Lin'k gives him a brief grin over his shoulder "it could be worse, y'know. You could be stuck out here all alone. Or with heidigger. Or gods forbid, scarlet"
Lin'k snorts in amusement and shakes his head “I wasn’t intentionally eavesdropping, if thats what you mean” he replies with a chuckle “anymore than you would to a conversation right next to you in a restaurant. I just don’t hafta be that close”
The suggestion that he’s working for the turks earns a snort “I’d have been way sneakier if I had been.”
As they reach the forest, he barks a sudden laugh “you do realize you now have a wonderful way to fuck with people in me, right? Now that you know”
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hylian-riders · 3 months
"Well, technically I can but I doubt they'd recognize the sound as anything ah- to approach? Pretty sure you squishy folks are supposed to run away from draconic screeching" he replies with a short grin as they reach the edge of the river.
He looks around and grins at the clear space and goes to plop by the water "we will! I'm sure of it"
“No but it can be… weakened, over time. If I dont- put any magic in you then it fades, sorta. And- rufus, you’ve known me for months now. How many people do I talk to, with my voice, not with sign?”
The answer to that question, Lin'k knows, is no one but rufus. At all
“Sort of?” Rufus inquired with a raised brow. That was not as encouraging as it was clearly meant to be. A sense of unease crept over Rufus at Lin’k’s question. He had to think about it, scouring his memory banks for a single instance of Lin’k talking to someone, anyone, other than him.
He can’t.
Rufus comes up completely empty, and it’s with that understanding in his eyes that he looks at Lin’k again. He’s afraid to ask the question that begs, so he remains patiently silent.
Lin'k takes a shaky breath and does his best to explain “sort of as in- its like banking a fire. Itll die down and fade but- one hint of us… trying and it’ll wake back up.”
“I trust you more than anyone, rufus. I- I wouldnt- if you were anyone else, I wouldn’t be able to even- bring this up” his words are very soft as he doesn’t push this aspect of the conversation beyond them- he knows full well just how touchy this sort of thing can be for rufus
Rufus nodded in silent contemplation. That didn’t sound so bad. Still something to only attempt in the worst case scenario, but so long as they mutually ignored it, it sounded like it the connection could be effectively dampened, it not snuffed out. 
Unease was still prominent in Rufus’s gut however. Lin’k is dancing around a truth that Rufus doesn’t want to think about. “You shouldn’t trust me,” he tells him defensively. “I won’t share your secret, but there are better people… less complicated people than me… out there.”
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hylian-riders · 3 months
Reblog to open a rail line from your blog to the person you reblogged this from
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hylian-riders · 7 months
Like this post to receive a smol dragon in your ask box
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hylian-riders · 7 months
Lin'k snorts in amusement and shakes his head "I wasn't intentionally eavesdropping, if thats what you mean" he replies with a chuckle "anymore than you would to a conversation right next to you in a restaurant. I just don't hafta be that close"
The suggestion that he's working for the turks earns a snort "I'd have been way sneakier if I had been."
As they reach the forest, he barks a sudden laugh "you do realize you now have a wonderful way to fuck with people in me, right? Now that you know"
“No but it can be… weakened, over time. If I dont- put any magic in you then it fades, sorta. And- rufus, you’ve known me for months now. How many people do I talk to, with my voice, not with sign?”
The answer to that question, Lin'k knows, is no one but rufus. At all
“Sort of?” Rufus inquired with a raised brow. That was not as encouraging as it was clearly meant to be. A sense of unease crept over Rufus at Lin’k’s question. He had to think about it, scouring his memory banks for a single instance of Lin’k talking to someone, anyone, other than him.
He can’t.
Rufus comes up completely empty, and it’s with that understanding in his eyes that he looks at Lin’k again. He’s afraid to ask the question that begs, so he remains patiently silent.
Lin'k takes a shaky breath and does his best to explain “sort of as in- its like banking a fire. Itll die down and fade but- one hint of us… trying and it’ll wake back up.”
“I trust you more than anyone, rufus. I- I wouldnt- if you were anyone else, I wouldn’t be able to even- bring this up” his words are very soft as he doesn’t push this aspect of the conversation beyond them- he knows full well just how touchy this sort of thing can be for rufus
Rufus nodded in silent contemplation. That didn’t sound so bad. Still something to only attempt in the worst case scenario, but so long as they mutually ignored it, it sounded like it the connection could be effectively dampened, it not snuffed out. 
Unease was still prominent in Rufus’s gut however. Lin’k is dancing around a truth that Rufus doesn’t want to think about. “You shouldn’t trust me,” he tells him defensively. “I won’t share your secret, but there are better people… less complicated people than me… out there.”
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hylian-riders · 8 months
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hylian-riders · 8 months
I have a question for y'all, both old and new tumblr users
(forgive me if this has been done before, I'm just curious!)
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hylian-riders · 9 months
Just in case someone needs to know this.
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hylian-riders · 10 months
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[image description: the bugs bunny in a tuxedo "I wish all (blank) a very pleasant (blank)" meme edited to say "I wish all of my Jewish followers a very pleasant rosh hashanah". In front of Bugs there is a jar of honey, a stack of apples and pomegranates. In front of bug's mouth there is a shofar.]
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hylian-riders · 10 months
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[image description: the bugs bunny in a tuxedo "I wish all (blank) a very pleasant (blank)" meme edited to say "I wish all of my Jewish followers a very pleasant rosh hashanah". In front of Bugs there is a jar of honey, a stack of apples and pomegranates. In front of bug's mouth there is a shofar.]
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