hygeias-corner · 8 years
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Three weeks in and 😊😊😊 #wonttHedooitt
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hygeias-corner · 8 years
So I have this “really good” habit of doing weekly measurement..
It keeps me in check and let’s me know how I’m doing..
I downloaded this app called recstyle and I do all my measurements there
So I measure:
Waist Lower waist ( I honestly think I made that up) Bust Hips Thighs (I do the upper part and lower part) Arms
And then I do my weight ( I have a bad habit of doing my weight every 2 days . I am trying so hard to stop )
I plan to also measure my body fat every 3 months till I get to an appropriate level
So since its almost month 1.. I am going to share my progress so far 💃💃💃😣😣😣🙈🙈🙈💖✌✌
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hygeias-corner · 8 years
Somehow I always run away.... Hi everyone!! I've been EXTRWMELY busy so ive hardly had time to do anything apart from uni work.. Im still on the keto diet and yes I will admit ive had a few off days.. but its still going good.. But i think im back now.. for a bit.. Till uni work drowns me in I won't be able to post food diaries as much because It's really difficult to do it.. cause sometimes I honestly forget But im here for random food pictures... progress and all that Till next time 💖💖💖😊😊😊
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hygeias-corner · 8 years
Day 2 food diary
Its almost bed time for me And i just realised i havent done this today So here you go: Breakfast: i made another keto smoothie this morning.. it was absolutely amazing and filling.. you can message me for the recipe.. i just want to let you guys know how AMAZINGGGG heavy cream is. I mean it has LITTLE TO NO CARBS and tastes sooo good!! Anyways today i tried another recipe and fell in love 😍😍😍... The smoothie filled me up so much i actually forgot lunch existed. Yeah i know that is bad but i had A LOT to do so i couldnt eat. I got home and decided to fix something for dinner. I didnt know what to eat so i thought to put random healthy things together and see what happens So i fried some bacon and set it aside Then i put some broccolis and cauliflowers on fire and at the same time boiled some beef with prawns.. i added a lot of seasoning in this to make it taste good! I added some onions ( very very tiny) green pepper.. i also added some chopped spinach. Put everything together and it came out really good!! Yeah that was my dinner. In terms of water, i ended up with 2l again...i NEED to do more!! Anyways, Thats it for today See you tomorrow ☺☺😊
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hygeias-corner · 8 years
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End of the day picture journal I managed to do the stairs.. just to get something done today (although i walked a lot). I also managed to drink 2l of water today 😋😋😋😁😁😁. Lets try and make that 3 tomorrow 😊😊😊
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hygeias-corner · 8 years
been hurt so many times that now i can say i am used to it … 
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hygeias-corner · 8 years
This Too Shall Pass
Cry! Bawl your fucking eyes out. Get all that out. Do what you need to do. It’s not gonna feel good right now but trust me eventually it will. The more you adjust to this change the more clarity you will receive! Trust me, it will get easier with time. Just take things slow; one step at a time, one day at a time, one hour at a time. I know it’s hard to let go of something that was essentially a part of you, it’s hard to adjust to change but you will get there in time baby girl. I promise you, you will. You have been through so much and i’m sure you thought the pain would never end or you would never get through it but you are here today, you made it, you did it baby girl. Always remember, God will never give you more than you can bear, he might let you bend, but he wont let you break. Everything is going to be alright. Just keep your head up and this too shall pass
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hygeias-corner · 8 years
Day 1 (food diary)
Hi guys
So im going to try as much as possible to do a daily food diary so you know what im eating.
As i said before, I am on the keto diet.. which is the low carb, high fat diet.. so i eat NO rice, bread, potato, plantaina, cereal non of that. But im allowed cheese, butter, cream and all that. I swapped my milk for coconut milk and i also drink coconut water
Its 7.30pm right now and i have managed to drink 1.5l of water (which is really bad as i used to do 3.5 before). I want to go back to infusing my water, i dont know if it will take me out of ketosis so im trying to be very careful.
Breakfast: Ruled.me 30 day diet cheesy scrambled egg with hot sauce
Lunch: For lunch i made a healthy keto smoothie, i found the recipe online..
Chicken and salad with ranch dressing
I could not actually follow the full menu today as i was not home and meal prepping was not an option.
I am also tracking my calories to make sure i do not go above what my body is supposed to take.
And that is all i have had today.
Back tomorrow for more .
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hygeias-corner · 8 years
Keto life
Today is the beginning of week 3 of my keto journey On monday i decided to switch up my diet and use the ruled.me 30 day plan. So today makes it day 3. So far i have loved the experience. I dont always crave sweets..im not as tired as before.. HOWEVER, the first weeks have come with random headaches. I believe once my body gets used to the changes this will stop. In these three weeks, i have managed to go down about 3kg and i am happy about this. I will be posting regular updates about my journey and how this is going.
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hygeias-corner · 8 years
welcome to my little health corner. 
(Hygeia is the greek goddess of Health)
I recently decided to start the healthy/weightloss journey again (this time i am actually serious LOL). Over the years, at some point i’ve tried. This time i started different. 
The First time (and everytime after) i started the “weight loss” journey, I’d go to the gym and “workout”. i put the workout in inverted commas as, i realised i was never really doing anything. As soon as i was done, I’d go home and have my normal food ( high carb , no veg, high fat). 
This time, i decided to switch things up a bit. First, my diet was DISGUSTING. I didnt eat as much food but my life depended on junk, so id always have sweets or chocolates or bread. something really unhealthy.  The first thing i did was cut out bread, then the rest of the carbs. I decided to join the KETO lifestyle. 
I am currently in my 3rd week and already seeing changes, I have gone down 4 kg and i feel a lot stronger than before. 
I had a little gym break as i have been in the middle of a big move, but the routine before was, 6 days (1 hr 20 minutes ) and i did cardio, stretches and weights (do not forget your weights!!).  
I am going to be making my own meals (as much as i can) and posting them, most of my meals are gotten from the “ruled.me 30 day keto diet” HOWEVER, i have decided to add other keto substitutes in instances i cant make the meal or to replace things like coffee(which i absolutely dont like). 
I hope you enjoy following me on my journey as much as i enjoy going on the journey. 
**i will not be posting any personal pictures till i have met my goals :) :)*
C/W- 92 GW-75  Clothes size:  current Bottom- Borderline uk 16  Goal bottom- UK 10/ UK 12 (leaning more to the 10) Current Top- Borderline UK 14 Goal top - UK 8/10 
see you soon :) 
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hygeias-corner · 11 years
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hygeias-corner · 11 years
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SW: 181
CW: 135
Submitting to celebrate reaching my initial goal weight of 135. The last 10 pounds were a bitch to lose but I did it. That’s makes a total of 46 pounds gone, never to be seen or heard from again. It took me about 7 months and whenever people ask me how I did it, I always say “going to the gym and eating right!”. No secret, no magic solution. If I could go back to the beginning of my weight loss journey and tell myself a few things, they would be:
1. Stop worrying so much about the number on the scale. A number can’t change the way you feel about yourself. 
2. Stop comparing yourself to other girls and other people’s bodies. Who cares if your legs still look “fat” next to her’s. It does mean maybe you should lower you goal weight.
3. Don’t freak out because you ate a cinnamon roll. A lifetime of bad eating habits made you overweight, not a few treats now and then. 
4. You are beautiful, no matter what you weigh.
Not a fitblr blog in the least bit but feel free to follow or message with questions or tips or if you just want to talk. I am done worrying about my weight, but fitness and healthy eating will forever be a part of my life. 
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hygeias-corner · 11 years
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Tell me my progress is fake now, haters.
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hygeias-corner · 11 years
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“Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.” – Jack Canfield
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hygeias-corner · 11 years
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before & after
My journey began with running and cutting back on junk food, after having some serious health issues.  Now I run and lift weights at least 5 days a week and eat pretty healthy.  I’m really excited that I’ve come so far.
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hygeias-corner · 11 years
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hygeias-corner · 11 years
Instead of being ashamed of loving ourselves, it should be natural. With brushing our teeth, taking a shower and getting a haircut we take care of our bodies and we never question it. Why not taking care of our souls the same way? Make self-love a natural thing. Because it is one.
(via the-perks-of-being-a-fitblr)
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