hybridhatchway · 5 years
We're back, folks! Thanks for being patient during our break, but we're back with the conclusion to the ambush!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
It's sad, but true. Join us next week for a new chapter of Possession!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
Enjoying Possession and Omega? These stories aren't the only ones in the Land of Antharo and the Olympian Project universes. Between "seasons" of our two current stories, we will be posting other tales from the same universes! Check back often as the full depth of each world is "sketched" out!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
Holiday Delay
We're talking a break from posting today, but never fear! Tomorrow we'll see a new chapter of Omega!
Have a happy fourth!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
“What does that even mean?”
“It means that the three of us are going to party while you watch whatever movie Gabe picks out and you’re going to eat whatever weird, salted nutsacks from Bora Bora he wants us all to try.”
Omega, Chapter 4: And Everything Nice
Now live!!!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
Are you ready for chapter 4 of Omega?
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
Chapter 4 of Possession is live! We apologise for the delay. Please accept this meme as consolation for the late post this week.
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
Are you ready for art week??? Check out this sneak peak of some of our new visuals!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
Kodi raised her hand to the bleeding welts on her face and a small smile quirked her mouth up at the corner. There was a spark of slightly dark mischief in her green eyes. He had almost missed it, even if it was rarely a harbinger of anything good. It was a spark of something at least. They had all been numb and dull eyed for far too long.
“You think it’ll heal real ugly?”
Omega, Chapter Three: Take Your Medicine
Posting tomorrow, Thursday the 30th!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
Are you ready for a new chapter of Possession? Check in on the website this Thursday for this latest chapter!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
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Tomorrow is art day! Check out the site for updated images and design.
Also, this weekend we will be passing out these lovely business cards at SpringCon! Anyone local to the twin cities area come to the convention at the state fair grounds and say hi at our creators table!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
“Now this is an off-the-cuff mission. We’re flying blind, have been called in to handle a hostile situation with no pre-existing intel and no Reave in our earpieces, guiding us along. Now I know that’s not our usual MO, but it’s important that we be able to improvise. And for the sake of this simulation, I’d like to see where we’re all at with knee-jerk instinct.”
The end of his introduction seemed perfectly timed, as the moment he ended, the computer picked up. “‘Operation Foot in the Door’ commencing. Simulator is sealed. Good luck, Team Omega.”
Chapter 2 of Omega, by Dobesh and Heihn
Out this Thursday on the Hatchway!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
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And we are live at last! Please join us at www.hybridhatchway.com for the first chapters of Omega and Possession. From here on, we will be updating the site every Thursday, so check back often!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
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Less than 48 hours until we launch!
With less than two days until our launch date, Heihn is working tirelessly on site images- as you can see from this initial draft for the portal to Antharo, Dobesh is putting final touches on the website design and layout and both are putting in last edits on the first chapters of both Omega and Possession. Are you ready to meet the representatives of the nation of Drystan and Team Omega?
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
What is the Hatchway?
Welcome to the Tumblr blog for Hybrid Hatchway, a multi media, multi narrative story telling portal by Dobesh and Heihn. The Hatchway is home to two main worlds: The Land of Antharo and The Olympian Project. These two worlds are not interconnected with one another and take place in two separate genres. It is up to you whether you choose the high fantasy adventures of Antharo, or the super powered scifi thrills of Olympian. Or you can spend time in both worlds. Sound confusing? The best way to experience the Hatchway is to jump right in:
The Hatchway
Who Created the Hatchway?
Dobesh and Heihn are the authors of both worlds and multi media artists who will be providing words and images to tell their stories. Dobesh is a production artist in the television industry and Heihn is a performer, artist and student. They have been writing together for over ten years and have grown and changed with one another and with their work.
We have recently decided that these stories have grown to a point where we are eager to share them with the world. Unfortunately, we lack the time and resources for more traditional means of self publishing. Instead, we have decided to post our work online, free of charge, following the model of such platforms as used by vlogs and podcasters.
How Often Do You Update?
While there may not be a new chapter every week, there WILL be new content. The Hatchway is a multi media story telling platform, so check back every Thursday to see new writing, art, or other fun tidbits that flesh out the world of our stories.
It's Free? But What if I Want to Support The Creators?
We believe in the power of sharing art with anyone who connects with it, but we are also two people who support ourselves through other jobs. At the moment, we are trying to run the Hatchway on a budget of 0$. However, if you so choose, you can give us a tip at: ko-fi.com
Donations will be a great way for us to determine interest in what we are doing and motivate us to produce more content for everyone to enjoy. In the future, we may use this income to: hire out for copy editing; pay for web hosting and domains; purchase materials and equipment for the visual aspects of the Hatchway; and all around pay the bills so we can devote more time and energy doing what we love, which is telling stories.
I Would Love to Support, But Donations Aren't Right For Me...
We completely understand. Not everyone can support financially, but everyone can help us out. Please spread the word, not just about is, but about all art you love via word of mouth and social media. The guiding concept behind our project is connecting and sharing through story telling, so if each person who enjoys what we do tells a friend about it and or posts a link somewhere, our mission will have been a success.
Any more questions? Please feel free to ask!
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hybridhatchway · 5 years
The Hatchway launches on May 1st
Are you ready?
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