hybrid-city · 2 years
scar / injury related symbol memes… 
add  ( reverse )  to the ask for places to be swapped
( kiss ) : receiver kisses one of sender’s scars
( clean ) : receiver washes blood of off sender
( carry ) : receiver carries injured sender to safety
( scar )  :  receiver gently traces one of sender’s scars
( better ) : receiver nurses injured sender back to health
( protect ) : receiver prevents sender from being injured
( story ) : receiver asks sender how they got a specific scar 
( bandage )  : receiver carefully binds up an injury on sender
( cuddle ) : receiver crawls into bed with injured sender to hold them
( confrontation ) : receiver confronts someone who just injured sender
( heal ) : receiver uses their magic / powers to heal a wound on sender
( awaken ) : receiver stays by unconscious sender’s side until they wake up
( shield ) : receiver jumps in harm’s way to defend sender and is injured, themselves
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hybrid-city · 2 years
Send me a "If one of us is going to survive... I'd rather it be you!" for a drabble where my muse makes one final effort to save yours by sacrificing themselves. Add reverse for it to be written from my muse's pov when yours does it.
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hybrid-city · 2 years
Reblog this if your muse (or at least one of your muses) is BI BI BI!
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hybrid-city · 2 years
Internal Injury Starters
“I really don’t think your skin is meant to turn that shade of blue…”
“You’re running a fever, we need to get you help.”
“That’s not a bump… that’s a broken bone.”
“Something bit me and… this isn’t good.”
“What did you eat? When? We need to know to make this better!”
“Just because you aren’t bleeding, doesn’t mean you aren’t hurt!”
“I hate to admit it, but I don’t think I can walk.”
“I can’t feel part of my arm… it’s numb.”
“There isn’t blood, I’m fine.”
“Breathing hurts… it really hurts…”
“Well that’s definitely dislocated.”
“Can you just pop it back in? Yes I’ll be in pain but that just means it worked.”
“Lay down. I’m serious, you can’t stand and it’s not from drinking.”
“Make the room stop spinning and my head stop being in pain.”
“I don’t think I should have eaten that…”
“That is definitely swollen.”
“No, I will get you some ice for that. You say sat down.”
“That’s a limp, and the line I draw. I’m carrying you.”
“You don’t have to… I can… fine, I’m not gonna win this argument.”
“My leg won’t move properly, I only feel prickling numbness.”
“This tightness in my chest won’t go away.”
“Something feels out of place. I can’t tell where.”
“Just because it’s okay on the outside, does not mean it’s okay on the inside!”
“That is not a normal skin colour. What happened?”
“I swear this is why I started carrying oddly specific medicines on me…”
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hybrid-city · 2 years
Send 🔗 To Find My Muse With Chains Around Their Wrists And Ankles
Send  🔗 reverse For My Muse To Find Yours In That Condition
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hybrid-city · 2 years
Reblog if your inbox is ALWAYS open for random asks, even if you haven’t reblogged any meme
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hybrid-city · 2 years
Captured & Rescued Sentence Starters
Sentence starters from or for muses that have been captured by their enemies and are now being rescued. Change pronouns and wording as needed. Requested by anonymous.
from the captured:
“[NAME]? Dear God, [NAME] is that you?”
“Get me out of here. Hurry!”
“How did you get past the guards?!”
“Get me out of these cuffs. Then we can talk.”
“My hands and wrists feel like they’re gonna fall off.“
“Thank goodness you’re here.”
“We need to stop what they’re planning.”
“I’m going to need help walking. They really did a number on me…”
+add your own!
from the rescuer:
“[NAME]? [NAME], I’m here!”
 “I thought I’d never see you again.”
“What have they done to you?”
“Easy. It’s ok. You’re safe.”
“Let’s get you out of here first. Then we can talk.”
“Come on. Can you walk?”
“I’ll drag you out of here if I have to.”
“Don’t worry about me. Are you ok?!”
“Forget a rescue, you need a (doctor/healer), fast.”
+add your own!
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hybrid-city · 2 years
See into my muses past! Send 🔮 and I will write a drabble of a memory that your muse gets to see into.
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hybrid-city · 2 years
Send 🛡️ for your muse to take a bullet meant for mine.
Send 🔫 for the reverse!
Requested by anonymous.
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hybrid-city · 2 years
Questions For My Muse(s)
👁‍🗨 - what is a secret that your muse hasn’t told or is hiding
💬 - for my muse to directly say a secret or confession
⚪ - what are small things that mean something to your muse
🔴 - what are bigger gestures that are important to your muse
👌 - what are some of your muses quirks?
💦 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re shy or nervous
💢 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re angry or sad
🙌 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re extremely happy
🤞 - what’s the most impulsive thing you can picture your muse doing
☠️ - does your muse fear death?
👻 - recall one or more times your muse has been the most scared or fearful
😠 - what is something or someone your muse has ever hated or hates
🏹 - would your muse ever kill and why
💢 - what would cause your muse to be annoyed
👍 - what are your muse’s good traits?
👀 - is your muse prone to jealousy?
🖤 - can your muse be selfish?
❓ - can your muse be indecisive?
🙈 - can your muse be blindly loyal?
❌ - what would cause your muse to be petty or say something hurtful
🙊 - has your muse ever put their foot in their mouth?
💥 - is your muse reckless? or too cautious and paranoid?
🔷️ - is your muse good or bad at lying?
🤔 - is your muse cynical? naïve?
✋ - can your muse be rude or unfriendly?
🤝 - is your muse a people pleaser?
😔 - is your muse insecure?
🎭 - does your muse try really hard to compensate for something?
🤜 - is your muse overprotective? in-between? or not protective/concerned enough?
⬛ - what are some bad traits your muse might have?
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hybrid-city · 2 years
Your Muse’s Backstory
1. Where were they born? What is the story behind their birth, if any?
2. Has their living situation changed from when they were born?
3. What occupations did their parents have when they were born? Did this job influence your muse in any form?
4. Did they have any childhood enemies? Any friends? Enemies that became friends?
5. What sort of religion was practiced in their home? Did religion play a role in their upbringing?
6. How many siblings did they have? What was their relationship like? Were they an only child who wished for siblings?
7. What is their fondest memory? Their worst?
8. If they could name the worst moment of their life, what would it be? Did this change them as a person or change how they perceived the world, themselves, and others?
9. If they were to make a timeline with their life events, which ones would they list? Which would they leave out? 10. What was the hardest lesson they had to learn as they got older?
11. What occupation did your character want to have growing up? Is this the same as what they wish to be, or are in, now?
12. Did they face any kind of bullying or abuse growing up?
13. Are there any moments of their past they keep secret?
14. Did they live near extended family in the past? How did this shape their environment? Are any of their relatives near their age? What are their feelings towards extended family in general?
15. Would they rather go back and relive their childhood? Why or why not?
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hybrid-city · 2 years
angsty mind control prompts.
to the controlled.
" oh!! god, you scared me, heh! what's up? you seem a little out of it... "
" wait, stop! what are you doing?! [ NAME ]! "
" please, snap out of it! wake up! "
" you don't want to do this... this isn't you! "
" this isn't funny! stop it, you're scaring me! "
" if you don't stop, i'll have to fight back! i don't want to, but i will! snap out of it! please! "
" someone is making you do this. i don't know who, but... but you are stronger than this! fight! fight back! you can't let them win! "
" what... what's wrong with your eyes? "
" put that down! put it down! it's me! look at me, see me! it's me! don't do this, please! "
the aftermath.
from the controlled.
" i... i did that. i did that to you; i hurt you... "
" i don't... i don't know what happened. i don't even remember doing it, but... but look at you! look at this place! look at what i did! "
" ...i could see myself doing it. i... it was like i was trapped. frozen in my own mind. i saw myself... attacking you. "
" oh my god! oh my... are you okay?! "
" w... what did i do... what have i done? "
" i'm sorry! i... i'm so sorry... "
" i can't remember any of it. just... how could i cause this much destruction and not remember?! "
" i'm terrified of losing control again. of someone else controlling me... "
" i haven't slept. not since... not since i almost... "
" the worst part is, it wasn't even me. it was me, but also... i know it wasn't. "
" you should hate me. even if it wasn't me in control, you should loathe me. why are you still here? "
" you could've been killed! i could've been the one who killed you! and that terrifies me! "
" what if it happens again? what if, next time, they make me kill someone? "
" ...i guess... i never thought it would happen again. i thought it was all over. that i could move on. "
" we need to find whoever made me do those things. and we need to put a stop to this.
to the controlled.
" it wasn't you. i know that. but it's like... it's like my brain still reacts. i still panic, sometimes, when i see you. "
" no, no... this wasn't your fault. this isn't on you. i promise you that. "
" i never want to see you that way again. ever. so if you're going to find who caused this, i'm in. okay? "
" don't freeze me out. not again. i don't blame you. i could never blame you, because you didn't do this. got that? "
" i've been there. mind control... it's no joke. so if you need to talk... my door is always open. okay? "
" sorry! sorry... i, i didn't mean to flinch, just... you startled me. that's all. "
" i was in hospital because of them. what they made you do. not because of you. now come on. i want a hug. it's alright. "
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hybrid-city · 2 years
unexpected hero prompts.
technically prompts inspired by the deus ex machina trope but !! basically these prompts are for scenarios in which muses are in a situation where they're under attack and an unexpected hero arrives! i hope you enjoy them!
from the unexpected hero.
" get off of her/him/them! "
" oh... oh god... i really hope that was a bad guy... i don't think i'm okay with hurting a good guy. "
" are you alright?! was i too late? did they hurt you? "
" sorry i'm late... i would've been quicker had i known this was going on. "
" i bet you're glad i came along now, aren't you? "
" what was that you said earlier? about, what was it... being just fine on your own? "
" no man's an island, right? you need me to watch your back. this is proving that. "
" leave her/them/him alone! "
" let her/them/him go! "
" me following you isn't me being condescending. you could've died if i hadn't shown up when i did. "
" i know, i know. you had it under control. good thing i was here to ensure that. "
" i was... in the neighborhood? "
" you can't seriously be mad at me for helping you back there. "
" fine! next time you're about to get yourself killed, i won't show up at all! "
" hey, shh... it's okay. i'm here now. you're safe, they're gone. it's all over. "
" mornin', sleepyhead. if any of the nurses ask, i'm your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner. they wouldn't let me in otherwise, even when i said i saved your ass. "
" i just killed that person! but... they were gonna kill you. right? "
" look. the way i see it, you're not a bad person. they were a bad person. and it was either let them kill you, or kill them instead. so that's what i did. "
" i don't regret what i did. i mean... if that's what you're worried about, don't be. i'd do it again. without a doubt. "
to the unexpected hero.
" you... you saved me... "
" just in the nick of time! "
" holy shit... what took you so long?! "
" i... i gotta say, this is not what i was expecting. "
" i don't need your help, you know. "
" i mean, don't get me wrong, i appreciate being alive, but... i'm no damsel/dude/dear in distress. i don't need someone saving my ass all the time. "
" don't worry about me, worry about you! are you okay? because... you just killed a guy. and i know why and i am so grateful, but... you still killed someone. how are you feeling? "
" i've never been so happy to see you in my entire life! "
" ...thank you. "
" it's my fault. i... you just killed someone because of me. and that's gotta be weighing on you, and... and that's on me. and i'm so sorry, okay? really and truly, i am so so sorry... "
" ...am i in a hospital bed? "
" jesus! oh, oh god, okay, listen to me, you... that was a bad guy. yes, it was, a very bad person. you saved my life! and i need you to focus on that while we get out of here before anyone sees us. got it? "
" why did you save me? "
" no, wait! you just killed someone to save my life! i wanna know why! "
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hybrid-city · 2 years
My muse sent a text to your muse asking for help. Send “What happened?” For your muse to find mine in a bad situation
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hybrid-city · 2 years
discovering the secrets prompts.
“ i’ve… i’ve been keeping something from you. ”
“ you’re lying. you’ve always been lying… ”
“ tell me the truth! i deserve that much, at least! ”
“ you’re hiding something from me… ”
“ why didn’t you tell me? ”
“ you should know the truth. all of it. every ugly detail about me. ”
“ no! no more lies! tell me the truth! ”
“ everyone has skeletons in their closet. me included. but you know about mine, and i know nothing about yours. ”
“ you wanted to tell me something? ”
“ there’s something else. isn’t there? something you haven’t told me. ”
“ i can’t help you unless you tell me the truth. ”
“ it… it isn’t really a lie. just something i never told you. ”
“ you deserve to know everything about me. all of it. so… here. listen/read/watch all of it. it’ll tell you everything you need to know. ”
“ this file/video… it contains everything you need to know. i’ll accept whatever you decide after. ”
“ i know i lied. and… and i’m so sorry… ”
“ i kept it from you, but this knowledge will get you killed! ”
“ stop lying to me! ”
“ i found this in your room. but before i open it… i want to give you an opportunity to tell me what’s in it. ”
“ wait! i can explain! ”
“ let me guess, you can explain? terrific. tell me how i’ve misunderstood this. ”
“ i thought we agreed no more secrets… ”
“ i can’t keep being left in the dark. ”
“ no. no, no more of this. i’m done. either tell me what’s going on, or this is the last time we see each other. ”
“ secrets get people killed. ”
“ i almost died over this! you owe me the truth! ”
“ …i can’t believe i ever trusted you. ”
“ i need you to understand why i never told you about this. ”
“ don’t let my current life fool you. i have a past that i wish i could bury. ”
“ i… i’m not the person you think i am. ”
“ i’ve been lying to you this whole time! why are you still here with me!? ”
“ how can you stay by my side, knowing what i just told you? ”
“ ignorance is bliss, right? so… do you want to know the truth? ”
“ don’t lie to me. was it you? did you do this? “
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hybrid-city · 2 years
Assorted Angst Prompts
because who doesn’t love a bit of angst? Send a symbol for our muses to be in the following situation. When sending to or from a multimuse, don’t forget to specify who the meme is for!
😭 my muse breaks down in front of yours
📞 my muse calls yours at an ungodly hour and asks to come over
🍺  my muse is using an unhealthy coping method (drugs, alcohol, etc, sender specifies) to alleviate their stresses or sorrows
🚪 my muse shows up at yours’ door looking less than stellar
🌙 our muses are exhausted and hopelessly lost
👊 my muse is getting into a fight with someone else and yours has to help them before they get hurt
🩸 my muse took a blow for yours and is bleeding (sender specifies how bad the wound is)
💀 my muse’s mortal enemy is after both our muses
🎯 my muse is being pursed by someone or something that wants to kill them and yours is caught in the crossfire
✨ magic or science your muse concocted for my muse is going horribly wrong
😫 my muse has woken up sweating and screaming after a nightmare and yours can’t console them
⚔ my muse has drawn their weapon (or raised their fists) on yours
⛓ my muse has been captured and is being forcibly taken away from yours
⌚ my muse is racing against the clock to save yours
📖 my muse discovers a dark secret about yours they didn’t want them to know
add 🔁 to any prompt above to reverse the roles of my muse and your muse!
+add your own!
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hybrid-city · 2 years
Send me your muse’s reaction to seeing mine passed out in the bathtub.
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