hyacinthcollective · 3 days
Why did I have to switch in whilst our hair dye is processing? I can't shower. I just cannot shower. Now I have to make someone else switch in, and we don't have particularly reliable front triggers, so I don't know if I can.
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hyacinthcollective · 7 days
That's how long it took for us to be fake claimed
we've been aware of being plural for seven days and just got fake claimed for the first time!!
Whoo!! We really are plural!! We have strangers deciding they know more about our experiences then we do!! Fuck yeah!! /silly
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hyacinthcollective · 9 days
Watching a documentary with False rn, and when she saw a clip of the animal she's connected to, she got so happy.
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hyacinthcollective · 9 days
Love how Avian was fully planning on dragging me into front for our appointment - knowing it'd stress me out and that my emotional support headmate isn't going to join front - and didn't grab my fidget, totally hasn't pissed me off at all /sarc
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hyacinthcollective · 10 days
We're using a not directly obvious front indicator on Discord so we get to come up with jokes for each person.
Currently, in front is myself (Bradley), and False.
Our indicator is FALSEHOOD.
I am a Logan Sanders introject.
I'm very proud of myself for this joke.
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hyacinthcollective · 11 days
The Gregory House fictive is so bad at understanding subtext. Its actually hilarious.
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hyacinthcollective · 11 days
I'm being supervised?? The fronting alone privileges have been revoked, I guess
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hyacinthcollective · 12 days
AC: *jokes about sharing information that isn't shared*
False: Absolutely not. *forces AC away from front as quickly as she can*
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hyacinthcollective · 12 days
False: *asks a question*
Whoever was asked: *gives a vague non-answer*
False, absolutely seething with rage: fair enough, thank you for trying to answer. :)
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hyacinthcollective · 12 days
I don't like feeling guilt.
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hyacinthcollective · 12 days
Was so sure it was the host in front. Then I wrote something down
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hyacinthcollective · 12 days
I love our host. I promise.
Tumblr media
(Technically I don't, I care for it, and want it to be happy and healthy, but that's because that's why the brain made me, I don't have an actual opinion on it as a person.)
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hyacinthcollective · 12 days
Plurality (and existing in general) is a lot more fun when you stop worrying if you’re doing it right -Party
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hyacinthcollective · 12 days
I don't like that my demeanour seems sad. I'm just mostly serious and monotone and talking quieter to keep our voice deeper and more masc. I'm also talking less because I know my speech patterns are different from hosts, and I'm meant to be masking as it.
I'm quite content and fairly happy. I promise. Stop asking if I'm okay and saying I seem sad.
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hyacinthcollective · 12 days
I want my facial hair and lip piercings back.
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hyacinthcollective · 12 days
Masking is strange. I wasn't doing this with our siblings, but now our mother is here, and apparently, I can act like the host. It just feels really weird to do so.
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hyacinthcollective · 12 days
I'm loving noticing the little differences between us actually.
One I really like is that in places where our host would say 'oh the horrors' I've been saying 'the wonders'
Example: we started doing stim our host does constantly, I was unsure if it was me or if host was nearby, I expressed this with our sibling who knows we're a system and added on to the end of the statement 'the wonders of being a newly discovered system'
Had it been our host speaking, it would've said 'oh the horrors of being a newly discovered system'
I quite like this little detail in our speech patterns
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