hyacinth83 · 3 years
hi, so, since i'm very new here, i might as well introduce myself a little bit. actually, i don't know where to begin, so i'm going to make a list : i am
-a teenager
-questioning my gender identity
-socially anxious
-questioning pretty much everything actually
-probably depressed, autistic and/or having adhd
- french oui oui baguette croissant
-kinda lost
-an infp (i think), scorpio (sun), libra (rising), capricorn (moon)
-having a lot of headaches lately, damn that's really annoying
-awkward and probably being cringe, sorry about that
-looking for a place to express random thoughts, to discover interesting things and maybe even meet internet friends omg (also the meaning of life and a fulfilling career but i doubt i'm going to find those on tumblr)
i like:
-animals, plants
-women <3
-rain and snow
-my bed
aaaand i think that's it for now
bye, take care :)
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