hxllbent · 10 years
So close to being done with school it's not even funny. I'll be back soon guys, thanks for your patience!
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hxllbent · 10 years
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Laurie Halse Anderson, The Impossible Knife of Memory
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hxllbent · 10 years
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Funfetti Cake Batter Blondies
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hxllbent · 10 years
As I’m sure some of you have heard, there is someone in my life that I came to know and love, and over the course of a year, has shown his true colors.
Some of you, or the person in question, might come to believe that this is a personal post. It’s not, however. It’s a...
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hxllbent · 10 years
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                           Introductions are a pain in the ass & this is just going to                            be quick. I’ve had Dean for a few months now and over                            that time I’ve met some hella great people. But you all                            are great writers + friends and I’ve decided that I should                            get off my lazy ass and make another follow forever to                            more or less show my appreciation. 
                                                       DEAN’S CLIQUE. 
                                 Cain.   Abaddon.   Gadreel.   Sam.   Amy.   Michael.
                                    Scotty.   Bucky.   Dean.   Castiel.   Dean’s Butt.
                                               DEAN’S HUNTING CLIQUE.
     svikinnar ; xrisen ; actualproperclara ; titaniumallxy ; illbeyouryoda ; metamxrphosis.      wasthatnotprocedure ; ofcursedblood ; greatxthief ; thebrokenboyking ; ferociter ; patriiot.      swordofthursday ; scarredbyxhellfire ; feistyrebekah ; singlasses ; edhelernil ; justaburger.      southerncomforted ; stuckinyourshadow ; alwaysenduphere ; dualcorruption ; bowtied.      mastxrs ; damnedimples ; pax-tibi ; heavenforbidme ; famelici ; needlessdeath ; finiis.      dracxnem ; lxgos ; decayingtimelord ; quimedicus ; rexpuerilis ; anxrchic ; empathd.       xanimacruciari ; royallybradbury ; aintnohomocidecop ; hxllbent ; redledgerx ; stratiotis.      ablondeinunionjack ; burnoxt ; gingerpxnd ; thatburden ; gumdropsxandunicorns ; rnover.      ozazm ; heaven-clarence ; whatareyouseven ; astrifer-ous ; deathisarose ; bxdmoon ; messxr.      egovaleo ; justanorphan ; shewhowalkedtheearth ; queenlly ; constantquibbling ; eomeer.      incognitomessenger ; hisbrokenwatch ; queenwithoutherthrone ; oh—lazarus ; notascratch.      thursdays-soldier ; dxstructogirl ; acrownofflameforaking ; sofulloflight ; thewxtchingwell.      reactxr ; graham-rising ; witness-protection-with-wings ; ilaughedicriedipukedinmymouth.      theyoungsir ; cutoffthehead ; genxtic ; maskcomesundone ; eyesiight ; beerandhunts ; deduci.      exlitteris ; ofthelxrd ; diabxlical ; musclexmemory ; serxph ; onyourlxft ; soldatzimy ; winstxn.      waywardbrother ; gobliined ; adartifex ; walkerbxit ; decanuslocusta ; fxdora ; slayerless.      neveryourchosenone ; abamentia ; brutewarrior ; themorningluxifer ; raisedhunter ; collpse.      thenewknightofhell ; toobeautifulxtolive ; knxfecollection ; edensfallenguard ; sxlitude.      leoxfitz ; xredneck ; spidercrusher ; righteouskiller ; incursiiio ; fxmilybusiness ; croodzi.      scarredcoin ; petrovapoison ; lxviathan ; afterhellfires. 
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hxllbent · 10 years
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WELL golly gosh and gee willikers you guys it looks like it’s that jolly time of the year again where i pucker up and smooch every single one of you in the face (as if that’s what you wanted when you rolled out of bed this morning riGHT?) honestly, this was supposed to be done for my 1k+ a while ago but. well, i’m lazy. also i’ve very recently broken 1,100 so i guess now is as good a time as any.
i mean. 1,100 followers. when i think about it, that’s absolutely absurd to me. it’s great!! but my god is it weird. i mean look at me, i’m one of those characters only few would think to roleplay, and even then, i’m an absolute throwaway from what you’d expect (or even want) from the ash ketchum everyone knows and just loves to hate. to think that something i endeavoured to mutate and develop entirely on my own initiative to this degree has wound up getting this amount of exposure is absolutely mindboggling to me. i can’t quite wrap my head around why anyone would want to sit and watch this mesmerising doofus get drunk and talk nonsense but gee do i love that you all do. i guess what i’m trying to get to is that i’m enormously honoured and humbled that i’ve managed to worm my way into the consciousness of the community — this little out on a limb thing i’ve created and just… it’s huge to me. it really is. and before i thank anyone in particular, i’d like to thank each and every person who’s so much as given this blog a small glance. really. it’s an honour most of you would even give me a chance with this. and now look where we are.
ranting aside, it’s hardly just about me, i think i’d have thrown in the towel here a long time ago were it not for the countless breathtakingly talented and creative people i’ve met on here. i mean really, i wouldn’t even consider this follow forever a comprehensive compendium of everyone i’d personally smooch because— come on, all of you deserve so much credit. even if we’ve never spoken before, even if we’ve barely exchanged glances, you’re all doing something that you love and having a great time with it and you’re all creating uniquely wonderful things. but these guys in particular have all struck me in some way. i’ve probably had the divine pleasure of working with some of you, and for the others, we may never have talked or anything but gosh do i have my eye on you something fierce.
so heres to you guys —— the amazing people who make this place somewhere i love coming home to after work; the people who have taken the time, effort and patience to work with me personally and create something beautiful with me; the people i’ve never spoken to who keep me on my toes for something new that just might start if i ever speak up. to everyone who keeps me inspired on a daily basis. you’ve all well and truly captured my imagination, be it with your portrayals, how you weave your words or just how fantastic you are as people and i’m genuinely grateful for all of that. you’ve all made this my favourite place to be. 
          ———— thank you. 。◕‿◕。
█ :    P A R T Y    P O K É M O N
      skullkiddean ⊹ roboreus ⊹ celosian / hikohai / resoluterose ⊹ kalosque ⊹ reso—nate 
█ :    B I L L ’ S    P C
       abasthenic  |  achrxma  |  agaetliga  |  angrygreen  |  astrigerum  |  auspicis  |  arcxreactor      astrifer-ous  |  bornbattling  |  burnoxt  |  busui  |  bxtler  |  calisvol  |  candyologist  |  casecraving            collpse  |  constantquibbling  |  constellatedyouth  |  coquettishcrown  | damnatiion  damnedimples |  deadmens  |  deduiire  |  defenstrix  |  devxl  |  disputationix  | dontscratchthewalls            drakedomitor  |  edhelernil  |  exnatura  |  eyesiight  |  feiistypants  |  femaletitantype    flammebrulant  |  fortisgilbert  |  fromprophecy  |  gobliined  |  greatxthief  |  grxnite  |  harvehell        hawkinsflight  |  heartofrevolutions  |  hewasloved  |  histruevessel  |  hollowcorpse  |  hraustr    humanityshope  |  hxllbent  |  hxwlett  |  icescarred  |  iimpius  |  ilcavalliere  |  inficiio  |  infiltate        insedovah  |  iwatessu  |  kotonese  |  kovotojas  |  knxfecollection  |  laidre  |  lastlivingpotter     loyalpika | lxyalty |  magnxto  |  malifiicus  |  malignis  |  maritiime  | memorixkvina | mkuundogo    needlessdeath  |  neverxforgive  |  notascratch  |  ofcursedblood  |  ofthelxrd  |  ohspyro  |  ortusvir            ozazm  |  paradoxofconstellations  |  pax-tibi  |  perfxrmanceissues  |  persuadedbyboko     plasticxqueen  |  queenlly  |  rapusodosu  |  ravagedgrace  |  regaliis  |  rex-stellarum  |  rxbricate    rxbirth  |  rxntt  |  sacrosxnct  |  saffronnights  |  salutificator  |  salvatiiion  |  scarredcoin  |  scottiish             shadesofdead  |  singlasses  |  solemquis  |  soteriax  |  stoicriverspirit  |  supxrsoldier     supposedlybad  |  svikinnar  |  techniciian  |  tempxs  |  thousandbirds  |  tokillabarton  |  txmplar    uley—omega | untamedprince |  untamedxsoul  |  valixnce  | varomaour | viewtokill  |  virtusxcor   vitaire  |  voltaicx  |  xaedificare  |  xanomaly  |  xegocentric  |  xerebrum  |  xferocia  |  xlionhearts                                                                 xmidna  |  xrisen  
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hxllbent · 10 years
Also super hyped for blogs to follow on this other blog I plan on bringing to life after I get less busy.
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hxllbent · 10 years
Send an "Ѡ" for my muse's reaction to being sent accidental nudes.
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hxllbent · 10 years
I promise I'll be more active soon, just this weekend I have a movie and a dance and a carowinds trip and spending a day at a friends house, and then next week there are tests. Be properly back soon, honest!
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hxllbent · 10 years
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couldn’t have said it better myself, sammy. ——-as most of you probably know. i am the worst role-player in the history of everything. and by some gracious miracle i managed to have more than 780 of you click the follow button. i haven’t even been at this a year, and i have learned so much, and met so many amazing people.. amazing writers. it’s unbelievable and i just wanted to thank you all for putting up with my existence so without further rambling i have made a list of people who have influenced me (whether they know it or not.) 
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hxllbent · 10 years
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15K notes · View notes
hxllbent · 10 years
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hxllbent · 10 years
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916 notes · View notes
hxllbent · 10 years
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228 notes · View notes
hxllbent · 10 years
"What would y' do 'f I shaved your head while y' slept?"
               hypothetically speaking, of course.
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hxllbent · 10 years
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90 notes · View notes
hxllbent · 10 years
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882 notes · View notes