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Hi Reader, Hv Softtech – Website Design & Development Hv Softtech excels at custom design and front end development. We love taking on challenging projects that require full-on content strategy, thoughtful design, New post (How To Build A Website For Less Than $180) has been published on Hv Softtech by Hv Softtech
Whether you’re selling products, providing services, running an agency or simply starting a blog, you’re going to need to create your own website. Simply speaking, any business or service provider that doesn’t have a website these days might as well be invisible – and invisibility won’t get you any sales.
In contrast, when you create a website you can attract the attention of potential customers, communicate better with your existing customers, widen your customer base, and have a launchpad and a destination for your business marketing strategies.
So how do you create your own website? This guide will take you through the step-by-step process you need to follow and the issues you need to consider in order to create a brand-new website that meets the needs of your business.
Step #1: Buy A Domain Name And Hosting
Before creating a website you need to buy a domain name and purchase hosting. Don’t let these terms scare you. A domain name is the name of your website, such as When you have a domain, you need somewhere to store your website; this is the hosting, which is the physical storage of your website
Step #2: Install A Content Management System
Once you have your domain name and hosting, you need to put some content on your website. The best way to do this is with a content management system. This will allow you to change the structure and design of your website, to manage navigation, to add pages, and to add content without needing any coding experience
Step #3: Install A WordPress Theme
Okay, so let’s assume that, like most people, you are going to go with WordPress for the creation of your website. In order to make it look right, you’re going to have to get a theme. The theme is the design of your website, which affects what your customers see. How you manage the website doesn’t change, no matter what theme you have.
Step #4: Install WordPress Plugins
One of the great things about WordPress is that it can be extended almost infinitely with plugins. There are more than 48,000 plugins in the WordPress plugin directory. These allow you to add new features to your website without having to do any coding. Any developer can develop a new plugin for WordPress, so how do you choose from this huge list to find the plugins that work well and enhance your website? We’ve got you covered, with a list of the nine most important plugins you must install and configure.
1. Yoast SEO
This is the most important plugin you will install on a site. This plugin will help you with search engine optimization for your WordPress site so that it ranks better in the Google search results. You can do some overall configuration for your website at the start, but you can also use Yoast SEO to optimize every new page or post you create.
2. W3 Total Cache
This plugin helps to speed up your site by creating a cache of your content so that pages can be loaded more quickly. Since pagespeed is one of the factors in search ranking, using a caching plugin is good for SEO, and W3TotalCacheis one of the most popular.
3. Akismet
Spam is the bane of our lives and it doesn’t just affect email; it also affects blogs. If you create a blog as part of your website and allow comments, then chances are you will get spam comments posted by users or bots. Akismet helps to identify and eliminate those spam comments so you have a clean website.
4. Contact Form 7
The built-in WordPress contact form is a little bit basic. That’s why thousands of people use Contact Form 7 both for their contact page and to collect visitors’ emails.
5. Wordfence Security
If you want to keep the hackers away from your website, then a security plugin is a must. Wordfence Security secures your site, lets you block attempted logins and bad bots, and even reminds you to keep your plugins and themes up-to-date for additional security.
6. Share Buttons by AddThis
Share Buttons by AddThis is one of the most-used social sharing plugins. It will automatically add social sharing buttons to each blog post to make it easy for readers to like and share your posts on social media. Social media sharing is important for engagement, reach and SEO, so a plugin like this is essential.
7. Comments – wpDiscuz
WordPress has built-in comment management but sometimes you need a little bit more. Comments – wpDiscuz allows you to customize comment forms, integrates with social login, has antispam features and much more.
8. FooGallery/Envira Gallery
There’s nothing like a beautiful photo gallery to capture the attention of web visitors. FooGallery and Envira Gallery are popular photo gallery plugins that are pretty easy to use. Check out the previews and see which one you like best.
9. WooCommerce
If you’re planning to sell items on your website, then you need to be able to upload them easily, sort them into categories, add prices, and allow people to purchase them using PayPal or a credit card. That’s exactly what you get with WooCommerce. All you need to do is install the plugin, configure the basic options, and start selling.
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Hi Reader, Hv Softtech – Website Design & Development Hv Softtech excels at custom design and front end development. We love taking on challenging projects that require full-on content strategy, thoughtful design, New post (Choose The Right Company To Design Your Website) has been published on Hv Softtech by Hv Softtech
When it comes to finding the right company to design and build your website is like a mined field, do you go for price before quality or design before price? In the UK alone there must be thousands of companies to chose from, how do you know who is the right one for you?
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You could be searching for days before you actually get the right company. I live in Gloucester and in this area there must be hundreds of web design companies. The other thing to think about when designing a new site is SEO (search engine optimization), so much better to get this done at the start of the site, get the keyword research done correctly by a good reputable company, get this right from the beginning you will have a fighting start when launched that many pages will rank quite high on Google.
Get the Design Right
Another suggestion before you start your new website is to look around at competitors or even general sites to see what you think will fit your products or services that you offer, this will help to give your chosen designers a better idea of how you would like your site to look. Most web design companies will do a mock up of the home page to give you a good idea prior to the start of the build.
Content Writing
Another thing to consider is hiring some good SEO content writers, these guys can optimize your new website with great content. This will be so much easier than taking time out of your busy day to sit down and write your own content, you maybe surprised by the price and the amount of time saved.
Mobile Friendly
Most new sites are now built to be responsive (mobile friendly) slightly more expensive but these days nearly 50% of searches are now done on mobiles so it well worth asking your designers at the start. Please note its not that easy to achieve as there are so many mobile devices you can lose a small amount of the design for this to be achieved across all platforms. The future of people searching on the web is looking more towards mobile devices, more people than ever over the next couple of years will be searching on mobile.
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Hi Reader, Hv Softtech – Website Design & Development Hv Softtech excels at custom design and front end development. We love taking on challenging projects that require full-on content strategy, thoughtful design, New post (Tips for choosing the best hosting provider for your business) has been published on Hv Softtech by Hv Softtech
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Choosing a web hosting provider will make your life easier, but what information do you need before choosing the best host for you?
Security is obviously one of the main concerns. Security breaches in your website will cost your business dearly. Your reputation is at risk if your security is not up to scratch as your website is the window through which the world looks at you, your business or your organisation.
Some providers only give you server space and a connection and leave all of the security up to you. Ideally you should be looking for Bluehost that offers non-stop traffic checking, scans for malware, and protection. It is also worth considering how the hosting provider secures their internal network.
Data Protection (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
How the hosting provider secures their internal network is another important thing to consider. Understanding how the provider protects your data is the key to keeping your website secure. You also need to be aware of how the provider deals with breaches in security.
Server Platform (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
Also, think about what server platform your CMS application will is installed on and how it is secured. A critical part of securing any underlying platform is applying updates and security patches. Some of these patches will require a restart of the service or the server itself.
Security Monitoring (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
How the provider monitors security is also important. In many cases, a compromise to your websites security will be discovered by visitors to your site who are alerted by their own security software. It would be a lot more convenient and less embarrassing if you found out first and fixed the problems. A provider that offers security monitoring can, therefore, help to alleviate this.
There are several technologies that providers can use for this including Anti-malware scanning to check for malicious files hosted on your site which include firewalls known as WAF to highlight and filter attacks on both your databases and applications, plus Blacklist monitoring to alert you when a third party detects a compromise
Most service providers will provide some of the above technologies for free, but usually the more robust security monitoring are available in premium packages.
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