hvnbrn ยท 2 months
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A gun to his head does very little to stop his mouth from making noise. But, at least, he's not fighting it. Sessions with self defence mentors and anti-abduction professionals growing up had taught him what not to do when faced with a weapon, when put in a situation like this. Except, Daesung had never been any good at playing by the rules. Eddy is ripping the keys from his grasp with little opportunity for Dae to fight back, so he relents; only making the slightest sound of protest at the force used. There's a fleeting thought of telling the stranger who he is, who his daddy is, which he promptly pushes to the back of his mind. The last thing he needs is to become too much effort for Mr Grand Theft Audi.
โ€œ Isn't it, like, human nature to be selfish? โ€ He's scrambling to fasten his seatbelt as Eddy starts the car -- โ€œ If you scratch the alloys -- โ€ But he pauses mid sentence, he doesn't care half as much about the car as he does about the DIOR bag safely at his feet, so he drops it; eyeing the gun and contemplating rushing forward for it. But he doesn't. โ€œ I don't stop talking, actually. You'll have to gag me if you want the privilege of me sitting in silence. What's your plan now anyway? Do a few donuts in an empty car park and dump me on the streets of Malibu among the other bleach blond rich kids? Are we gonna run errands? Do you need to go grocery shopping? i don't know how much you know about America, but Trader Joes is far superior to Target -- but then you've got Wholefoods who are like unreal -- the juices, chefs kiss you know? -- then there's Erewhon if you wanna be like Miss Bieber, but I personally think $25 is insane for a single loaf of bread. โ€
His hand is steady as he tracks the car owner with the gun when he walks around to the passenger side. When he gets in, Eddy gets in too, still holding the gun towards the blond stranger. Before he answers any of the constant words coming out of the guy's mouth, he leans towards the passenger seat. He stays there for a moment with the gun aimed at the owner's head. Then he reaches forward across him to pull the door shut. When he leans back again he stops to grab the keys in the owner's hand, and uses force to wring them free of his grip. "I still need the key." Eddy locks the doors and puts the keys in his pocket when he sits back in his seat.
Despite his previous statement, he partakes in conversation with his now hostage. "Always. Why should I contribute to a selfish society?"
It only takes a very quick inspection of the dashboard for Eddy to start the car as if he's driven an Audi like it before. He revs the engine and makes a purposeful sharp turn out of the parking spot, then switches to drive it smoothly from there. "Do you ever stop talking?" He keeps the headlights off as he drives them out of the area and turns them on at the next stoplight.
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hvnbrn ยท 3 months
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He whips the keys up above his head, dangling them as though Eddy doesn't stand several inches taller than himself (even with the slight platform of his shoe). Daesung knows not to toy around in situations like these, except the propensity to behave in this way is all too inviting -- he would die as he lived, annoyingly and in central California. โ€œ Everyone needs one, it's like, the law -- oh. Not a game. Got it. โ€
A (shaking) thumb presses the door unlock button on the key fob as he makes his way around to the passenger side. There's no way he's just handing over the keys and hoping that the thief doesn't make it off with his car, nuh oh, that DIOR fit is staying where he is. The bag itself was neatly, and safely, at his feet. โ€œ It's a stop start car, you don't actually need the key. So. โ€ There's only a beat of silence before he's filling the void again. โ€œ Have you always done this for a living, or were you ever like ... a contributing member of society? โ€
It feels like a joke when the rich guy goes on about his schedule, even suggesting him to re-schedule his thieving to some other time, but somehow Eddy knows that the guy means what he's saying. He's probably never been robbed before or at least never faced a robber during the act. There's something about it that is slightly entertaining, but Eddy is also losing his patience. The guy is obviously loaded and entitled so there's no reason he should let him off easy.
"Who needs a license?" It's an obvious joke to Eddy but somehow his unchanged tone makes it sound as if it could be true. "And we're not having a conversation, this isn't some game. So shut the fuck up and do as I say."
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hvnbrn ยท 3 months
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There's a whimper that leaves pink glossed lips (DIOR Lip Glow Oil in Rosewood 012 ... if you must know) as Eddy takes a further step towards him, once again closing the gap that provided absolutely no safety to the celebrity. The whimper, turned whine, though rooted in initial fear, could easily be described as a petulant teenage tantrum. โ€œ Come with you? But I've got a 3 o'clock and it's on the other side of Malibu -- can't we take a rain check? Steal my car any other week, Grand Theft Auto, I'm busy. โ€
But, as he stares down the barrel of a gun, he has a decision to make. Is this outfit, and shiny white Audi, really worth risking his life? A decision is made as he holds a hand out in a 'stop' gesture, digging through his bag for his keys with the other. โ€œ How do I even know you have a license? Do you even know what side of the road we drive on over here? If we get pulled over by the cops are you gonna wave that gun around again? โ€
Eddy doesn't understand or care about things like DIOR, but there's something slightly entertaining about the way the guy talks about the competition to have a relationship with the brand. He certainly gives a him a piece of his mind with that desperate rant and even ends it with a threat of his own. This brings out a malicious smile which can't be seen beneath the black fabric covering his mouth, his eyebrows raise a bit and there's a glint in his eye to pair with the unseen smile. He takes a menacing step forward and raises the gun to point it at the young man. It seems that the car owner comes to his senses after getting carried away in his fight for his stuff.
"Fuck, I'm already so scared," he taunts. He could easily throw the clothes out to the guy after taking the car, but he's just discovered the perfect incentive to get him to offer up more of his wealth. Then he gestures with the barrel of the gun, now changing his demand. "You're right, my bad. I want you to get in the passenger's seat. If your stuff means so much to you, you better stick around and make sure I don't ruin it."
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hvnbrn ยท 3 months
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โ€œ But it's bespoke ... โ€ Is the first utterance leaving his lips before he even has a moment to process the situation at hand - there's a gun and there's a scowl, both are aimed at him. If he took a moment to be rational, to think about the best next step, he'd back off and rely on insurance to fix the problem. But Daesung didn't know rational, so he whines. โ€œ ... Do you know how difficult it is to build a relationship with the North America branch of DIOR? It's me and every other blond bitch on the West Coast wanting to get themselves in -- and this set ... It's one of a kind, not some off the rack mall fit. I guess you wouldn't know, Mr Cap and Hoodie. Look, if you mess up my chance of getting DIOR -- are you listening, DIOR -- to look after me for New York Fashion Week, I'll be the one pointing the gun at you -- โ€ Yet his rant ends with wide eyed surprise, stumbling a couple of steps back, maybe he should have stopped himself much earlier. โ€œ Don't shoot me -- but it's my car! My stuff! โ€
The request is so unexpected Eddy just stares at him. Once a gun is introduced citizens are usually quick to give up their possessions. The guy looks like he fit right in at one of those VIP or award show after parties, among the celebrity crowd of which musicians from the company were part of. He must be rich with a car like this and an appearance so well looked after. Eddy ignores the previous comments but turns the request over in his mind.
It seems laughable to have a victim of his crime ask so sincerely about getting specific designer items out of their car before he steals it. Eddy would let him get his things if he wasn't adamant at appearing in no way friendly and only living up to his reputation. The way the owner shows cheek makes it clear that he doesn't feel threatened enough. "You think you're in a position to bargain?" With his gaze still on the stranger, he loads the gun in his hands. "Give me the fucking keys."
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hvnbrn ยท 3 months
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Daesung is compromised of many things; a brattish nature that diminishes his ability to seem mature in the eyes of other adults, impulsivity when it comes to his public actions, and the visual charm of an idol singer. But, one thing he'd never managed to grasp, is being quiet. โ€œ ... no, this is definitely my car. โ€ A stupid remark that leaves gloss slicked lips before he even has the chance to stop himself. โ€œ You're British? Cu-- โ€ te.
The almost desperate attempt to be playful is dropped the instant a weapon is brought out between them, dark eyes immediately widening. Was he meant to bargain for his life now? He doesn't particularly care about his car enough to fight for it, but he does care about the contents of the trunk. Hands raise a little in mock surrender, heart hammering in his chest, despite the fact he isn't relenting. โ€œ ... look, can I at least get my things out first? I've got a Dior set in there and I really wanted to wear it tomorrow ... โ€
@hvnbrn sent: " Dude, that's literally my car . . . what the fuck? " :)
The door on the driver side of the car had given way and he'd just disarmed the alarm, just as a voice cuts through the air and startles him. He'd been keeping a lookout but he must have gotten too focused on his work. Eddy turns and stares at the stranger from the slit between black neck gaiter pulled up over his nose and cap with his hoodie hood combo low on his head.
Eddy stares back at the young man, considering his options. He was too far with the theft to leave it be and perhaps he was too prideful to flee. "Not yours anymore," his voice naturally muffled by the fabric over his mouth. He pulls out his gun, which is a little overkill maybe, but he keeps it down by his side for now, as a warning. "Give me the keys and you won't get hurt." He hadn't finished hot-wiring the car yet.
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hvnbrn ยท 3 months
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hvnbrn ยท 3 months
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now starring ; hvnbrn !
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hvnbrn ยท 3 months
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Joop Jeans inย Vibe Vol. 2, No. 10, Dec 1994/Jan 1995
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hvnbrn ยท 3 months
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hvnbrn ยท 3 months
โ”โ” ๐Ÿ‘s
repost. donโ€™t reblog.
Tagged by : @sharkapologlstโ€‹ the love of my life
Tagging : @heartmemosย ( you have already been tagged so consider this EXTRA PRESSURE MWAH HAHAHA or โ€ฆ do it for mana or erza etc as well as calum i guess ) , @bardoboundedโ€‹ almost tagged teolive โ€ฆ oop , @garbagedsโ€‹ because i like saying ur @ out loud as gar bag heads and YOU ! Muse: that little bratty one you know and โ€ฆ. idk if you love but โ€ฆ
๐Ÿ‘ ๐’๐“๐‘๐„๐๐†๐“๐‡๐’
if he says he is going to do something, he will do it. if he is challenged to do something, he will do it. maybe this leads to bad things ON OCCASION but it mainly gets him to excel at the things he likes. eg his dad told him to join a club, utteringย โ€˜anything but โ€ฆ i dont know, cheer.โ€™ so he became the cheer captain. you get the gist of how he works now?
he is kind. he would go to the ends of the earth for people.
he puts effort into his appearance, so he pretty much always looks great. also the fact he can talk for hours and hours without even pausing for thought sdahjgf , he just loves the sound of his own voice for sure. heโ€™ll fill them awkward silences.
๐Ÿ‘ ๐–๐„๐€๐Š๐๐„๐’๐’๐„๐’
food. hes pickier than most toddlers, and doesnt really have a huge appetite. hes fussy when it comes to textures, and will usually gravitate towards fresh foods like fruits ( especially apples !! ). the best way around this ( boyfriend 101 ) is to order a bunch of foods you want, and let him pick at things to try it.
giving up on academics/truly not believing he is smart. math has always been a sore spot; with too many tutors quitting after experiencing a monster level daesung melt down over algebra.
his head. he will convince himself of things, and it will destroy him from the inside.
๐Ÿ‘ ๐’๐„๐‚๐‘๐„๐“๐’
soft secret first, he was actually born before his twin brother joonki โ€“ however he always has referred to himself as the older brother because he is protective and loves his little ki.
not really his secret, but he was his mothers favourite (if she had to choose), and the literal definition of hell spawn to his father.
god im so bad at secrets he doesnt have any big ones.
๐Ÿ‘ ๐…๐„๐€๐‘๐’
losing his brother like he lost his mom.
becoming like his father ( we love a trope ), not so much because his dads a dick. but because his dad is cold to the world and he never wants to become that. he cant put others through what his father put him through.
having children. it scares him.
๐Ÿ‘ ๐†๐Ž๐€๐‹๐’
be famous. i think hed like to have his own fashion collaboration, or something along them lines. i mean, he already has the fame on some scale, but he doesnt feel like hes done anything specific, besides looking good.
get married. its a soft goal but its a goal nonetheless.. he wants to find someone who sees him as more than the character he has built.
learn a skill that isnt physical ( knitting, painting etc ) in order to find a hobby he can engage with to relax โ€“ rather than throw himself into work or cheer/dance.
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hvnbrn ยท 3 months
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@hvnbrn : a blog for daesung kim - global it boy, fashion icon and divinely blonde bitch. a study in marketing yourself as a brand, growing up with everything handed to you, yet still remaining golden at your core. believing yourself to be of heaven, but hailing from the state of california.
* . ใ€€ โ™ก . หš LIKE & FOLLOW
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hvnbrn ยท 3 months
: ]
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hvnbrn ยท 8 months
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โ ๐ ๐ซ๐š๐›๐›๐ž๐ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ก๐š๐ง๐, ๐ฉ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ก๐ž๐ ๐ฆ๐ž ๐๐จ๐ฐ๐ง, ๐ญ๐จ๐จ๐ค ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐๐ฌ ๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ฆ๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ๐กโ€• ๐“๐€๐†, ๐˜๐Ž๐”'๐‘๐„ ๐ˆ๐“ ! ๐“๐€๐†, ๐“๐€๐†, ๐˜๐Ž๐”'๐‘๐„ ๐ˆ๐“ ! โž
multimuse ft. a-qing ( adored by tay ) &&. multimuse ft. xue yang ( adored by bee )
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hvnbrn ยท 10 months
Pssst ( but from @hvnbrn )
ย ย ย ย ย โ€œpsstโ€ // 5 things said about yours behind their back.
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"How many dresses did they send? God. Ok you know what, I will just call Dae, he knows what looks best on me. More than this dumb stylist my marketing team hired. Actually, fire her."
"His birthday is in exactly 2 months so we have enough time to throw him the Perfect surprise party, alright, let's brainstorm themes, we want it expensive, we want it fabulous and NOT tacky."
"You speak ill of him again, I won't hesitate and use that tape I got of you, the tabloids will love it. Yeah. Messing with my friends equals messing with me."
"I will be home soon Father, I'm just out with a friend. It's not very You to watch my every move, now is it? Hm. I'm sorry Father, I got carried away, it's been a stressful day. Yes, the Senator's son and he has a name. It's Daesung."
"Just. Please don't tell Dae what I did. He would be disappointed in me. And... I just, I don't want that."
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hvnbrn ยท 10 months
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hvnbrn ยท 11 months
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Wordy by aavfvl
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hvnbrn ยท 11 months
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Haneul is busy painting the nails of his left hand, whilst Daesung zones out staring at the pale pink of his bedroom wall. For once his breakdown isn't the result of Junsu upsetting him, a much rarer occurrence these days, nor is it an overreaction to the trauma of his teenage grief. This time it's simply an issue stemming from nowehere created by his brain to ruin his day. He's been spiralling for a while now; Junsu busy with college deadlines ( never too busy for his Daesung, but sometimes essays and giving Sungie attention can't be done at the same time ), and Han spending a lot more of his free time with Joonki, leaving Daesung lonely. The overwhelming dread of being stuck as a highschooler when your boyfriends already in college has been a particular highlight of contention within his own brain.
โ€œ . . . I'm sure you've heard stupider things, but it isn't Susu. He hasn't said or done anything. โ€ He wonders how Junsu describes him to his Fancy College Friends, if he's just the cute highschool sweetheart with a pretty face and Daddy's money, or if he's more than that. If he's the fun personality, and playful little angel; if he's described as being quick witted, and smart. He wonders if Junsu, if the world, if the people around him, if California, like him, or if they just like what he can bring to the table. โ€œ What if I'm not enough anymore? I don't know how to explain it . . . it's just, I guess I can't tell if people love me or if they just love the idea of me? โ€
โ€œ I can't change. โ€
they're sitting on dae's bed, towel laid out beneath them with nail products scattered across it. he had asked haneul to help him fix his nails โ€” his father had cut off access to his cards for the week for something or other and he was in desperate need of a manicure. daesung could probably do them well enough himself, but han was undoubtedly the more artistic of the two. and he had more than just an ice coffee and four strawberries to eat today, so he was the less shaky of the two on top of that. they'd been silent for a while now, which really should have been han's first sign of danger. his best friend is rarely quiet; when he is, he's very likely working himself up about something. so when dae's voice finally cuts through the silence, he really shouldn't be surprised.
@hvnbrn: โย  do you like me?ย  i know you love me.ย  i know you care about me but.ย  do you like who i am?ย  โž
the brush is returned to the bottle and screwed on. a sigh leaves plush lips as he drops it onto his lap and looks straight at his friend.
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โ€œ daesung-ah. that is the stupidest thing i ever heard. โ€ he takes the other's hands in his, raising them to his lips to blow gently on the fresh paint. he gives them a little squeeze. โ€œ you are my bestest friend in the world. i don't love people i don't like. that's so silly. โ€
they were soul mates, daesung had said it himself !
โ€œ why are you thinking like this? .... did junsu hyung say something? i'll kill him, i really will ! โ€
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