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New Tech

One piece of tech that I found really interesting that is being made by Hyperloop One is called the XP-1. It’s currently still being tested but the idea could revolutionize transportation. It is designed to transport passengers in magnetically levitating pods inside vacuum tubes at speeds more that 650 mph. Their more recent tests showed that they sent a pod down a 500 meter tube at about 192 mph. Once perfected, I think it would be an amazing way to travel. It would also be a clean source of travel due to the fact that the pod is being magnetically lifted and propelled inside the vacuum-sucked tubes.
One piece of tech, or rather a way to use tech, that kind of scares me I found while watching a netflix series called White Rabbit Project. In the episode they were trying to use technology to create superpowers. One of the show’s hosts chose to do mind control, and it worked in a way. Using her findings she was wired to one of the other hosts and when ever she moved her arm his body reacted in a similar way. They were able to hijack his nerves system so that her brain would send signals to both her limps and his. They of course used it in an amusing way so that she could make him make a mess while eating dinner at a restaurant. However, should this tech become more advanced and easier to hook up to people so that in didn’t need all the wiring, it could become a very scary piece of technology.
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Blog Post Option AA-Art Event

For this assignment I chose to see the Heidelberg Project. Just trying to get there was an adventure in itself. We had to try 2 or 3 different addresses before we finally got the right one. Once there however, I felt as though I had just stepped onto an unfinished set of a strange horror movie. The way it was set up a lot of the areas could have been very creepy in the middle of the night with a bit of thick fog rolling around. I noticed that there was a running theme across the whole block that they used for the site. There were hundreds of shoes used in various ways along with many drawn and real clocks and taxis. I didn’t fully understand why to be honest but it was kind of an interesting concept that went along with some of the areas displayed. One of the houses I thought was very interesting was a music themed area. There were a bunch of music albums nailed and painted all over the frame of an unfinished house. I didn’t know the actual name of that piece but I ended up calling it the House of Records myself. Also, I noticed next to this house was a pile of doors which made me immediately think of the band, The Doors. All in all it was an interesting trip…once we made it there.
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Project 3 Research and Text
For my topic I chose to do my research on games. What type of games people play most and the format they prefer to play on.
When given the option most people seed to prefer console video games over PC/Mac, tabletop board games, and mobile games. Research is still ongoing, but out of 40 people 42% chose console games. I’ve also found that most people actually own less than ten games. 40% own less than ten while 32% own between 10 and 50 games. Another question I gave was how many hours a week on average do you play games? I’ve found that almost half of the people in my research pool play games less than five hours a week. However, more than a quarter play 10-50 hours a week, giving varied extremes. When asked what genre of games they like to play most, the results varied a lot. People were given the option to pick up to 3 favorites. The top voted answers ended up being fantasy/sci-fi and racing at 9 votes each, puzzle games and strategy games at 13 votes each, first person shooters at 18 votes, and role-playing games at 19 votes. When asked if people prefer single player games to multiplayer games the majority voted for multiplayer, choosing to play with other people. When asked for the reason that they enjoy playing games the majority, at 77%, chose to do it as a hobby or for fun. After that 36% chose to do it for the competition and challenge of playing competitively against others. People also voted that they mostly purchase games online, at 74%, rather than going in the store. When asked how competitive do people get when playing games, I found that most people don’t care whether they win or lose, with only 28% choosing to win at all cost. When asked on average how much do you spend a month on games I was surprised to find that most people (64%) spend less than $10 on games whether that be buying new ones or getting dlc or in app purchases.
I also gave people a bonus question of “If you could make or be inside a game, what type of game would that be and why?” I got a lot of different answers but most common was wanting to be in a fantasy rpg. People seemed to like the idea of living an alternate life in a fantasy world and the freedom to customize themselves and have a fun adventure.
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3 Ideas for Project 3
Personal: How many/what type of games do family and friends play? How many games do we own for mobile apps, video game consoles, board games, and pc/mac games. Data will be gathered from myself, my family and a few friends.
Data: How many people prefer books vs ebooks? How many books or ebooks do people own? What do they prefer and how do they purchase them? What type of books/ebooks? Examples include textbooks, novels, self help, cookbooks, etc. Personal: How many meals per day/way of getting meal? Do we have 3 meals a day or 1? Do we cook, go to restaurants, or get fast-food? How many times per week/month do you cook or go out?
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I noticed during my 24 hours without a smart phone or internet just how much my daily activities were influenced.
Firstly, I had to plan ahead for my job that day because my entire schedule is saved on my phone, when and where I have to go that day.
During my free time I found myself reaching for my pocket out of habit only to notice I didn’t have my phone with me. I also missed being able to look up random facts about various things that pop into my head.
One of my favorite pass times and pretty much the hobby that takes up most of my time is playing video games. I found that most games require an internet connection now just to play them.
I ended up spending most of my day reading until I was invited to a get together with my brother’s friends. Normally I probably would have declined but thought that since I couldn’t do what I normally do that it might be entertaining.
All in all it was an interesting experience. I probably wouldn’t willingly do it again but I’ve had to do it before when power or internet gets cut from all the construction in my neighborhood.
Included is a link with another persons experience with a similar experiment.
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Cryptohaltheris Despite its size it’s very shy and has adapted to have a natural camouflage, blending in to most environments to avoid contact with humans. However with other animals it can be very caring and curious. It spends its days exploring and discovering all manner of new things in the forests it travels through. Using the long vines protruding from its arms it is able to investigate things easily, along with play and care for any other animal that may crosses its path. Although it has many exaggerated predator qualities, it is omnivorous, and very kindhearted, using its looks mainly as a defensive mechanism along with its natural ability to camouflage.
Web image credit list Self taken image credit list I took the image of the flower on my deck 7/17/17 I took the image of the construction lift in my neighborhood 7/17/17 I took the image of the rocks in a river near downtown Lake Orion 7/17/17 I took the image of the forest clearing on a bike path near Lake Orion 7/17/17
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Monstrous You First Draft

For my rough draft most of the placement is finished with slight adjustments still needed. I still need to add two of my taken photographs one of which is a texture and the other will serve as a backdrop. I still need to do the hand drawn portion which will be added last. More blending is needed for various parts of the body as well. Most of my rough draft was focused on body part placement and where to go from there, which I feel I’ve accomplished. Obviously much more work is needed as this is my first draft, but I know now where this creature is going.
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Texting Culture
Most of the time I text when I ask questions or want a quick response. For example, asking when someone is coming over letting them know I’m late. For casual conversation, I prefer texting over calling since I can read and edit what I want to say before sending. I tend to multitask while talking which makes having a phone conversation difficult, while texting I’m able to respond when I see the text and can get back to them. However, certain topics I much prefer a phone conversation because it’s a much more personal touch. Getting news of a big accomplishment or disappointment would be upsetting or confusing because texts are usually read in a monotone voice in our heads. A phone call you can hear the tone they use when saying something which avoids confusion. Another thing about texting that can be a good and bad is not responding. If you feel as though you just want to be left alone, a text can easily be ignored or left for a later time. A phone call is harder to get away from as many people have issues ending a phone conversation. For example, I was on the phone with my sister who I hadn’t spoken to in a very long time the other day for over 7 hours because every time we went to say goodbye, a new topic would get sparked.
For me, I prefer texting because I can do other things while talking to someone. But certain people or topics I absolutely prefer talking, whether that be on the phone or in person. The most important thing I’ve ever sent in a text message was probably confirming a relationship status between myself and another. Most important topics I much prefer talking in person or on the phone.
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Personality Research_Word Collection
A shy person
Psychology. a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings (opposed to extrovert)
Zoology. a part that is or can be introverted
Synonyms: introspective, reclusive, soft-spoken, collected, cool, quiet, restrained, shy, withdrawn.
Etymology: 1781, "directed inward" (of the mind etc.) past participle adjective from introvert (v.). Psychological sense is from 1915. Other adjectives in the non-psychological sense were introversive (1820), introvertive (1846), introverse (1874)
characterized by humor; funny; comical
having or shown the faculty of humor; droll; facetious
Synonyms: amusing, comic, droll, entertaining, hilarious, playful, pleasant, whimsical.
Etymology: early 15c , "relating to the body humors," a native formation from humor (n.), or else from Middle French humoreux "damp," from Old French humor. In Shakespeare also "whimsical, full of fancies" (1580s); "ill-humored, peevish, moody" (c. 1600). The meaning "funny, exciting laughter" dates from 1705 in English. Related: Humorously; humorousness.
Definition: of, relating to, or characterized by empathy, the psychological identification with the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of others
Synonyms: compassionate, sensitive, sympathetic, empathic, feeling
Etymology: 1909, from empathy on model of sympathetic and meant to be distinct from empathic. Related: empathetically.
a person considered to the socially awkward, boring, unstylish, etc.
an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with nonsocial hobby or pursuit
Synonyms: fool, jerk, weirdo, dolt, dork
Etymology: 1951, U.S student slang, probably an alteration of 1940s slang nert "stupid or crazy person," itself an alteration of nut. The word turns up in Dr. Seuss book from 1950 ("If I Ran the Zoo"), which may have contributed to its rise.
characterized by or bearing evidence of imagination
of, relating to, or concerned with imagination
given to imagining, as persons
having exceptional powers of imagination
lacking truth; fanciful
Synonyms: artistic, extravagant fanciful, fantastic, ingenious, offbeat, original romantic, visionary, vivid, whimsical
Etymology: Late 14c , ymaginatyf "pertaining to imagination; formimg images, given to imagining," from Old French imaginatif and directly from Medieval Latin imaginativus from imaginat , stem of Latin imaginari "picture to oneself." Meaning "resulting from imagination" is from 1829. Related: imaginatively; imaginativeness.
showing consideration for others; considerate
characterized by or manifesting careful thought
occupied with or given to thought; contemplative; meditative; reflective
careful, heedful, or mindful
Synonyms: astute, attentive, careful, cautious, considerate, courteous, deliberate, discreet, friendly, gracious, helpful, polite, prudent, tactful
Etymology: C.1200 "contemplative, occupied with though," from thought + -ful. Also in Middle English, "prudent; moody, anxious." Meaning "showing consideration for others" is from 1815 (compare thoughtless.) Related: Thoughtfully; thoughtfulness.
not patient; not accepting delay, opposition, pain, etc., with calm or patience
indicating lack of patience
restless in desire or expectation; eagerly desirous
Synonyms: anxious, eager, irritable, keen, restless, testy, thirsty
Etymology: late 14c , from Old French impacient "impatient" (Modern French impatient), from Latin impatientem (nominative impatiens) "that cannot bear, intolerant, impatient," from assimilated from of in- "not, opposite of" + patiens "bearing, enduring". Related: Impatiently
answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management (often followed by to or for)
involving accountability or responsilility, as in having the power to control or manage
chargable with being the author, cause, or occation of something
having a capacity for moral decisions and therefore accountable; capable of rational thought or action
able to discharge obligations or pay debts
reliable or dependable, as in meeting debts, conducting business dealings, etc.
(of a government, member of a government, government agency, or the like) answerable to or serving at the discretion of an elected legislature or the electorate.
Synonyms: answerable, culpable, guilty, important, liable, pledged, subject
Etymology: 1590s, "answerable" (to another, for something), from obsolete French responsible (13c., Modern French responsable, as if from Latin *responsabilis), from Latin respons-, past participle stem from respondere "to respond." Meaning accountable for one;s actions" is attested from 1640s; that of "reliable, trustworthy" is from 1690s. Retain the sense of "obligation" in the Latin root word. Related: Responsibility.
having or showing a moderate or humble estimate of one's merits, importance, etc.; free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions
free from ostentation or showy extravagance
having or showing regard for the decencies of behavior, speech, dress, etc.; decent
limited or moderate in amount, extent, etc.
Synonyms: humble, moderate, prudent, quiet, simple, unassuming
Etymology: 1560s, "having moderate self-regard," from Middle French modeste (14c.), from Latin modestus "moderate, keeping due measure, sober, gentle, temperate," from modus "measure, manner" (from PIE root *med- "take appropriate measures"). Of women, "not improper or lewd," 1590s; of female attire, 1610s. Of demands, etc., c. 1600. Related Modesty.
eager to learn or know; inquisitive
prying; meddlesome
arousing or expecting speculation, intrest, or attention through being inexplicable or highly unusual; odd; strange
Synonyms: inquisitive, interested, analytical, examining, impertinent, inquiring
Etymology: mid-14c., "eager to know" (often in a bad sense), from Old French curios "solicitous, anxious, inquisitive; odd, strange" (modern French curieux and directly from Latin curiosus "careful, diligent; inquiting eagerly, meddlesome," akin to cura "care." the objective sense of "exciting curiosity" is 1715 in English. In booksellers' catalogues, the word means "erotic, pornographic." Curiouser and curiouser if from "Alice in Wonderland" (1865).
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