hushed-court · 5 years
"Mm, if you want it anyway. But I figured it was better than the sofa, so..." initially giving a nod along with his answer before allowing his words to trail off, Jack then blinked once the other raised another question to him. Once again the blonde felt his face heat up a bit as he brought his free hand up to lightly rub the back of his neck. He didn't initially answer the question, however, an answer was given shortly after Quin had gone and brushed off the question. "Well, I wouldn't exactly mind... But I'd rather not chance having to explain that to my mum... Plus, it might be a bit for the two of us anyways..." murmuring this answer, he was indeed thankful that the other voice hadn't been loud enough for his mother to hear such things.
As the ravenette went about the den though, Jack gave a light sigh, letting the collected embarrassment ease off as he relaxed a bit. While he looked about though, the blonde hadn't yet considered that there might be things to unfamiliar to him... So, as Quin looked to the television in confusion, Jack again blinked a bit, as first simply watching while the other moved to investigate it. As the revenette went and crouched close to the screen though, he was about to speak up and say that he probably shouldn't do that, but retracted from saying so as the ravenette soon moved back. Upon being questioned about the object though, Jack pursed his lips for a moment, trying to think of how he'd explain it...
After a bit of thought however, he came to something that he hoped would be easy enough to understand. "It's a telly, er... television. I guess you'd say it's like a mix of a flip-book and radio?..." sounding a little unsure of his explanation, as he didn't know if it actually made all that much sense, he then went over to crouch down beside the other. "Want to check it out for a bit? Or would you rather I show you around some more first?" asking this along with a slight tilt his head, he then placed a hand on the other's shoulder before giving it a small rub. "If you do wanna watch though, the sofa would probably make for a more comfortable spot." he added before giving a quiet chuckle.
Having spared a brief glance over toward the other after he’d introduced him, Jack was relieved to see the other going along with that suddenly bestowed name so well, upon turning the focus shift back toward his mother and his continued talking the young man drew his own brows in a bit at her question following his given story. Unfortunately however, he wasn’t immediately sure how to answer it… So instead he was silent for the moment, before feeling thankful that her attention had moved to the ravenette instead, hoping he’d address the question instead. Giving a small nod as they were gestured in, Jack followed in shortly after Quin, taking a moment to close the door behind himself before moving away.
Once again feeling relieved as the ravenette began explaining the situation, Jack simply allowed him to do the talking as he too moved to slip off his shoes, placing them back in roughly the same spot they were before he’d grabbed them to run out. He also felt rather glad that the other man was allowing the moment of his hand being released so suddenly to simply sweep by, guessing that his reason for doing so was understood rather easily… Straightening up after fixing his shoes, the blonde then blinked a bit at his mother’s words, at first happy that she’d agreed to let the other man stay before next looking a bit embarrassed at her joke. A feeling and expression which only worsened as Quin joined in with the jokes and laughter, a pinkish hue seeping over his cheeks as the ravenette nudged him. “Oh come on…” only muttering this slight complaint toward the teasing, he then sighed a little.
Brushing a hand over his face and into his bangs, he then made a small sound of agreement to the suggestion before actually speaking up. “Yes ma'am.” replying politely his attention then moved to Quin after his mother left the room, a soft sound of surprise moving through him as the other took his hand and began dragging him about. Stumbling just slightly as they first went to move he soon caught himself as was walking along beside the other, subtly leading the way toward the den as they walked since he felt that was as a starting place as any. “Ah, while I’m sure I already know where you’d prefer…” he began, a slightly rosy tint once again present upon his cheeks. “That might not be the best idea… There’s a guest room upstairs though, so we could make that up for you.” suggesting this as they entered the den, he then stopped a little ways into the room so the other could look about.
“Oh, I’m getting a room all to myself, huh?” the ravenette questioned the other as he allowed the o the other to sense take the lead on to where they were going. After all, the queen himself hadn’t an idea as to where anything was. “Are you saying you don’t want me to stay in the same bed as you?” Skin questioned him further with a small little smirk as he was being led into the den, almost ignoring the room entirely as he asked, but he eventually just brushed off th3 question, signaling it was fine if he didn’t answer it as he looked away from him and about the room. Thankfully on Jack’s end, Quin’s voice wasn’t loud enough for Jack’s mother to of heard him say those suggestive things…
The ravenette looked about the den with curiosity, the sound coming from in the room he assumed to of been a radio located somewhere u him he spotted what appeared to be a black box with colorful images moving across on it. He stared at the box in confusion for a while before he made his way toward it, weaving around the furniture to reach his goal, though as he did so, he had ran a hand along the fabric of the sofas until he settled in front of the box with the colorful moving images. He crouched, touching the screen with his gloved fingers and putting his face somewhat close to the screen only to back up a few moments later, rubbing at his eyes. “Nngh… What is that thing?” he questioned, still touching the screen with his other hand.
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hushed-court · 6 years
Having spared a brief glance over toward the other after he'd introduced him, Jack was relieved to see the other going along with that suddenly bestowed name so well, upon turning the focus shift back toward his mother and his continued talking the young man drew his own brows in a bit at her question following his given story. Unfortunately however, he wasn't immediately sure how to answer it... So instead he was silent for the moment, before feeling thankful that her attention had moved to the ravenette instead, hoping he'd address the question instead. Giving a small nod as they were gestured in, Jack followed in shortly after Quin, taking a moment to close the door behind himself before moving away.
Once again feeling relieved as the ravenette began explaining the situation, Jack simply allowed him to do the talking as he too moved to slip off his shoes, placing them back in roughly the same spot they were before he'd grabbed them to run out. He also felt rather glad that the other man was allowing the moment of his hand being released so suddenly to simply sweep by, guessing that his reason for doing so was understood rather easily... Straightening up after fixing his shoes, the blonde then blinked a bit at his mother's words, at first happy that she'd agreed to let the other man stay before next looking a bit embarrassed at her joke. A feeling and expression which only worsened as Quin joined in with the jokes and laughter, a pinkish hue seeping over his cheeks as the ravenette nudged him. "Oh come on..." only muttering this slight complaint toward the teasing, he then sighed a little.
Brushing a hand over his face and into his bangs, he then made a small sound of agreement to the suggestion before actually speaking up. "Yes ma'am." replying politely his attention then moved to Quin after his mother left the room, a soft sound of surprise moving through him as the other took his hand and began dragging him about. Stumbling just slightly as they first went to move he soon caught himself as was walking along beside the other, subtly leading the way toward the den as they walked since he felt that was as a starting place as any. "Ah, while I'm sure I already know where you'd prefer..." he began, a slightly rosy tint once again present upon his cheeks. "That might not be the best idea... There's a guest room upstairs though, so we could make that up for you." suggesting this as they entered the den, he then stopped a little ways into the room so the other could look about.
After the other brushed off his apology, the most response Jack could think to give toward his words was simply a small nod. He wasn’t really bothered that his apology had been brushed off, as he had a feeling the other wouldn’t have accepted anyway, but he still wanted to offer that bit of sympathy regardless. Running through his own thoughts and plans as the other thumbed over the currency within his wallet, he was managing to pull together something that seemed to make sense… Though sidetracks did occur as he’d encounter blanks here when it came to skirting around information regarding things that he simply would like to avoid talking about if he could.
Sighing softly at the other’s laugh and response to his words about the casinos, Jack simply shook his head a little before speaking. “That’s true… But I hope not, and that your doubt is right on that.” leaning in to give the other a brief and light kiss atop the head after saying this, he then focused on the destination they were nearing, feeling a bit bad for a moment that he was getting a bit too swept up in thoughts afterward to give the other any confirmation even though he felt the other’s gaze on him. And as such he glanced to the other with an apologetic look as he went to open the door, only being so quick to do so because he didn’t want to risk losing the nerve he had to start giving the explanation that had been crafted… Quietly letting out the breath he’d taken in moments earlier as he heard that familiar voice pipe up, his response came soon after.
“Yes ma'am, I’m back. And ahh… About that…” trailing off here for a few moments as he recollected what he wanted to say next, it was clear in his expression that while he did easily catch the bit of annoyance his mother felt, he also felt bad to have worried her. Gazing downward in that moment, he then glanced over as he felt the other squeeze his hand, looking up at him with a slight smile as he returned that squeeze before letting go of the ravenette’s hand. As while he was grateful for the comfort it offered, at the same time, he didn’t really wish to explain that sight if his mother were to see it… Not yet at least. Turning his attention to the woman as she approached, Jack continued. “Q-Quin, he’s a friend from school, though he graduated a little while back… Anyway, sorry for rushing out like that earlier, but I remembered that I’d promised to meet with him today. And after almost forgetting, well… I didn’t want to be late, so I got in a bit of a hurry.” as he stopped here for a moment to give a small laugh, his mother gave a small nod. Her son meanwhile, couldn’t help but think that calling the other by the name he’d thought up on the spot felt odd… Though for the moment, he was at least glad that he hadn’t stumbled over it too much.
“I see… I suppose it’s alright then, I just wish you would have said something like that earlier before running off.” seeming to calm down a bit as she spoke, the woman then gave a sigh after her words. “Sorry…” Jack murmured, offering an apologetic smile before he’d continued. “And I know this is a bit sudden, but… Quin’s parents kicked him out, and since he hasn’t managed to find a place of own yet, I was wondering if he could stay with us for a while?” While he did somewhat hate to bring up this question so suddenly, Jack felt that now was probably as good a time as any. And perhaps it would save him some added explaining down the road about why the other hadn’t returned yet… Granted, it was still likely to bring up questions of it’s own, but that was another matter of it’s own at the moment. For now he was just hoping to get a positive answer to that question… While at the same time making a mental note to ask if the raventte could recall his name, mostly because he realized now that it hadn’t crossed his mind to ask earlier, something that was quite awkward now due to the fact that he’d already given a name out for him.
The man now known as Quin blinked at the sudden name he was given, though, he didn’t appear surprised, a gentle smile forming on his face as he was introduced to the woman. Though, with further words that were spoken and the request that was made, Jack’s mother stitched her brows together. “Huh? Kicked out, you say? Why’s that?” she asked, turning her attention back on the ravenette then before she stepped out of the way to allow the boys in, gesturing for them to do so, which Quin promptly followed, walking inside and upon noticing the shoes off to the side of the door, began removing his.
“I’m sorry to bring this on you all of the sudden ma’am, you see, my mother hadn’t always been the kindest woman. She had considered kicking me out soon after I graduated secondary, but my father was against it until after college. Managed to pull a year off afterward,” he explained his case with a soft smile after having finished removing his shoes, completely sweeping the fact of the earlier movement of the other releasing his hand so suddenly. He completely understood what he was doing with having done that, as after all, homosexual relationships, at least from his time, weren’t exactly welcomed entirely. Though, with the story he told the woman seemed to feel a bit of sympathy, placing a hand on this shoulder for a moment and giving it a soft pat.
“Don’t worry, dear. You can stay here for a while, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Jack bring over anyone anyway,” she gave a laugh with this before looking toward her son. “Still waiting for him to bring a girl home,” she joked before giving a soft sigh and shaking her head with a laugh. Quin himself laughed along with her as he nudged the other male, smirking in his direction. “Yeah, he’s pretty bad with women,” he went on, causing the woman to laugh once more, he himself following in suit.
“Well, I think I’ll make you boys a snack, huh? You show him around, would you, Jack?” she suggested this as she made her departure toward the kitchen with this. Quin looking toward Jack as soon as she was out of the room, taking his hand once more with that and dragging him along to look around the home. “Really eager to see where we’ll be sleeping, Jack,” he chuckled with that, already thinking he’d possibly be booted to sleeping on the couch or something similar to that so it wouldn’t seem odd for his mother to see.
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hushed-court · 6 years
Noticing the annoyance upon the other's face being replaced by surprise and perhaps a little confusion at his answer, Jack felt just a little bit of amusement, though with the small laugh that left the other's lips he couldn't help but wonder if the queen had found his own amusement in said answer... Given how the man was though, that was quite likely. Pursing his lips slightly with that thought, his attention was then drawn away from that train of thought at the sigh which passed the other's lips, finding the soft yet sweet noise to be quite the pleasant sound. A fact which though a little embarrassing, wasn't too bothersome to him in the moment... At the queen's question however, the blonde couldn't help but glance away again, he didn't venture to answer however. Rather, the fact that he indeed hadn't thought about before was likely easy to read on his face. Continuing with his rubbing and soft squeezing of the other's thighs as the ravenette went about pleasuring them, Jack couldn't help but to give a few soft moans of his own as well, although letting his voice out like this did feel a bit embarrassing... So the man couldn't help but try to quiet himself once more by lightly biting his lip again.
Something he was accepting a bit easier however, was that the sounds leaving the queen's lips were a pleasant excitement to him. Ordinarily that would likely come as a bit surprising to him, much like the other had felt before, but... Seeing as they were in an intimate situation such as this, that feeling of surprise was quite dulled. Finally bringing his gaze back toward the other as he felt the touch moving along his body, the knave felt a thump in his chest at the sight of the expression now present on the ravenette's face. Swallowing softly as the smaller male leaned forward and slid along his body, a small shudder traveled along his spine, with Jack reciprocating this touch by sliding his hands from the other's thighs and up along his back. With a slight sound leaving him at the squeeze to his chest, the blonde parted his lips just a bit, only to have another small noise leave him as the other flicked the sensitive bud beneath his finger. "A little odd...but, I don't dislike it..." answering softly after a little hesitation, Jack felt heat settle into his cheeks as the other gazed at him.
While he'd considered admitting something a bit different, being under the other's focus like this made those words want to catch in his throat instead. As, even though he'd been given freedom to speak during this time... Doing so still felt a bit difficult in a moment like this. Bringing one of his hands up along the other's nape as a soft sigh left his lips, Jack mustered up the resolve to better explain his feelings toward the other's actions. "And by 'don't dislike it'... I mean good...that it feels good..." the words came as a rather quiet mutter, but even so letting them free did lift a bit of tightness from the taller man's chest.
Giving a quiet hum at the gentle sound which moved through the other’s lips, he tilted his head downward as the other’s came to rest against his chest, lightly resting his chin atop it before soon shifting to place a soft kiss there as his hands were moving along the other’s thighs. As for his feelings in this moment… Though there was part of him that also felt rather dirty for undressing the other as he just had, at the same time he couldn’t deny the thought that he did indeed find the sight rather attractive. Swallowing softly with that thought, hazel gaze then met with mauve as the other looked up, as a soft sound then moved through the blonde’s throat at the other’s touch.
At the queen’s question however, Jack blinked, slightly surprised at the suddenness of it. He did go to answer however as the other had begun guiding him back toward the bed. “I haven’t really, but… That might end up changing…” it was a somewhat soft murmur, but an answer none the less. Once seated on the bed again he’d gone to place his hands on the other’s waist once the ravenette had clambered onto his lap, only to pause in that action as he’d been pushed back, surprise once again notable on his face before heat flared up across his cheeks at their current position. Letting his hands rest upon the other’s legs, Jack then softly bit his lip as the ravenette went about trying to get the grip that he wanted, a few small noises slipping him as well due to the other’s slip ups. Once he seemed satisfied however a soft exhale moved through the blonde, who was of course unaware of the other’s bubbling annoyance until that sigh had slipped him.
Drawing his brows in just slightly at said sigh his gaze then shifted a bit to the side as that smirk came to the shorter man’s lips, lightly shaking his head at the question which followed. A question that at first, he didn’t quite get where it had come from, however after a moment of thought he reached a reasonable enough idea. Seeing as the queen was generally smaller than him, it made sense that factored into places he’d never really given thought to as well. “Not really, no…” giving a slightly quiet but honest answer, he then rubbed at the flesh beneath his palms only to end up softly squeezing the other’s thighs as he began moving his hand, a small moan leaking past the knave’s lips before he’d gone to suppress any further noises that tried to follow.
Despite his annoyance, the noises the other was making did excite the queen a bit, it was a little surprising, but at the same time, in a time like this, it really shouldn’t be. They were in this position now, clearly, Jack had an effect on him that no other man could possibly induce on him. Of course, he did. The Queen already knew this. That was why this was happening. He couldn’t deny the feelings he had for him. They boiled over to the point of this taking place now. The queen knew that he wasn’t going to lose interest in him even after this affair was said and done.
Surprise came to him however as the other male responded to his question, however. Jack wasn’t proud that his was larger? His annoyance was quickly subsiding with that thought as confusion set it before he gave a tiny laugh at this. A soft but sweet sigh moving through the Queen’s lips as the other rubbed and squeezed his thighs. “…You didn’t even think about that before I said anything, did you?” he questioned softly, but it wasn’t a question that really needed to be answered as he went to focus on pleasuring them both once more, not halting himself from moaning softly in response. His expression having completely changed from the unpleasant one from before to a mystified one as he let the pleasure seep through him. Using his free hand, he caressed the other’s stomach, his body leaning forward as he slid along his body to touch his chest instead.
Jack’s body as no woman’s, but he wouldn’t deny that it still had a sort of smoothness. And the ripple of his muscles still felt nice under his hand. Though, despite there being nothing to grab, really, he still gave his pectoral a slight squeeze, nudging his palm just below it as he used his index finger to press into his nipple, pushing it upwards slightly in a flicking motion. “Ne… How does this feel?” he questioned, his brow raising slightly as he gazed into the hazel pools of color that were Jack’s irises.
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hushed-court · 6 years
After the other brushed off his apology, the most response Jack could think to give toward his words was simply a small nod. He wasn't really bothered that his apology had been brushed off, as he had a feeling the other wouldn't have accepted anyway, but he still wanted to offer that bit of sympathy regardless. Running through his own thoughts and plans as the other thumbed over the currency within his wallet, he was managing to pull together something that seemed to make sense... Though sidetracks did occur as he'd encounter blanks here when it came to skirting around information regarding things that he simply would like to avoid talking about if he could.
Sighing softly at the other's laugh and response to his words about the casinos, Jack simply shook his head a little before speaking. "That's true... But I hope not, and that your doubt is right on that." leaning in to give the other a brief and light kiss atop the head after saying this, he then focused on the destination they were nearing, feeling a bit bad for a moment that he was getting a bit too swept up in thoughts afterward to give the other any confirmation even though he felt the other's gaze on him. And as such he glanced to the other with an apologetic look as he went to open the door, only being so quick to do so because he didn't want to risk losing the nerve he had to start giving the explanation that had been crafted... Quietly letting out the breath he'd taken in moments earlier as he heard that familiar voice pipe up, his response came soon after.
"Yes ma'am, I'm back. And ahh... About that..." trailing off here for a few moments as he recollected what he wanted to say next, it was clear in his expression that while he did easily catch the bit of annoyance his mother felt, he also felt bad to have worried her. Gazing downward in that moment, he then glanced over as he felt the other squeeze his hand, looking up at him with a slight smile as he returned that squeeze before letting go of the ravenette's hand. As while he was grateful for the comfort it offered, at the same time, he didn't really wish to explain that sight if his mother were to see it... Not yet at least. Turning his attention to the woman as she approached, Jack continued. "Q-Quin, he's a friend from school, though he graduated a little while back... Anyway, sorry for rushing out like that earlier, but I remembered that I'd promised to meet with him today. And after almost forgetting, well... I didn't want to be late, so I got in a bit of a hurry." as he stopped here for a moment to give a small laugh, his mother gave a small nod. Her son meanwhile, couldn't help but think that calling the other by the name he'd thought up on the spot felt odd... Though for the moment, he was at least glad that he hadn't stumbled over it too much.
"I see... I suppose it's alright then, I just wish you would have said something like that earlier before running off." seeming to calm down a bit as she spoke, the woman then gave a sigh after her words. "Sorry..." Jack murmured, offering an apologetic smile before he'd continued. "And I know this is a bit sudden, but... Quin's parents kicked him out, and since he hasn't managed to find a place of own yet, I was wondering if he could stay with us for a while?" While he did somewhat hate to bring up this question so suddenly, Jack felt that now was probably as good a time as any. And perhaps it would save him some added explaining down the road about why the other hadn't returned yet... Granted, it was still likely to bring up questions of it's own, but that was another matter of it's own at the moment. For now he was just hoping to get a positive answer to that question... While at the same time making a mental note to ask if the raventte could recall his name, mostly because he realized now that it hadn't crossed his mind to ask earlier, something that was quite awkward now due to the fact that he'd already given a name out for him.
While he went about trying to answer, Jack couldn’t help but mentally berate himself a bit over being so awkward and flustered during what he knew very well to be a serious moment. But even so, he couldn’t help that he ended up difficulty with getting out his explanation, seeing as he was somewhat fretting over how the other would react to it… After finally managing to deliver it however, he did relax a little, glancing toward the other as his hand was squeezed in return only to be met with the ravenette’s surprised expression. It was an understandable reaction, certainly, but… The younger man didn’t relax too much yet even with noticing that the older male was relieved at his answer, as he had a feeling that wasn’t the end of the other’s reaction. And that feeling was proven correct soon enough as laughter burst through the other’s lips.
Feeling his cheeks heat up once more with this, the blonde brought his free hand toward his face, somewhat covering the side which wasn’t being partly obscured by his hair. “Ahh… I knew you’d laugh…” he muttered, though even with that burning feeling of embarrassment the remaining tension from the earlier moments soon melted away as the other nuzzled into and gently squeezed his arm. And after a few moments longer his hand was resting at his side once more, from there his gaze remained on the other for just a bit longer before shifting forward once more, simply listening for a few moments as the other spoke. Jack then spoke up himself as the other seemed to be finished and had started to quietly hum for a bit. “I haven’t really got any money for my own place, so for now I’m kinda stuck staying with her… Which I guess isn’t too bad, even though she can be a little overbearing sometimes. But, I’m sorry to hear about how things were with yours…” murmuring his reply to the other’s quiet mention, he then shifted his hand a little to gently interlace their fingers.
He did give a little chuckle at the ravenette’s next words however, giving a slight nod afterwards. “Yeah, that would way harder to explain…” allowing his reply to trail off at that, the young man was already trying to think of just what might make a good excuse, taking the other’s suggestion into account as a slight pink hue returned to his cheeks at the motions of the other’s fingers upon his arm. He blinked at the former queen’s next words however, looking toward him with slightly drawn in brows before sighing softly. “Just don’t go getting yourself into trouble, okay?…” with that he was about to look forward once more but hesitated as he felt the other let go of his arm, curiosity coming to his features as he watched the other pull out his wallet.
Raising a brow slightly he reasoned after a moment that it was understandable the other would want to check his money after the comment shortly before. Then deciding to actually direct his gaze forward, his pace of walking started to slow after a bit longer as they were now nearing his home. With the taller male coming to a stop a little ways in front of the door. Inhaling softly as he ran through the excuse he’d managed to think up on the way there, while also trying to ready himself for the other questions that’d surely being coming his way, Jack then went and opened the door, glancing around for his mother as he stepped into the house.
With a small shake of his head, the dark haired male brushed off the other’s apology. He didn’t see the point in apologizing for her. “What’s said is said,” he responded, giving another soft hum with this as he brushed his fingers over the paper within the wallet, wondering if things had changed in currency up to this point. Was his money still valid? What year was right now anyway? He had no clue. Maybe he’d come around to asking that at some point. It hadn’t crossed him to do so until now, but he didn’t feel like now was the best time to do that. Not as he went on to talk about the casinos anyway.
A small laugh moved through the thin lips of the former queen with the words the other spoke. Shrugging slightly as he smiled up at him for a moment. “Ah, well… Won’t know what happens until I get there. Doubt I would get in trouble though,” he hummed softly after saying this, stashing his wallet a few moments after having looked in it. Now looking ahead, he noticed they were approaching a house and looked toward Jack once more to ask for his confirmation, but the closer they got, he received his answer and inclined his head a bit even though he wasn’t even saying anything. He went to open his mouth, but the other had already opened up the door and he shut himself up quickly as he didn’t want to have Jack’s mother hear something come out of his mouth that could potentially sound a bit loopy on his end. It was then that he heard a woman’s voice pipe up.
“Jack, is that you? Where did you go off to so suddenly? In your pajamas of all things too, goodness boy…! What were you in such a hurry for?” she had asked him, sounding both worried and perhaps a tad annoyed that her son had run out like that without even saying anything to her. The dark haired man looked up toward Jack with those words as he heard the woman approaching, gently squeezing the other man’s hand that laced with his own. It was then that she had noticed him though, creasing her brows at the sight of him. “And who’s this, now?”
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hushed-court · 6 years
While he went about trying to answer, Jack couldn't help but mentally berate himself a bit over being so awkward and flustered during what he knew very well to be a serious moment. But even so, he couldn't help that he ended up difficulty with getting out his explanation, seeing as he was somewhat fretting over how the other would react to it... After finally managing to deliver it however, he did relax a little, glancing toward the other as his hand was squeezed in return only to be met with the ravenette's surprised expression. It was an understandable reaction, certainly, but... The younger man didn't relax too much yet even with noticing that the older male was relieved at his answer, as he had a feeling that wasn't the end of the other's reaction. And that feeling was proven correct soon enough as laughter burst through the other's lips.
Feeling his cheeks heat up once more with this, the blonde brought his free hand toward his face, somewhat covering the side which wasn't being partly obscured by his hair. "Ahh... I knew you'd laugh..." he muttered, though even with that burning feeling of embarrassment the remaining tension from the earlier moments soon melted away as the other nuzzled into and gently squeezed his arm. And after a few moments longer his hand was resting at his side once more, from there his gaze remained on the other for just a bit longer before shifting forward once more, simply listening for a few moments as the other spoke. Jack then spoke up himself as the other seemed to be finished and had started to quietly hum for a bit. "I haven't really got any money for my own place, so for now I'm kinda stuck staying with her... Which I guess isn't too bad, even though she can be a little overbearing sometimes. But, I'm sorry to hear about how things were with yours..." murmuring his reply to the other's quiet mention, he then shifted his hand a little to gently interlace their fingers.
He did give a little chuckle at the ravenette's next words however, giving a slight nod afterwards. "Yeah, that would way harder to explain..." allowing his reply to trail off at that, the young man was already trying to think of just what might make a good excuse, taking the other's suggestion into account as a slight pink hue returned to his cheeks at the motions of the other's fingers upon his arm. He blinked at the former queen's next words however, looking toward him with slightly drawn in brows before sighing softly. "Just don't go getting yourself into trouble, okay?..." with that he was about to look forward once more but hesitated as he felt the other let go of his arm, curiosity coming to his features as he watched the other pull out his wallet.
Raising a brow slightly he reasoned after a moment that it was understandable the other would want to check his money after the comment shortly before. Then deciding to actually direct his gaze forward, his pace of walking started to slow after a bit longer as they were now nearing his home. With the taller male coming to a stop a little ways in front of the door. Inhaling softly as he ran through the excuse he'd managed to think up on the way there, while also trying to ready himself for the other questions that'd surely being coming his way, Jack then went and opened the door, glancing around for his mother as he stepped into the house.
Taking notice of the other’s attempt to further bury his face had a little amusement slightly lift up Jack’s mood for a moment as a little smile tugged at his lips, even with that though the overall feelings of the situation remained, rubbing at the shorter male’s back just a bit as he felt him still shaking a bit. Hazel eyes closing for a few moments while they remained standing like this. When he did pull away however, there was some hesitation before he ventured to let go… Only doing so once he reasoned that it would be for the best, so that the both of them could get into a more comfortable environment once they were back at his home.
As he first stepped away however he didn’t notice at first that the ravenette stayed in place for a moment, only realizing it as he heard the other’s footsteps catching up with him, which for a moment he did feel a bit bad about. That feeling as well as his want to bring the other a bit of comfort again spurring him to actually go through with taking his hand. Keeping his gaze forward for the time being, he didn’t notice the other’s surprised expression nor the bit of gawking he was given for his choice of actions. Jack did take notice of the other’s head coming to rest against his arm though, a soft smile coming to his lips with that. Due to soon being preoccupied with his thoughts however, he ended up missing the soft voice that went to speak up, only noticing the voice beside him as the other questioned.
Blinking in a bit of surprise at said question, at first he didn’t understand why it had been asked… After a moment though the realization hit him that he must have spoken his earlier thoughts aloud. Raising his free hand to wave a bit in defense, he then shook his head a bit at the other’s next question. “No, it’s nothing like that!…” lightly clearing his throat after his voice had cracked slightly in volume, he gave the other’s hand a gentle squeeze while mustering the courage to explain. “She’s, well…” pausing to lightly bite his lip, he then sighed before closing his eyes as he finished. “It’s my mum, okay. I live with her still…” somewhat murmuring the ending of his statement, he then rubbed at his neck a little, honestly embarrassed that he had to admit his living situation. A fact which was likely further expressed by the rosy hue seeping over his face. Even with the embarrassment it caused him though, Jack hoped his explanation would calm the other’s jealousy before it bubbled up too much higher.
As the ‘used-to-be’ queen waited for the other to answer his question, he couldn’t help but notice that he was holding his breath as he waited. His brows creasing as he paused for a moment. Normally, he would have been amused that the other seemed to be so flustered, but this was a very serious matter if this turned out that he had some competition for Jack’s affection and attention. However, once he had answered the question, his expression grew to one of surprise, returning the squeeze his hand received from the other. He seemed almost instantly relieved but at the same time, he was still rather shocked to hear that news. He simply stared up at him for a while before laughing out loud.
Though, even as he laughed, he turned his head to push his face into his arm, giving it a small nuzzle while gently tightening his hold on the other’s arm with the one of his own wrapped around it. “I guess I’m not too surprised by that,” he chuckled a little after saying this, looking up to him once more with his head still resting against his arm. “You do look pretty young, after all. Hah… College age. I wasn’t allowed to stay with my mother when I was in college,” he gave a soft hum with saying this, turning his gaze forward once more. “I was actually given some money to go find my own place once I graduated. My mum wasn’t a very loving woman,” he mentioned in a quiet tone, humming to himself afterward.
“I’m just glad that you aren’t living with a girlfriend or something. That would be something harder to explain, yeah? I’m sure you can find some sort of excuse for me. Maybe a classmate or some such,” he suggested, gently tracing small patterns on the other’s arm. “I could probably pull a few strings to get us out of there… Need to visit a casino or two..” he murmured softly, pressing his lips together for a moment as he tried to think of how he would get a map to see how much things had really changed in geography. Though, it was here that he removed his arm from around Jack’s and slipped his hand into his coat pocket, pulling a wallet from its depths, opening it up and peeking into the pocket where he kept his money.
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hushed-court · 6 years
Giving a quiet hum at the gentle sound which moved through the other's lips, he tilted his head downward as the other's came to rest against his chest, lightly resting his chin atop it before soon shifting to place a soft kiss there as his hands were moving along the other's thighs. As for his feelings in this moment... Though there was part of him that also felt rather dirty for undressing the other as he just had, at the same time he couldn't deny the thought that he did indeed find the sight rather attractive. Swallowing softly with that thought, hazel gaze then met with mauve as the other looked up, as a soft sound then moved through the blonde's throat at the other's touch.
At the queen's question however, Jack blinked, slightly surprised at the suddenness of it. He did go to answer however as the other had begun guiding him back toward the bed. "I haven't really, but... That might end up changing..." it was a somewhat soft murmur, but an answer none the less. Once seated on the bed again he'd gone to place his hands on the other's waist once the ravenette had clambered onto his lap, only to pause in that action as he'd been pushed back, surprise once again notable on his face before heat flared up across his cheeks at their current position. Letting his hands rest upon the other's legs, Jack then softly bit his lip as the ravenette went about trying to get the grip that he wanted, a few small noises slipping him as well due to the other's slip ups. Once he seemed satisfied however a soft exhale moved through the blonde, who was of course unaware of the other's bubbling annoyance until that sigh had slipped him.
Drawing his brows in just slightly at said sigh his gaze then shifted a bit to the side as that smirk came to the shorter man's lips, lightly shaking his head at the question which followed. A question that at first, he didn't quite get where it had come from, however after a moment of thought he reached a reasonable enough idea. Seeing as the queen was generally smaller than him, it made sense that factored into places he'd never really given thought to as well. "Not really, no..." giving a slightly quiet but honest answer, he then rubbed at the flesh beneath his palms only to end up softly squeezing the other's thighs as he began moving his hand, a small moan leaking past the knave's lips before he'd gone to suppress any further noises that tried to follow.
Though his gaze had remained directed away while he went about stripping himself of his remaining attire, Jack could still feel the other’s eyes on him, a fact which certainly didn’t lessen the heat upon his face… Having inhaled softly as he went to close the distance between the two of them, and next letting that breath out slowly once he was holding the other close to himself, the man was once again trying to calm his nerves a little… Something which seemed to have worked rather well. Feeling a bit of additional relief at seeing the previous apprehension fade from the queen’s face, he hummed just softly at the touch upon his chest, though traces of embarrassment did linger on his features as he looked toward the ravenette’s face. A quiet noise leaving him moments later out of surprise due to the somewhat unexpected touch down below, something which earned a small shiver from him as well.
“Mmn, I suppose it would.” chuckling softly, he lightly rubbed at the other’s hips while returning the little peck he’d been given, afterward a quiet yet drawn out sigh as the other continued to stroke at him. Nuzzling his face slightly into those dark locks, Jack’s hands slid beneath the inky colored lace before moving down further, pushing the garment down as his touch trailed along the other’s thighs. Once moved far enough however, he simply let it fall before dragging his hands up once more. Despite this not being a situation he’d ever really pictured himself… It was likely that with time, he too could come to appreciate the other’s body. Which he’d admit, at least silently, was rather attractive… somewhat slim, but still fit in his own right… The knave did honestly admire the man before him for some of the things he was capable of, even if other aspects were far from liked. As for his experience with this sort of thing however…. It was possible that he had at least some, but… Just how much, would be debatable. Though, this exact thing, was certainly a first.
A gentle sigh of a sound moved through thin lips, closing his eyes as he felt the other’s finger slide under the Lacey garment at his hips and lightly placed his head against his chest, shivering slightly as his hands moved down his thighs. Part of him felt particularly dirty for simply allowing the other to just let them drop to the ground like that, but he said nothing, assuming if he allowed the other to see it, that it might actually be quite attractive. His milky white skin contrasted with the darkness of the panties sliding down his legs did sound like an enjoyable sight, or so he thought I might be. But once they had hit the ground, he stepped out of them, kicking them off to the side before looking up toward him once more as he pushed his thumb into his urethra.
“…Have you ever thought about me this way?” he randomly asked this as he pushed on the other in order to guide him back onto the bed. Once he had gotten him sitting again and clambering on top of him, he pushed him down without too much hesitation this time, pushing his own needy erection against the other’s before taking them in his hands. It was a bit of an awkward movement to get them in his hand how he wanted, but he eventually seemed satisfied after a moment of shuddering and tiny gasps due to some slip ups he made. There was a slight bit of annoyance that flared up within him as he quickly took notice that Jack… Was a bit larger than he was below. Not only in height, but here too? Simply not fair. A sigh slipped through him with this but he then smirked at the other. “I bet you’re feeling some pride right now aren’t you?” he prodded a bit, perhaps letting on a bit more of his annoyance of the situation than he really meant to, but not too long after he had asked the question did he start moving his hand along their lengths, suppressing a soft moan.
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hushed-court · 6 years
Taking notice of the other's attempt to further bury his face had a little amusement slightly lift up Jack's mood for a moment as a little smile tugged at his lips, even with that though the overall feelings of the situation remained, rubbing at the shorter male's back just a bit as he felt him still shaking a bit. Hazel eyes closing for a few moments while they remained standing like this. When he did pull away however, there was some hesitation before he ventured to let go... Only doing so once he reasoned that it would be for the best, so that the both of them could get into a more comfortable environment once they were back at his home.
As he first stepped away however he didn't notice at first that the ravenette stayed in place for a moment, only realizing it as he heard the other's footsteps catching up with him, which for a moment he did feel a bit bad about. That feeling as well as his want to bring the other a bit of comfort again spurring him to actually go through with taking his hand. Keeping his gaze forward for the time being, he didn't notice the other's surprised expression nor the bit of gawking he was given for his choice of actions. Jack did take notice of the other's head coming to rest against his arm though, a soft smile coming to his lips with that. Due to soon being preoccupied with his thoughts however, he ended up missing the soft voice that went to speak up, only noticing the voice beside him as the other questioned.
Blinking in a bit of surprise at said question, at first he didn't understand why it had been asked... After a moment though the realization hit him that he must have spoken his earlier thoughts aloud. Raising his free hand to wave a bit in defense, he then shook his head a bit at the other's next question. "No, it's nothing like that!..." lightly clearing his throat after his voice had cracked slightly in volume, he gave the other's hand a gentle squeeze while mustering the courage to explain. "She's, well..." pausing to lightly bite his lip, he then sighed before closing his eyes as he finished. "It's my mum, okay. I live with her still..." somewhat murmuring the ending of his statement, he then rubbed at his neck a little, honestly embarrassed that he had to admit his living situation. A fact which was likely further expressed by the rosy hue seeping over his face. Even with the embarrassment it caused him though, Jack hoped his explanation would calm the other’s jealousy before it bubbled up too much higher.
After having lifted himself up and dusted off his knees the blonde’s gaze remained slightly downcast for a few moments longer, before shifting upward once more not long after the other man had spoken. At first he simply made a soft sound of acknowledgement to the ravenette’s words about thinking they wouldn’t see one another again, having of course noticed the somewhat somber look upon the other’s face now that he was looking at him, however it wasn’t until the second half of the other’s sentence that a frown came to Jack’s lips. At present he didn’t know just what to say about those words however, so his brows simply furrowed a bit before his expression relaxed a little as the other began stepping closer to him. For just a second he tensed in surprise at the ravenette’s arms unexpectedly moving around him, but that tension left just as quickly as it came and he simply turned his head slightly toward the other as he spoke. But, despite having his freedom to speak now, for the moment it seemed still no words came to him for forming a reply.
So instead the taller man simply brought his arms around the other as the embrace around him gently tightened, returning that action as well not long afterward. He then tilting his head a bit, lightly resting it upon the one that was currently pressed into his shoulder. “This is probably selfish of me to say… But regardless of what you did before, I’m glad that your time didn’t run out. And that through whatever means made it so, you’re here now…” somewhat murmuring this, he then slightly nestled his face into the other’s dark locks as he felt the deep inhale he’d taken. “Alright… And yeah, we can leave whenever you feel ready.” replying a bit softly he then simply stood there, keeping up his comforting embrace as he felt the smaller form within his arms tremble. After staying like this for a while though he did pull back just slightly, making sure the other had calmed down at least a bit before actually breaking their hug to start moving.
After a few steps however he did bring back a bit of contact… Reaching over, if a little hesitantly, to hold the ravenette’s hand. Staying silent for a few moments afterward as he simply led their way back, while a hint of rosy color crossed along his cheeks. This silence didn’t last forever however as a thought hit him, causing a small groan to leak past the tall man’s lips. “Gahh… How in the world am I gonna explain why I’ve suddenly brought you home? Seeing as I’m sure she’s gonna ask…” these words were addressed to himself rather than the man he was walking with, though with his slightly feeling of frustration at such thoughts, Jack hadn’t even quite realized the words left his mouth.
The feeling of Jack’s arms around him coaxed a warm sort of feeling to float through his chest and as the other actually responded to what he had said, his face heated up quite harshly. He swallowed hard and attempted to bury his face further into his shoulder. He didn’t want the other to see his face right now, the feeling in his chest blooming even hotter within him. Despite this though, he continued to shake a bit, gently clutching at his clothes a little as the other placed his face in his hair. He was slowly calming down as the other held him, but he was still feeling a bit off even by the time that the other began to pull away from him to guide him to his home.
However, he remained in place for a moment even as the other began to move off, rubbing at his eyes. He took one more look toward the stone in the courtyard before turning around and playing catch up to walk at least somewhat close to him. Though, a look of surprise came to his face as he felt a hand take hold of his own, first looking down toward their hands before looking up toward Jack, just gawking for a moment, proceeding to then step a little closer and rest his head against his arm as they walked together. “…I’m really h–” his voice was soft, interrupted by the other speaking. His brows drawing close together before he looked up towards the other.
“Who is ‘she’?” he questioned, raising a brow at him, perhaps even a sense of hostility. He was jealous, there was no doubt about that. He squeezed his hand, his other arm coming around to gently hug onto Jack’s a bit possessively. “Do you have a girlfriend?” he questioned, seeming to grow increasingly upset with the thought of this. The idea of this woman being someone other than a woman Jack was dating never occurred to the ‘used-to-be’ queen. He, in no way, wanted to share him.
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hushed-court · 6 years
After having lifted himself up and dusted off his knees the blonde's gaze remained slightly downcast for a few moments longer, before shifting upward once more not long after the other man had spoken. At first he simply made a soft sound of acknowledgement to the ravenette's words about thinking they wouldn't see one another again, having of course noticed the somewhat somber look upon the other's face now that he was looking at him, however it wasn't until the second half of the other's sentence that a frown came to Jack's lips. At present he didn't know just what to say about those words however, so his brows simply furrowed a bit before his expression relaxed a little as the other began stepping closer to him. For just a second he tensed in surprise at the ravenette's arms unexpectedly moving around him, but that tension left just as quickly as it came and he simply turned his head slightly toward the other as he spoke. But, despite having his freedom to speak now, for the moment it seemed still no words came to him for forming a reply.
So instead the taller man simply brought his arms around the other as the embrace around him gently tightened, returning that action as well not long afterward. He then tilting his head a bit, lightly resting it upon the one that was currently pressed into his shoulder. "This is probably selfish of me to say... But regardless of what you did before, I'm glad that your time didn't run out. And that through whatever means made it so, you're here now..." somewhat murmuring this, he then slightly nestled his face into the other's dark locks as he felt the deep inhale he'd taken. "Alright... And yeah, we can leave whenever you feel ready." replying a bit softly he then simply stood there, keeping up his comforting embrace as he felt the smaller form within his arms tremble. After staying like this for a while though he did pull back just slightly, making sure the other had calmed down at least a bit before actually breaking their hug to start moving.
After a few steps however he did bring back a bit of contact... Reaching over, if a little hesitantly, to hold the ravenette's hand. Staying silent for a few moments afterward as he simply led their way back, while a hint of rosy color crossed along his cheeks. This silence didn't last forever however as a thought hit him, causing a small groan to leak past the tall man's lips. "Gahh... How in the world am I gonna explain why I've suddenly brought you home? Seeing as I'm sure she's gonna ask..." these words were addressed to himself rather than the man he was walking with, though with his slightly feeling of frustration at such thoughts, Jack hadn't even quite realized the words left his mouth.
After having crumpled to his knees the man’s focus remained distant from his surroundings, only being slightly aware of what might’ve been happening around him as most of his focus was still stuck within his thoughts. The only other thing he took any notice of at present being the tears which were falling to his feet… As such he didn’t notice as the nameless man was approaching him, simply remaining as he was while his shoulders shook slightly in accordance to his crying. What finally broke his spiral of thoughts however was a familiar voice which reached his ears, causing him to flinch just a bit in surprise. Surely… Surely that voice couldn’t belong to who he thought it did… Could it? It seemed so very unlikely at the moment, even though he’d really only known one person to speak in that manner. So his doubt was certainly understandable…
But even with that doubt, he brought himself to raise his head and look toward the owner that voice. A look of shock coming to his features as he did so, for even though a few minor details were different… That was certainly his Queen who stood before him. Simply sitting there in stunned silence for a few seconds, the thought then hit him that… He was surely a mess at present. Looking away for a few moments he then raised his arms to try and wipe his face with his sleeves, turning to the revenette once more afterward. “Your… Your majesty?…” the question came quietly, sounding a bit uncertain, but also a bit awkward. As, well… Using such a title here was a bit odd, a feeling which was subtly reflected in the man’s expression as he went to stand, dusting off his knees afterwards. “I thought for sure that… I’d never be seeing you again…” he murmured, gaze falling slightly as he lightly gripped the fabric beneath his palms.
Looking upon the face that greeted him as the figure at his feet tilted his head to look toward him, the nameless man was a bit surprised that this was indeed his Jack. His eyes widened with the realization, also stunned to silence for a few moments as he debated on what exactly he wanted to do. He was beyond happy to see him again, agreeing that he thought that he would never be seeing him again, but his expression grew a bit somber and he watched the other lift himself from the ground. “I never thought I would see you again either, Jack. Honestly, I thought I’d be dead by now,” he gave an awkward laugh with this but he was soon stepping forward and moving his arms around him, pushing his face into his shoulder. “I don’t know if I should mourn losing my time or be happy…”
Gently, his arms tightened around the other a bit as he tried to push his face further into the fabric that currently adorned his precious Ace. He himself felt as though he were going to cry. Over his mixed emotions. “I’ve done really bad things, Jack. Things I should have paid with my life for, and now I can’t. And I hear someone else has done that for me…” he trailed off, inhaling deeply and trying not to allow tears to fall down his face. “Take me away from here, okay? Can you take me to your place…? I have nowhere to go here…” he breathed out, his body trembling slightly. He felt beyond rediculous reacting this way in public, but he simply couldn’t hold himself back. He felt he could trust Jack with how vulnerable he was feeling and had for some time now from the start of the relationship they established before in Wonderland.
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hushed-court · 6 years
After having crumpled to his knees the man's focus remained distant from his surroundings, only being slightly aware of what might've been happening around him as most of his focus was still stuck within his thoughts. The only other thing he took any notice of at present being the tears which were falling to his feet... As such he didn't notice as the nameless man was approaching him, simply remaining as he was while his shoulders shook slightly in accordance to his crying. What finally broke his spiral of thoughts however was a familiar voice which reached his ears, causing him to flinch just a bit in surprise. Surely... Surely that voice couldn't belong to who he thought it did... Could it? It seemed so very unlikely at the moment, even though he'd really only known one person to speak in that manner. So his doubt was certainly understandable...
But even with that doubt, he brought himself to raise his head and look toward the owner that voice. A look of shock coming to his features as he did so, for even though a few minor details were different... That was certainly his Queen who stood before him. Simply sitting there in stunned silence for a few seconds, the thought then hit him that... He was surely a mess at present. Looking away for a few moments he then raised his arms to try and wipe his face with his sleeves, turning to the revenette once more afterward. "Your... Your majesty?..." the question came quietly, sounding a bit uncertain, but also a bit awkward. As, well... Using such a title here was a bit odd, a feeling which was subtly reflected in the man's expression as he went to stand, dusting off his knees afterwards. "I thought for sure that... I'd never be seeing you again..." he murmured, gaze falling slightly as he lightly gripped the fabric beneath his palms.
With the story that had been weaved in the torn-up Wonderland having been forced to an end, and those who’d been brought to the story world by the White Rabbit being returned their names along their way back to the outside world from whence they’d come, a certain blonde haired young man found himself thrown back into the rather mundane life of a collage student. Radio blaring as he lay across his bed, textbook resting upon a pillow as he flipped through the pages. An interruption soon same however as there was a loud knocking upon his door, followed by the scolding voice of his mother as she complained about just how loud the music was while of course saying that he ‘better be studying’. Leaning up with a disgruntled expression he reached to turn off the radio, while muttering a bit of his frustration. “You’re the one that’s too loud…” laying fully upon his side, Jack then resumed flipping through his book, airing a bit more of his current feelings. “She oughta try only being able to say ten words over the span of ten years.” with that came a few moments of silence, before suddenly something jogged in his memory and he jolted somewhat upright. A soft sound leaving his lips before he’d jumped up and dashed down the stairs, past his questioning mother, and out the door.
There was a nagging feeling that he had to meet with someone, find them now that he was here… For a few moments it wasn’t clear just who that someone was, so he simply ran down the sidewalk in the direction he was being pulled toward, heavy breaths moving through his lungs as he moved with all the speed that he was able. Closing in on large castle of a landmark, the young man’s feet didn’t slow until he’d rounded an entryway, halting beneath the stone arch as he tried to catch his breath. He still lacked a proper name for the face that was now floating in his memory, but he hoped to spot it somewhere around here… However, that hope was seemingly dashed as he caught what was being said by a reporting standing a short distance away. “Please see for yourselves.” she began. ”This is where the guillotine they used in those days stood. All that remains now is this stone monument.” with a slight pause, she then continued. “The man who went around murdering fifty-one women in rapid succession on the outskirts of London vanished like smoke that night. However, for reasons unknown, he reappeared many months later, turned himself in to the authorities, and was executed on this very spot. His appearance and even real name are unknown to us, but we refer to him as Jack the Ripper to this day–”
At that point his thoughts halted, no longer taking in anything more the woman went on to say. Instead the only thing that came through was the crushing thought that he wouldn’t see the face he’d come here in search of, nor meet the friend that he was hoping to find… With only those sort of thoughts swirling about, tears soon joined the sweat that had dampened his face, as a wail soon left his throat, a sound which caused the reporter from before to jolt in surprise though Jack himself was too out of sorts to notice either action. Staring upward for just a few moments, the man then soon staggered back a couple steps from his previous stance of starting to step into the courtyard as the noise died out, hidden within the arch once more as he then crumpled to the ground with further tears wetting the ground beneath him. However, perhaps things weren’t truthfully as hopeless as they seemed… For given the torn-up state of Wonderland before their departure, perhaps it was possible that some sort of flaw had occurred along the way in the return trip.
A pounding headache assaulted the mind of this man as he woke in an unfamiliar place. He was lain on the ground and couldn’t remember a single thing. For now, that is. As he thought, he became more aware of things, and the further he dug in his mind, the more things had started to come back to him. He could remember that he was… A pretty wealthy man. But if that was so, why was he here? The idea of his habits at the casino explained this away and he gave a laugh with that, thinking maybe that was why he was here. Even as he was thinking of this, he remembered all of those women. He was a murderer. He enjoyed it. But now… The thought was met with disdain. The color red twisted his gut. it was all slowly flowing back into his mind as he lay there. How he wanted to die, Wonderland. His cards… Jack.
Jack. His Ace of Hearts and Jack of Hearts in one. He had a hard time trying to remember his face, but the complicated feelings he had for him easily got him to sit up. The idea of liking a man seemed all too new to him once more, but he knew he loved that man. Jack… If that was even his real name. What was his name? They never really knew each other’s name, did they? That’s right… But regardless, he also felt his heavy guilt. Everything he’s done… He deserved to pay. And even if he did suddenly remember him, there was likely no way that they were going to see each other again.
The nameless man got to his feet then, dusting his suit before making his way out of the building. He planned on turning himself in. But he was quickly met with a world unknown to him. Things seemed really different all around him as he looked around. He was given odd stares as he walked out of what seemed to have been a building forgotten to time. But what he found the oddest was everyone’s form of dress. He was giving those odd looks in return to them, but he couldn’t let himself be swayed too much. Maybe he was absent for a long time. Time was odd in Wonderland after all. But his feet were carrying him on a somewhat still familiar road at least. And he ended up here. The place where he would be turning himself in. However… Even here seemed to have changed. And by the sounds of it, guillotines weren’t even a thing that was used here anymore by the lady with a strange black stick speaking into another contraption that kind of looked like a huge camera.
Hearing her speak about the stone drew his attention to it and he stepped closer, looking upon the stone with a blank expression. Someone turned themselves in as him so long ago, apparently. His sentence was taken by someone else and he was sent here. Wherever here was. He reached a hand out toward the stone just before he heard a sudden wail in a familiar tone of voice. It even startled him, but his eyes shot toward the noise at the retreating figure. He watched as the blonde man dropped to his knees in the shadows, his brows creasing as he stared at the spectacle for a while. Was that Jack? Was he here too? He didn’t want to risk embarrassing himself, but he couldn’t stop the urge to approach, his steps slowly coming closer before halting at the quivering figure by his feet. “…Jack?” the question came out, almost expressing concern, but it wasn’t exactly all there. Signature Queen.
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hushed-court · 6 years
❤️ --The Queen of Hearts
With the story that had been weaved in the torn-up Wonderland having been forced to an end, and those who’d been brought to the story world by the White Rabbit being returned their names along their way back to the outside world from whence they’d come, a certain blonde haired young man found himself thrown back into the rather mundane life of a collage student. Radio blaring as he lay across his bed, textbook resting upon a pillow as he flipped through the pages. An interruption soon same however as there was a loud knocking upon his door, followed by the scolding voice of his mother as she complained about just how loud the music was while of course saying that he ‘better be studying’. Leaning up with a disgruntled expression he reached to turn off the radio, while muttering a bit of his frustration. “You’re the one that’s too loud…” laying fully upon his side, Jack then resumed flipping through his book, airing a bit more of his current feelings. “She oughta try only being able to say ten words over the span of ten years.” with that came a few moments of silence, before suddenly something jogged in his memory and he jolted somewhat upright. A soft sound leaving his lips before he’d jumped up and dashed down the stairs, past his questioning mother, and out the door.
There was a nagging feeling that he had to meet with someone, find them now that he was here… For a few moments it wasn’t clear just who that someone was, so he simply ran down the sidewalk in the direction he was being pulled toward, heavy breaths moving through his lungs as he moved with all the speed that he was able. Closing in on large castle of a landmark, the young man’s feet didn’t slow until he’d rounded an entryway, halting beneath the stone arch as he tried to catch his breath. He still lacked a proper name for the face that was now floating in his memory, but he hoped to spot it somewhere around here… However, that hope was seemingly dashed as he caught what was being said by a reporting standing a short distance away. “Please see for yourselves.” she began. ”This is where the guillotine they used in those days stood. All that remains now is this stone monument.” with a slight pause, she then continued. “The man who went around murdering fifty-one women in rapid succession on the outskirts of London vanished like smoke that night. However, for reasons unknown, he reappeared many months later, turned himself in to the authorities, and was executed on this very spot. His appearance and even real name are unknown to us, but we refer to him as Jack the Ripper to this day–”
At that point his thoughts halted, no longer taking in anything more the woman went on to say. Instead the only thing that came through was the crushing thought that he wouldn’t see the face he’d come here in search of, nor meet the friend that he was hoping to find… With only those sort of thoughts swirling about, tears soon joined the sweat that had dampened his face, as a wail soon left his throat, a sound which caused the reporter from before to jolt in surprise though Jack himself was too out of sorts to notice either action. Staring upward for just a few moments, the man then soon staggered back a couple steps from his previous stance of starting to step into the courtyard as the noise died out, hidden within the arch once more as he then crumpled to the ground with further tears wetting the ground beneath him. However, perhaps things weren’t truthfully as hopeless as they seemed… For given the torn-up state of Wonderland before their departure, perhaps it was possible that some sort of flaw had occurred along the way in the return trip.
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hushed-court · 6 years
It's Pocky Day! Send my muse a 🍫 to share a box with them.
Or, send ❤️ to have our muses play the Pocky Game.
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hushed-court · 6 years
Even though part of him would have been happy to stay, Jack knew it was probably best for there to be a small break in the pattern of him sharing a bed with the ravenette. After all, one of the last things he wanted was to have the trumps getting too suspicious of things and start to get nosy… So, for tonight at the very least he planned on returning to his room. He did go along with the brief detour from this path however, remaining by the queen’s side for a few moments to return the kiss he was given, adding one of his own as well before making his way toward the door.
Stopping for a moment to pick up his uniform and sword from their current place on a chair, his gaze drifted toward the other male again, a momentary pause being made to his actions as he watched the other’s little show of teasing… A soft rosy hue soon making itself known upon the blonde’s cheeks. Jack’s attention lingered like this up until the queen had to bring his arms back down, at that point the knave lightly bit his lip while picking up his things. Giving a slight bow of his head toward the queen afterward, he then exited the room just before the other had gone to lay back.
Once in his own room, the man set down his things in their proper places and then made his way over to the bed, sitting down with a soft sigh. “Hopefully he won’t be too lonely tonight…” murmuring this quietly to himself as he picked up a book from his bedside table, he’d just flipped open to the marked page when a rather familiar sound reached his ears, earning a new hue of pink upon his cheeks. Attempting to ignore the next few sounds as he settled into bed and tried to focus his attention on the book, Jack finally gave up as he heard his name slip from the other’s lips. Shutting and setting aside his book with a somewhat noticeable sound, his hands then went to cover his now rather heated face.
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hushed-court · 7 years
After a few moments had passed, Jack turned to actually look at the ravenette, wanting to see how the man would react to the small gift. The bit of confusion which the queen displayed came as little surprise, though the small exhale that came not long after had the knave blink slightly, wondering just what the other had found amusing about this particular moment.... Though in the next moment a quiet noise unintentionally slipped him in reaction to the other's poke, a pout coming to his face not long after, for not only being poked but also because of the ravenette's comment.
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However... That pout slipped away soon enough, being replaced by brief surprise as the other male slid closer to him, and then by a slightly bashful expression as the other's arms were draped around his shoulders. Draping his arms around the shorter man's waist in return, Jack smiled slightly at the other's words, giving a soft hum as his reply before a light blush seeped onto his cheeks at question of the contents inside the box. "Yes sir... I spent the morning making them..." answering quietly, the color upon his face deepened a bit with that little admission. Though even with this feeling of embarrassment, he couldn't help the smile which tugged at his lips as he glanced to see the other's expression, turning his head to lightly place a kiss upon the queen's lips.
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Given the generally confusing nature of Wonderland, it was a wonder that anyone was able to keep any semblance of time, aside from the changing seasons… But, with that hint from the seasons, at least some could gather a clue about what sort of occasions might be arriving, be they here or in the world outside this place. One such resident to catch on with this clue, was Jack. Now… While the knave wasn’t entirely sure if today’s date was exactly what he thought it to be, the timing did seem reasonable enough. So, after much silent debate with himself, he decided to do at least a little something to commemorate the day.
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Even with Valentine’s usual association toward couples, and his own lingering reluctance at admitting that he was now part of a couple… The knave set it upon himself to see his earlier idea through. Making his way to the kitchen, the man then ushered out a few of the trumps who had been occupying the room, shutting the doors behind the ladies before he set to work. Measuring, melting, mixing, molding… Jack moved through the steps of making chocolates with relative ease, only the sounds of his work giving away that he was busy making anything. Granted, throughout most of this while a slight heat had made itself known upon his face, and it wasn’t just due to being near the stove… Taking in a beep breath with that realization, he set the chocolates aside to cool before bringing his hands up to cover his face.
“I haven’t even gone to give them yet, and already I’m a mess!…” shutting his eyes with this thought, he was already somewhat dreading the possible outcomes at the end of this endeavor… And now, here he was sometime later, awaiting a certain someone after having given them a note requesting to meet at his room. Hazel gaze traveled the hall for a moment as he peeked out from behind the doorway, only to duck away as he spotted the ravenette approaching. Standing with hands hidden behind his back, the blonde took a deep breath as the other entered… Then, with as much courage as he could manage, strode over and placed a small but neatly wrapped package in the other male’s hands. In lieu of the holidays usual colors, this one was done up in shades of mauve and black, with a small note tucked beneath the ribbon. “𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓥𝓪𝓵𝒆𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝒆'𝓼 𝓓𝓪𝔂, 𝔂𝓸𝓿𝓻 𝓶𝓪𝓳𝒆𝓼𝓽𝔂.” was the simple message written upon it. Now, after having handed over his small gift, it seems the knave’s earlier bit of courage had wilted away… As now, Jack stood there glancing away to the side, one hand still clasped behind his back while the other had come up to try and cover his reddened face.
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Finding a white scrap of paper on his throne wasn’t something that the queen would have expected at all, honestly looking a bit confused by it which still didn’t go away even as he read what was on it. It struck him then that perhaps he wanted to make love tonight and a small smile slipped onto his lips with the thought before he took his seat, casually slipping the note on his person. The day was passing like any normal day, leaving the queen feeling quite bored by the end of it until he remembered the note which brought a little smirk to his lips.
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With a soft little sigh, he stood up from his throne and began walking off toward where his and Jack’s bedrooms where as the note had instucted him to, giggling softly as Jack ducked back into his room once he saw him coming. The queen couldn’t help but wonder what exactly was awaiting him on the other side of that door, though it did appear that he was still dressed in his usual attire. Ah, well, suppose it wasn’t much of a shock for him to be in such, he wasn’t really one to dress up from what he has experienced so far. Not that he had an issue with this. The queen honestly loved the modesty… Only he himself would ever see such lewd things from Jack. Maybe some other thing he could get him into a babydoll dress… A thought that easily had him giggle once more with the mental imagery.
What exactly happened within the room wasn’t really something he was expecting at all, the small package that now rest in his hands had the man blink in confusion before he actually looked at it. The heart shape and the note tucked under the ribbon still left him scratching his head in a metaphorical sense. After a few seconds of taking it in, an amusing little exhale made it’s way through his nose before he looked up toward the other again and then lightly poked the other’s forehead. “There’s no Valentine’s Day in Wonderland, you silly man,” he said with a chuckle before sliding closer to him and gently draped his arms around his shoulders and lightly pressed his lips against his before moving his head and whispering softly into his ear. “Thank you, Jack… Happy Valentine’s Day..” he hummed just softly after this before resting his head against his shoulder after setting himself back on the heels of his boots. “Is it chocolate..?” he questioned, looking rather pleased, a love struck little smile on his lips.
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hushed-court · 7 years
Given the generally confusing nature of Wonderland, it was a wonder that anyone was able to keep any semblance of time, aside from the changing seasons... But, with that hint from the seasons, at least some could gather a clue about what sort of occasions might be arriving, be they here or in the world outside this place. One such resident to catch on with this clue, was Jack. Now... While the knave wasn't entirely sure if today's date was exactly what he thought it to be, the timing did seem reasonable enough. So, after much silent debate with himself, he decided to do at least a little something to commemorate the day.
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Even with Valentine's usual association toward couples, and his own lingering reluctance at admitting that he was now part of a couple... The knave set it upon himself to see his earlier idea through. Making his way to the kitchen, the man then ushered out a few of the trumps who had been occupying the room, shutting the doors behind the ladies before he set to work. Measuring, melting, mixing, molding... Jack moved through the steps of making chocolates with relative ease, only the sounds of his work giving away that he was busy making anything. Granted, throughout most of this while a slight heat had made itself known upon his face, and it wasn't just due to being near the stove... Taking in a beep breath with that realization, he set the chocolates aside to cool before bringing his hands up to cover his face.
"I haven't even gone to give them yet, and already I'm a mess!..." shutting his eyes with this thought, he was already somewhat dreading the possible outcomes at the end of this endeavor... And now, here he was sometime later, awaiting a certain someone after having given them a note requesting to meet at his room. Hazel gaze traveled the hall for a moment as he peeked out from behind the doorway, only to duck away as he spotted the ravenette approaching. Standing with hands hidden behind his back, the blonde took a deep breath as the other entered... Then, with as much courage as he could manage, strode over and placed a small but neatly wrapped package in the other male's hands. In lieu of the holidays usual colors, this one was done up in shades of mauve and black, with a small note tucked beneath the ribbon. "𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓥𝓪𝓵𝒆𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝒆'𝓼 𝓓𝓪𝔂, 𝔂𝓸𝓿𝓻 𝓶𝓪𝓳𝒆𝓼𝓽𝔂." was the simple message written upon it. Now, after having handed over his small gift, it seems the knave's earlier bit of courage had wilted away... As now, Jack stood there glancing away to the side, one hand still clasped behind his back while the other had come up to try and cover his reddened face.
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hushed-court · 7 years
Though his gaze had remained directed away while he went about stripping himself of his remaining attire, Jack could still feel the other's eyes on him, a fact which certainly didn't lessen the heat upon his face... Having inhaled softly as he went to close the distance between the two of them, and next letting that breath out slowly once he was holding the other close to himself, the man was once again trying to calm his nerves a little... Something which seemed to have worked rather well. Feeling a bit of additional relief at seeing the previous apprehension fade from the queen's face, he hummed just softly at the touch upon his chest, though traces of embarrassment did linger on his features as he looked toward the ravenette's face. A quiet noise leaving him moments later out of surprise due to the somewhat unexpected touch down below, something which earned a small shiver from him as well.
"Mmn, I suppose it would." chuckling softly, he lightly rubbed at the other's hips while returning the little peck he'd been given, afterward a quiet yet drawn out sigh as the other continued to stroke at him. Nuzzling his face slightly into those dark locks, Jack's hands slid beneath the inky colored lace before moving down further, pushing the garment down as his touch trailed along the other's thighs. Once moved far enough however, he simply let it fall before dragging his hands up once more. Despite this not being a situation he'd ever really pictured himself... It was likely that with time, he too could come to appreciate the other's body. Which he'd admit, at least silently, was rather attractive... somewhat slim, but still fit in his own right... The knave did honestly admire the man before him for some of the things he was capable of, even if other aspects were far from liked. As for his experience with this sort of thing however.... It was possible that he had at least some, but... Just how much, would be debatable. Though, this exact thing, was certainly a first.
While perhaps still a bit reluctant with admitting it to himself, Jack did rather enjoy the gentle noises which moved through the other, but a soft hum here or there was more or less the extent of his expression toward that feeling. The fact that his current actions were still seen as a form of teasing likely wouldn’t come as much surprise, but seeing as the queen wasn’t expressing much displeasure with it, he simply continued on for a short while before having pulled back. Feeling a slight tingle move through him at the other’s gasp, another soft sound slipped from him and into their kiss. Lightly, he wrapped his arms around the ravenette while the other gripped at his shoulder, with heated breaths soon passing Jack as well while the queen continued to move against him. Shuddering slightly at the other’s hot breaths against his skin, the blonde then brought a hand up and into those dark colored locks.
With moans of his own slipping here and there during the other’s movements, before fading to heated breaths again as those motions came to a stop, Jack simply sat there a moment as the other began to unfasten his trousers. His cheeks felt a bit hotter with that action alone, but a quiet yet surprised grunt slipped him as the other actually went ahead with pulling him out as well. The blonde’s face was certainly a bit red here as well, softly biting the inside of his cheek as the queen shimmied off his lap. And taking notice of the other’s attempt, went ahead and rose up soon after he was pulled on. “Mmn…” giving just a soft sound in reply to the other’s request, it was his turn to stare it seemed… As the knave’s gaze lingered on the remaining black lace which covered the ravenette, somewhat at least. Since even with his efforts to hide it, he could easily see that which was peeking out from those panties.
Swallowing a bit harshly before pulling his gaze away, embarrassment was obvious on his face as well, soon looking to the side as he slipped out of what remained of his clothing. Nudging it off to the side, he hesitantly looked to the other again, lightly biting his lip. In the next moment however, he was up close to the queen once more, hands resting upon the ravenette’s hips. “May I…” starting softly, the fingers of one hand dipped under the lace upon the other’s hip, while the ones upon his free hand brushed over that exposed length. “Help his majesty out of these?….” asking this in the same way he began, Jack leaned in a bit, letting his breath brush the other’s ear as he attempted to prevent his burning cheeks from being seen.
Mauve eyes glanced down toward the other male’s lower body as the other began stripping himself of what remained of his attire, lightly biting his lip as he stared at the manliest part of his body. There was a bit of apprehension on his face but hat was quickly removed as the other got closer to him and held him the way he did. A little shuddered sigh moved through his lips before he moved a little closer to him, sliding one hand up to his chest as he looked up toward his face. A slight smirk slid onto his lips  before inclining his head a little, slightly off to the side in approval before moving his free hand and taking a hold of his erect penis and gave it a small stroke before proceeding to rub his thumb just below the urethra.
“Go ahead, it’d only be fair, yes?” he giggled a little, resisting the urge to move closer, instead slightly raising himself on the balls of his feet and pecking his lips once more before settling himself down to continue stroking him a bit, glancing down to wear the action was happening. There was a bit of a knot of mixed feelings in his chest as he was doing so, but there were no regrets about what he was doing at all at this point. With time, he would grow to appreciate his body… It was definitely a good looking one, fit and attractive… Part of the queen was honestly happy that his clothes hid this man most of the time. And that this man was always at his side most of the time so no one would dare approach him. Though, there was a part of him that wondered if the man had much experience with this sort of thing… With a woman obviously… As this was their first time with a man on both ends he was sure.
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hushed-court · 7 years
While perhaps still a bit reluctant with admitting it to himself, Jack did rather enjoy the gentle noises which moved through the other, but a soft hum here or there was more or less the extent of his expression toward that feeling. The fact that his current actions were still seen as a form of teasing likely wouldn't come as much surprise, but seeing as the queen wasn't expressing much displeasure with it, he simply continued on for a short while before having pulled back. Feeling a slight tingle move through him at the other's gasp, another soft sound slipped from him and into their kiss. Lightly, he wrapped his arms around the raventte while the other gripped at his shoulder, with heated breaths soon passing Jack as well while the queen continued to move against him. Shuddering slightly at the other's hot breaths against his skin, the blonde the brought a hand up and into those dark colored locks.
With moans of his own slipping here and there during the other's movements, before fading to heated breaths again as those motions came to a stop, Jack simply sat there a moment as the other began to unfasten his trousers. His cheeks felt a bit hotter with that action alone, but a quiet yet surprised grunt slipped him as the other actually went ahead with pulling him out as well. The blonde's face was certainly a bit red here as well, softly biting the inside of his cheek as the queen shimmied off his lap. And taking notice of the other's attempt, went ahead and rose up soon after he was pulled on. "Mmn..." giving just a soft sound in reply to the other's request, it was his turn to stare it seemed... As the knave's gaze lingered on the remaining black lace which covered the ravenette, somewhat at least. Since even with his efforts to hide it, he could easily see that which was peeking out from those panties.
Swallowing a bit harshly before pulling his gaze away, embarrassment was obvious on his face as well, soon looking to the side as he slipped out of what remained of his clothing. Nudging it off to the side, he hesitantly looked to the other again, lightly biting his lip. In the next moment however, he was up close to the queen once more, hands resting upon the ravenette's hips. "May I..." starting softly, the fingers of one hand dipped under the lace upon the other's hip, while the ones upon his free hand brushed over that exposed length. "Help his majesty out of these?...." asking this in the same way he began, Jack leaned in a bit, letting his breath brush the other's ear as he attempted to prevent his burning cheeks from being seen.
Hazel eyes were shut for a short time as the blonde’s hands traced over the other’s skin, enjoying the soft warmth that was beneath his touch. And while not completely aware of just what level of excitement his touch alone was providing for the other… He couldn’t help but smile a little as the ravenette shuddered at his kisses, another quiet hum slipping him not long after. It of course wasn’t hard for Jack to notice the next reaction of excitement from the other, swallowing softly as the heat on his cheeks spread a small bit.
Feeling the goosebumps which rose to the queen’s skin, he slowed the movement of his hands just a bit, being just a little teasing… Though Jack did do a bit of something to make up for this teasing, in the form of trailing his earlier kisses down along the ravenette’s neck, something which only made easier as the other leaned away. At that moan however, he paused just briefly, but soon enough continued on with the actions he had in mind. Sadly his current position did mean he couldn’t see the red which colored the other’s cheeks… But he easily caught the other reactions to his actions, leaning back just a bit as he’d felt the other tremble. A soft sound left him as their lips were pressed together again, but he kissed back rather easily, soon some goosebumps of his own as the other began to rock against him. Pulling back just a bit, a semi-soft moan slipped his lips, while his grip upon the other’s rear tightened just slightly.
Gentle noises moved through the queen with the stimulation he was receiving on his neck, this was still technically a form of teasing where the queen was concerned, but he only made this any sort of noticeable by giving just the smallest of whines here and there. A gasp however did pass into the kiss he forced onto the other male as the other pulled him closer. In honesty, he wasn’t expecting this, but he couldn’t deny that he was pleasantly pleased with the turn out. Gently, he gripped the other’s shoulder and continued to move his hips against his for a while more while attempting to hide his face in his neck now, breathing hotly against his skin.
These movements continued for a while longer with moans leaking the ravenette before he stopped, shuddering a little before moving his hands down and began unfastening the other male’s trousers, pausing a moment as he contemplated whether or not he really wanted to put his hand in there, but his conflicting feelings of actually wanting to do this with him won over his denial and he gently took hold of the other within his hand after sliding it within his pants, soon pulling him free. His face was red as he stared at it, biting his lip softly as he shimmied off his lap once more, taking hold of his hand and attempting to pull him up with him. “Take those off…” he spoke softly, staring toward the other’s trousers for a while longer and the exposed length before directing his gaze toward the other’s face. There was an obvious embarrassment there, and he was somewhat pressing his legs together as if that would hide his bulge from the other’s eyes.
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hushed-court · 7 years
Hazel eyes were shut for a short time as the blonde's hands traced over the other's skin, enjoying the soft warmth that was beneath his touch. And while not completely aware of just what level of excitement his touch alone was providing for the other... He couldn't help but smile a little as the ravenette shuddered at his kisses, another quiet hum slipping him not long after. It of course wasn't hard for Jack to notice the next reaction of excitement from the other, swallowing softly as the heat on his cheeks spread a small bit.
Feeling the goosebumps which rose to the queen's skin, he slowed the movement of his hands just a bit, being just a little teasing... Though Jack did do a bit of something to make up for this teasing, in the form of trailing his earlier kisses down along the ravenette's neck, something which only made easier as the other leaned away. At that moan however, he paused just briefly, but soon enough continued on with the actions he had in mind. Sadly his current position did mean he couldn't see the red which colored the other's cheeks... But he easily caught the other reactions to his actions, leaning back just a bit as he'd felt the other tremble. A soft sound left him as their lips were pressed together again, but he kissed back rather easily, soon some goosebumps of his own as the other began to rock against him. Pulling back just a bit, a semi-soft moan slipped his lips, while his grip upon the other's rear tightened just slightly.
Taking notice of the other’s quiet laugh, the knave puffed his cheeks up just slightly, though it wasn’t really enough to be that noticable. And while having the other’s gaze on him like this did cause the blonde to feel a little bit nervous… Jack didn’t allow the feeling to bother him that much, instead giving a soft but contented little hum at the ravenette’s reaction to his touch, soon leaning in a bit to place a few kisses along the other’s jaw. Though, after just a few moments he had once again leaned back, with the intent of shifting those kisses to his face. But noticing the other leaning in, ended up pausing instead.
“Mmn…” giving just a quiet grumble at the other’s comment, the earlier heat in his cheeks faded little as a small shiver moved through him with the other’s gentle nips. A slight sound then slipped him at the nip which moved to his neck, with another small shiver or two then travling along Jack’s spine at the added attention. Lightly trailing his hands along the other’s back again, the knave then tensed slightly as the queen began to toy with the bud that rested beneath his fingertips. It wasn’t long though before a warm breath passed his lips, seeming to ease himself back into relaxing once more. Even with how awkward he was also feeling, Jack was at least making progress in growing comfortable to this unfolding situation.
Although… He couldn’t help slightly tensing up again upon feeling the queen’s growing arousal pressed up against his own, the heat in his face flaring up a little yet again with this. Taking in a soft breath as a way to try and calm himself, the knave then decided after a momment to be a little brave… Sliding his hands down to rest on the other’s rear, he gave a small squeeze before gently pulling the ravenette a little closer, adding a bit of friction between the two of them while a soft sound slipped past his lips.
Jack’s hand upon his back was honestly very new to him, they were nowhere near as soft as any of the women’s he has laid so far. But… He couldn’t help but feel pleasure from it. The rough texture perhaps excited him a little more than he would like to admit, and the feeling of his lips at his jaw made him shudder, both feelings making him feel like he was going to melt. He could even feel himself twitch against the fabric of the underwear he was wearing still.
Noticing he was causing the other almost the same feeling made him want to  laugh a little but most of all it only proved to excite him more… Goosebumps rose upon his skin as Jack moved his hands up his back again, shivering and leaning his head away with a moan. His face immediately lit up with red but before he could excuse it in any sort of way, he felt Jack’s hands on his rear end only to be pulled closer to him and ipping another moan from his lips. He trembled slightly before he leaned close to him again, pushing his lips against his before beginning to almost involuntarily rock his hips against him to gain more of that pleasurable feeling down below.
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