hurinthesteadfast · 8 months
"Morgoth did that to me. It hurts me to remember everything he did to me."
"What's the story behind this scar? it looks like a tale to tell."
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hurinthesteadfast · 8 months
oh I'm interested in that au too
there are so many possibilities
-Hurin escapes early on in his captivity, maybe even finding out from one of Morgoth's human allies the dangers that Morwen and others are facing in Hithlum.
-Or he could escape later after the family has already been separated further
either way I'd love to hear what you're thinking
I think that the latter is true. Or he was set free to see the results of his defiance against Morgoth. I always thought that Hurin believed he had outwitted Morgoth in this verbal fight but he was wrong, so wrong. So, when he escaped, he saw the results and he was in huge pain when he realised that his family were strangers.
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hurinthesteadfast · 8 months
Reblog if your inbox is ALWAYS open for random asks, even if you haven’t reblogged any meme
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hurinthesteadfast · 8 months
send "you're not what i expected..." for my muse's reaction to your muse saying that to them.
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hurinthesteadfast · 8 months
Φίλες και φίλοι, θα ζητήσω την βοήθειά σας για μια έρευνα στα πλαίσια ενός μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος.
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hurinthesteadfast · 8 months
Reminder. Every canon character was once just an idea within someone’s mind. Every canon character started out as an OC before meeting the world, which means that canon characters and OC’s should be treated equally. Stop giving hard time to OC’s. Respect people’s ideas and efforts. Respect people’s creations. Respect OC’s.
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hurinthesteadfast · 8 months
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If Tuor was a cat.
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hurinthesteadfast · 8 months
Reblog If You're OK With IN-CHARACTER Anon Hate!
//Note this is SPECIFICALLY IN CHARACTER. Attacks against the muse(s) are fine and all in good fun. Attacks against the mun are harassment and are NOT okay.
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hurinthesteadfast · 8 months
I know I am asking for too much, but I would deeply appreciate it if anyone can help.
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hurinthesteadfast · 8 months
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💔 Morwen 🖤 work in progress . Hope to finish it on the weekend. Not "a very Christmas art"... sorry 😣 Also - I'm really sorry for not being that active on social media these days. End of December, you know...
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hurinthesteadfast · 8 months
i'm okay with:
starting over - are you a little overwhelmed with where our thread is going? let me know, and i'd be happy to start a new one with you!
pausing - if you're feeling one thread more than another we have going on, that's perfectly fine! you're welcome to let me know if you'd like, but it's not a necessity.
multiples - if we have a ship that you love and you have many ideas for them, always feel welcome to throw them at me no matter what! while it may affect my reply speed due to having more, it doesn't affect my interest at all!
regrouping - maybe we initially had an idea that didn't pan out but you don't know how to say it? just shoot me a message and let me know you'd like to plot further/something else.
anything else - have we not talked and you want to? shoot me a message! send in a meme if you don't know where to start! ask for my discord! i may not initiate too often myself, but i love being able to love our threads together!
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hurinthesteadfast · 1 year
Then Mîm in great fear besought Húrin to take what he would, but to spare his life; but Húrin gave no heed to his prayer, and slew him there before the doors of Nargothrond.
"The Silmarillion" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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hurinthesteadfast · 1 year
It has been told that Huor the brother of Húrin was slain in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears; and in the winter of that year Rían his wife bore a child in the wilds of Mithrim, and he was named Tuor, and was taken to foster by Annael of the Grey-elves, who yet lived in those hills.
"The Silmarillion" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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hurinthesteadfast · 1 year
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HÚRIN. The last Lord of Dor-lómin and the greatest warrior of Men in the First Age. Eldest son of Galdor and Hareth, brother of Huor, husband of Morwen and father of Túrin, Urwen and Niënor. Captured by Morgoth at the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. At his refusal to reveal the secret location of Gondolin, Morgoth cursed his kin and imprisoned him in Thangorodrim.
“Blind you are Morgoth Bauglir, and blind shall ever be, seeing only the dark. You know not what rules the hearts of Men, and if you knew you could not give it. But a fool is he who accepts what Morgoth offers. […] Do you forget to whom you speak? Such things you spoke long ago to our fathers; but we escaped from your shadow. And now we have knowledge of you, for we have looked upon the faces that have seen the light, and heard the voices that have spoken with Manwë. Before Arda you were, but others also; and you did not make it. Neither are you the most mighty; for you spent your strength upon yourself and wasted it in your own emptiness. No more are you now than an escaped thrall of the Valar. And their chain still awaits you.” — THE CHILDREN OF HÚRIN, CHAPTER III: THE WORDS OF HÚRIN AND MORGOTH
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hurinthesteadfast · 1 year
Ar equë Húrin Turucánonna, 'Heru, elmë nar rië Atani, ar lavélë Eldar. Intë polir tavë andë löain hórala mahtalë ó cottonta haira résse; mal men i lúme ná senna, ar estelelma ar poldorelma ron hestar.
Translated from Silmarillion Chapter 18 Of the Ruin of Beleriand and the Fall of Gondolin
And Húrin said to Turgon, 'Lord, we are but mortal Men, and unlike the Eldar. They may endure for long years awaiting battle with their enemies in some far distant day; but for us the time is short, and our hope and strength soon wither.
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hurinthesteadfast · 1 year
Mal Atani Lóminóreo camyaner i catavarno, ve Hórindo ar Huorë yestaner; an mernentë hómintassen auta Formenóre, ar qui lá enturintë márintannar, sanomë termaruvantë tenna i metta.
Translated from Silmarillion 20 Of the Fifth Battle
But the Men of Dor-lómin held the rearguard, as Húrin and Huor desired; for they did not wish in their hearts to leave the Northlands, and if they could not win back to their homes, there they would stand to the end.
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hurinthesteadfast · 1 year
Thinking about how both Fingon and Hurin give such epic cries of hope during the Nirnaeth, of Utulie' n Aure and Aure Entuluva, and then I remembered that Hurin was actually Fingon's human vassal, so yeah in my book Hurin absolutely got his steadfastness, his loyalty, and above all his fierce hope in part from the time he spent with Fingon during his service to him. (Not to mention his insane level of defiance towards Morgoth. Fingon absolutely taught him how to roast a dark lord lol)
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