huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
Helena joined the DEO to keep doing the work she was trained to do after the Hero act was put in place. She knew that she could have just fought the Dominators in DEO attire but there was something exhilarating about throwing on her Huntress uniform and taking it to the streets. It felt more natural to her. 
She kept herself on roof tops, striking down Dominator after Dominator with her cross bow until she noticed someone being overwhelmed by them. Her mom. Well this Earth’s version of her mother. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t step in. Helena used a arrow with a line to swing down to the ground kicking two of the dominators in front of Selina.
“Need a hand?” 
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Selina still had it. She knew this now that she had gotten into it, now that the fighting had started. She still had it, and that was something that she was grateful for, honestly—all that training that she hadn’t been sure she needed, that she had confided in Ted about thinking was stupid or a waste of her time certainly came in handy now. She could take these Dominators on. Even though she had no powers, that didn’t mean that she was powerless. Turning over her shoulder to find a Dominator standing over a cowering civilian, she took them on easily, but she was getting tired—there were too many of them. She didn’t know how long this could go on, how long she could keep doing this. She just knew that she didn’t have the choice of stopping. 
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
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“because the agents you train with have not been trained like i have,”
“Clearly and definitly not like me. It’s a breath of fresh air” 
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
“Hey, okay. Innocent until proven guilty, right?”
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Shrugging a shoulder absently, Sam takes a sip of his coffee, glancing over at her. “What’s keeping you so busy these days?”
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“Exactly” Helena smiled “Besides my usual more personal projects. The same thing that seems to have this whole planet worried. What are your thoughts on this dominators issue?” 
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
“Hey, thanks!!” Lizzie smiled at the girl, relieved that not everyone was as aloof in Star City as they were in Gotham. The weather seemed better, too. “I’m Lizzie.” She knew the woman hadn’t asked for her name, but her smile was warm and welcoming as she offered her hand.
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“Helena” she responded taking her hand and shaking it. She noticed Lizzie’s Gotham accent “Are you new to town or just visiting?” 
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
“I take it as a compliment. I get that trait from my father” Helena responded sipping her coffee. “I do relax sometimes, maybe not in a normal way, but I find time.” 
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“Listen, I’m not saying you work too hard -”
Sam chuckles and sets the two coffee cups down on the table before settling down himself. He’s pretty sure this wasn’t supposed to turn into an advice session, but sometimes he gets carried away, surprising no one. “But you do.”
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“You’re actually starting to worry me. You gotta learn to relax.”
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
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dinah climbed up before standing in a fight stance, “don’t get so cocky and comfortable, helena,” the blonde spoke before watching the girl’s move.
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“I’m not getting cocky. I’m just enjoying myself. Training with you is a lot more channeling and fun then most agents I work with” 
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
damian was hardly one to sit still and no absolutely nothing. sure, the hero ban had been passed and most were living normal lives, going about their normal jobs. but that had never been for him. since the day that he had been born, damian’s life had never been normal. like hell was he going to sit around and just be a normal kid that went to high school. robin was his identity just as much as damian wayne. he wasn’t about to give that up with the ban. 
he had caught onto some unusual activity at supposedly empty warehouses, and it wasn’t as though he’d pass up the opportunity to actually check things out. the teen tilted his head as the crossbow was aimed at him, arms crossing over his chest. 
“you do realize that i am quite capable of catching that arrow of yours, yes?? as for the question, i am merely checking out the warehouses for possible suspicious activity. do calm yourself, sister.”
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“Shouldn’t you be in school brother?” Helena asked lowering her weapon. She was well aware of the fact that Damian could catch an arrow but it was still her favored choice of weapon. It was nice to see a face that she didn’t have to put to much of a guard up. Damian may be hostile at times but he was the only who knew who she really was. “and in retirement”
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
When laid on the ground for a very short moment to process what had happened. An idea popped in her mind and swiftly she knocked the blonde off her feet to the ground. She quickly got up in a ready stance to counter. Grin on her face. 
“Yes let’s” 
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“are you positive that you want to spar with me? because i will not hold back and there is only one rule, no advantages,” the blonde spoke as she slipped off her jacket before smirking at the person in front of her, as she grabbed their arm unsuspectingly and flipped them hard onto the mat, “nothing is fair in sparring. let’s go again.”
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
Helena Wayne Intro.
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I haven’t done one of these for Helena and she needs it since she is from an alternate universe. So listed below is a brief summery version of her back story. 
Helena Wayne is the Daughter of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle from Earth 2. 
She was raised by the both of them and took on the mantel as Robin. In her universe she is the first and only Robin. (From what I can find if I am wrong let me know!) 
During her early years as Robin her Selina was killed.
On that same night Helena acted irrational and was almost killed herself but Earth 2′s Supergirl (AKA Power Girl) came in and saved her. The two became best friends and basically partners.
She continued to fight along side Batman and witnessed his death before her and Supergirl were thrown into a boom tube and were stranded on this earth. 
Helena took on the mantel of Huntress and continued to fight crime in this world. 
She hacked into Bruce’s bank accounts to “borrow” money to help her get started on this Earth. 
She does not go by her real name Helena Wayne on this Earth. She goes by a Helena Bertinelli so that Batman and anyone else doesn’t get suspicious. 
The only person who knows who she really is Damian and Power Girl. 
After the new laws were put in place against heroes Helena joined the DEO. 
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
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“Just checking comparative anatomy…”
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
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QUEEN OF SASS | Dear Helena Wayne, never change please. :}
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
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[Worlds’ Finest v1 Annual 1]
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
Send me a 💀 and I’ll generate a number, 1 - 111, for what my muse will say to yours. Note that some content below the cut may be triggering.
Keep reading
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
Darcy pulled her beanie lower to defend agains the chill and looked down again at the magnetic fields detector. All this alien stuff had kicked all Jane’s machines into haywire, and of course Darcy volunteered to check some out so her boss could get some sleep. “Stupid alien magnetic tracker leading me to creepy places.” she muttered to herself, “Why aren’t the aliens every hiding in McDonalds?” Oh she could have gone for some nuggets right now, big time.
She saw the crossbow before hearing the words and with a shriek flung her arms into the air, knocking her glasses askew as she went.
“Don’t shoot! I have a boss and thirty-six twitter followers who depend on me!”
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Helena looked over the female. She wasn’t armed from what she could tell. She could only infer the tech she was holding wasn’t a threat. Then again Helena could have assuemd just by her reaction she meant no harm, 
She slowly lowered the cross bow. 
“Once again, what are you doing here and who are you?” 
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
Death doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes And we keep living anyway.
“Wait for It,” Hamilton (via lookingforshadows)
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
“Oh yeah sure,” Helena responded with a small smile. She pointed down the block. “You just take this street down a couple more blocks and the Seville street should be on the left.” 
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“’Scuse me! Can ya tell me where I can find um… Seville street? I butchered that didn’t I?” Gothamites were used to her accent, but out here everyone talked differently and she felt out of place.  
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huntress-wayne-blog · 8 years
With the looming idea of the dominators still out there the DEO hasn’t had a quiet moment. Which means Helena hasn’t had a quiet moment. Though she didn’t mind it as much. It meant she was doing something rather then nothing. She was checking into a lead an empty warehouse that has had some unusual activity as of late. 
She heard a noise, possible foots steps. She immediately turned on alert pointing her cross bow at the individual. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” 
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