
Hypnosis would be much more effective if they used a wealthy grandparent trying to get shopkeepers to agree with how suitable the wrapping paper is, instead of a dangly watch IMO
#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomics#sequential art#comics#inkwash#illustration#retail#customer service#bookshop wolf#bookstore#giftwrapping#apex retail predator#wolf#wolves in retail#trance state#disassociation#inter dimensional travel#free giftwrapping#just pick one
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De todas formas ya la empacan cuando quieren.

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Letterlocking: the long-lost art of using paper-folding to foil snoops

“Letterlocking” is a term coined by MIT Libraries conservator Jana Dambrogio after she discovered a trove of letters while spelunking in the conservation lab of the Vatican Secret Archives; the letters had been ingeniously folded and sealed so that they couldn’t be opened and re-closed without revealing that they had been read. Some even contained “booby traps” to catch the unwary.
Dambroglio and her colleagues have since been painstaking reconstructing these long-lost letterlocking techniques (which they hypothesize led to the development of the modern envelope), and documenting their findings in an online Letterlocking dictionary that documents the techniques, tools, and jargon of their discipline.
Letterlocking got a huge boost in 2012 when Yale’s Rebekah Ahrendt discovered 600 unopened 17th century letters in at the Hague post-office; the letters were in a larger collection of undeliverable post, held against a date that someone came forward to claim them. Prior to the trove’s discovery, letterlocking had been primarily studied through reconstruction, using fold-marks, dirt, and traces of seals on multiple documents to try to recover the lost techniques.
Dambroglio and a colleague named Daniel Starza Smith are self-described letterlocking “evangelists,” having distributed 10,000+ replica letterlocked-letters in the hopes of reviving the practice.
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To your right. No no, YOUR right. There you go.
#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomics#comics#Retail#customer service#bookshop wolf#wolves in retail#apex retail predator#bookstore#bestseller#newrelease#coughleechildcough#thriller#crime fiction#inquiry#cookery with worms#recipe#illustration#inkwash
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This Touhou Project fanzine is a digital art book featuring 63 artists and a writer drawing/writing about Gensokyo life. 70+ pages of beautiful Touhou girls art.
The zine and merch are available for free! The only thing we ask is to share this post ♥
Cover Artist:
Alfynith ★ Alis ★ AlysTown ★ ant ★ ArtHungryDemon ★ Ash K. ★ Ato ★ Avery ★ Caroline Gore ★ cCatclaw ★ cho ★ Clover ★ Cody ★ coolchulainn ★Doll ★ durian ★ Emily ★ Genten ★ Ghooost ★ Gingeredmink ★ Homu K ★ Isotoxal ★ K-ailisi ★ Kia ★ Kiri ★ Kyomi ★ Laura ★ LauwDany ★ Mads ★ Majo ★ MajorMilk ★ Mandy Kurosaki ★ margeritenunez ★ Masada ★ Mefomefo ★ Mercurii ★ Merry ★ Michy ★ necroire ★ nettaraxy ★ niisanberg ★ NITO ★ nonkiru ★ Nutmeg Nautilus ★ nyansae ★ Nyl0n06 ★ pmoth ★ rikichii ★ Ruby (RN) ★ Scribblewing ★ SigilEyed ★ Sir Hoopsalot★ smeef0 ★ Snowrca ★ spacemako ★ Spicy ★ Spin ★ TetrabrikDePapel ★ thislittlelog ★ tjdthwjd ★ Vonnir ★ YuiKannon
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CHECK IT ONLINE!!! (fullscreen view recommended) And give a look to our Giveaway too!
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by Mehmet Geren | Prints available here:
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by Mehmet Geren | Prints available here:
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Edward Okuń - The War and Us - 1917/1923
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“You’re sure this is safe?”
“Absolutely not!”
Equestria Daily’s Artist Training Grounds 8 - day 7: Draw a pony in danger / Draw a pony living life on the edge.
(Just got my Starlight/Trixie rocket statue, so I suppose I had them on brain)
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