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My achilles heel
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ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES (1993) dir. Barry Sonnenfeld
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elementary school: reads at a middle school level
middle school: reads at a high school level
high school: reads at a college level
college: re-reads Harry Potter
25 years after college: fanfic, just fanfic
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“Your life as an actor is very ephemeral and you get used to that kind of slightly superficial nature of things. You get involved with people very quickly and then you have to say goodbye and you’re put in with a different bunch of people. That suits an actor’s slightly flibbertigibbet nature. So it’s very unusual to come do something and come back to it. You really grow; your feelings for each other evolve over time. So it’s friendship really. But I know it will always cast a wonderful shadow and it’ll be with us, everyone who was involved, for really the rest of our careers I’m sure. I don’t begrudge it for a second.”
Happy Birthday IAIN GLEN (b. 24 June 1961)
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me: why did i not cry about my own trauma until i saw it replicated on a tv show
the tiny simone de beauvoir who lives in my left ear: the fictional woman is a vehicle for the ineffable traumas of your feminine self.
me: thank you madame de beauvoir
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The 10 best #GameOfThrones Couples and 3 Dishonorable mentions
Fixing this EW article
Dishonorable Mention 1 :Daenerys Targaryen And Khal Drogo
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the Actors have great chemistry, but don’t let it fool you. it started with dani being sold for an army, raped till she became suicidal & developed Stockholm syndrome. It wasn’t cute Dani just adapted to her abusive life.
Dishonorable Mention 2: Tyrion Lannister & Shae
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We all Rooted for these two in the beginning, happy to see our favorite lannister find love however shae’s Jealousy despite Tyrion’s reassurances then their dramatic break up, betrayal and Passion killing ended it on a bitter note.
Dishonorable Mention 3: Jaime & Cersei Lannister
Emotionally abusive, we’ve seen instances of gaslighting, betrayal “two halves of one soul” and “Born together die together” were not romantic, but rather delusion meant to be invalidated as Jaime’s awakening/redemption progressed
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GOT however chose to delete the tysha/Lancel Conversation Jaime has with tyrion which deeply hurt both of their stories and forced twincest to last longer than it should have. Jaime condoning cersei’s actions on s6 finale made the showrunners’ bias in favor of this ship clear
10- Sansa & Theon
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Friendship or more, these two are quite a pair. Sansa awakens theon after years of being reek and he earns his redemption by helping her escape their hell. the Reunion on 8x2 was so heartwarming. After his death Sansa pays him a last homage as a Stark
9- Jon Snow & Ygritte
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Fun Enemies to lovers pair. with her spunk and quips “you know nothing Jon Snow” and his double agent mission complicates things No matter what, they loved each other and her death was one of the most tragic of the show. If we die we die But first we’ll live
8- Grey Worm & Missandei
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Love blooming when it didn’t seem as an option for two former slaves (one mutilated) was so great to watch unfold,unique and inspiring. A shame GOT fridged Missandei in an Illogical way (how did euron reach their ship?) to create drama. Deserved Better
7- Daenerys & Jorah
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Unrequited love/friendship, but in hindsight the closest to love she got. it was a unique dynamic, full of trust, love and devotion with a few bumps in the road they overcame. it ended as it was meant to be, having each other’s back till the end.
6- Sam & Gilly
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the cutest relationship and only endgame. You don’t have to be all warrior-like to be a savior, started as a selfless act that slowly developed into love through kindness and devotion. Perfectly complete each other.
5- Oberyn Martell And Ellaria Sand
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Most badass and Spicy ship everEnded too shortly yet their love was so obvious. it was PERFECTION Can I take a skull to bed with me? to give me comfort in the night? Will it make me laugh?write me songs, care for me when I am old and sick?
4- Arya & Gendry
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Her story was about building a pack after being a lone wolf for so long almost losing herself, she was traumatized that should not have been glorified. their marriage could have reshaped the whole concept by being together without conforming to tradition.
3- Ned & Catelyn Stark
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“Love didn’t just Happen to us, we built it over the years, stone by stone… for all of us, it’s not as exciting as passion in the woods but it is stronger, it lasts longer.” Not all love starts at first sight and it’s beautiful and more realistic.
2- Loras & Renly 
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 “When the sun settles no candle can replace it.” The tragic story about two men in love when their world was not so accepting, and the heartbreaking loss when renly is killed in their youthful/reckless quest for power. Deserved so much better.
1- Jaime & Brienne
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Enemies to friends to lovers, Longest slowburn stretching through 7S. A pairing that look so different on the outside yet so Similar on the inside a stark contrast to twincest. Both beauties and beasts, cast outs finding love and acceptance only in each other
the relationship that provides the love and validation each character needs, brienne loves and believes in Jaime despite his past in a healthy way he sees past her exterior to love her for who she is,  Admires her as a knight and makes her dream come true by making it official+
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the show failed them purposefully for their own bias, turned brienne into “the big woman” joke gave them the shortest safest sex scene of all the show, denied them the acknowledgment of their long repressed feelings and separated them in the worst, OOC, insuling way possible 
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to validate jaime’s abuser?he can’t move on from cersei? despite his book counterpart doing it in the equivalent of s4 finale? when u aren’t conventionally beautiful u don’t deserve love? u aren’t enough? no one will choose u? GRRM’s goal is the exact opposite this is show bias+
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Game of throne failed its most important relationship for nothing. giving those character the worst end possible. Brienne is alone, heartbroken,unloved condemned to serve for life. Jaime died as an honorless Knight and his sister’s prisoner erasing 8 S of character development
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Regardless the two worst episodes cannot erase SEASONS of a beautiful relationship and their ASOIAF origin. Jaime and brienne is the couple that makes u believe in love, it is the deepest and healthiest of all, in another world they could’ve had a better more fitting ending.
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Oberyn, clueless: My sister and I were as close as Jaime and Cersei!
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Hi Mr. Gaiman. How do you feel about people who read your characters in a way you didn't necessarily write them? For example, Aziraphale and Crowley in a relationship, etc. Some authors seem very passionate about whether or not their characters should be shipped with one another. I'd like to know your thoughts. Best wishes!
I write stories. Once they head out into the world, they are on their own. Readers are welcome to make up their own headcanons. 
As long as they don’t try and enforce their views about characters, places or plots on each other or on me, I’m just happy that they have headcanons. They are welcome to ship any of my characters with any of my other characters, or indeed, with anyone else’s other characters, as long as I never have to read it.
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Charade (1963) dir. Stanley Donen
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Dancing in Film:
Us (2019) dir. Jordan Peele
Choreography by Madeline Hollander
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1x03: oh is that what you call it? [3/50]
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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