humanoid-entity · 2 years
Young and Unabashed
Young demons with too big of a heart, I am aware of how much love you have, but it’s okay to deny those who leech off your kindness, no matter how hard.
 Young demons with cold eyes and empty laughs, I know that feeling, of emptiness and loneliness, but if you look hard enough, there is always someone more than willing to befriend you. To save you.
 Young demons who fake their happiness and laugh at the darkest of humour, I do the same, but one of these days that smile will be real. You don’t believe me now, but you’ll look back on the day you read this and know I was, for the most part, right. 
 Young demons who work non-stop, take a break. You don’t want to, you still have so much work to do, so many words to say, but please. Please for my sake and your safety, take a break.
Young demons who’ve been surrounded by happiness their entire lives, I envy you. I will not lie, I wish that I could feel such happiness, but I am relieved that life has not yet forced its hardships upon you. You deserve that smile you carry, your past haunts you.
 Young demons and old demons, I wish you luck. I wish you luck when no one else will. I am here, as a friend, as an older brother. I’m here because you all need someone whether it’s now or ten years from now. I will be here to talk to you, or if you need someone to preen under after getting high marks on an essay. I’ll be here when night falls and the memories are relentless. I’ll be here, remember that.
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
I long to return to a place in which I’ve never been.
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
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Instagram: cosyacademia
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
To live is to love. To die is to live.
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
I don’t want to live.
I think the universe be better off if I just never existed.
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
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I’ve been dreaming of going to an abandoned church for a very long time, being here was surreal.
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
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I enjoy being here.
Photos taken 2-28-2021
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
It’s a painful existence.
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
Cemeteries have such a strange feeling of peace to me
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
I am just a entity.
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
Angels are so scary, yet so pretty.
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
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definitely just a random post and not a painfully relatable feeling i have 24/7 that makes me suicidal!!!!!!
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
Wings are heavy and I had enough weight on my shoulders.
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humanoid-entity · 3 years
I was never given a choice, and yet still you shackle me with this, to remind me of a home that was never mine.
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humanoid-entity · 5 years
being so goth that you drive a hearse to school is the new aesthetic
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humanoid-entity · 5 years
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Some of my fav pics from the time my friend took me on a tour of spooky places in the Yorkshire moors
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