Ask Hula Rainbow Dash
18 posts
Equestria's best young flyer! ...In a hula skirt. Born and raised as a pony, shakes her tail as a human. Loves being tropical. And also being awesomazing. /) Follow me & my roomie's wild adventures on this jungle island! Oh, and maybe I'll answer some questions!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 8 years ago
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So this is happening on Friday (May 5th). I really hope anyone who is able to tunes in. It’ll begin @ 4 or 5 pm EST.
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 8 years ago
((Raymond’s touch up design is now on DeviantArt! Check it out and support the official release! Don’t forget to ask before reposting.))
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 8 years ago
((Rainbow Dash’s touch up design is now on DeviantArt! Check it out and support the official release! Don’t forget to ask before reposting.))
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Me and the roomie are getting ready for something big... We'll be back sometime soon! 😎 (If you have a good look around, you might sneak a peek into what's to come. 😉)
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 8 years ago
Please help if you can.
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Rainbow: Hey not bad! Arms could use a little work, but I think we came out good. Ray: Yeah, the arms were pretty difficult for me. That me hands are probably my biggest weak spots. I'll work on them more. Rainbow: Definitely, yeah. Ray: Hmm... I have an idea. Rainbow, would you mind posing for me? Rainbow: Sure thing! Any position you have in mind? Ray: None that come to mind. Go wild I suppose? Rainbow: Wild huh? (smirk) Ray: Uhm...
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Ray: There! How do I look? Rainbow: Looks alright to me! Could use something more though. Ray: How about I draw us in some of our cool poses? Maybe that'll bring some life into them? Rainbow: Sounds cool to me! Draw me in that "Wind" pose. Ray: I'll try! As for me... probably my torches.
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 8 years ago
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((Ray: Hey Rainbow, I drew you! Decided that practice makes perfect after all! Rainbow: Awesome job! Totally looks on-point! Ray: Hmm... Let's try me next...))
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 8 years ago
Special announcement from your buds at the island!
We’re going to Ponycon 2017 in Long Branch, NJ this coming January 27th - 29th!
Over there, we will be hosting our first-ever panel dedicated to The F.U.N. Channel and our upcoming projects! Including Ask Hula Rainbow Dash, and the upcoming tie-in story, Ray & Rainbow Dash: Jungle Island Luau!
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(Above image is conceptual and does not represent final product.)
Plus much more! So if you’re going, come on down and hang out with us! Check out our above promo for more info on what’s going down, and head to to register! Hope we see you there!
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Still need some more work time before we can resume answering questions, but a little teaser in the meantime. ~Ray
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 9 years ago
Freebies @ Liberty City Anime Con 2016!
Come find me this weekend as Solid Snake/Big Boss at Liberty City Anime Con, and you may receive an official, limited/first-edition m3Atl0afman business card! ^_^ And if you’re a fan of Ask Hula Rainbow Dash, you could also obtain one of 5 limited-edition collector’s cards, each featuring unique art!
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 9 years ago
Island Update [8/17/16]
Rainbow Dash: “Aloha, my loyal hula-gans! It’s your island queen, Rainbow Dash!” ^_^
Ray: “And the island king, Ray. As the queen declares anyway.”
Rainbow Dash: “And we’re here to give you all some important updates! The most important one being is that we’re throwing in the towel and canceling the blog.”
Rainbow Dash: “Gotcha~! We’re here to stay, fillies.”
Ray: “Heh, I wonder how many mini-heart attacks that caused.”
Rainbow Dash: “Hehe, now for the real news. So you guys may have noticed as of recent that yet again, it’s been awhile since we’ve answered any questions.”
Ray: “We wanna clarify that we see all of your questions and have prepared answers for each of them. We could just as easily publish them through text-based responses, but...”
Rainbow Dash: “That’s no fun, ain’t it? We know how many of you weirdos like seeing me up and about in this silly outfit, so we like to answer questions through pictures!”
Ray: “As you can imagine though, especially with the blog having a show-like art-style, this takes a lot of time to produce given how the artist (me) has to balance real world agendas and hobbies. And we most certainly don’t wanna give you guys a lazy, rushed product.”
Rainbow Dash: “There are of course situations where pictures aren’t really needed to respond to a question, but we do wanna keep those to a minimum so no one’s disappointed.”
Ray: “It should be noted there is another reason why it’s been some time since we last updated. Mainly due to the fact that a certain new character will officially debut on the island soon.”
Rainbow Dash: “Bet you’ll never guess who it is...”
Ray: “They’re currently being designed to fit with our world, so when that’s all done, we’ll be back in full-swing. We’re hoping that the character is accepted positively by you guys, the fans, which is our biggest concern given a recent occurrence. But enough about that.”
Rainbow Dash: “And hey, if you guys wanna keep up to date on what we do behind-the-scenes and updates regarding the island (and more), make sure you follow us on Twitter!”
(Ray: @m3Atl0afmanKOD | Rainbow Dash: @m3AtsDashie)
Ray: “Lastly, for those in the real world, if you’re in New York City this weekend, you could come and catch me at Liberty City Anime Con at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Times Square. The artist (me) will be there the whole weekend, cosplaying as the legendary Solid Snake of Metal Gear. 3 variants actually! His sneaking suit from MGS1/Twin Snakes, his tux from getting both endings in the aforementioned game, and also Big Boss from MGS3. I’ll be wearing one of them on a different day. Come find me, and if you’re a fan, you’ll get a new limited-edition m3Atl0afman business card! And if I can get ‘em done in time, you might also get a little something extra.” ;)
Rainbow Dash: “Can’t beat an opportunity to meet the king who makes the impossible possible!”
Ray: “Well said!”
(For more info, visit
Ray: “As far as we’re aware, that’s all we really need to say.”
Rainbow Dash: “So until then, keep shaking your tails everypony!” ^_^
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~Ray & Rainbow Dash, the island king & queen
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 9 years ago
What do you eat for breakfast?
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…Darn it, now I’m hungry. :/What dance do I gotta do to get some toast over here? ~RD, the island queen
[Sorry for the wait, fillies & gentlecolts. Thanks for being patient, asking questions and spreading the word about the blog! We ended up getting a ton of new responses and followers from you guys. We’ll be getting to each of them in the coming weeks! Until then, keep shakin’ your tails!] ~Ray, the island king(Creds to mattyhex for the toaster.)
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 9 years ago
(Announcement: Short Hiatus)
(Hey everyone, it’s the “island king” Ray giving a quick update. The blog will be going into a short hiatus due to a recent occurrence with my computer, preventing us from posting updates on this blog or...most of the platforms I do stuff on.
For the record, we would like to thanks everyone who sent in a question. We’ve received a lot in the past couple of days, and just about all of them have Dash’s responses written down. We’re sorry that we won’t be able to get to them right away. But we did want to let everyone know what’s going on in advance so nopony assumes we’re dead. We highly appreciate your support from the past couple of weeks, and hopefully from here on out.
That said, should something ever happen again in the future, be sure to follow Hula Rainbow Dash herself on Twitter (@m3AtsDashie). A link can be found on the sidebar of the blog, as well as links to my platforms as well.
Thanks so much guys! Hopefully we can get back to normal very soon for the summer season! Until then, keep shaking your tails!
~Ray, the island king, on behalf of the royal hula highness herself.)
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 9 years ago
Since when did you became a hula dancer?
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Now quit staring at me and dance along you weirdos. :) ~RD, the island queen
[We’ll get to explaining how we ended up on this island another time. It really is quite a journey-length story.] ~Ray, the island king
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 9 years ago
Can you stand on your head (headstand)?
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I may be an island girl, but I’m still an athlete. ;P
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hula-rainbow-dash-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Time to kick things off!
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