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huhyuhbah · 19 hours ago
So uh. The one time I don't tune into a Nintendo Direct they announce: Tamagotchi Plaza, Rhythm Paradise AND MOTHERFUCKING TOMODACHI LIFE!!!!!
Nintendo you finally did something right. Hell yeah
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huhyuhbah · 6 days ago
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I'm fine. Yeah. Totally. Not bawling my eyes out at all. Mhm
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It's so funny how Arc is on board with all this snooping. Arm may have dragged him along but now he's fully into it.
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Hahahaha. What a great senior you are Arm. Throwing Gun in.
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I mean. At least Wine isn't crying anymore thanks to those idiots.
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All such cuties
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They're finally dating!!! They could've been dating since like ep 18 or something. But yes. Finally.
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All of them just stood there watching FaifaWine make out is so funny
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Ladybug gang againnnnn yaahahhhh
So in the next ep I'm assuming the issues with the mum are resolved and the final ep is just all the couples being all cute n shit. I hope it's all the couples being cute for the entire ep. Not that stuff of the issue recurring into the beginning of the ep and then it being resolved in said ep. I just want cute moments lol.
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huhyuhbah · 6 days ago
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Haha. Yup. Sounds bout right
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Just by changing his clothes from the workshop shirt to his work clothes, Arc has aged by like 5 years or something. I swear
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"big boy"??? Damn you guys. Take this elsewhere. Stop doing this to me.
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WHATTTTTTTTTT?????????? P'DEAAAAAAAAAAAN TF ARE YOU DOING HEREEEE. Basically haven't seen Ohm on screen since UWMA. He's looking foine. Can't blame Wine for falling for him. Also. Just found out that Ohm is born in '97. What do you MEAN he's younger than Book and Junior????
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Whenever I see Force walking around with his arms behind his back, I'm just reminded of the elderly grandpas lol. They love walking like that.
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Not these tall idiots blocking that person's view completely.
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huhyuhbah · 6 days ago
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Pffft true true
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I made the same face lmaooo
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Oh don't tell me he's gonna do what Wine says. I hate this. An old friend asked me what I would do to ask someone out. I told him what. He proceeded to use that on me. Did not enjoy. Would never enjoy. I hate it so much.
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PHURIIIII YESSS I always got a big ass grin on my face whenever I see Phuri
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Not the captionnnn
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huhyuhbah · 6 days ago
Very early (by my standards) Perfect 10 Liners ep 22 liveblog. These past 22 weeks have gone by so crazy fast. I'm not ready to say goodbye to all these suckers.
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Have I mentioned how in love I am with Junior?
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My darling Yeepun. I've missed you. It feels like I haven't seen you in forever!!! (It's only been a few eps or something)
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If only you guys could hear/see my reactions. I loudly said "bitch what the fuck" and genuinely fucking face palmed. Why yous gotta be all up on each other like this, IN PUBLIC? Take that stuff elsewhere. Making me feel so single, yet again.
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couple shirts couple shirts couple shirts. COUPLE. SHIRTS.
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Ha Faifa immediately saying yes.
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Anyone else's face do a thing where when you're taking a picture and smiling, it starts fucking twitching or something? It annoys me so much and my face ends up hurting lol
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What in the damn?
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Excuses excuses. She should've directly told the person who was waiting to pick her up.
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huhyuhbah · 12 days ago
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Junior is so foine. Dayum
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I'm so down bad for Faifa cause that line would've worked on me. Wine shakes his head. But that would've definitely worked. Just one chance. Please Faifa.
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Can you guys just date already?
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You're both sweet talkers. It's real annoying :|
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Jeez Faifa just can't stop kissing Wine huh. Even chance he gets, he's on Wine's lips. Calm down bro. Wine ain't going anywhere
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huhyuhbah · 12 days ago
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Famous last words. No but the way Arm said that. So cute. I just wanna give him the biggest hug n squeeze him.
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It is the safest bet lololol
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HUH as if you're one to talk. You're full whipped for Arm.
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I complained about Arm being a shit actor but YOU AIN'T SLICK EITHER, ARC.
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Oh how I wish I could put Bookie in my pocket. My adorable Bookie.
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Force looking away from Junior and Perth looking away from the camera. Both are DEFINITELY breaking lollll
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Arm hahahaha
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PFFFFFT Yotha is so funny.
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YothaGun making me feel hella single. It's fine. I'm sure that won't happen with ArcArm. RIGHT?
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WELPPPPPPP. Oh how I wish we could've seen Arc struggling to use the hairdryer and Arm asking about it, to find out that Arc only bought the hairdryer so he could dry Arm's hair...
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The sweetness is off the charts and it's just a cute lil peck.
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Yotha down bad? Just look at yourself. You fool.
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Feeling so incredibly single. Thanks to all THREE MAIN COUPLES
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Just don't call him uncle to his face
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huhyuhbah · 12 days ago
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Didn't Yotha say Newton was gonna tell Faifa??? What is happening? Why did no one tell Faifa? What the actual fuck?
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Ok but like. Even if it IS the first time, that's fucking insane for NO ONE to contact Faifa. Now it's even WORSE because it's happened before. I guess everyone must've thought it wasn't a big deal if Faifa never complained about it. That's still crazy
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I don't think I would ever forgive their mum. Sure, Yotha found out the reason why she didn't take him but her decision to take Faifa instead was purely from a logical point. She doesn't care about him or his feelings. She took Faifa with her to use him. That's not a mother who loves her sons. That's an incredibly selfish woman who doesn't deserve them.
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It hurts to watch Faifa cry... Oh Junior the actor that you are. Making me feel these thingsssss
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huhyuhbah · 12 days ago
Perfect 10 Liners ep 21 liveblog :)
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He is so in love and I can't blame him. Faifa is just... urgh. Gimme gimme
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You're not REALLLLLY shocked are you???
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Imagine walking past and you see this random bloke rubbing his boob.
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"I understood the lesson again" pffft. I'm guessing they films those two scenes back to back. It just makes sense if they did. Also. Welcome back my ladybug gangggg
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Oh you're not gonna play cupid again are you??? Last time it only worked because of how gullible Gun is. You got lucky.
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"Do you have insurance?" HASHAHAHAHA
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LMAOOOOO there he goes
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Pft. Can I get a series that is just the ladybug gang doing stupid shit? I would watch that. It doesn't have to be in character. They got the same energy as themselves anyways. That live house ep was so chaotic.
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Lol Yotha passing a chip to Arm. That's cute
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Now. What if Arc and Arm are holding hands underneath the table...
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That was kinda cringe lmao
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huhyuhbah · 18 days ago
Very late p10l ep20 p4 liveblog since it didn't have eng subs. But here it is. Finally
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I could never work with my family. You end up with each other too many hours a day and can irritate each other.
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INCREDIBLY weak password Faifa. Tf bro
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He is so in love. Just look at him. Damn
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Man. Such a sweet talker. Jeeeeez. I want my own Faifa
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Have FaifaWine kissed in every episode during their arc???
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huhyuhbah · 19 days ago
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Dancing Bookie
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huhyuhbah · 19 days ago
Patiently waiting for the final part of ep 20 p10l to have eng sub so I can finish my liveblog :||
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huhyuhbah · 20 days ago
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You really want Arm to come up with a plan??? Think it over. Please.
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So so nosy. Jeeeeez
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I assume this has happened before...
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Pulling him back by his waist? Hell yeah
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What is that lump underneath the duvet???
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huhyuhbah · 20 days ago
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I am LOVING how straightforward they are with each other so soon!
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FREAKING KNEW IT! How else would he convince Yotha to take part lmaooooo
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That is... exactly what happened. Faifa definitely fell harder tho
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Nah they gotta fall asleep while video calling lol. Dark room except for the light from the phone
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huhyuhbah · 20 days ago
Perfect 10 Liners ep 20. We've reached the twenties. I'm gonna be so upset when this series ends but lowkey glad bc it's just before a bunch of family from overseas arrive before my sister's wedding. Gonna be so busy busy then.
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Honestly. I thought the same.
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Lmao the bits of English thrown in. It's great that Gun stopped Yotha cause Faifa would be battered by now, let's be honest.
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PFFFt that "HA HA"
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... The way I would just wait for them to be done staring at each other lol.
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Merch? merch...
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Personal space? Doesn't fucking exist between these two
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Awww family meal
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W e l p
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Who's gonna be acting as Tor??? We got Tawan as Tawan and Sea as Tongfah. Who's gonna be Tor?
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huhyuhbah · 26 days ago
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LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo taking a weird turn here guys
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Got the same energy as that Scary Movie bit hahahahhahaha
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Faifa: Don't be stupid Nop Nop: :OOOOOOOOOO
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Arm had front row tickets to YothaGun and again for FaifaWine. Bros loving this shit
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These idiots. I love them so much.
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huhyuhbah · 26 days ago
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I hate how Arc tutoring Arm never made an appearance. Especially when Arm was in bed and Arc sat behind him to help him with some practice questions. Yotha being a smarty pants just reminded me of smarty pants Arc.
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Wine's reaction to the English hahahahahhaha
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Guys I can't breath. Such a stupid funny bit
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GIVE ME MORE PHURI I NEED IT ENSDUOGNS I love this man so much already
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It's fun seeing Faifa get flustered.
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Generally people just tell the other their laces are untied. But to be the person to tie it for them??? Don't feel right to me
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