hubbyseby · 3 years
I miss my Tumblr family đŸ„ș❀
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hubbyseby · 5 years
SO uhm... Hi everyone!!! I hope you all is doing okay. Since I haven't been active since... I don't even know and I am sorry about that. For not posting and everything! But my life isn't the happiest one and was never. I am smiling everyday but deep down it's a whole different situation. I want you guys to know that I am okay, it's just that I am not really using my phone and I lost a little my interest to write. I don't even know if I will keep going with the Seb mob!series. I will try, but I don't promise anything 💜 Have a nice day/night. I love each and everyone of you💜
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hubbyseby · 5 years
hi lovely!! just wanna say i really like your mob!seb series and i was wondering if you have a taglist for it? thank you!! have a nice day đŸ„°
No i do not have a taglist yet, but I think I will create one.
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hubbyseby · 5 years
hi lovely!! just wanna say i really like your mob!seb series and i was wondering if you have a taglist for it? thank you!! have a nice day đŸ„°
Hii !!! Thank you so very much !!!💜💜 I appreciate!
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hubbyseby · 5 years
I am so sorry😞 College y'all, collegeđŸ˜©
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hubbyseby · 5 years
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He could've fuck me really hard, pounding into me, making me a moaning mess under his touch and slapping my butt while moaning in my ear and tellin' me how bad girl I was and I would still say yes daddy and beg him for more like... C'MON SIR! C'MONNNN😭😭😭😭😭😭
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hubbyseby · 5 years
I'm happyyyy😍😍😍
Omg omg guys 100 followers thank you so very much😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I love you all omgđŸ˜­đŸ˜đŸ’đŸ€žđŸ»đŸ’•đŸ’«
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hubbyseby · 5 years
Notice ❀
Hey guys! I know I haven't been here for a while, but I'm coming soon soon😭 I am a college student so please forgive me❀ I have great surprises for youđŸ’«đŸ„° Many to come❀
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hubbyseby · 5 years
Hay, I just found your sebastian mob au story and I really like it so far. Just 2 thinks: I don't seem to be able to find number 3 and you might consider adding either a masterlist (I couldn't find one either so if you already have one: sorry😅), or maybe add the previous and next chapter as a link in your fic to make reading them in order a bit easier;) But otherwise it is really good (especially for a first fic)!
I'm so sorry for the problems you had !!! I hope everything's okay now and yes, I'll do a masterlist!!! Thank you!!1
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hubbyseby · 5 years
Sir I- 😭
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Life Ruinerℱ
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hubbyseby · 5 years
4- The Punishment
Mob! Sebastian Stan x Reader
Run-through: After having this lovely night with this stranger, you woke up with a smile on your face. Soon, you were panicking when you discovered who he really was. Feeling weak, you were wondering what to do when you have a unexpected visit........
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Your sheets were so cold that you were afraid to turn on your side. You moaned softly when they stroked your nipples. Slowly, you opened your eyes. Through the window, you could see that the sun was already so high in the sky. You were moving your left leg to scratch because you felt the need, and while looking at it, you saw the bruises on it and
 you remembered of the night you had with him. Despite the bruises he left on you, you smiled when you remembered him. You took your hand off your legs and you were securing your body with your sheets. You closed your eyes and remembered the way this stranger made love to you. The way he was kissing you, touching you like it depends on his own life. You remembered when he brought you to your bed, making you a moaning mess under his touch. You couldn’t help but questioning yourself. How did he find where you lived? The address of your school? How did he know your name? How did he know all that he knew? He even know that you cried when you were opening the box of flowers he had sent you, which was absolutely true! Plus, he was in your house last night. You were so afraid he could hurt you, but at the second he had touched you, you forgot everything. All that mattered was this moment you were having with him. They way he took care of your body, stroked you. The way he was moaning in your ears while talking to you. The way he couldn’t stop saying that you were beautiful and the way he was calling you

“Doll" you repeated out loud, stroking your lips, remembering his soft ones on them.
You remembered how he teased you with his tongue. Eyes closed, you couldn’t help but moan silently remembering his tongue sucking on your clit. It was like you were still living this moment because you felt wet down there. You stroked behind you, and the sheets were also cold. He was no longer here. You were alone. You sit up and turned to look behind you when you saw the flower he was teasing you with. You smiled and took it. You remembered wearing one too, you stroked your ear, and you felt it under your fingers. You felt so beautiful. The Flamenco was still playing in the room, and you couldn’t have a better morning than this one. You smiled when you started thinking about the small talk the two of you had before you had slept.
“Stranger of a full moon", you remembered calling him, still smiling.
You remembered how he giggled when you called him like that. It pleased him. He liked that. And you were glad he liked it.
He was resisting and you remembered that he wouldn’t answer. You remembered asking him for his name, and he said that he didn’t likes being asked too much questions, but you, you kept asking. You smiled again, remembering him slapping your butt because you were asking too much questions.
You remembered yourself begging him for his name. All you could remember was his first name. When you begged for the last time for it, you remembered him stroking and kissing your ear with his soft lips while laughing softly against it. It was now clear in your head and it was like he was repeating it at this moment. You remembered him telling his name which was:
Sebastian. It was his name. You could finally put a name on his face. His name was Sebastian, you thought, smiling and stroking yourself. Okay his first was Sebastian, but what about his last name? You asked yourself while trying to remember if he has told you or not. Now massaging your temples, you remembered him telling you something earlier of the moment he had revealed you his first name. You were still asking for his name, but he had told you something. You remembered some words of what he had said to you like “guns" and “first night” but nothing else. You were having a hard time remembering everything when you slowly opened your eyes, putting the pieces together. You weren’t no more interested to smile or to remember the moment he made love to you. All that mattered now was how you puts the pieces of the puzzle together, remembering the whole sentence he had replied you when you were asking for his name. You felt a cold sweat running down your spine, and you had a hard time swallowing your saliva when you slowly remembered and repeating every single word:
“"The night I first touch you, at this party, and rescued you; the first word the men with the guns yelled was my name, doll."
You were now having this feeling that you had when you first met him. You were completely scared where you were sitting on your bed. You were breathing heavily now that you remembered all of his words. The night he has, indeed, rescued you; the first word the men with the guns said was:
You stand up slowly on the bed. You were now walking towards the box of flowers which was on the little table. All you were thinking about was the letter he has sent you in the box. Your legs were shaking, and the beatings of your heart were so strong in your chest that you thought it could actually go out of it. His first name was Sebastian, it was clear to you. You took the letter and you opened it slowly, with shaking hands. While thinking, you feel your tears making their way up your eyes, giving soon a blurry view. Shaking your head to read the letter, the only thing that you were looking for was the initials. Laying your eyes on them, you felt weak.
“S.S", you read.
Trying to calm down, your efforts were vain. You tried, but you couldn’t. His first name was Sebastian. And if what he said to you was true, the first word that the men with the guns said was “Stan", which means his full name was

“Oh my God", was the only word you could say while shaking like a little baby. You felt weak.
“He is
” you whispers, putting your shaking hand on your lips which, now, were shaking too. Your view went blurry suddenly by tears. The letter slipped off your hands and fell on the floor.
“Sebastian Stan. Sebastian Stan. Sebastian Stan. Sebastian Stan” you couldn’t stop thinking.
Maybe another person would not understand you. Maybe they didn’t know who he was, but you knew who he was. You just had a night with the most powerful mob boss in the whole country! He was in your house, and he made love to you. He claimed you as his. The most feared criminal of the damn whole country. Even other bosses having the same life with him feared him and respected him. You cried hard when you realized in what troubles you just got yourself in. Sebastian Stan was known for his promises. Once he made it, he respect it. And this, no matter what. He was heartless. He was killing with cold blood. He didn't know what mercy is. He likes being obeyed. He liked giving orders and anyone receiving orders from him, if they want to live, they must respect him and obey him. Killing was his pleasure. You betray him? You’re dead. You don’t respect him? You’re dead. If he’s talking to you, you don’t answer on purpose? You dead. You are menacing him? You’re dead. You don’t obey him? You. Are. Dead. He’s a ghost. You can’t find him anywhere. Anywhere. The one who is finding the other was him. And he always wins. Always. Suddenly scared, you looked all around the room. And if he was still here? You asked yourself. You were now shaking violently. You thought he could be downstairs. You stopped the Flamenco which was still playing in the room to hear carefully what was going on downstairs. You were still waiting, but there was nothing. No noises. He wasn’t here. You were relieved for now, but you couldn’t stop shaking. Crying hardly, all you could do was to sit on your bed. Your tears were running down on your cheekbones while you noticed a piece of paper on your nightstand that wasn’t there the night before. Your heart skipped a beat before beating faster in your chest. You were now breathing heavily. All you could do was to take carefully the piece of paper and looking at his fine writing.
“Good morning baby girl,
How are you? I'm sorry I had to leave you alone after the moment we had because I had real business to handle myself. Some other night, I will stay by your side and cuddle with you, maybe. I didn’t want to, but
 Business. You taste so good baby girl that I could make you cum, countless times, each night under my touch and watch you loosing control for me. You have, surely, already found out the truth now. Don’t you dare running away from me, because I will find you. I always find what’s mine, baby. I know your kind, all you want is money and good times, which I'll give you. No worries, baby. I will come back for you. I promise.
Think of me today,
You couldn’t help but read it two or three times. You let slide on the floor. Only one sentence was haunting you right now: “Don’t you dare running away from me, because I will find you. I always find what's mine, baby.”
You put your hands all over your face, crying. You couldn’t believe that you were in this! In this situation. You stood up, feeling suddenly without strength, you needed to take a shower to put your ideas on track. And if I run away despite his words? And if I call Jess and Samy to let them know? So they could help me? You asked yourself. You didn’t know what to do. What couldn’t think properly. Walking absolutely naked, you take the direction of the bathroom, still crying. Once the water started running on your body, you felt more relaxed. Awaken. You didn’t know how you will do it, but you had to get yourself out of this situation. You had to stay away from him. You felt more discouraged than you were when you heard this familiar voice in your head whispers:
“Too late"
He was now at his private office, filling up his fourth glass of Whisky. His guards were behind him, and he didn’t see them. He was facing the city. His eyes were emotionless. He was emotionless. He was mean, and seemed like he was angry about something, or with someone.
“What do we have to do, boss?”, one of the man asked.
He lifted his stormy blue eyes and laid them on the city. He was cold and he was decisive. Making a shot with glass of Whisky, he simply replied:
“Kill them".
The men needed no more words to get off the room and slowly closed the door behind them. Closing his eyes for a couple of seconds, he swears under his breath. He turned around and sits down on his luxurious chair. His office was everything except poorly decorated. He had a little library at his office, and a mini-bar. He was now cleaning his 9mm when he heard the heavy door opened. He laid his eyes on

“Anthony, what do you have for me?” he asked him.
Anthony Mackie was his closest friend. And he was the only that Sebastian had trust. The only one. Anthony was the one who was handling his business when he was out of town for other purposes or when he was busy with his women, making their way with them. Touching them. Paying them. And their job was to give him some pleasure. Make what he asked them to do. Just
 Making his way with them. If they were becoming too much, he was giving up on them and once he decided so, nothing will get him back to them. Sometimes, he would even give them a ultimatum: they had to leave the country with the money he was giving them to go away. Or
 he would kill them. Preferring to live instead of being killed, they ran away, and no one never heard of them again.
“Everything you asked for, Sebastian. Everything on her", Anthony replied while giving him the folder he had in his hands which Sebastian takes. He opened it and the first thing he sees was a picture of you. Smiling. Happy. Anthony made his way to his mini-bar and served himself while serving Sebastian too before sitting down in front of him.
“Is she the next one leaving the country with an affordable amount of money?”, Anthony asked while taking a sip of his drink.
“Oh, I don’t know yet", he just replied with a smirk while stroking the picture with his thumb.
“Look man
 She seems nice to me. She is a young-adult, almost finishing high-school
 She’s so innocent I mean
 Look at her man!”, he said while pointing at your picture in Sebastian’s hands.
He didn’t stop looking at your beautiful picture, but with anger.
“They are all nice, at the beginning Anthony. They are all nice, but they are all the same. Bitches, liars, mischievous, witches, thieves. At the end they are all the same. All they want is a hot man making his way with them and giving them money. That’s all.” He replied, angry.
Anthony was going to talk when he lifted his eyes on him, making him understand to not answer. Seeing his face, Anthony knew he had to shut up. He lifts both of his hands in the air, making him understand that he got his message. That he was giving up. He stood up with a smirk, taking the direction of the door. Opening it, he stopped and looked back to his friend.
“I hope you’ll find the woman that will make you understand that you are so wrong, my brother!”, he shouted.
“She isn’t born yet, this woman. She never will", he answered, darker than ever.
And, Anthony left, closing the door behind him. Now, Sebastian was all focus on your folder in front of him and of your picture which was in his hands. He was looking at it with a smirk. He couldn’t help but stroke your face through the piece of paper.
“So beautiful” he whispered.
You were wearing a white sweater in this picture and you were happy, you had a bright smile. It seems like you knew when this picture was taken because your eyes were looking straight up the camera. It also seems that you were moving while the person was taking it because you were running your hand through your hair which was down all over your chest and was also covering the side of your face. He remembered how you responded to his touch, to his kisses and he smiled; remembering your face, your eyes closed and mouth wide opened while you were coming for him. When you fell asleep by his side. Before leaving, he couldn’t stop looking at you on your bed, naked with this flower in your hair, relaxed face. You were so

“Fucking beautiful
”, he whispered once again.
He knew everything on you. And it was easy. He knew your address, your school address, your friends’ addresses. He had picture of you where you were talking, walking, laughing, angry, sad. He even had pictures of you into your house, sleeping, cooking, dancing, singing, doing your homework, reading a book. He knew that your parents died in a car accident and that’s was the reason that you were having all these responsibilities on your shoulders while being so young. Paying all your bills alone. He knew everything, at least, he thought. The only thing he was now wondering was which University you will attend.
“You’re mine, Y/N. I wonder if you had found out everything now..."
He was decisive, he wasn’t letting you go. Taking a sip in his glass, the door opened on Anthony. A single look, and he was waiting for him to tell what he wanted.
“Your partner is waiting for you, Sebastian”, his friend explained.
“Coming", he simply replied, and the door closed again.
He stood up while still looking at your picture. He took his glass of whisky and made a shot with it. Adjusting his suit, he takes a last look at your picture and whispered:
It was now 5pm, almost 6pm and you still didn’t know what to do. Every car that was passing down the street makes you freak out. The sun was almost gone, You were still wondering what to do. Run away after all? Call your friends? Call Samantha and Jessica? Let them know what happened to you for them to help you? Maybe they could help you hide yourself? Or run? Should you call them? No, no, you thought. Were you capable of exposing your friend to a danger that you were exposed? Not knowing what to do, you feel your tears making their way to your eyes and they were already running down to your cheekbones. Your computer wasn’t that good, and the server was giving you some troubles. Loosing patience with it, you were now standing in front of your home’s phone, ready to take it to call your friends when you heard a knock on the door. You stopped breathing. You were frozen where you stood up. You were shaking, and you were scared. What if he was him? You asked yourself, putting a hand on your mouth. No, no, it can’t be him, you thought. If it was him, he wouldn’t have knocked on the door. You wouldn’t even know if he had entered the house until he showed up to you, like he did last night. So, why would he be so polite to knock at the door now to be welcomed? Running downstairs way too fast, you were about to open the door, but you hesitated, scared. Standing in the middle of the living room, you asked loudly:
“W-who is it?”
You felt so insecure. So exposed. You felt in danger.
“It's me, Y/N! Connor!” you heard behind the door.
Relieved that it wasn’t him, but you were still surprised by this visit. Connor? You asked yourself while opening the door. He was smiling. He was relaxed, and clothed simply. And he had flowers in his hands.
“Hey!” he said.
“Hi", you answered while looking at him.
He looks worried while looking at you.
“Y/N, are you okay?” he asked you when you realized that your tears were still falling down on your cheekbones.
You wiped them rapidly while smiling.
“Y-yes! I was
 cutting onions!” you said.
“Come in”, you invited him while making space for him to enter the house.
“Thank you", he said after you offered him a chair to sit.
“What are you doing here, Connor?” you simply asked.
“Oh, I was in the neighborhood and I just wanted to stop by and say hi!” he answered rapidly.
He was looking at you in a way you didn’t understand. The silence between you two was heavy. And you felt uncomfortable. After a moment, he gives you the flowers, telling you that they were for you, and you thanked him. Wanting to break the silence between you two, you asked:
“Did you do the homework already?”
ïżœïżœNo", he simply answered while he stoop up and making his way to you.
You stood up also and started to take many steps back, trying to understand what was going on. You were still taking many steps back when you felt the wall behind you. You were trapped between him and this wall. All you were thinking about was to run away but

 C-Connor ? What are you doing?” you yelled at him while he was blocking your body against the wall.
You tried to escape, but he was faster, and closer than you. You were now looking at him and he was looking at you with desire. And you were scared about that. What if he

“Oh my God”, you whispers, trying to think otherwise.
“You are so beautiful, Y/N" he said while he was holding you by your hips.
“I'm not going to hurt you or to force you do anything that you don’t want to do. All I want is to kiss you “ he said to you.
Your eyes widened when you heard this. He was approaching and all you needed was to get out of here. You couldn’t help but think about Sebastian. And if he saw this? You were terrified.
“No, Connor stay away from me!” you yelled while putting your hands on his shoulders, trying to push him off you, but he was stronger.
Seeing that he was reaching now your lips, you turned rapidly your head to the side, offering him your neck so he could not kiss you. Taking advantage of it, he kissed your neck and sucked it.
“No" you cried when the two of you hear the knock on the door.
Your heart skipped a beat. You were frozen. You weren’t sure if you were breathing anymore. Connor, seeing this, let go off you and you opened the door, way too fast, while your tears were still falling down your cheeks. You opened the door on a stranger. You never saw him in your life. He was wearing a dark suit. He was standing there with a smile, and you didn’t know yet what to say, or what to do. He was wearing some glasses. You didn’t know if he puts them for fun or he was having real troubles to see for real, isn’t he? You didn’t know. His eyes were emerald green. Beautiful. Suddenly, his charming but too calm voice interrupted your thoughts.
“Miss Y/L/N?” He asked, still smiling.
“Y-Yes sir
 How can I help you?”, you asked with a little voice.
You were so weak that you didn’t even feel your feet anymore.
“How are you doing, Miss? I stopped by just to remind you about our meeting at work, so you could not forget. I think it’s time for us to go, Miss. Because you have an important speech to give there. You should really go”. He said, calmly.
 What? You asked yourself. First, you never laid your eyes on this man before. It was your first time seeing him, and he knew your name. Your legs started shaking, you could feel them, but you were praying that the men didn’t notice it to avoid the embarrassment that you could get. There was no meeting. Absolutely no meeting. And how did he know that you used to give a speech at this meeting when you were attending it? You asked yourself. And yes, indeed, the meeting that he was talking about used to happen. It was true, but this meeting was only one time a month. And this month, the meeting already occurred. There was no meeting. The stranger was looking at you. Looking for an answer. And his gaze was dangerous. Really dangerous. You couldn’t talk yet, all you were feeling were your tears falling down your tears.
“Miss, are you okay?” The stranger asked, concerned about the tears falling on my cheekbones. Once again, you wiped them rapidly and tried to answer.
“Yes, I am totally okay!”, you said, swallowing hardly your saliva.
And the meeting come up in your mind once again.
“I don’t know
 I mean
 The meeting alr
“You should go, Y/N”. The stranger cuts you off, still smiling.
Connor was standing there and was just following the conversation, but he was suspicious because you looked so confuse. You were about to argue again when you heard this familiar voice in your head say: “For the sake of the Lord Savior, Y/N, just obey!”. You didn’t understand a thing but all you knew was

“I have to play along”, you thought. Trying to reassure yourself.
“Do you know him, Y/N”? Connor finally asked, being too suspicious.
“Y-Yes! Of course, I know him! This man is my advisor at my work. And he is always there for me, reminding me of such important things like this meeting that I just forgot right now! Thank you so much for saving me right now, really! You are always saving me! You are totally right, I should go prepare myself right now, to go at this meeting that we are already waited. I must leave. Same for you, Connor. You should go”. You said while looking at him, surprised the way because of the way you kicked him out your house.
Looking at you and stranger, he simply replied:
“All right”.
And he gets out the house. Jumping in his car, you felt absolutely relieved when you saw his car disappearing. Now breathing heavily, only one question was haunting your mind: “Who the hell is this man who just saved my ass?”. You were about to talk when the stranger grabs you by your right arm and push you back inside the house before closing the door behind him. You felt weak. Who was this man? You were asking yourself, crying. There was no meeting. This man was acting strangely and on top of that you didn’t know who he was. It was a set up. He was now taking you upstairs and he was taking the direction of your room. Your heart skipped a beat. What was he going to do to me? You asked yourself again. You were now sobbing.
” you simply said when he opened the door of your room to put you inside before closing the door behind him, disappearing.
Confused, the next thing you felt was a strong hand holding you by your throat and you felt a cold metal on your forehead. Your eyes widened while you were holding on this hand with both of yours. You were surprised and chocked. You were in the corner of the room and it was dark because you haven’t turned the light on. He dragged you near of your bed where your lamp was turned on and your terrified gaze meet his blue stormy eyes. Angry eyes. He wasn’t relax at all and he was looking at you straight in the eyes. When you looked at the metal on your forehead, you realized it was a gun. Your tears made their way all over your face.
“Why did you do that, doll?” he asked with a calm but menacing voice which gives you cold sweats. You were terrified. What if he kills you? You were now shaking.
“W-what?” you could simply ask while you were struggling to stay normal under his hand around your throat.
“How dare you ask me what? Who is he? This guy who just showed up? Why did you let him touch you?” He asked.
Was he being jealous for you? You didn’t know.
“I- It's a f-friend of m-mine
” you said, looking at how angry he was.
He was cold. Cold.
“A friend? And why did you let him touch you like he did, doll? Tell me? WHY DID YOU LET HIM TOUCH WHAT’S MINE?” He yelled, putting the gun between your eyes which were widened.
“I- I didn’t k-know he was c-coming Seb-
 I was just t-trying to-“, you desperately tried to say but you couldn’t stop sobbing and crying.
“Don’t you dare lie to me, baby girl. Take this advice doll. Don't do it.” He said menacingly.
You were trying to breathe under his hand around your throat. All you wanted was this to end.
“What was he doing here? I told you that I would come back for you. Why did you let this
 thing touch you? WHY?”. He yelled again while he was strengthening the pressure around your throat.
 I-I swear on m-my life that I
 I didn’t k-know he was c-coming! He said that
 he w-was on the neighborhood and
 He j-just stopped b-by to say hel- hello
 I was p-panicking w-when I discovered
You stopped because you were now feeling the burning sensation in your throat.
“P-please d-daddy I can't b-breathe
” you could only say while he was loosening the pressure around your neck while turning your head to the side, so he could reach your delicate skin. Stroking your ear with his lips, you heard him ask while you were coughing really hard:
“Discovered what, doll? Why were you panicking?”
You were shaking hard. You didn’t know if it was of fear or desire because of the dangerous sensation you felt in your core when he stroked your ear with his lips.
“When I-I discovered w-who
 W-who you really a-are
” you finally said with a little voice when he strengthened the pressure around your throat again and he was now blocking you against the wall with anger.
You screamed. You were now crying like a baby. He didn’t changed his position. Your head were still on the side and he was now playing his lips on your cheekbone when he slowly, calmly and dangerously asked:
“And who am I? Baby girl? Tell me
You were about to answer when he started to slide the gun, slowly on your body, between your breast and he stopped it at the exact spot where your heart was resting, and its beatings increased mad hard. He strengthened his hand on you again, making you understand that you had to answer him. You didn’t recognize the man who was holding you violently against this wall right now. It wasn’t this man who saved you from danger. The man who surprised you at school, sent you a multitude of flowers and a Teddy Bear with all the balloons. The man who made love to you the night before even if he was a little difficult to handle because he was a daddy and you, the good girl. And you had to obey. Struggling to breathe, you put your hand on his hip while the other was holding on his shoulder. His rebellious locks were blocking his view but he didn’t mind because his eyes were accessible to yours, and he transferred you all his anger. You were his. He claimed you as his. And you were his. That’s it.
“D-daddy please
” you begged while entering your nails in his clothed skin. He didn’t move a bit, he was so focus on you.
“Who am I?” he asked, serious, unimpressive.
His sweet side was gone. Now you were dealing with the heartless mob boss. The criminal.
“You are
” you said while shaking harder against him.
He smirked. He loved what he was seeing. He loved being obeyed. He loved seeing you fearing him. You were so terrified that you were afraid to look at him in the eyes. Your legs were weak and you couldn’t feel them anymore. You were now giving up on his hand around your throat and you take your support on him, holding him tightly on his shoulders, wanting to avoid falling on the cold floor. His hand loosened and you saw him dropping the gun on your bed. The next thing you felt was his sweet lips on yours, searching for a burning kiss. Already weak, you couldn’t help but let go. After all, you wanted this to end. There’s was the end of your torture because now, at least, you could breathe even if you were still trying to catch your breath while he was kissing you deeply. He was now guiding you to your bed.
 do that again doll. Next time I see another man touching you, he’s dead and you’re dead. Do you understand that?” he asked while pushing you on your bed, coughing really loud.
Your eyes widened. He moved on top of you, making his way to you with his lips on your stomach. He was trying to control himself while trying to remove your t-shirt, but you were holding your throat and your arms were blocking it. Too impatient, he just moved it on top of your breast and he started sucking softly on your sensitive bud while his hand was stroking the other one. Despite the burning sensation you felt down your throat, you couldn’t help but your back arched off the bed, giving him a better position on your breast. He was switching between your breast and you were now filled up with desire. You put your hands on his soft hair and on his neck, stroking him. He stopped and slapped your delicate skin.
“Don’t you dare touch me. Don’t moan. Don’t talk. Do you get me?” He ordered.
” you answered.
He slapped you again. You understood the message.
“Yes daddy" you corrected yourself.
He smiled while he was now stroking your belly with his tongue. He took off your clothes,
You were now naked in front him. Weak. Powerless. You were his.
“Only mine
” he moaned while he was still sucking on your boobs.
He was now spreading your legs and you moaned. He slapped you.
“He’s going to pay for touching what’s mine. He will pay it. I will find him”. He said, looking at you keeping yourself from losing control under his touch.
” you just said.
He gives you a smirk.
“If no
 What?” he asked while stroking your clit, looking at your reaction. You moaned. He slapped you. You screamed. And your tears fell down your face.
“Daddy I
 Please no, don’t do that
” you simply said.
“He touched what’s mine, baby girl. I'm going to punish you, doll” he said while he was kneeling in front of you, between your legs, looking at your glistening heat.
“To remember.. who you belong to
” he replied while holding on your thighs, still admiring what he was seeing.
He couldn’t help but lick his lips and say:
“You’re so fucking wet already. All of this for me, doll? You tasted so good last night, baby girl. I could make you cum until your
He stopped talking when he saw you close your eyes and arched your back off the bed. You were feeling more and more good when he was talking like that to you. You felt so desirable. You were so horny that you were ashamed when you felt the liquid of your glistening heat flow. You moaned. Receiving no signs from him, you opened your eyes and you saw him looking at you with a smile. A dangerous smile. He stood up and made his way to your lips. He kissed you deeply, and you were responding like it depended of your own life. He left your lips and went to your ear, kissing your sweet skin.
“You love those dirty talk doll, aren’t you?” he said softly while playing with your tits.
You were burning of desire. All you wanted now was his tongue on your body. In your core.
“You’re getting so wet when I am barely touching you
 Do you love it, baby girl?” he asked again.
“Oh yes daddy" you moaned while stroking his hair, forgetting all kind of resistance despite his orders.
“If you’re getting so wet by those little words
 What if I tell you that I could make love to you all night long? Huh? Making you a moaning mess under my touch while I am stroking you with my tongue, sucking on your tits until you become so sensitive that you can’t take anything more? What if I tease you with my hands, stroking your clit and making you moan my name while you are trying to control yourself to not lose control under my touch, knowing so damn well that you will, no matter what? And what if I tease you with my big fat cock into your core, making you cum countless times and to not stop until the whole neighborhood knows my name, doll? Fucking you so hard anywhere in this fucking house and at the end, you’re begging me to fuck harder and harder over and over again while sucking on your pretty tits? What if I do all of this to you? He said while moaning into your ear, sliding his hand down on your clit, stroking it rapidly. You felt wetter and your hot liquid was still flowing on your butt.
 Y-Yes daddy
 I-I want more
” you moaned, crying.
You were now holding his head, approaching your lips close to yours, kissing him almost savagely.
“Will you be a good girl for daddy?”, he asked.
He slaps your thighs.
“Yes daddy" you corrected.
Not another word needed and he was already between your legs, spreading them even further, and he was already sucking on your sensitive bud. You were about to moan when you remembered, and you kept silent. Wanting desperately to move under his stroking tongue, you were now begging him to let you do it, because he was holding you really tight. He didn’t listen to you and kept sucking on you, aspiring all your energy. Your back arched off the bed when you feel his tongue making his way to your core. You were about to scream when your eyes met his, you kept yourself from disobeying, because you knew that your thighs would pay the consequences. He let go of your waist and was now making his way to your breast, stroking each tit and looking at you losing control little by little. He was now sucking your clit very hard. By moments, he was relaxing and made circles around your clit which made you move under him and you were now moving your hips to his face. He moaned.
“You taste so good, princess
You felt wetter down there. Couldn’t help, you let go of the sheets that you were holding and you were holding his head, grabbing now his hair, and pushing him further down while moaning his name.
You heard his giggles.
“You refuse to obey as always, doll. Not good" he said.
Now, you were definitely paying for disobeying. He was moaning your name while sucking on your clit harder, he was traveling his hands on your body, holding tight, making circles on your stomach before going to your breast. He was leaving between your legs by moments to suck on your nipples, to kiss you while playing with your tongue, and he was going again between your thighs. You were loosing control and you felt the same feeling down your core. You were in commotion and couldn’t stay in a neutral position. You were moaning under your breath. You were on the edge to cum, and he felt it. You were now begging him to not stop when
 he did.
“W-why d-daddy?” you asked, breathing heavily with confused eyes.
He was smirking while looking at your shaking body.
“Bad girls are not meant to cum, doll" he said while looking between your legs.
“You taste so fucking good baby girl, I swear I would make you cum countless times, but you don’t listen
” he added while he was stroking his lips.
He looked so sexy with his hair, messed up. He looked definitely sexier when his hair was a mess and when he was breathing heavily. A greek god. Definitely.
You were so upset he didn’t make you cum. You were confused and you were now hiding your body behind your sheets. You were looking at him while licking your lips, all you wanted was to make him pay what he just did. He was moving around to go in the bathroom when the two of you heard a sound. A familiar sound. The notification sound of your phone. A sound thought that you would never hear it again. And your eyes widened when he took off the device on his pocket. He was now holding your phone, the one that you lost at the party.
“Is this m-my phone?” you asked while swallowing hardly your saliva.
You were now shaking when you saw his expression change. He was relax and he was even joking of you because he didn’t let you cum and you were so confused because you wanted it so bad, but now he turned so cold that you could cut the tension between the two of you. His eyes were without any emotions. He was now an iceberg. You were wondering what could make it change mood this fast. You were about to talk when he turned the device in front of you so you could see what he was looking at. It was a text message.
“Y/N, are you alright? Let me know when you are available, baby. We have to talk" you read.
And it was from... Connor.
You closed your eyes while Sebastian was looking at you with anger.
“He will pay that” he just said.
“Where did you get my phone?” you simply asked, terrified at the only idea to upset him more than he was.
“While I was rescuing you, it felled on the ground and I was too preoccupied to get you out of this mess and to take you back so you could take it. So, I took it for you to give it to you after, because I knew I would find you, no matter what.” He explained, not breaking the eye’s contact.
You were asking yourself if you should ask for it. You took the risk.
“Can I have it?”
“You no longer need it". He replied, cold as an iceberg.
Without breaking the eye’s contact, still, he dropped the phone on the floor and took his gun. He shouted three times on the device on the floor. The gunshots were so loud that you had to take a moment to understand what he really did. Shaking, you were looking at him with confused eyes when he said:
“He had the audacity to touch what’s mine because he knew where you lived. He knew where to find you. I'm going to rectify that, doll".
You were trying to understand what he was saying, but you couldn’t put your ideas on track.
“W-what?” you just asked.
“I dare him to find you now. He will never, ever, touch you again. You're mine” he said while squeezing your cheeks between his fingers, his eyes watching deeply into your soul. You shakes under his hard touch.
“Where are you taking me?”
“I am taking you out of here” he just replied.
“Now put your clothes on, Y/N, we are leaving" he added while taking his phone, putting it against his ear.
“Daddy where are you taking me?”, you asked, afraid, begging.
“Somewhere no one will find you. I’m taking you home. What just happened will never happen again. No one has the right to touch what’s mine. No one. You have two minutes, I am waiting for you outside. And don’t make me repeat myself twice, Y/N". He said menacingly while opening the door to get out, already talking with whoever it was on the phone.
Shaking, you started to dress yourself. Your tears were falling down your cheekbones. And if you just run away? Right now? Escaping in the window? You were trapped. You didn’t know what will coming next, all you knew was that
 You were in trouble.
@sinner-as-saint ❀
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hubbyseby · 5 years
Yes pleaseđŸ„”
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↳ Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) dir. Anthony and Joe Russo
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hubbyseby · 5 years
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hubbyseby · 5 years
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11 Self-Defense Techniques (That Even A Child Could Use)
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hubbyseby · 5 years
@sinner-as-saint you are so amazing! Thank you so very much❀ I love you so much and thank you for supporting meâ€đŸ™đŸŒ
Part 2 of thoughts.. that idea would only work if the admins were like trusted and wouldn’t alter the story I guess. Especially since the original writer might not be able to verify. I just want everyone to enjoy everything 😂😂 also.. I would just tell her that I liked her fic but I think my phone hates her tumblr because I can’t message her! So I hope she sees this! HubbySebby!! Keep writing!!
Heya anon!
I'm glad you like my friend @hubbyseby 's work. I know she's amazing.
Your idea is cool, yet, I strongly believe Tumblr is a space where one doesn't have to reach absolute perfection to put out content.
Writers are free here, they're happy to put out as much content as possible. We don't get paid, no one forces us to write. We do it because we want to. Because for many, this is the only way they get to be free.
Mistakes are okay.
Writers who don't have English as their first language is okay.
Peace out buddy, have a good one!
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hubbyseby · 5 years
Yeah, English isn't my first language. And I'm sorry if I offended you with my bad grammarđŸ™đŸŒ I am really sorry, I am doing my best to improveđŸ™đŸŒ I am working on it! And thank you for letting me know, sincerely, what you think. I really appreciate your honesty! And thank you so much because you are reading my story! Lots of love❀
I had a thought while reading your friend (hubbysebby ??) fic. Clearly English isn’t her first language, and I was like “why doesn’t she have someone grammar check her stuff?” AND THEN I thought, “it’s probably hard as fuck for literally anyone with ESL to read anything on here. How cool would it be if there was like one tumblr with multiple admins that are fluent in Spanish, German, Italian, etc to translate for other users.” ANYWAY.. I read her fic and it was GREAT. Thank you for sharing!
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hubbyseby · 5 years
Si you have a masterlist??
Hey love! No... Not yet❀ But it will come❀
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