huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
you’re too sweet oh my gosh im
which of your mutuals would you ship with each member of nct & why?💫
okay so instead of matching nct members with my mutuals i decided to match my mutuals with them. that’s bcs i only talk to a few of my mutuals and some i just don’t know that well to match them, i hope you can understand that ://
@blossomjisung with jaehyun, idk they both seem like such sweethearts and the biggest angels on earth. give of mom friend vibes and are adorable asf. but can also be a little nasty thoughts and have some duality to them you know? would stay at home cuddling while watching a movie even tho i know ally doesn’t like skinship, he would respect that tho. but we all know you can’t resist a hug or a kiss from mr. jaehyun ;)
@jbemin with donghyuck, they would be the biggest fucking dorks out there. are smart and wise and are the best friends ever even tho they can be a tease and have the mind of a 4-year old at times. both extremely precious and need to be protected. are probs planning an extremely smart prank against humanity rn or are cuddling on a couch somewhere there is no in between :)
@jaeminftstars with you guessed it na jaemin, gosh this is the perfect match. both are the cutest little bubs ever and have such a sweet soul. they would go around showering everyone in love and making the whole damn world soft. could both also be two extreme dumb dorks. protect 😤😤
@huangjuuns with my precious baby renjun, damn they would be cute together. she is such a smart and kinda laid back girl and i think that would be perfect for renjun. he would try to make her smile all the time and just make her all soft and gooshy omygod, watch out bcs he is also a tease tho. :)
@pikachulein with jeno, damn uhm yea go search shelter bcs the most adorable duo ever is spotted. they melt hearts istg. they would go around laughing at each other stupid jokes and weird humour while the rest would be shaking their heads. go on those adorable dates together and everybody ships them even before they started dating, yea that couple :)
@starryyuta with my boy yuta, she one loyal yuta stan wow. he would tease the shit out of here but it’s with love tho. gets showered in love and attention all the time. sicheng who? no but srsly he would love her to death and always make sure she is the happiest and healthy she can be
@marculees with mark lee, um is this the best couple or is this the best couple? they both are such supportive angels and have such a precious soul. would do anything for each other and he would always make sure she is getting enough rest and knows he loves her. tries to take her on those adorable and fancy dates but somehow fails while doing some shit (its mark y'all) he would get all shy and she just loves him for his awkward ass. aww we love and support :’)
@maertsevil with jungwoo, i feel with bee like such a calm and loving mood. like whenever i talk to her i feel so relaxed and happy and soft. she is such a chill and adorable person to talk to and jungwoo just is that, soft and adorable. they would melt people while just walking around holding hands and giving each other sweet smiles and hugging while whispering heartwarming things. damnit im melting :(
@peachyjaemins with our president chenle, they both just radiate loud baby energy idk. both extremely sweet, supportive and still loud and hilarious. are extremely precious and amazing friends wow. they would just jump around the place and immediately everyone would cheer up. that adventurous couple you see going in trips together, don’t tell each other they love on another that much but you still clearly see they do.
@yestodaymvv with pwark jisung, they both give off such chill and calm vibes. even though she may be a bit more outgoing and social than him i think that would be a good thing. she would take him out of his shell and then the real teasing fuck would come out of it. then humanity needs to hide y'all bcs have you seen this boy roast? anyways when it came to her he would still be kinda shy and gushy bcs she has his heart :( he just loves her a lot and would buy her all kinds of candy and plushies to show it. again just like chenle might not say he loves her 24/7 but his actions and blush and shy laughs around her say enough :’)
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
reblog this if you’re a fanfic writer & your motivation to write actually increases when readers actually show interest & give you feedback. even just a reblog or a little comment here and there
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
imagine this: nct life season where they let ot18 run loose in ikea and we just see what the fuck goes down
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
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Genre: Angst, Fluff
Pairing: Jeno x Reader
Word Count: 706
Notes: I’m sorry, I suck at titling things,
Jeno: I love you, Y/N
Jeno: You’re probably asleep but I felt the need to tell you that I miss you.
Jeno: And that I really love you. Sweet dreams.
Keep reading
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
rainy days and stolen hearts
hello!!! i really enjoyed your renjun fluff it was super cute!!! i have a request if that’s okay?? would it be possible to have a renjun fluff and angst ?? if not, i don’t mind winwin either !!! hope you have a lovely day/night!! ✨🌟✨🌟
a/n: thank you sm!! i’m glad you enjoyed it. i’m sorry it took so long to get out, tumblr deleted the original one. i hope you like it 💕💕
friends to lovers! renjun
you two have been besties for a long time
and because of that he’s always at your house, or you’re at his
you two are rarely separated
and today he was at your house while your parents went to a friend’s house warming party (is that what adults do? idk mine don’t)
but because of the storm, he was kinda stuck at your house
and your parents decided on staying at their friend’s place considering it was pretty far away and it was too dangerous to drive home
they gave him permission to stay the night after realizing he couldn’t drive home either and you both were like !!!!
even though the only thing different was that you could watch moomin in the living room instead of your bedroom and you could eat all you want
but pretty soon, renjun grew bored of watching moomin (for once)
and he was annoying to the max™
he kept poking your sides and sighing obnoxiously loud just to bother you
you were perfectly content with watching moomin and eating
but he wasn’t
so that meant you had to find something else to do
“what do you want, renjun?”
he smiled at you, making your heart go ~~ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ internally
“i don’t know, something other than watch this.”
you probably could have killed him right there for saying that
all he wanted was your attention and now he doesn’t know what to do with it
“we could play truth or dare?” he asked
“with two people?”
you rolled your eyes at him because,,, he’s,,, so dumb,, sometimes
“fine, be a pussy then”
now you couldn’t turn it down
momma didn’t raise no binch
so that’s how you found yourself sitting directly across from renjun on the couch
“do you have a crush on someone?”
did,, he really,, just ask that?
you couldn’t just flat out say
you’ve liked him for quiet sometime
and slowly you were getting the courage to tell him
you were blushing so much he’d have to be blind to not see it
“HA SO YOU DO! who is it?”
“uhhh sorry answer machine 🅱roke”
“i have every right to know, i’m your best friend.”
you kicked his leg, making him pout
honestly you were surprised he didn’t hit you right back
that is until he shoved you off the couch
one thing lead to another and now you were pinned under him
he was straddling your waist, your arms pinned to your sides
“i win”
you were not going to lose a wrestling match to some stringbean, not on your watch
you started wiggling under him, attempting to get out
when he kissed you
it was really sudden and every part of your body went !!!
you were beyond shocked and you couldn’t seem to think of what to do
your last brain cell
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your lips and brain are not functioning
and poor renjun
he’s trying to get you to kiss back :(
he let go of your arms to gently cup your face
but!! you!! still!! didn’t!! kiss!! back!!
smh my head reader
when he gave up on trying, he pulled away looking incredibly sad
“right. sorry. you must like someone else.”
you could hear the heartbreak in his voice
you wanted to do something, say anything to him that would change his mind
but all that came out was a very weak
“we can just act like this never happened, yeah?”
climbing off of you, he walked into the kitchen
kind of an odd place to get when upset
unless you’re me and eat away your feelings
but it was the closest room he could go cry alone in
getting up quickly, you followed him
you saw him sitting on the floor, curled up against a counter very noticeably crying
when renjun noticed you, he quickly stood up, wiping away the tears
“can we talk about that?”
“what’s there to say?” anyone would have been able to hear how upset he was
“other than i just completely embarrassed myself in your living room because i thought that you might have liked me back. the least you could have done was pushed me away, but thanks for the heartbreak.”
he rolled his eyes, walking away from you, into your room
that night you couldn’t sleep
between the anxiety given by renjun and the storm, you were wide awake at 2 am
the only thing on was the news due to how bad the storm was getting
chewing at your bottom lip, you made a fast decision
you walked to your room quickly to get renjun
you didn’t know what he would do or say
but you decided to no waste your thoughts on that
because right now you really needed him
you shook his shoulder slightly, calling out his name softly
he took in a deep breath, opening his eyes slightly with a small hum
“can you please come downstairs with me? the storm is scaring me.”
with a small sigh, he nodded
his eyes hung half open as he clinged to your body while making your way to the couch
flopping onto the couch, he layed on his side, patting the spot next to him for you
hesitantly, you layed down, your back flush against his chest
“i’m sorry about earlier. it’s just that everything was so sudden and it’s not that i don’t like you, i really do, i just freaked out.”
turning to look at him, you noticed his eyes were open now
his hand moved from your waist to the small of your back, pulling you closer to him
“does that mean if i kissed you now, you would kiss back this time?”
you could hear the playfulness in his voice
“of course”
and this time was a lot better than the first
the end
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
work in progress
I’m currently working on a Ten au that’s kind of enemies to friends to lovers I really don’t know what it is, but it’s for Ten! I also have a plan for a Renjun scenario too!!
Please leave me some requests as I have time to write currently! I would love to hear from you, thank you!!
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
awhhh thanks you uu xx ✨🌟😭
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) once you get this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask box of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ( ◜◒◝ )♡♥ (
you need to be protected istg :’)
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) once you get this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask box of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ( ◜◒◝ )♡♥ (
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youre too cute!!! this made my day !! tysm xxx
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
Talk to Me
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note ; requested by the super sweet and lovely @donghyuck-uwu okay so the angst is very mild because i found it hard to write angst for hyuck!! but there’s a little bit oh and some fluff too! i hope you all enjoy it! 
warnings ; none! ❀ / ◑
word count ; 1.7k
✮ masterlist ✮
“Y/N! Please, just talk to me?” your boyfriend, Donghyuck pleaded, gently grabbing your left hand.
You forcefully shook his hand away.
“Just give me some time alone, okay?,” you said, voice low and broken.
“You’ve been so distant lately Y/N, please stop shutting me out,” Donghyuck gently spoke.
“I just, I have a lot going on Hyuck. I don’t mean to shut you out like this but I would like to be left alone,” you tried reassuring him. He stepped closer to you again.
“It’s good to talk it out though Y/N. We haven’t spent time with each other in ages,” Donghyuck tried persuading you.
“I’m just very stressed, I’ll see you tomorrow Hyuck,” you sighed, turning left to walk out the school’s gates.
Donghyuck has tried all he could. He knew it was best to leave you alone for a bit, even though he really didn’t want to. He watched you feeling pity as you walked down the road by the school.
I couldn’t stand seeing Y/N so upset these days. School stress had been piling up on her. She was also working an extra part time job to save for college and she was just having a tough time in general. I was simultaneously trying to be there for her but also give her space, but I had to do something. I was tired of not being able to make her happy like I used to. Lately, she was being very distant with me at school and ignoring my messages that I was beginning to think that maybe I had done something.
I couldn’t stand there doing nothing anymore. Before Y/N got away any further, I broke out into a quick run.
“Y/N! Y/N, please wait up!” I hollered.
Y/N halted, before spinning around with a confused expression etched onto her face.
“What?” she sighed. I had never seen Y/N look so drained and exhausted.
It took me a second to catch my breath. I didn’t care that a couple of people passing by were throwing us some muddled glances.
“You need to hear me out Y/N,” I began, before being interrupted.
“Stop it Hyuck, please. Look, we’ve been through this before and I just told you like a minute ago, please give me some space,” Y/N pleaded.
“No Y/N listen to me please. I care about you so much Y/N and I hate seeing you like this. Have I done something to upset you? Because if I have let me know,” I said, stepping closer to Y/N and making eye contact with her.
“No, Hyuck you haven’t. Don’t feel like you have this is just all my own personal stuff okay? I need to deal with it alone,” Y/N explained, turning to walk away from me for the second time today.
“I’m upset seeing you this down. Can I help? Can I make you happy again?” I added, gently picking up both of Y/N’s small and petite hands. She shook her head ‘no’ before smiling meekly at me.
“See you tomorrow,” she said, her voice no louder than a whisper as she broke her hands free from mine.
When I went to take her hand again, she pulled it away, breaking eye contact with me. I was left standing alone feeling hurt and lost.
You couldn’t comprehend your muddled thoughts. What you were feeling these past few weeks you couldn’t even decipher, let alone try and even begin to explain your problems to anyone. To be quite honest, maybe you were overreacting and your worries were futile. There was always something far worse happening. However, you felt like you had no free time to even breathe. Any free time you got was spent working part time to save for college. With college entrance exams around the corner you were cram studying and getting barely any sleep. You didn’t want to bother your friends with your bad humour. You were convinced that everything would sort itself out when you had enough money saved and exams were over.
You hated shutting Donghyuck out like you have been but it was best. You didn’t want your poor mood to upset or worry him. Obviously, that wasn’t working and he was quite concerned about you. Why had you been so cold to him? You were telling yourself it was best. But at what cost? Now he was feeling guilty and probably frustrated.
That Thursday evening you only had a small shift in the coffee shop next to your house. It was very quite in the final few hours. As you were making yourself busy with small tasks so that the time would pass by quickly and you could go home to study, you were making a mental note of all the things you had to do. You were painfully counting down the days until all your stresses with exams and working would come to an end.
After your shift finished, you pulled your phone out to see if you had any new notifications. A part of you was expecting a cute and kind message from Hyuck. He had constantly been sending you texts and trying to call you. Today there was nothing. You really don’t blame him. He had been trying so hard and you had been nothing but rude to him. A feeling of guilt suddenly washed over you. Why had you been so mean to Donghyuck? He was nothing but a sweet and caring boyfriend.
You clicked into his contact name and stared at the screen for a moment, biting down on your lip whilst thinking. Your eyes glanced back down onto your phone to check the time. It had just gone after ten o’clock. If you were to get any study done that night you’d need to be home soon. However, all you could think about was Donghyuck and the guilt you felt over how badly you had been treating him lately.
In that moment, you decided to give studying that evening a break. You finally talked some sense into your mind; you needed a break. Everyone needed a break. You couldn’t keep working, working and working. It wasn’t healthy. At all. You had to keep your friends and family close to you. They were always the most important thing in your life.
After zipping your coat up to protect yourself from the bitter night air, you walked in the opposite direction from your house and instead, you meandered your way through the all too familiar streets to Donghyuck’s home instead.
After walking up Donghyuck’s driveway, you slowly made your way up the steps to the door before knocking softly on the oak door. You could hear footsteps padding their way towards the door before hearing the clicking sound of the door unlocking.
A wave of sadness washed over you as you took in Donghyuck’s tired and sad appearance. Once he looked up and saw it was you, his eyes widened and lips parted.
“I- Y/N?” he began, opening the door wider.
“Can we please talk?” you asked, smiling sheepishly at the boy in front of you.
Donghyuck froze for a moment, not uttering a word.
“Y-yeah, of course Y/N,” he stuttered, opening the door wider.
You took in his appearance. His hair was disheveled and he wore some shorts and an old baggy tee shirt.
“Oh shit sorry. Were you sleeping?” you asked, realisation hitting you.
“No not really. I was doing homework and was just drifting off,” Donghyuck explained.
“I don’t want to wake your parents. Could we stay out on the porch?” you added, remaining stood outside.
“Sure. But first let me get you some tea. Are you hungry? You probably just came from work-“ Hyuck rambled, fretting over you.
You softly chuckled at your boyfriend’s caring nature.
Once Donghyuck had made some tea and gotten a blanket, you both sat on the top step outside his front door. You both remained quiet for a few moments, your hands wrapped comfortably around the steaming cups of tea. You turned your head slightly to the right to look up at Donghyuck. The warm yellow light from the streetlights casting down the neighbourhood’s street was the only source of light, making Donghyuck’s eyes sparkle more than usual. He looked down for a second and bit on his lip. This was something he did when he was thinking.
“Y/N, you know we need to talk,” he finally spoke out.
“I know. Hyuck, I’m really sorry,” you began.
Donghyuck turned slightly to face you.
“You don’t need to be. I understand, you’re very-“ he began, but you cut him off.
“No, Hyuck. Please don’t make excuses for me. It’s not right how I’ve been so dismissive and all you’ve done is look out for me. Hyuck, that was a really horrible thing of me to do,” you elucidated.
“I was just very worried about you. I care about you so much Y/N. So, so much,” Donghyuck said, picking up your hands and rubbing circles gently on the palms of your hand.
“I kind of let everything build up and have been putting all this unnecessary stress on myself. I kind of lost sight of what’s really important and shutting you out was the worst decision ever and I’ve really missed you,” you quickly explained while Donghyuk looked at you intently.
“It’s okay Y/N. But you know I’m always there for you,” he added in a low and gentle voice.
“Yes and I’m so grateful. I don’t deserve you really. I need to be there for you too,” you replied, intertwining your fingers with his.
You gently placed your head on his shoulder. Donghyuk then lay his head on top of yours, ensuring that both of your hands remained intertwined.
“You’ll get through everything okay Y/N,” Donghyuck whispered softly, placing a small kiss on the top of your head.  
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
85 Questions
thank you so much @donghyuck-uwu for tagging me!! 
i don't have anyone to tag so if you want to do it, do!! 
1. drink - milk
2. phone call - my friend 
3. text message - it was @donghyuck-uwu
4. song you listened to - moonwalker from seventeen’s you make my day
5. time you cried - probably a week ago?
6. dated someone twice? - no
7. kissed someone and regretted it - no
8. been cheated on - no 
9. lost someone special - yes
10. been depressed - don’t think so 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - no
fave colours
12. pink
13. yellow
14. grey 
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yes!! and i am so happy about that!
16. fallen out of love - not really 
17. laughed until you cried - yes!
18. found out someone was talking about you - not that i can remember 
19. met someone who changed you - i don't know 
20. found out who your friends are - yes 
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - i don't use facebook that much but yes, i do know them all 
23. do you have any pets - yes! a lovely dog!
24. do you want to change your name - no actually! i used to not really like my name but as i got older i have grown to like it more!
25. what did you do for your last birthday - was with my friends for dinner!
26. what time did you wake up today - 10.00 am because i went to sleep later than usual!
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - just coming home from a friend’s 
28. what is something you can’t wait for - going away to uni!
30. what are you listening to right now - sun and moon, nct 127 
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - yes
32. something that gets on your nerves - uhhh a lot of things  but people using and taking advantage of you, yeah that sucks a lot 
33. most visited website - tumblr, twitter and youtube
34. hair color - blonde 
35. long or short hair - long
36. do you have a crush on someone - not at the moment 
37. what do you like about yourself - i try to be as optimistic and positive as i can! 
38. want any piercings? - maybe a few more, but i have enough atm 
39. blood type - b
40. nicknames - i don't really have one :’)
41. relationship status - single 
42. zodiac - capricorn 
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows - don’t have one!! do dramas count?? if so, i really enjoyed weight lifting fairy and reply 1988 they're like two of my favourite dramas
45. tattoos - none at the moment 
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - no
48. piercings - 9 between both ears 
49. sport - not a very sporty person but i do dance? does that count??
50. vacation - new zealand, hong kong and east europe!
51. trainers - 4 pairs 
more general
52. eating - pasta, rice, cookies and bread 
53. drinking - tea, orange juice and coffee 
54. i’m about to watch - some vlives 
55. waiting for - exam results 
56. want - chocolate 
57. get married - not really but that could change 
58. career - something with languages 
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs
60. lips or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - taller since i'm so short 
62. older or younger - older 
63. nice arms or stomach - arms
64. hookup or relationship - relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant?
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no
67. drank hard liquor - yes
68. lost glasses - yes but i got them back!
69. turned someone down - yes 
70. sex on first date - no i'm too young 
71. broken someone’s heart - i hope not 
72. had your heart broken - yes
73. been arrested - no
74. cried when someone died - yes
75. fallen for a friend - no 
do you believe in
76. yourself - yes, kind of 
77. miracles - kind of 
78. love at first sight - not really 
79. santa claus - no
80. kiss on a first date - yes 
81. angels - not really 
82. best friend’s name - i have three great best friends but won't name x
83. eye color - blue 
84. fave movie - i don't have just one!
85. fave actor - i don't have one either :’) 
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
soo your favourite potato-head decided to start an nct boyfriend series because i’m so original :)) anyways i’ll start of with renjun because he just seems like an awesome bf and i wanted to. PLS REQUEST which nct member you want next, thank u!
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soo this baby wouldn’t initiatie skinship very quick in the relationship. i feel like it would take him some time to like really grab your hand or put an arm around your waist and that kind of stuff
and that is not because he doesn’t want to hold you it’s just that he is too shy and he thinks you might not like
i’m soft,, welp
but when he does get comfortable boi, oh boi 
he just holds your hand like a lot of the times and without even noticing he has his arms around your waist and that kind of cute shit
i don’t think he really is a pda kind of dude, i mean i think he wouldn’t mind holding your hand in public but he just doesn’t touch you or at least not a lot when the dreamies are around bc he know what happens after
but lemme tell you if he does happen to sneak his arm around your waist or give you a peck on your cheek and the dreamies start teasing
‘guess who is gonna get chocked??’- renjun before he runs after them
does this thing where when you two cuddle he just start talking really dreamy. like he’ll talk to you about his problems and his insecurities and shit
and you listen to him and give him advice and/or just play with his hair as you listen
i think renjun isn’t too much of a kisser
sure he loves to kiss you but i don’t think he’ll do it that often
if he does they are long and passionate
he just wants to enjoy the moment and show you as much love as possible
he strikes me as a person who’d love to give forehead kisses bc they are just cute and meaningful and he wants everything with you to be meaningful
loves holding your face in his hands and just staring at you with a soft smile and heart eyes
also loves it when you get all blushy and soft
but he gets even blushier and softer when you are the on initiating skinship
you sometimes just see him staring at you with lovey dovey eyes 
while he’s thinking:
‘damn,, how did I get so lucky?’ 
dates to the park are common and you often go on dates to nice cozy cafes as well
you both would probs be such an aes. couple wow.
sometimes draws/paints you and when you find his drawings and confront him abt it he just gets so shy 
but it would lowkey highkey look amazing,, because hello?!!! it’s renjun
at practice or just anywhere would randomly smile because a cute memory of you just popped up in his head
and the dreamies would give him a ‘yikes’ look
he either wouldn’t care abt them or chase them down
has cute nicknames for you like: honey, babe and that kind of shit
loves play fighting with you!!
sometimes he gets too into it and ends up hurting you a little
feels so guilty after even after you reassure him everything’s okay
ends up buying you ice cream and puts on your favourite movie as you both cuddle and he whispers sorry every know and then
will softly sing you to sleep as he plays with your hair
(give me someone who would do this for me)
burries his face into the crook of your neck a lot
randomly mumbles an ily and then gets all shy after bc he didn’t expect you to hear it
arguments are there but he tries to avoid them as much as possible
but when they happen he is a lil stubborn in apologizing though
eventually, after times passes by he realizes what he said and how much he misses you and you do too so you both end up apologizing and cuddling
renjun is the softest, adorable bf ever and he needs to be protected and well taken care of, pls love him and whenever he tells you he loves you say it back and cuddle him as much as you can 
ughhh im so soft
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
you’re too sweet!!!! x
Give ♡ this ♡ to ♡ the ♡ twelve ♡ nicest ♡ people ♡ you ♡ know ♡ if ♡ you ♡ get ♡ five ♡ back ♡ you ♡ must ♡ be ♡ perfect ♡ xoxo
ILY BABY 💓💓 (pls check her out she is an awesome writer wow)
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
Give ♡ this ♡ to ♡ the ♡ twelve ♡ nicest ♡ people ♡ you ♡ know ♡ if ♡ you ♡ get ♡ five ♡ back ♡ you ♡ must ♡ be ♡ perfect ♡ xoxo
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ajdnckddc ;;;;; thank you so much!!!! 
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
hey sweetheart since i really enjoyed your recent post and you are an awesome writer, i thought i'd request something if you don't mind. so honestly i'm not a picky person and i'll let almost everything up to you, the only things i would like to have included are: donghyuck, fluff and maybe angst?? idk. again you decide! anyways i hope u have an awesome day sweetheart and keep up the good work!! ❤
ahsbskxk that’s so sweet of you thank you so much it means so much!!!! I will get working on a donghyuk scenario for you straight away!! I will tag you in it once I have it complete!! If you think of anything you’d like added to it, message me and I will try my best to have it written for you over this weekend!!! you’re very kind thank you again and have a great day/night 🌼
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
unrequited - high school!au - reader, renjun & jaemin
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note; Okay so originally this was supposed to be longer and have more of a plot but as I was writing this I was worried it was becoming a little boring and I personally find it difficult to write long pieces for highschool aus!! if you want, I may do a part two?? I didn’t want to initially and instead wanted a longer one shot but oh well! I just wanted to have something posted for you all!! I hope you enjoy and REQUESTS ARE OPEN!  
- Where you are best friends with Renjun but have had a long time crush on Jaemin. With your final year of high school approaching quickly, new feelings emerge and some uncertainties arise. (not a great summary I tried) -
warnings; none! ❀
word count; 4.7k
✮ masterlist ✮
You definitely were not the romantic type. You didn’t believe in love at first sight and you definitely didn’t believe in falling in love in highschool. How could anyone meet their soulmate in highschool? There was nothing pleasant or romantic about it. You also didn't expect to end up having a profound infatuation for the carefree, smiley boy whom everyone adored. You would pretend to pay no attention whatsoever to him and for no valid reason, he annoyed you. Maybe it was because you had just the tiniest crush on him and didn't want to admit it to yourself so you felt the need to conjure up some reason to dislike him so that your tiny crush wouldn’t spiral into anything more than that - a simple, harmless crush.
You had entered your last term of high school and although college entrance exams were over and you had received your university offers, it had never been a busier time at school. You were the well liked, diligent student who was involved in literally everything. You were head of the debate team, played soccer, helped direct school plays and class president - a title you had held for three consecutive years. On the outside, you would appear to be a super serious, studious girl who spends most of her waking hours in the school library (yes, you did spend a lot of time in the library but that didn't matter), but you were a normal teenager who enjoyed wasting away weekends doing absolutely nothing with your friends.  
“Have you heard anything yet?” you asked your best friend, Renjun, in relation to college offers. 
A sigh escaped his pursed lips as he balanced his lunch tray on one arm while simultaneously pulling the chair out. You still had no idea why he did this. Why didn't he just place the tray down on the table first and then pull out the chair? You would never know why.
“Nope,” he smiled meekly. You reached over and friendly pushed his shoulder.
“You will! It’s completely normal to be waiting, besides your application was flawless,” you said, trying to create a positive atmosphere.
“I overheard Jeno got his acceptance letter this morning…” Renjun sighed, casting a sorrowful look down at the cafeteria’s table.
“So? Everyone gets theirs at different times,” you said.
“We applied to the same school…” Renjun trailed. He stabbed a piece of broccoli with a chopstick and sighed, looking sorry for himself.
“Hey, still be optimistic, okay? That doesn't mean you haven't gotten in!” you cheerfully reasoned. 
You passed your carton of chocolate milk over to your best friend as a kind gesture. Renjun smiled up at you, but his eyes looked sad and empty.
“Hey, do you want me to skip practice and we can go and get ice cream?” you offered.
“No, no. That's okay, don't skip. But I might come to practice with you if you don't mind. I could do with the fresh air and I don't really want to go to art class. Our teacher has been constantly asking for updates on my application,” Renjun mumbled.
“Of course you can! Come and cheer me on!” you laughed. 
Although the sports season was over and there were no games left, you still enjoyed spending your afternoons out on the field with your team mates. Even if it meant you had to share the pitch with the boys team.  And maybe, just maybe, it made your day just a tiny bit better seeing the captain of the boys soccer team. Although you'd never tell anyone, you couldn't help denying that you had a crush on quite possibly the most popular boy in school - Na Jaemin.
As you made your way out onto the school’s soccer pitch after a rather long day of classes, you glanced up to the stands to see your best friend sat up in the very back row. Renjun wore an oversized sweater that made him appear more thin, his earphones in his ears and a sketchpad perched on his lap. You tried to get his attention by waving frenetically. He didn't look up. You felt sorry for him and not in a patronising way. It upset you that you couldn't chatter excitedly about your college plans like most teenagers did when he had yet to hear if he had gotten accepted. It also hurt you that you couldn't sympathise with him or give him any helpful advice since you didn't know what the right thing to say or do was. You were just trying your best to be as positive as you could - for him.
“Well done today!” a cheerful, yet deep voice exclaimed, tapping your arm slightly. You would recognise that melodic voice in a heartbeat. You spun around immediately to face Jaemin.
“Thanks,” you mumbled. 
You glanced nervously down at the pitch, as if the grass and dirt were the most fascinating things ever. How could he look so effortlessly perfect after exercising and running around a soccer pitch for an hour when you were flushed and perspiring with a myriad of lose hairs falling out of your messy ponytail? It just wasn’t fair.
“Some of the guys team are heading out for ice cream and I was wondering if any of you would like to come?” Jaemin smiled.
“Oh, em… I’m really sorry, I actually have plans, thanks though,” you lied, clutching your right arm with your left hand nervously.
“Oh that’s okay! Next time, yeah?” Jaemin smiled. You didn't utter another word but nodded your head as if to say yes.
This wasn't the first time you had turned down invites to after school ice creams and bubble teas. You kept using the same excuse but you just felt far too nervous to be around Jaemin and you just couldn't bring yourself to go. I mean, he was only being friendly as captain of the boys team.
You met Renjun walking down the steps of the football stands on your way to the changing rooms. He pulled his earphones from his ears and smiled at you.
“You did great today Y/N!” he exclaimed, slinging his lanky arm around your petite shoulders. You smiled meekly up at your tall friend.
“I don’t feel like going to the library today,” you began. Renjun gasped, a mocking look of horror etched onto his face as he placed a hand on his chest.
“Are you feeling okay?” he joked, placing a hand on your forehead.
“Shut up,” you laughed, swotting his hand out of your face.
“So what do you wanna do instead?” Renjun asked. You thought for a moment before smirking at your friend.
“Bubble tea?” he laughed, raising an eyebrow quizzically.
You nodded your head profusely while Renjun chuckled softly at your behaviour.
After changing back into your school uniform you skipped out to the front of the school building to meet Renjun. He sat by the water fountain, scrolling aimlessly on his phone. He looked up to see you and smiled.
“I forgot my purse,” you bluntly said, waiting for your friend to complain about how you always did that and that he would soon be broke by funding your bubble tea addiction.
“It’s okay. It’s my treat,” he chirped. Instantly, you knew something was up with him. How come he went from being really down to being his cheerful self within the span of like, twenty minutes?
You spun around to face him.
“Huang Renjun tell me now, what is going on?!” you exclaimed, walking closer to him.
He smirked, raising his phone. You let a frustrated sigh escape from your lips.
“I may have just gotten an email. For an interview…” he began.
You squealed out in joy, jumping up and throwing your arms around his shoulders. There was no need for him to say anymore.
“Hey, hey. Don't get too happy now okay? I still haven't actually gotten in you know,” he reasoned.
“Yeah but, an interview? That’s pretty positive for an art school. Told you your application was amazing!” you gushed. 
Although it was Renjun’s future, you couldn't help but feel just as delighted as you had when you received your college acceptance letter.
“I suppose you’re right,” he smiled, looking down at the pavement happily.
“But I don’t want to get too excited. I have yet to hear from the schools,” he added.
You playfully linked your arm between his and looked up at him, a large grin plastered on your face.
Renjun went up to the counter in the all too familiar bubble tea shop which was located near both your houses, to order for both of you. He recited the same order as it had become a custom; the owner of the tiny shop knowing the order anyway but still taking it every time. Jasmine milk tea for Renjun and Lychee Green Tea for yourself.
You slid into the comfortable booth next to the window at the back of the shop where you both usually sat if no one else had taken it.
“Here you go!” Renjun exclaimed, carefully placing your drink in front of you. You thanked him before taking a sip. Before you could start a conversation with your best friend, you looked up to see someone you weren't expecting - Jaemin. Well, Jaemin and a few members of the soccer team.  You slid down your seat, hoping he wouldn't see you. Why would he even be here? As far as you were aware, he lived a good few neighbourhoods over. There were plenty of other bubble tea shops closer so why would he be here? Not that you really minded all that much …
“What is it?” Renjun chuckled. He followed your eyes, turning his head to see Jaemin with his friends.
“Oh right,” Renjun said with a nod of his head.
You continued to sink further into your seat, hoping Jaemin would order and leave as soon as possible, with you going unnoticed. Unfortunately, you stared a little too long as Jaemin locked eyes with you for a split second before you immediately looked away. Renjun tried making conversation with you so that it wouldn’t appear unusual - you practically hidden underneath the table.
“Hey,” Jaemin’s smooth voice said as he approached your table.
“Oh um hi,” you awkwardly stuttered. Why did you do this to yourself? You always felt as if you were embarrassing yourself in front of him. Jaemin acknowledged Renjun with a “hey” as well.
“You come here often? I never pass by here usually but I’d heard great things about this place,” Jaemin asked, making conversation.
“Y-yeah sometimes,” you stuttered. You felt Renjun’s foot gently kick yours. You shot a look of annoyance in his direction.
“Would you like to come here sometime, like after school or something?” Jaemin boldly asked, a bright smile on his face, radiating confidence. Renjun shot a confused look in both yours and Jaemin’s direction.
“Oh um yeah, sure sometime…” you stuttered.
 Renjun kicked your foot again. You discreetly kicked him back. Jaemin smiled one more time before turning around to walk away and collect his order.
“What was that for?!” you hissed at Renjun, leaning closer to him.
“You! You’re stuttering! You got all flustered! I was trying to be a good friend you know, like stop you from embarrassing yourself further,” he replied, stirring his boba with the straw. Renjun looked unusually distant.
“Well okay then. Thanks?” you mumbled, your eyes falling to the table. Renjun’s bad humour was starting to upset you a little bit but you brushed it off, putting it down to college application stress.
“I’m going to head home, I have committee stuff to do,” you stated, hopping up out of the booth.
“I’ll walk you home,” Renjun said, standing up.
“No, no you're all right Jun, I’ll see you tomorrow yeah?” you softly said. He smiled sheepishly, nodding his head and waving you goodbye.
Prom was only a mere three weeks away and the committee (including yourself) were quite stressed. One good thing that had happened in these last few weeks was that your life long crush began messaging you. Yourself and Jaemin texted most nights, even FaceTiming each other every now and then. You couldn't be any happier. You both had a lot in common and to you, everything about him was just so perfect.
After you came home from school one Friday, you got a call from Renjun. You had really only been talking to him at school these days and not as much outside school. You felt bad for your best friend and knew he was just very stressed out. You were in the middle of making some ramen for dinner since your parents were out when he called.
“Y/N… Can we please talk? Like right now, if you're free of course, I mean…” Renjun rambled.
You couldn't decipher what was wrong with him, but you were concerned.
“Of course Renjun. I’ll meet you out by our hill in ten,” you replied before hanging up.
You pulled a hoodie on over your head and slipped your feet into a pair of boots. You really didn't care how you looked. After locking the door behind you, you made your way through the city's night. It was only slightly drizzling, but quite cool. Ever since you and Renjun became friends when he moved to Seoul ten years ago, you had your spot in the park. The park marked the half way point between both of your houses, automatically becoming your spot. You could make out Renjun’s silhouette on the hill in the park. The park was technically closed since it was ten o’clock, but there was no high security so it was easy to sneak into. After seeing Renjun waiting there, you broke out into a run.
I hopped from foot to foot and blew some warm air onto the palms of my hands in an attempt to keep warm. It was usually cool for a May night but I was also only wearing a loose hoodie so I only had myself to blame for being cold. My heart was beating so quickly and loudly I was convinced I could hear it and so would Y/N once she arrived. At least my hands had stopped trembling. I just couldn’t believe it. Suddenly I saw a petite silhouette approaching in the distance. I waved my hand high in the night’s sky to attract Y/N’s attention. Once she saw me, she quickly ran up the hill. Her expression was mixed, one of confusion, worry and strangely, happiness. Her cheeks were a cute shade of pink and lose hairs had fallen out from her pony tail. She looked slightly out of breath too.
“Are you okay?” I chuckled, softly placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Yes yes! Now Jun! Tell me what’s up?!” She exclaimed.
“I really don’t know how to um, say this? But I got accepted...” I began. Y/N’s face lit up.
“Oh my god Jun that’s amazing! But why don’t you seem ecstatic?” She questioned.
“Well, you know the way I applied to college here in Seoul and also China?” I explained.
“Mhm, I know,” Y/N nodded her head.
“I thought I wouldn’t get into art school in China as the uni I applied to is very prestigious, well so is Seoul, but... I got accepted to both,” I elucidated. I bit down on my lip, waiting for Y/N to reply.
“What?! That’s just, amazing Renjun! Really, I’m so proud of you and so happy for you!” Y/N gushed, running towards me and pulling me into a tight embrace. 
Then it happened again, my heart beat sped up and my breathing stopped for a second. Y/N hugged me all the time but things just felt different now. I really like her but she doesn’t like me and it’s not fair to confess now that we’re finishing high school. Y/N slowly began to pull away. Since she was slightly shorter, I looked down into her eyes and smiled down at her. Before I could prevent myself, I bent down and closed my eyes. Y/N didn’t move and my lips were so close to hers that they brushed.
“Renjun, what’re you doing?” Y/N spoke, her voice slow and low. I opened my eyes and instantly pulled away. I bit my lip and shook my head.
“Nothing. Nothing, sorry.... I-“ I stuttered, shaking my head.
“It’s okay. Come on let’s get some boba and talk about your amazing news,” Y/N brightly announced, grabbing my left hand.
“It’s like half ten,” I bluntly said.
“So?! Let’s go,” she smiled, pullling my arm.
Did she think I was about to kiss her just because of my news and that it was just an accident. Does she know how I feel? Or is she embarrassed and want to forget about it? She didn’t kiss me back so why should I confess? It’s not fair on her either. She likes Jaemin and always has, besides, they’ve been getting closer lately. It wasn’t fair to tell her I’ve liked her for years or she’ll think our friendship wasn’t real or something.
Your mind was spinning. All you could think about was Renjun and how you almost kissed. For some reason, you decided to brush it off. Did you like him? Have you ever had feelings for him? Not really and it wouldn’t have been fair to lead him on and kiss him back.
“I’m buying!” You stated upon entering your local boba cafe.
“No, let me please,” Renjun tried to argue.
“What?! No! We’re here to celebrate your news!” You reasoned, walking over to the counter and ordering your usual drinks. 
The cafe was silent with no other customers and the cashier looked immensely tired.
After paying, you carried both drinks over to the booth at the back of the store that yourself and Renjun always sat at if it was free.
After a few moments of unusual silence and sips from your bobas, you decided to ask the question that was on both of your minds.
“So, what’re you thinking? Here or China?” You asked, stirring your boba.
Renjun pursed his lips together and shook his head.
“Y/N, I really don’t know. I want to stay here of course and I would miss you way too much-“ he began, but you had to stop him there.
“Jun, yes of course I will miss you like crazy but you can’t let other people, myself included, be the reason for you not taking that option. You’ve gotta do what’s best for you and I know it must be so difficult to pick, but you have got to do what feels right,” you explained, leaning on your elbows so you’d be closer to him.
“I know, I know. I just, I never thought I’d get accepted to China,” he said, resting his chin on the palm of his right hand.
“You did because you have worked so hard and you’re an insanely talented artist! That’s why,” you stated matter-of-factly.
“Thanks. If, hypothetically, I choose to go back to China for school, we’ll try and visit each other yeah?” Renjun asked, his tone soft.
“Are you really asking me that?! Of course! I’d love to visit China anyways! Oh and we’ll FaceTime every day if not every two days! You’re not getting rid of me!” You laughed, picking up his hands.
Renjun smiled, suddenly feeling much better and less stressed. Once you both had finished, Renjun walked you home. Moments like this that were so normal in your ten years of friendship were suddenly precious to you. You needed to appreciate the weeks you had left with Renjun because you knew what decision he was going to make.
There was only one week left of school and prom was a mere five days away. You felt sick at the thought of it. Since you were too busy with organising the event, you hadn’t got a date so yourself and Renjun were going as friends.
After school on Monday, you went down to the gym hall to help with set up. As you were walking down the empty corridors of the school, two heavy cardboard boxes in your arms, you felt a tap on your shoulder which startled you slightly.
“Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to frighten you,” Jaemin’s soft voice apologised.
“You’re okay!” You laughed. 
Before he said anything else he had taken the boxes from your arms, ignoring you telling him to leave them and that you were okay.
“Is it okay to help or do you have to be on the committee?” Jaemin asked whilst both of you walked side by side to the gymnasium.
“At this stage, no one cares since we really do need all the help we can get,” you explained.
“Perfect!” He chirped with a bright smile.
You thanked him before pushing the double doors of the sports hall open to make way for him and the boxes. Upbeat pop songs were playing loudly from speakers and about ten students meandered their way through the large hall, frantically shouting orders at each other. You sighed. One more late night of dance duties.
Jaemin dropped the boxes on the shiny floor with a thud. When the song that was playing came to an end and the next one started he suddenly began to dance. You couldn’t believe this boy. He had no shame whatsoever, spinning around and freestyling, yelling every now and then. You hid your face in embarrassment. He picked up your small hands, twirling you around. Since he was stronger than you, you were unable to pull away.
“C’mon you’ve been too stressed lately! School dances are supposed to be fun!” He shouted, twirling you around some more.
“Jaemin stop,” you laughed, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Fine,” he pouted.
“Um, Y/N? I know it’s really late and last minute and not as cute as I’d like it to be but I couldn’t think of the right moment-“ Jaemin rambled, speaking far too quickly for you to keep up with.
“Whoa whoa Jaemin, slow down I can’t make out what you’re saying,” you giggled.
“Will you, no sorry, would you like to, go to prom with me?” He finally blurted with a sheepish smile.
You couldn’t believe it. It was surreal. Jaemin has been your life long crush. Why did this feel like a dream?
“I’d love to, like you have no idea how much I’d love to, but I already told Renjun I’d go with him,” your explained. You’d never bail on your best friend for a guy.
Jaemin smirked before saying,” You see I knew you’d go with Renjun since you’re both practically joint to the hip. For months I presumed you two were actually dating. I asked Renjun this morning for his permission and he said that I should ask you.”
This was all incredulous. Your phone suddenly pinged, indicating you had a new message. You pulled your phone out of your backpack to see one new message from Renjun:
to; y/n from; junnie 17.20pm
so has he asked you yet????!!! ;)
to; junnie from; y/n 17.21pm
yes!!!! wait, are you really ok with it??
to; y/n from; junnie 17.21pm
of course y/n!!! now go back to jaemin! talk later!
You slid your phone back into your backpack before turning your attention back to Jaemin. Jaemin never looked so awkward before but you found it kind of adorable.
“Yes Jaemin, I’ll go to the dance with you,” you beamed.
“Really?!” He smiled, eyes lighting up.
He pulled you in for a quick hug. Both you and Jaemin spent the rest of the evening setting up the hall for the dance.
“Do you wanna grab some food? Or have you got other plans?” Jaemin teased, reminding you of the numerous times you rejected his invites to food and movies with the soccer teams.
“No, I think I’m free,” you replied, walking towards the doors of the hall. Since it was late, everyone else had already left.
“The school is kind of scary when there’s no one else here,” Jaemin admitted, eyes widening as he took in the eerie corridors in the pitch black. You just shrugged your shoulders since you were used to it.
You both agreed on pizza for dinner. Jaemin claimed he knew where the best pizza in Seoul was. You didn’t argue and followed him to the subway station closest your school. The subway ride was ten minutes long but you both spent it chatting away to each other.
“How come we never really spoke until recently?” Jaemin randomly asked once you arrived at your stop. You both walked out onto the platform, the warm underground air making you cough.
“I don’t know, well to be honest I thought you were kind of annoying, not in a bad way though,” you admitted. Jaemin stood still, feigning a hurt expression.
“You thought I was annoying? Why? What’d I do?” he asked.
“Well, nothing really. I suppose I was envious of how carefree and naturally happy you always appeared and because of that everyone always adored you. And because I always found you kind of cute too ...” You blurted. Jaemin grinned.
“So you think I’m cute huh?” He smiled.
“That’s all you took from that?” You laughed, surprised at Jaemin.
“Well that’s okay then,” he said, turning around towards the steps that led you both out onto one of the many busy streets of Seoul.
“Huh?” You questioned, confused.
Jaemin picked up your left hand as you both walked up the stairs of the subway station.
“I think you’re cute too,” He smiled, intertwining your fingers. Your eyes fell to your laced fingers and a small blush crept its way onto your cheeks.
This evening couldn’t get any more perfect in your mind. The night’s air was cool yet comfortable. Even though it was a Monday night there was still plenty of people flitting throughout the city’s busy streets. Most importantly, Na Jaemin was by your side telling some story in his soft and low voice that you adored so much.
The pizza must be good since the restaurant was packed with people. Fortunately, you both managed to grab a table. Since there was far too much choice, you decided to let Jaemin choose what you’d get since he went there a lot. As you both sat in the restaurant’s booth chatting happily to each other, your phone began buzzing.
“I’m really sorry, you don’t mind if I check? It could be my parents,” You began. Jaemin shook his head.
“No no it’s fine, go ahead!”
You scrunched your eyebrows together in confusion upon seeing multiple messages from Renjun. He was asking if he could meet you or call you and that he had some news. You quickly typed a message back to him explaining where you were and that you wouldn’t be back until later.
to; y/n from; junnie 19.03pm
that’s okay! sorry for interrupting you y/n. just give me a call when you get home if you’re not too tired. i have news, it’s just college stuff don’t worry!
to; junnie from; y/n 19.04pm
sorry jun :( yes i’ll call you tonight or come over if you need to talk
“Is everything okay?” Jaemin questioned, a slight look of worry etched onto his face.
“Of course!” You smiled.
You felt a little bit guilty for not being there for Renjun in that moment. He was always there for you. However, he reassured you that everything was okay. You tried telling your brain that Renjun was fine and that you’d talk later, but that you were with Jaemin now and needed to focus on that. Everything would be okay.
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
New Members!
Please remember to add the network somewhere visible on your blog as soon as possible!
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huangjuuns-blog · 6 years
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the softest
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