Httyd fan
62 posts
~ Fandom: How to train your dragon (Movies) and Race to the edge (kinda in my name) | I like whump. Yeah. | Just here to read some FanFictions cus that’s what I do best~
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httydfan02 · 4 years ago
I don’t remember if I’ve left an ask about it or not in the last few weeks, but I’m another anon that read Hitchups for the first time really recently! I binged the trilogy, remembered how much I loved the movies as a child, and sought fanfic. I also think that the concept of Toothless and Hiccup leaving is /so compelling/ and you executed something spectacular wonderfully! Thank you!! (Also, if you happen to have any fanfic recs, I would love to hear :) )
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First, again, HI! Also, I’m a piece of shit who gets to check tumblr mail once a month it feels like. Life is like that for me rn but I do read and appreciate everything!! I’m so glad you managed to find Hitchups despite it being, literally embarrassingly, ten years old now. I’m also absolutely tickled that it still holds up after all this time. It was a subject I was, and still am, passionate about. That Hicctooth bromance, that coming-of age need to explore and grow, that touch of otherworldly interference that is just out of reach of factual history…
So! Fic recs!
I have The Five Fics You Should Have Read | & | Other Great HTTYD Fics You Might Have Missed from my early early days of fic reading that inspired me to try my own hand at it (and thus was born Hitchups).
Those links have my opinions/ratings posted on them. If you don’t want to slog through that and just have straight links, here are a few quick picks:
Mein Vollkommener Beschützer
Good Thing You’re Already Dead
To Soar into the Sunset: A Night Fury’s Odd Memior
Castle Utgard: The Legend of Hogi and Lugi
Principles and Elements
Talking in her Sleep
By Land and Sea
Angles of the Silences
Winter Haul, Sting of Spring, Summer’s Fervor, and Turning Autumn
Dragon Journals
To be God Touched
One Last Problem
Things on a similar thread to Hitchups that you may be interested in:
To Be God Touched by Celestra
Castle Utgard by Grim Revolution
To Soar into the Sunset: A Night Fury’s Odd Memoir by Fjord Mustang
- also by her, Logic of Steel
The Truth is a Shard of Ice by Whitefang333
Now, I stopped reading httyd fanfic not long after Hitchups was finished. I lost my appetite for it, I suppose, though not my appetite for the fandom itself mind you. The introduction of the TV show really… uh… twisted most of the new/available content. And before the RotBTD was a thing that had already… um… flavored the waters so… that raw, wholesome, original first-movie!HTTYD energy that sucked me back to this ‘kids movie’ so many times? That had been lost for me. That’s why a lot of the fics I rec are aged. They’re from a time before the fandom really exploded and introduced so many new people and ideas. Which means my options are dated and there are probably TONS of great fics out there I can’t vouch for!
THAT SAID, two things I’ve had on my ‘to read’ list that might also flow along the ‘Hitchups’ theme of things are:
Infernal Responsibility by @p-artsypants
Umbreytingu by @elfpen
A Thing of Vikings by @athingofvikings
They are all stellar people from what I’ve expirienced interacting with them and can create some equally stellar stuff so, please, check them out!
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httydfan02 · 4 years ago
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Soft Blue Moon
#30313b 🌙 #424864 🌙 #5e6fad 🌙 #808cba 🌙 #afb3cc
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httydfan02 · 4 years ago
Canon HTTYD Moments Compilation
With HTTYD3 coming up, as threatened before I’ve made a collection of all the in-canon moments I’ve dreamt up starting from immediately after the events of How to Train your Dragon.
Stoick throws his arm around his son, the village gathers, Astrid kisses him, and dragons are a part of Berk. Moments in the years following:
The first time Hiccup kissed Astrid
Astrid’s first time seeing Hiccup in his flight suit
… Astrid realizing she’s going to be seeing Hiccup in that flight suit quite a bit
Hiccup acknowledges that Astrid’s begun to call him ‘babe’
A falling star at Seventeen
The first “I Love You”
Moments Before/Within How to Train your Dragon 2:
The day Eret gets branded // The aftermath
“Son, we need to talk” - the morning conversation Hiccup and Stoick had in Berk.
Astrid and Valka’s first conversation
Moments Following How to Train your Dragon 2
Immediately after surviving and defeating Drago, the shock of nearly dying catches up with Hiccup
Valka’s home, but she still feels homeless
Hiccup struggles in his first few days as Chief
… and maybe some further raunchy convincing on Astrid’s part that he’ll be fine
Wedding Plans Move Forward
Planning a wedding is a bit more than either of them, well, planned for
Endeavor :)
(side post)
Moments in Domestic Life
Astrid never messes with Hiccup’s spring-coil again. A more serious take on calibration issues
There’s one other person who likes Astrid’s Yaknog
Moments in Building a Family
Astrid tells Hiccup she’s pregnant
Astrid and Hiccup tell Valka next
Hiccup’s injured, Astrid’s pregnant. Eret’s in the middle
A complicated birth for a boy // A more surprising birth for a girl
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httydfan02 · 4 years ago
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
So excited for these!
My Whumptober titles so far:
Trussed Up
Bleeding Out
Someone Close
In Need of Help
Short of Breath
Some Sort of Animal
I hope these are enticing! I wish it was October already!
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
Yes yes yes yes yesss!!! Ahhhh this story was so good!! Can’t express how much I loved it ❤️ Thank you for writing this! Ahh I love your writing so much I’m fangirling over here 👏👏👏
Not So Stoic - Epilogue
This is Berk. It’s been three years since The Occupation and the War of Berk. We were broken and trampled and beaten up, but now we’re better and stronger. We have each other. We have our allies. We have our friends and family. 
It’s been three years since the birth of Nuffink and Zephyr. Each day they grow a little in kindness and joy. Nuffink has yet to know who his true sire is, but in the grand scheme of things, that doesn’t matter. Nuffink is my son, is Astrid’s son. He’s ours, and that’s what matters. His parentage is of no consequence compared to who loves him. 
My father has retired and given the throne to me. It’s been hard, especially with the memory problems sticking around, but I have friends and family who are happy and willing to help me. 
Snotlout and Tuffnut are happily in a relationship, and so are Fishlegs and Ruffnut. Mala seems to have a thing for both Berserker siblings, which Dagur can’t help but be jealous of. It’s quite funny though really. 
Each summer that comes around, each Midnight Sun, I can’t help but grow nervous and afraid. I want to hide away in my house, but I can’t. I have family and duties that call to me. They keep me sane, keep me from dwelling on all the unhappy memories. 
You see, Berk was an unhappy place under The Occupation. But with the death of Viggo Grimborn and the driving out of his Dragon Hunters, we’ve become better. We’ll never be fully whole, especially my father, I think. He saw too much grief and suffering, saw too much of what happened to me. He doesn’t live up to his name anymore, has learned that it’s okay to show emotions. He cries with joy now, cries with sadness. Crying is okay, and if my father can do it and still be strong, then so can I. 
This is Berk. This is our home. We will fight like Hel to keep it and defend it. We will fight like Hel for the people we love, because, really, love is all we have. 
A/N: Thank you so much to all the people that followed me along on this story, either from the beginning or from wherever they found it. Over the year I’ve been writing this, this story has meant so much to me. I’m hoping it’s meant a lot to other people as well. Thank you all so much for reading, and for commenting, and for making me smile. Thank you.
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
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(click images for bigger view]
bonus fur:
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
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(Stoick) hears a familiar HOLLER and looks up to see… HICCUP running through the PLAZA, SCREAMING, with the NIGHTMARE fast on his heels.
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
Date: July 28th, 2020
Something gained (pt 2)
𝙏𝙒: 𝘒𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘦, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘣𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘦, 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢, 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘮
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵
Both her body and her sleep were fucked up. Those men never grew tired, not only abusing her over and over again -making it unattainable to rest, if that was even possible because of the constant pains, thoughts and new fears-, but also kicking her, slapping her, throwing her to the ground one… two… seven… ten times.
Astrid was now extremely weak, malnourished and dehydrated. That dragon venom didn’t help either. It was making everything much worse; and she swore it was just a matter of time before it killed her.
Her mind was also messed up, replaying the insults repeatedly, panicking even at the subtlest of noises; horrible thoughts about death, frightening faces and monsters. She had no idea why her head had suddenly created those horrendous scenarios and images. Maybe because of her constant state of fear. Either one way or another, every inch of her was now ruined, and she knew that.
Steps were now approaching. She knew what was coming:
Endless hours of torture.
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Laughing and mocking her, the Vikings cleaned themselves up, throwing her against the wall one last time before leaving her there. She no longer tried to stop them, too weak to even make an effort. Her clothes now dirty and in such a terrible state. Her wrists still tied up and her mouth still covered from the day she arrived, Astrid wondered if she would ever remember how to laugh, how to walk, how to speak…
Would she even get out of there?
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
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I’m gonna kill you dragon, I’m gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father... You never cease to amaze me bud. Thank you. 
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
Evilwriter’s Whumptober Masterlist
Shaky Hands - Hiccup
Explosion - Hiccup
Delirium - Hiccup
Human Shield - Heather
Gunpoint - Hiccup
Dragged Away - Hiccup
Isolation - Hiccup
Stab Wound - Heather
Shackled - Snotlout
Unconscious - Hiccup
Stitches - Hiccup
“Don’t Move” - Snotlout
Adrenaline - Hiccup
Tear-Stained - Hiccup
Scars - Heather
Pinned Down - Hiccup
“Stay With Me” - Hiccup
Muffled Scream - Hiccup
Asphyxiation - Astrid
Trembling - Hiccup
Laced Drink - Heather
Hallucination - Snotlout
Bleeding Out - Hiccup
Secret Injury - Astrid
Humiliation - Hiccup
Abandoned - Heather
Ransom - Dagur
Beaten - Snotlout
Numb - Hiccup
Recovery - Tuffnut
Embrace - Hiccup
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
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Dagur having flashbacks to his time in prison.
Piece commissioned from talented @dagur-nott for Forgiveness, a fic by equally talented @evilwriter37 (Forgiveness on AO3, heed the warnings; it's heavy on whump).
I'm so happy with how it turned out! It's... perfect!
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
Not So Stoic - Chapter 48
Rated: explicit
Pairings: Viggo/Hiccup, Hiccup/Astrid, Astrid/Viggo
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con
Summary: Hiccup is on Berk recovering from drowning, and Viggo uses the sleep-deprivation caused from the Midnight Sun to attack. Without help from the Dragon Riders and with Hiccup still weak, Berk is taken. Upon their attempted rescue, some of the Dragon Riders are captured, giving Viggo more pieces to his game of thrones, heirs, and suffering.
Word Count: 1,905
@theplaid-wearingmoose @ashleybenlove @jettara @jayalaw @uselezzreptile @imaginativemind29​
Week Six
Astrid once again stood in front of the mirror. This was a daily occurrence for her, as she wanted to track the changes in her body. Her breasts were sore, and maybe even a little bit bigger, but there was something else that she noticed today that hadn’t been there before.
Her lower abdomen was slightly distended. Astrid pressed her hand to it. It didn’t feel like bloating, not from the inside or the outside.
That could only mean…
“What? What? What is it?” He woke up in a rush. Astrid had woken before him due to morning sickness and hadn’t wanted to wake him.
“Come here.” There were frightened tears in her eyes when she said it.
Hiccup attached his prosthetic, which he kept by the side of the bed, then went over to Astrid. The both of them were naked. It was much too hot outside (and inside for that matter) to sleep with clothes on. 
“Do I look different to you?” Astrid asked Hiccup. She had to make sure she wasn’t imagining things.
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
He got it guys!!
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
this is the only valid twitter thread
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httydfan02 · 5 years ago
“Who did this to him?” Viggo asks and Astrid swears he looks like he’s trying to calm the boiling rage in his veins.
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