New SU leaks
@cyntendop was sUPER NICE AND HELPFUL and made us this little list of all of anon’s leaks
note: follow the tag #prayforanon to get updates of this leak !
#PrayForAnon information (Note: these are in the order of which anon has said it)
• Jasper is imprisoned by the Ruby Squad.
• Yellow Diamond gets sick of everything failing so she herself comes to Earth.
• When Yellow Diamond comes to Beach City, everyone evacuates, which is presumably the episode “Last One Out of Beach City.”
• Alexandrite makes her 3rd appearance, as well as the Quartizine Trio (Rose's3 pack of laser light cannons) and a battle begins between Yellow Diamond and the Crystal Gems.
• In the end, the gems are victorious and Yellow Diamond and Jasper are bubbled. This proves that the diamonds can in fact be poofed.
• Following the fall of YD, White Diamond makes her first appearance.
• Before the finale, there will be a 3 parter episode about Rose before the rebellion.
• She was the one who set up the Beta Kindergarten.
• Steven and Peridot go to the moon base and end up finding what Gem’s purposes were.
• Another episode has Amethyst telling Steven about how she met the Crystal Gems.
• Peridot still doesn’t have a gem weapon.
• Jasper has a crack in her gem, but not a major one.
• Steven healed her crack through his dreams, which shows a new power of his.
• Jasper heads to Beach City from Mask Island, and runs into Peridot and Lapis in the barn.
• The Ruby Squad comes back and sees Jasper.
• Amethyst was found by Rose in the kindergarten. She was taking care of some personal business.
• Pearl was first against taking Amethyst in but then accepted it. The temple was still being built at this time.
• Rose is not Pink Diamond, but was close to her.
• About Pink Diamond, she was removed from the Diamond Authority after encouraging the rebellion. She was giving rare gems to rose to fight. The other diamonds had to stop it.
• Bismuth and Lion are “guides” of sorts and experiments made by Rose.
• Bismuth ended up being unstable and failing so Rose had to store her away.
• A Steven fusion will happen, but with who is unknown.
• There was a leaked photo of Rebecca Sugar and behind it was a possible Steven and Lion fusion.
• Pearl was supposed to be White Diamond’s but was considered defective. She acted on her own and Rose saved her and hid her before she was shattered.
• Her gem is oval but is not defective as she is not the only Pearl with an oval gem.
• Peridot and Lapis will have a couple of cute moments in the future.
• Lapis was on earth because she was part of Blue Diamond’s court and because she reported on different events from planets to Homeworld.
• Only near fusion is a flashback Fusion with Rose.
• Bismuth has a male appearance but is genderless.
• Rose was Pink Diamond’s favorite warrior, even though her weapon was a shield.
• Rose did make forced fusions, but by accident when she tried to save gems by putting shards together. She felt bad so she hid them in the kindergarten.
• Garnet is a part of the reason the cluster exists. It was made during the first war.
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I hate you, I love you.
¿Alguien sabe lo que es pasar un tiempo sin ese "alguien"?
Pues yo sí. Hace justamente cuarenta y dos días seis horas y treinta minutos que no toco a Zeus, que no lo veo sólo a través de una pantalla, que no escucho su voz en mi oído sin un aparato electrónico. Y todo eso es demasiado para mí. Claro que él tiene su vida, pero de vez en cuando lo necesito.
Necesito sus abrazos. Necesito que me haga cosquillas. Necesito que me haga rabiar y que luego acabemos riendo a carcajadas por lo tontos que somos. Necesito que me escuche y me ayude. Necesito que salgamos juntos para ir a dar una vuelta. Necesito que grabemos algún vídeo y que llore de la risa al editarlo. Necesito sus besos, en la mejilla y en los labios. Necesito sentirlo cerca de mi y notar que me protege con sus brazos. Necesito reírme de sus tonterías y de sus bromas, tanto las buenas como las malas. Lo necesito. Sí, lo necesito, necesito todo de él, incluso su bonita sonrisa.
Cierro los ojos. Hay días que me superan, y éste es uno de ellos. Mis ojos levemente inundados por lágrimas, miran fijamente a la pantalla. No sé qué me vuela por la mente, si esa imagen que me enviaron en el buzón, las críticas, los haters, qué no me conteste a los mensajes o lo malditamente sensible y bipolar que estoy en estos días.
Sí señores hace unos momentos lo necesitaba y ahora lo odio. ¿Por qué tengo que abrir algo que no sé quién me lo envía?
Porqué así eres tú.-Se regodea mi subconsciente.
Noto como dan unos suaves golpes en la puerta, me seco las lágrimas con rapidez y giro la silla.
-Príncipe David, si usted nos disculpa el señorito pelirrojo y yo nos disponemos a irnos al cine y a cenar esa noche. ¿Le apetece venir con nosotros, señor?- Dice Ro. Esbozo una sonrisa y le respondo.
-No gracias, pueden retirarse- Los dos estallamos en carcajadas y ella me manda un beso.
-¡Pasadlo bien!- Grito.
-¡Gracias!- Escucho que dicen al unísono los dos.
Suspiro. Apago la pantalla del ordenador, silencio el móvil y me voy hacia la habitación para descansar y esperar que se me olvide esa foto.
N/A: Si alguien quiere que la siga, que me lo diga.
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Me da verguenza que Celopan tenga que pedir comprensión por separarse de Zeus. Creo que la gente ha perdido la decencia hace mucho y olvidan que ellos están viviendo su vida, que son personas antes que Youtubers y no viven para complacer al público, toman sus propias decisiones y están con quien se les da la gana. La verdad lamento mucho esto.
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Duele imaginar lo mucho que deben estar sufriendo. Lastima saber que las personas que te hacen sonreír a diario, están pasando un mal momento. Afecta el creer que tal vez no sea cuestión de un tiempo, sino que lo mejor para ambos es estar lejos. Te hace romper en lágrimas leer los sentimientos de David y pensar en cuál fue su expresión que tuvo al redactar semejante escrito. Zeuspan nos ha hecho reír, sonreír, fangirlear, suspirar y creer que el amor verdadero existe; pero llegó el momento de entender que detrás de la pantalla, ellos sufren como cualquier pareja. Sólo nos queda esperar a ver cómo termina esta historia, (querer su bienestar en primera instancia, antes que los deseos propios ) y creer que ellos son lo suficientemente maduros y fuertes, para sobrellevar esto. Por favor no los molesten. Manden su apoyo, expresen cosas llenas de amor y respeten lo que decidan. Sé que es difícil pedir esto, pero con una sola persona que sea capaz de ignorar su egoísmo y evite malos comentarios al respecto, me siento tranquila. Intentemos seguir adelante, quedarnos con los buenos recuerdos que ellos se encargaron de dejarnos y esperemos que las cosas terminen lo mejor posible. Chicos, sé que no hay posibilidad de que me lean, pero quiero que sepan que lo siento, que espero que pronto las cosas sean distintas, que puedan volver a sonreír y a luchar por sus sentimientos, pero sobre todo, espero que sean muy felices…
Mi opinión. (via ashleygm)
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Underused Gemsona Mineral Reference Sheet by ErinPtah
Looking for an original name for your gemsona, one that a dozen people haven’t already used for their own designs? Here are 400 suggestions. Mostly pure minerals, plus a mineraloid and a batch of rocks (this is canon-compatible – pearl is a mineraloid, and lapis lauzuli is a rock). Fluorescent minerals get a split-screen view: normal light on one side, glowing on the other. I checked whether they’d been used by searching “steven universe [name]” on Google Images. Can’t guarantee that they’re 100% unused as gemsonas – just that, at the time of searching, they were too rare for Google. …which was a serious surprise in some cases. There’s an IRL mineral called lulzacite and nobody’s jumped on that? Or on the design potential of antlerite? Doctor Who fans, who wants to take tennantite?
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In Ices past looks post what era was her first outfit?
Her initial design
And the look she wore during the rebellion
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How are gems able to travel the vast distances between star systems? Well, it looks like they just showed us how! The attention to detail in this show is remarkable.
(explanation below)
The closest star to earth, besides the sun, is about 4.4 light years away, meaning that traveling at the speed of light, it would take 4.4 years to get there. The approximate diameter of our galaxy is 100,000 light years. According to known laws of physics, matter cannot travel faster than light. So how is Homeworld able to go around galaxy conquering so quickly?
That ship appears to be creating an Alcubierre drive, one of the only theoretical propulsion methods capable of faster-than-light interstellar travel. I’m no expert, so correct me if I am wrong, but the physics behind it essentially are that it compresses the fabric of space in front of it and expands the space behind it, effectively meaning that the ship does not move at all, but rather rides on a ripple in the very fabric of reality. Matter cannot travel at speeds faster than light, but there is no limit to how fast space itself can expand.
One proposed method for creating an Alcubierre drive is to create an artificial black hole in front of the ship to compress the spacetime in front of it. That is what they are doing here! Sorry for the long winded explanation; I get really excited when cartoons do their science right!
So there you have it, that is the level of technology Homeworld possesses.
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Who else spends their day thinking about the day we hear Jasper sing? Or is it just me?
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tfw u call out a bitch for being problematic
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Awesome Steven Universe Shirts!
By: AmberSonic96
AmberSonic96 DeviantArt
AmberSonic96 Redbubble
AmberSonic96 Tostadora
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“I think that would be really cool if it happened a big plot twist and we discovered something like that crystal gems are the real evil or something”
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I don’t understand why people are obsessed with jasper, literally every scene she is in she is fighting the gems and is frankly a very 2D character
- anonymous
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decided to re-do ice’s initial update design, much better
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