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Yami/MikeyShe/they/he/anyI like drawing and Yugioh <3Talk to me abt Yugioh n I’ll love you
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http-caedis · 3 months ago
HIIII dw abt me posting at 4am ANYWAYS I actually have a sillay ygo drawing coming up but until then enjoy this animation of my oc Akira 🥰 and also just some art of him! He has no balls 💔
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My pookie wookie actually did the animation and I drew everything it was a great collab honestly collab of the CENTURY 🗣️‼️🔥
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http-caedis · 6 months ago
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Its been a while but enjoy a nice little Yami sketch 😋
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http-caedis · 9 months ago
Oh yeah to explain Yuma and Astral too.
Astral is an alien whose connected to the key Yuma wears. They can do something called Zexal Morph. It is technically XYZ summoning with eachother. It’s kinda like fusion but a little bit more complicated cause it’s technically still Yuma’s body and Yuma retains the most control but they share sensations like pain or eating. They’re also broadly much more synchronized and kinda share thoughts. It’s not explained to much in show (at least not to what I’ve seen I’m still watching it) so you just have to go off of what you see
So it’s like Yami and Yugi but without switching? Can Astral be seen by everyday people? That xyz summoning can kinda interfere with merging since,,, the two literally to fuse, but can also undo it at least it sounds that way. Issue is, you say Astral is an alien, not a monster card, so technically I suppose Yuma could still do the ritual and get with whatever his ace is.
But okay let’s say Yuma merges with his ace. Maybe bc he’s also mixed with something, that interferes with his and Astral’s Zexal morphing, making it unable to happen or at least much harder to do since Yuma’s body is already occupied by something?
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http-caedis · 9 months ago
I’m realizing my last ask might’ve sent before I had the chance to actually write out any questions. Uh whoops. But anyways
I’m curious about how the rituals themselves work. Like are they done willingly or by some nefarious organization?
Are they able to defuse themselves from the monsters or is it like a permanent thing?
Also I think I saw you mention a special fusion card. Where did it come from? Cause super polymerization from Gx took like ten thousand souls to power it and I think it’d be intresting to see how a more toned down version of something like that works.
I’m kinda blanking on most ace monsters right now so I don’t really have any suggestions but I think there could be some really interesting design stuff done with characters like Trey, Quinton, or Anna whose ace monsters are more like objects.
Anyways this is a super fun and cool au and I can’t wait to see what you make with it cause I checked out ur art and it’s really good :) it is also motivating me to work on my own au where I make characters magical girls based on their aces
THANK YOUU AAAA I feel like I can do this au more justice now that I’m actually not.. what.. 12?? 13?? Years old LOL ALSO OMG good luck on ur own au that sounds so cute n cool id love to see your stuff for that 🫶
ANYWAYS finally answering the ask, so the rituals are done willingly. In my mind it falls into a cultural aspect, like about when a character reaches their teenage years (since most ygo characters aRe teens with a few adult and kid exceptions) it would be the time where they would fuse with their ace or most bonded monster. Bc yknow how some cultures celebrate children reaching their teenage years, think of it like that. It’s a lovely thing that lots of kids look forward to and adults look back fondly on 🫶 the specific age of doing the ritual varies from character to character, but they should be merged with some ace by the time they’re 20, iF they choose to merge.
It is permanent. You can not defuse, the monster you choose is the monster you get. No take backs and if for whatever reason there’s a mistake (say ur persuaded into choosing a monster when you have a better bond with another, etc) you can’t undo it and ur stuck with it. The fusing varies in pain level, as it all depends on the ace you fuse with. Naturally, humanoid monsters would be less painful, while the more monster looking ones, the more painful it’d be. So let’s say Joey chooses Red Eyes to merge with, it would be pretty fukkin painful bc it’s adding oN to his current anatomy. Humans already have a tailbone, but with the ritual, that tailbone would extend and extend until it becomes a dragon tail. Ykwim?
I did mention a special card! Thing is, I barely remember GX and am currently rewatching it, tho I’m not far at aLL, so I can’t remember how super polymerization worked in full, but the card for this au is a similar card, something that’s more suited for constant use as I thinkkkkk super polymerization is a kinda sacred card??? I don’t remember 😭 but I’m not really sure how to go about this ritual card, I just know that there iS one and it’s needed to fuse. WHEW,, this au got my brain working overtime 😭😭
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http-caedis · 9 months ago
SWIM (yeah right) is ready and rarin' to accept all manner of makeouts~
[Is there a totally cool and intelligent chill way to express grabby hands??]
If I were legit intelligent and smart I would know how to play the actual YGO card game by now... woops. I'm just pulling ideas out of my very fine butt over here.
SO on that note:
My first inclination would be to say that any monster or god card with a second-tier merge option would have to be established beforehand. "Combine Obelisk + Blue eyes = ____(double merge into Godly Blue Eyes or w/e)__." "Combine Obelisk + Mega Ultra Chicken = ___(double the god stats, double the fun?? rotisserie style)__." But maybe there are also some monster/god cards that can't be merged at all?
I'm also very tempted to say that with moves on the table like Tier Two Merge or whatever you want to call it, there should really be some built-in mechanic that makes the regular cards play some part in facilitating or deterring certain merges. Kinda like what I said before... if each regular turn has a chance to give you the right kind of attributes/power/stats/idk to initiate the first merge, then the game would sort of guide you toward which merges were possible based on your draws. Then, once again, you'd have to build up some power or something with a few regular game turns before you even think about trying to execute a Tier Two Mere. I really hope any of that was even halfway coherent. :'D
It's hard to say if the game would run more smoothly or way slower than necessary after adding in the "build up" part of the normal rounds. That's have to be tested a few times to see if it's realistic.
Oh wait rq are you speaking for like the actual card game? Bc I meant the characters like design wise and everything 😭😭😭
I mean it can totally apply to the card game as well, but I’ve been talking about like each individual character and them merging with thE monster, similarly to Jaden and Yubel :3
But no I totally think like you said the double monsters should have a mixed name! Like Blue Eyes the Tormentor,, or Obelisk the White Dragon? Pretty epic sounding no matter how it’s put together 🙏
Going off of Duel Links and the anime, another combination could be Bakura and Dark Necrofear? How they’d look could be a slightly more feminine, androgynous build and becoming ball jointed, yknow what I mean? Like I’m using polymerization to combine a character and a monster 😭 There’s some interesting cases though, like Jaden, who eventually merges with Yubel, but can see and talk to monsters… there’s also Noah, who is literally ai 😭 I haven’t seen much of zexal, so I don’t really know the whole deal with Yuma and Astral, which can maybe interfere with the whole merging concept,,
If ur more knowledgeable on zexal than I am, explain those two to me bc what iS Astral lmao
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http-caedis · 9 months ago
𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓸𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮👅𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵…
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http-caedis · 9 months ago
It’s those gayass spikES ON THE SIDE OF HIS HEAD AUAUAG ‼️ But okay I see how to go about it, I wasn’t really worried abt his bangs that was honestly the easy part LMAO but once I stop playing monster hunter I’ll try drawing him bc I LOVE YUSEI 🫶 I just don’t draw him bc I caNT DRAW HIS HAIR 😭💔 thank you for helping me I love you so much 💕
I wanna draw Yusei but guys I have no fukkin clue how to interpret his hair into my style any artists that draw Yusei a lot please help me 😭😭
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http-caedis · 9 months ago
RE: Monster Merge AU
So what if each character card had the potential to attune with one of a select few monster cards instead of just one? The character stats and appearance could change and vary depending on which monster the character attunes with. Maybe even the cards put into play in the early stages of the game could add some small stat or quality that makes it easier to attune with one monster over another? Either way, the end result is that you can have Obelisk Kaiba as well as Blue Eyes Kaiba as monster merge options, both merges having slightly different strengths and powers.
Bc wait ok so what if like officially, Kaiba gets merged with Obelisk, right. Okay LOL stay with me here but like, bc it’s literally one of the 3 Egyptian gods, that in itself grants Kaiba (and Yami and Marik too I suppose lol) the ability to merge also with a second monster if that’s wanted. And with having two monsters, Kaiba can pick and choose appearance traits from one or another or both. Obelisk isn’t really a magical sort of God, but let’s say that bc he iS a god, that he (And Slifer and Ra) all have different variations of divine energy, which would then be partially passed on to Kaiba.
Blue Eyes would pass on the obvious of flight, though honestly Obelisk can give that too since I’m 95% sure he also has wings lol?? But eithEr way, being merged with a god allows you the concept to merge with another monster, and that’s how Kaiba is mixed with Obelisk the Tormentor aNd Blue Eyes White Dragon!
You’re so intelligent and smart oh my god I love you we’re gonna make out so hard 🫶 /j
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http-caedis · 9 months ago
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Hiws this ^_^
Omg so like video tutorial when? 🙏 I try to make ygo hairstyles just a bit more realistic but still noticeably that specific character, but good lord I don’t even know how to do that for Yusei 😭 don’t even get me starTED ON YUM A
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http-caedis · 9 months ago
When I was in middle school,,, possibly like 6th grade I think??? I made this ygo au that I called Monster Merge and it was basically like ritualistically characters are merged with their like, ace monster or just the monster card they have a really strong connection with.
And that monster they’re merged with, they gain a few traits appearance wise from that monster. So for example, let’s say Yami Yugi gets merged with Slifer the Sky Dragon (via a special fusion card btw), so Yami would then gain Slifer’s tail, the wings, and the blue gem thing on its head. And maybe the two mouths if I could figure out a cool/interesting way to draw that
But yeah I’m bringing this up bc I lowkey wanna bring this au back and actually like develop the au more! So feel free to ask some questions to assist in developing it, or giving recommendations on what monsters would merge with whatever character! I have mixed opinions for Kaiba. Part of me wants to put him with Blue Eyes because… yeah. But another part wants me to put him with Obelisk bc I feel Kaiba would LOVE to be merged with a literal god. So give thoughts on that as well ples :3
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http-caedis · 9 months ago
I wanna draw Yusei but guys I have no fukkin clue how to interpret his hair into my style any artists that draw Yusei a lot please help me 😭😭
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http-caedis · 9 months ago
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The current sketch of my absolute beloved sweet summer child Mokuba 🫶 I’d give him the world and space 🌎 even tho he’s kinda already achieved space bc big brother is SO extra he got sick of Earth and wants to duel in fukkin SPACE IM NOT GETTING OVER THAT
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http-caedis · 9 months ago
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He was most definitely an impulsive purchase 100% I woke up at like 3am and then spent $80 buying a Bakura and Mitsuya nendoroid and then I went right back to sleep LMAO I need my card taken 🫶
He’s so pretty omg pretty boy I love him I love all Bakuras regular, spirit, and thief king they all are special 💕 now he can stand with and bully Kenma and Rin 🥰
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http-caedis · 10 months ago
The power went out in my area bc we had a fairly bad tornado warning like it was storming and the wind got real bad that it messed up peoples wooden and brick fences 😭 I have like no power at all it’s really hot and uh erm I just wanna play the sims LOL what a bad time for me to have a sims phase when our power is nonexistent 😔
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http-caedis · 10 months ago
Art on hold srry guys I know you were fiending in front of ur phone for more Yami art but next week is graduation week so I’m like having a crisis and trying to have a party so I’m honestly expecting like 2 or 3 mental breakdowns LMAO dw guys I’ll be back n better than ever 🫡
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http-caedis · 10 months ago
I see why lots of people move to tumblr lmao two 100+ liked posts in a row? Actually crazy I mean I know all things considered likes and notes or whatever is such a minuscule thing but it just feels like my art is actually shown out in the wild and people see it compared to insta ignoring the fact I haven’t even posted there in like half a year but even when I did post mildly consistently it’s like nothing compared to tumblr LOL plus the fact that insta makes an effort to just keep artists down, at least with tumblr it’s like it’s fair game everyone has a chance bc the app isn’t doing shit to lower chances it’s just like “psst.. psst..!! Does this seem right up ur alley? 😏” and they show some artist’s post. So real
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http-caedis · 10 months ago
See I know that Kaiba is everything blue eyes I know that man will take off his pants only to reveal some blue eyes toon dragon boxers that he wears proudly.
Theyre His good luck boxers and they make him very happy (if Joey found out Kaiba would actually kill him and then himself)
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