Haikyuu!! Angst Blog
231 posts
聞こえていますか? NOTE: No NSFW Please ❤︎ .: One Character Per Ask, Please~ :. An all Angst Haikyuu!! blog run by Admin Geo = ASK BOX CLOSED =
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hq-angst-helper · 6 years ago
1/2 - this isn't a request or anything (i'm pretty sure you can tell who i am, sorry for the slight spam) but your writing is absolutely breathtaking, either beautifully breathtaking or subtle kind of breathtaking. i feel that if you take your writing further (it'd be awesome if you did), you would go far. but everything i've seen is just so alluring. in a way, it reminds me of a gray, rainy day, chamomile tea, two pairs of glasses (one that's broken), pillows, and strewn out pens.
2/2 - those are some of the little things i enjoy most in life. that’s how much i adore your writing. i hope you find all the wellbeing in life, because everybody deserves it. but to you especially, whose blog i just now found. plus, beautiful things should be treasured. also, i want you to know it’s not the fact you’re writing about hq!! that gets me, it’s your writing in itself (i hope i made that clear earlier. eheheh sorryyy). thank you so, so very much.
Maaaaaaaan.. I feel so bad. I got this message like years ago! I don’t think you’ll ever see my response because honestly, I think it’s been more than a year since you sent this but I hope you can at least see this message. 
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hq-angst-helper · 6 years ago
Public Apology
Hello everybody.
I feel like this needs to be addressed so you may or may not want to read this but this is just a brief explanation as to why most of you have not received responses to requests that were sent in nearly 2 years ago. So if anyone is interested, here is what happened.
So pretty much, after I came back from Japan I started college. During the first year of college, I tried really hard to keep up with the stories and Haikyuu but to be honest, I lost touch with my writing and it became really hard for me to write while I was living away from home. I also began doing club activities and school work started piling up and I saw everyone’s requests. They would show up on my home screen from time to time and every time something came up I ended up feeling so guilty because I wanted so badly to continue this great time I had with you guys but I just couldn’t bring myself to write something mediocre just so I can see you guys respond.
Time passed and now we’re pretty much here. Lots of things happened. For one, I got married and it was actually because I got my Japanese husband into watching Haikyuu that made me want to revisit this old relic of a blog and try to recapture what was once lost so. If you guys will have me, I’ll be trying my best to restart this blog. But if not, this is a good practice space for my story writing. To all those who are still here, I’m back. And to all those who will arrive in the future, Welcome to my Haikyuu Imagines Blog. Please make yourself comfortable.
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hq-angst-helper · 7 years ago
My mum keeps on saying she's proud of me in speech and texts but really what's the need to be proud when I don't even go to my classes half of the time and not putting in my assessments for uni half of the time. I'm a failure who's lying to her mother that she's passing her classes just to see her not disappointed with me and tell my younger brother that he's doing gonna do great in life
I’m so sorry you have to go through something this torturous. It’s such a difficult thing to be in that position and you as a human being are taking on such a hard burden. I wish your universe to be kinder on you and one day, you’ll be able to feel comfortable enough for you to finally tell your mother what’s in your heart. I know if I was a mom, I would feel so hurt that my daughter was feeling this way in secret. 
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
I’ve been so busy lately but thats not an excuse. I’ll get straight to writing. and a little side note, can’t you guys see the boys dancing to this song? Super cute. 
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
.:If there is light:. Noya/GF Angst fanfic
“I’d risk everything if it’s for you.” 
Hello everybody! I personally think this isn’t good enough for Noya (maybe cause I think Noya is the greatest) but any way, here’s a sad little supportive Noya fanfic. - Admin Geo
You must have been tired from fighting so hard. You fought so hard you started to make me ache on the inside. In the beginning, I watched you day by day with the same determined expression on your face always saying I’m going to work hard today.
As time passed, that determined expression soon began to show the cracks only time could create. The vision you molded or yourself, clouded and you started telling me you couldn’t see it anymore.
Over time, when I looked into your eyes, I was searching for life but all I saw was hollowness. How many months has it been since this happened… I’m a failure for not noticing.
“Remember when we said we wouldn’t hide anything from each other? You’re still telling me… everything. Right?” His hands trembled on top of yours making the ache in your heart grow sharper. “Uh.. mmhmm… Why?”
The words that came out weren’t true and you knew it. but you couldn’t stop. The lies you fed him made it hard for him to swallow because he knew it wasn’t true either. You fed him your shards of glass, hoping he wouldn’t notice what they actually were. “How long has it been this way? What’s going on in your life that you can’t tell me about?”
The franticness he came to feel inside outwardly showed in a torn expression on his face. Even so, all you could do was shake your head to, at least, hide your reddening eyes. “Why are you trying to be strong all by yourself? There’s two of us, right? We’re a couple, right? We’re supposed to trust each other!” You wanted to say something. Anything. With your eyes cast downward, all you could see from the corner of your eyes was his form drop to his knees right before, you taking your hands in his. “Please.”
“My head is always so noisy… I want them to stop. I can’t get them to stop!” A simultaneous pushing and pulling from within made it feel like something was actually trying to burn its way out.
“Noya, I’m scared because I’m so alone and it hurts so much.” For once in a long time you cried without ceasing. He threw his arms around you, embracing all the pain you felt allowing you to lean into him. “I can’t fight your internal battle for you. But I can at least help you with your physical.” As all your burden began to melt away, his warmth replaced it’s occupancy. Offering its protective properties to take place. “When you feel like you’ve run out, give me what you have left and let me do the believe for the both of us.”
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
Could you write a scenario where bokuto and his gf are fightin rly bad in their house? Throwin things, goin from room to room, all because bokuto assumed she's cheatin? Then she's about to storm out because bokuto got too carried away and slapped her? Have him cry his heart out and beg her to stay.. Sorry for so much detail but I just LOOOOVE ur writing and I've been itchin for this scenario to be written and ugh I just ily writin 🙂
I’m innocent.
Next thing you knew your body slumped to the floor. The lights came on in the room with Akaashi storming in with Konoha following in right behind. “Don’t worry. We’ve got you.” You blacked out for a second allowing your brain to refresh. The view changed to Bokuto pinned flat on the floor front first. “Calm down, Bokuto-san”
Your boyfriend’s voice bellowed through the apartment building’s hallway, echoing all the way down the stairs. “She’s a cheater! Akaashi! Let go of me!” Drops of blood dripped to the floor from your fingertips as Konoha lifted you up in his arms to carry you out. “I’m going to take you to the hospital, okay? You’re bleeding a l-”
‘Ah it’s this dream again.’
This was the 5th time in a row you had this particular dream. Spring of your 1st year, the day of the entrance ceremony, you took the Odakyu Line to get to school. That morning, the warmth of spring came early. Along with the continuous strings of cool breeze, it blew the cherry blossom petals around allowing them to glide gently to the pavement below. As the announcement for the Shinjuku stop played, the familiar figure you knew so familiar to you stepped into view. You tried calling out to him as the train pulled to a halt only to have your voice get caught in your throat. The suffocating feeling snapped you back into reality where you’d wake up in cold sweats.
“You’re okay. Take a deep breath.”
‘Ah. That’s what that feeling is.’ “If you’re still feeling any pain, let me know and I’ll ask the nurse for more painkillers.” Your gaze shifted around the room, examining your surroundings. ‘IV… oxygen tube…’ “Akaashi, what happened last night?” You groaned slightly at the hoarseness in your voice.
He stared at you apathetically, waiting a bit before speaking. “You’ve been out for 3 days. Bokuto is at home with Konoha keeping watch.”
For a moment, the twitch in his lip had you guessing what had happened since it was a noticeable habit of his. With his fists clenched, he explained what had happened since he got there and the process of detaining Bokuto.
“Why didn’t you tell us something like this was happening?”
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
The last lines of the scenario of Oikawa's s/o dying made me tear up I am going to kill myself with this blog omg. Like it will be the death of me I can't. I blame you for being good at writing angst. ;-; (But don't stop because it's great)
Thank you so much! I really hope I make you cry. In a good way I mean. The right way. ;A;
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
I am already in LOVE with your Sleepless fic 😍😍 seriously it's like one of my top favorites now! Great job btw!
!!! I’m so happy ;A;
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
Awww jeez its only the second chapter of your Kageyama x reader x ushijima fic and im already hooked huhuhu i can't wait for the next one leep up the good work!!
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I hope to continue to impress you in the future!
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
Could we have a scenario of Suga's s/o pretending that their eyessight is just fine, but it slowly starts failing, and they continuously make funny jokes to cover their mistakes unti one morning they start crying and admit that they can hardly see him now? Hueh,,, this is,,, very detailed sorry,,,,,,,,
“Geez I’ve been so ditzy lately! Haha.”
You didn’t have to lie to me.
“Too much studying last night! I didn’t get enough sleep,that’s all.”
I can tell how much pain you’re in.
“The colors are pretty faint. That’s all.”
The harder you tried to hide it, the more apparent itbecame. Why I didn’t notice sooner was beyond me.
In a world of darkness, there isn’t such a thing as time. Atleast not that you could tell. It had been so long since you could seeproperly, it’s almost as if nothing more existed outside of yourself. Yourworld had been filled with beautiful lights and colors that when it was rippedaway from you, you couldn’t believe how hollow everything seemed.
Out of all the dark things to happen to you, the one thing that stayed truly by your side was your wonderful boyfriend Sugawara. He was the type of guywho’d dash over to the convenience store at 2 in the morning because youhappened to work up a fever earlier that day and began to break out in sweats. Morethan that, he was smart but somehow, he always made you seem smarter than him which wasnice. Always letting you have the upper hand in everything. Except… It was onlylately things began to change when you began to change. And that was somethinghe definitely noticed.
“You don’t need to hide it from me anymore.” As his armswrapped around your smaller form. He could feel you tense up almost immediately at his blunt statement. “What are you talking about?” More than anything, you wanted to takeback the dead giveaway in your voice. Shit. “How long have you been lying tome?”
Your lips parted hoping an explanation would come to mindbut that well ran dry. The thought ofhis expression at that very moment made your chest tighten to an ache and you were honestly at a loss of words. Why did you keep it from him? It’s not like you had anything to lose. Because…Because he wasn’t that kind of guy… right?
“You wouldn’t have left me if I said anything? Honestly.”Wait no stop this. Don’t take it out on him. “You honestly wouldn’t haveconsidered me a burden?” He doesn’t deserve this. “You wouldn’t want someoneblind. You would have taken pity on me and treated me differently.” He’s soperfect. Oh God. Make me stop. “You’re so much better than me and I’m turninginto a burden… on everyone… E-everyone is going to leave me… what exception areyou, Koushi?”
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
Sleepless .:Chapter 2:.
Title: Sleepless .:Chapter 2:. Genre: Romance, Female Reader Insert, Tragedy Ship: Ushijima x Reader x Kageyama
“It’s been a while since we’ve seen ____ -chan.” Still unaware of the circumstances, your friends back at Karasuno had been counting the days you’ve been absent. “Her indoor shoes are still in her locker so I’m pretty sure she’s coming back soon…” An arm causally slung over her boyfriend’s shoulder as the libero moved in to wrap his arm around her waist. “Mirai-chan, when do you think Kageyama will actually notice? It’s been 4 days and he still hasn’t said a word.” Nishinoya took a swig of the sports bottle, handing it over to his girlfriend. “Well… I mean, they usually have spans of time where they don’t talk. They just kind of acknowledge each other’s existence and move on with their day.” She took a swig as well heaving out a raspy sigh. “I don’t know Noya-chan… I want to believe that she’s coming back. I just... I can’t help but feel like something isn’t right.”
The sun felt like it took forever to rise because of your sleepless night. Having spent tossing and turning, lightheadedness caused your vision to blur a bit as you made your way out of your bedroom towards the common area. “Good morning, Grandfather… Sato-san.” Your greetings hollow and inexpressive, leaving the endings to a sharp hiss. “Ah, Granddaughter. You’re awake. I was reviewing your academic records last night and just so happen to come across your athletic accomplishments. Captain of the volleyball team in middle school? You failed to mention this in my office.” Among one of the questions he asked was what school clubs did you used to be in… what your interests were… and so on.
“I don’t play volleyball anymore, Grandfather.” Your laminated eyes fell firm and straight. Hoping you didn’t have to explain as to why you quit winter of your 3rd year.
“That’s a shame. I’ve already enrolled you into Shiratorizawa’s women’s division. You start tomorrow.”
Your hands balled shut resisting the urge to show any signs of rage. “Is there any way I can withdraw from this proposal?”
Wakatoshi walked in from the corridor slipping his house keys into his jersey pocket. “Wakatoshi. You’re taking your wife out with you for training starting tomorrow.”
The young male’s gaze fixed on his fiancée from across the room, noticing the daggering aura surrounding her, clearly meaning she was at her wits end with these orders. “Don’t fall behind.”
 The next morning, it got me thinking I can never catch a break. My legs felt like they were gonna turn into jelly the faster I ran. I mean, I was barely keeping up with Ushi and this wasn’t even his sprint. Now I understand Kageyama’s obsession.
“How… far… do … you…. usually… run?” You said between huffs keeping with his pace momentarily before slowly losing momentum. Out of the whole 3 mile track, those were the only words said between the two of you, making the run absolutely boring to shit. That day at school, you were reminded just how bent out of shape you were when you couldn’t even stand up after first period.
New class, new life style… the girls team wasn’t how you expected it to be. After practice, a car came to pick the two of you up which was literally the highlight of your day. Either Ushijima was unaware of his own capabilities or maybe he just didn’t care. Either way, he’d always leave you to lag behind wherever the two of you went. Even with 2 weeks in so far, no word from you or about you to the ones you once knew. You were forced to give up your cellphone for the sake of your “new life” and having any of your old items would be a “breach of contract”.
The usual straight faced Tsukishima nearly got into fights with Kageyama every time they laid eyes on each other. It’s not like Kageyama was the only one feeling the burn. Tsukishima had no idea what you were doing, where you’ve been… how you were doing… and he wasn’t allowed to tell anyone that you had been sold because of reasons that could compromise his father’s job and cause trouble for everyone. It just wasn’t worth it.
Most nights, Kageyama stayed up thinking about what could have happened to you and where in the world you could possibly be. You never missed a day of school. There was even a time you got the stomach flu for a whole week and even then, never missed a day of class. For God’s sake, you threw up on both your boyfriend and brother trying to get them to stop fighting. It wasn’t till Kageyama remembered that day did he begin to cry.
Getting accustomed to the new training menu for getting back in shape isn’t at all an easy task. You just didn’t figure your body would take it up the ass. From the morning runs to the protein packed meals, they left you feeling restless at night which made it extremely hard to for you to fall asleep.  
“Ugh” Your body lagged far behind Ushi’s which at that point you just felt like giving up so you dropped to the concrete. Obviously he kept on going which didn’t surprise you one bit. The tightness in your chest made it hard for you to breathe out properly. Showing ever so slightly at the pain. Watching the grey clouds pass by, thoughts of Tobio flashed through your mind, cutting out your vision when sudden drops of rain ripped your consciousness back to reality.
“Why are you on the floor? Did you trip?” ‘I didn’t sense him there at all!’ You realized you had been on the floor for a good 10 minutes only when Ushijima had to run all the way back to find you. It’s pouring rain outside so your clothing was a soaked see-through. Your body felt the burn from within and absolutely refused to listen to you. “Can you stand?” The words hung at the tip of your tongue but nothing would come out of that dry mouth of yours.
He leaned on down, pulling your arms to either side of his shoulders. “I’ll carry you home.”
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
I really like your Kage/Reader/Ushi angst! Are you planning on writing more? I hope so, it's one of the best!!
This praise is too high oh my gosh
thank you I don’t really know how to feel right now but yes I’ll try my best to release the next chapter as soon as Mid Terms is over. @_@ Thank you again for your praise 
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
Hi! This isn't a request or anything but I thought because you write angst and stuff I thought I might give you an account that does the same but for multi anime fandom! It's called "trigger-anime-imagines" I love your blog by the way! You don't need to check it out if you don't want to but I thought it would be nice to offer! Anyway sorry to bother you enjoy your day/night bye!
Awesome! Definitely worth the check out! Thank you!
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
Hi! I wanted to ask you if i can request drunk kuroo yelling and screaming to his s/o like really angsty and shit i live for angst omg pls
Hello, My dear! I changed it up a bit but it’s angst none the less. There’s a bit of a warning though. There’s a bit of suggestive content (forced love, etc.) But it doesn’t hit NSFW. Just to keep in mind. 
Angst Level: Moderate
I couldn’t comprehend a picture drawn by my left hand. With your heart on my right, I squeezed it tighter and tighter. Frustrated at the fact I wasn’t learning fast enough. So unaware that I was slowly killing you.
The pungent smell of alcohol on his breath was so nauseating you almost felt like passing out. With every kiss he smeared along the soft nape of your neck made you feel more and more disgusted at the fact he wasn’t even aware of the acts he was committing. “Tetsuro, you’ve had enough. Stop it.” When you tried pulling away, his grip tightened around your torso. Forcing a harsh kiss onto your now chapped lips causing a groan to slip from him. The taste became unbearable once his tongue slid through, rubbing along the roof of your mouth. “I said stop!”
Your knee managed to slip free from the pressure of his body trapping it against the wall. With that you shoved him into the wall adjacent, finally able to stand on your own.
“I’m so sick and tired of you coming home every night drunk off your ass.” He couldn’t keep his head straight when he tried to look at you. The images of your childhood flooded back into view. Your father’s image replacing that of Kuroo’s as he mimicked those exact motions causing your body to go numb.
“How did it turn out this way…”
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
Haikyuu Store Limited Merchandise Service!
☆*・゜゚・*(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆Hi guys! Maybe you have known that right now haikyuu is having their own shop in Harajuku, Tokyo, Japan. And maybe you also already know that they released lots of limited item which couldn’t be bought except in haikyuu store itself. Yes, you can’t even find these limited items outside Tokyo. Lots of people from outside Tokyo came all the way to Tokyo just to go to haikyuu store to get the limited items!
Right now I’m living in Tokyo. And I saw how this fandom grows so fast and how the number of overseas fans increases fastly. Lots of you have such passionate love for this volleyball fandom just like me, so as a fellow hardcore fan I decided to help you guys to get these limited items!  (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
(Not limited to Haikyuu store, I can help you get any merchandise from any fandom, limited or not limited. Price will be discussed later)
If you’re interested, please keep reading & help me reblog this post to spread the haikyuu love! (´∀`)♡
Keep reading
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
Admin Geo at ALA
Please stop by to say Hi if you're here! I'm here all Friday and Saturday!
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hq-angst-helper · 9 years ago
Your ushijima x reader x kageyama is AMAZING are you going to continue it?
That's the plan! Well... I haven't really got feed back for it so I was thinking no one was really paying attention to it so maybe I wasn't? Yeah but if you want to I can.
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