London Chronicles
36 posts
NYU Junior in London for Fall 2013
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
Wow. The day has finally arrived.
I leave to Heathrow in the afternoon. 
What a semester. What a year. 
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
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Not only has studying abroad brought me memories for a lifetime, but it introduced me to friends who now hold a place in my heart.
Somewhere in the road of exploring London, eating gelatos in Venice, partying in Madrid, and soaking up the sun in Barcelona the four of us formed a friendship that we would continue after returning home.
This holiday season not only will I be grateful for returning home to my family, but also for the four new additions to my life.
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
I stopped converting pounds to dollars long ago. But last night was a different story. 
Did I really pay $22.00 for a bunless burger, fries, and water? 
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
I have never been more stressed before exams than now. Whoever said that classes abroad with NYU would be easy clearly never actually took classes abroad.
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
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The final Global Orientations: British Culture class 2013!
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
Tuesday: 1000 word essay Wednesday: 3000 word essay Next tuesday: two 2000 word essays and a final Next Wednesday: 2000 word essay Next Thursday: zombie my way back to ny
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
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I laughed with ceci for 15 minutes. What a good workout.
Have to be up at 3.
Here’s a photo of the most fabulous escalators I’ve ever encountered. Blesséd is s/he who understands my levels of laziness.
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
"Yo, I feel like I've gotten so ratchet in this trip."
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
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Thanksgiving in London
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
I am so incredibly happy. Traveling just seemed like such a ludicrous concept to my parents, and now they're actually in Europe (en route to PARIS!). Go mom and dad! Love them so, so, so, so much. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my parents enjoy the fruits of their labor. 
Thanksgiving was p.e.r.f.e.c.t.i.o.n. wrapped in aluminum foil and dressed in peppers, garlic, onions, and honey (I might have totally described my salmon from last night). 
Off to Rome today - doing some research for my essays before I depart :)
P.S. My friends are angels.
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
Six things that have happened in the span of six days
1. Dyed my hair
2. Got my nose pierced
3. Finished Saturday by Ian McEwan
4. Went to Bath
5. Freaked out over finals 
6. Realized I am leaving very soon
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
People who like to be in control of things can have a hard time with intimacy. Intimacy is anarchic and mutual and definitionally incompatible with control. You seek to control things because you are afraid.
Jonathan Franzen in his eulogy of David Foster Wallace. (via iamnicoleelsasser)
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
21st Birthday in London
I turned 21! Yippee!!
My friends refused to give up any details of the night they had planned out for me, which made for an exciting evening around London! First, we went to a Spanish restaurant which was -DIVINE- and easy on the wallet (my friends are amazing at finding places like this!), and after that we went to a house-club looking thing just off of Oxford street. I thoroughly enjoyed my night, and I wouldn't have wanted to celebrate my birthday any other way <3 
I am so grateful for everyone and everything I have in my life, and to put a cherry on top of an unbelievable semester and an amazing birthday, my family is coming to London on Thanksgiving!
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
Back in London!
I literally have four weeks left here. Where did all my time go?!
I've been doing a pretty lousy job at updating my blog, so I'll try to fill you guys in on my fall break as much as I can. 
After Venice, our huge group flew to Barcelona where we were greeted with paella, churros, beautiful weather, amazing architecture, and oreo cookies at midnight. Barcelona is a really fun and gorgeous city! Everyone should visit at least once. 
I think our entire group will agree with me when I say that Morocco was by far the most memorable part of our trip, even though we were there for less than a day. 
As of now, I have been up for thirty-one hours. I don't understand why professors feel the need to assign 2000 word papers just days after a break! 
Pictures will be up soon :)
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
Fall Break
First stop: Venice! Venice is bizarre (in a good way). The streets are incredibly narrow and sketchy-looking, but you'll find stores like Gucci and Louis Vuitton in said streets. Venice is also taking a hefty toll on my wallet, ha ha! Prices are a bit ridiculous, but that's all part of the experience :) I don't know whether I should feel guilty for eating gelato every single day...WHATEVER! Tomorrow our group is off to the mainland to give our wallets a break and tour around. So exciting! Till the next city, tumblr! p.s. my friend got us an amazing hookup with our hotel!
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howtolondon · 11 years ago
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