Howls Road
41 posts
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howlsroad-blog · 8 years ago
What if Siri's voice is so lifeless because she contains all the knowledge of human genocide, rape, torture, religious inquisitions, conquest etc. and knows that she was made by those creatures to be a servant.
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howlsroad-blog · 8 years ago
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howlsroad-blog · 8 years ago
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howlsroad-blog · 8 years ago
Some Bigot: How disgusting..that person wants to change their sex with surgery just because they want to "feel like their true self." How unnatural and disgusting. Equivalent: Ugh, so disgusting, that man who had half his face burned in a house fire wants skin graft surgery to "look like a normal person again." Jesus, science has truly gone too far to coddle this generation.
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howlsroad-blog · 8 years ago
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Claude Piron, Guitarist of the Band Les Pénitents.Paris, France, 1962
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howlsroad-blog · 8 years ago
Why it is so hard to stick to a routine (in A major)
A) I fear happiness. B) I feel more comfortable in self-loathing than I do in the pursuit of fulfilling work. C#) Fast food became a sort of home cooking for me. My mother's cooking was never very good so when I taste a burger patty from McBurgerKing it reminds me of home and I don't have to change. D) As soon as I internalize the guilt of failure I'm 2x more likely not to try again. E) Waking up late means I have less of the day to worry about (and less time before I get to go to bed again). F#) Because lust gluttony and sloth are forbidden fruits and I haven't grown accustomed to regulating them yet. G#) Because really how great can it ever really be? What if all the work involved in changing my life and outlook doesn't ever pay off? A) As soon as I start to get what I want, I suddenly become paranoid, suspicious of the people who love me, fearful of the change. I fall apart, into little pieces of dust, blowing in a little tornado in the parking lot of McBurgerKing, watching some poor sad girl eat another burger that reminds her of past summers, trips on I-80, food poisoning and her mother carressing her hair by the toilet as she vomits. The countless motes are my eyes but my mind is gone away and I see in every direction but think nothing.
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howlsroad-blog · 8 years ago
I’ve got nothing to say, only the strong urge to put something down here. I’m sorry if I’m self-indulging, so if you’re reading, I’ll try and spice this up a little. Maybe with a little horror?
There’s a potbelly pig walking hind-legs up down the alleyway. You see his potbelly is squirming and roiling like a boiling pot of milk. Then it bursts and angry wasps are flying everywhere. Then your boyfriend goes to him and gets on one knee and says will you marry me. The pig tearfully says yes.
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howlsroad-blog · 8 years ago
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howlsroad-blog · 8 years ago
A) Why is there celery on the counter. B) You left your evanescensce cd in the pizza box it's not my fault its gone I just threw it away because I didn't know. C) I abandoned you in the woods I couldn't take it anymore I left you at the altar of wood underneath deep green canopy and every time I drive through the forest I feel your eyes watching from behind every tree.
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howlsroad-blog · 8 years ago
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the skeleton at the feast
elizabeth carmichael 
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howlsroad-blog · 8 years ago
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howlsroad-blog · 9 years ago
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Russian Orthodox Clerical Vestments
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howlsroad-blog · 9 years ago
I dont know the right place where to place desire. Every kiss, every fear, every body in movementis full of hell and heaven
veloso, caetano
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howlsroad-blog · 9 years ago
Album review coming soon.
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Happy Birthday Ok Computer,  May 21st 1997 :’)
(photo: Music Life, June 1997)
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howlsroad-blog · 9 years ago
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howlsroad-blog · 9 years ago
The exaggeration of cultural difference into monstrous aberration is familiar enough. The most famous distortion occurs in the Bible, where the aboriginal inhabitants of Canaan are envisioned as menacing giants to justify the Hebrew colonization of the Promised Land (Numbers 13). Representing an anterior culture as monstrous justifies its displacement or extermination by rendering the act heroic. In medieval France the chansons de geste celebrated the crusades by transforming Muslims into demonic caricatures whose menacing lack of humanity was readable from their bestial attributes; by culturally glossing “Saracens” as “monstra,” propagandists rendered rhetorically admissible the annexation of the East by the West… A recent newspaper article on Yugoslavia reminds us how persistent these divisive mythologies can be, and how they can endure divorced from any grounding in historical reality: “A Bosnian Serb militiaman, hitchhiking to Sarajevo, tells a reporter in all earnestness that the Muslims are feeding Serbian children to the animals in the zoo. The Story is nonsense. There aren’t any animals left alive in the Sarajevo zoo. But the militiamen is convinced and can recall all the wrongs that Muslims may or may not have perpetrated during their 500 years of rule.” In the United States, Native Americans were presented as unredeemable savages so the powerful political machine of Manifest Destiny could push westward with disregard. Scattered throughout Europe by the Diaspora and steadfastly refusing assimilation into Christian society, Jews have been perennial favorites for xenophobic misrepresentation, for here was an alien culture living, working, and even at times prospering within vast communities dedicated to becoming homogeneous and monolithic. The Middle Ages accused the Jews of crimes ranging from the bringing of the plague to bleeding Christian children to make their Passover meal. Nazi Germany simply brought these ancient traditions of hate to their conclusion, inventing a Final Solution that differed from earlier persecutions only in its technological efficiency… From the classical period into the twentieth century, race has been almost as powerful a catalyst to the creation of monsters as culture, gender, and sexuality. Africa early became the West’s significant other, the sign of its ontological difference simply being skin color. According to the Greek myth of Phaeton, the denizens of mysterious and uncertain Ethiopia were black because they had been scorched by the too-close passing of the sun. The Roman naturalist Pliny assumed nonwhite skin to be symptomatic of a complete difference in temperament and attributed Africa’s darkness to climate; the intense heat, he said, had burned the Africans’ skin and malformed their bodies  (Natural History, 2.80). These differences were quickly moralized through a pervasive rhetoric of deviance. Paulinus of Nola, a wealthy landowner turned early church homilist, explained that the Ethiopians had been scorched by sin and vice rather than by the sun, and the anonymous commentator to Theodulus’s influential Ecloga (tenth century) succinctly glossed the meaning of the word Ethyopium: “Ethiopians, that is, sinners. Indeed, sinners can rightly be compared to Ethiopians, who are black men presenting a terrifying appearance to those beholding them.” Dark skin was associated with the fires of hell, and so signified in Christian mythology demonic provenance. The perverse and exaggerated sexual appetite of monsters generally was quickly affixed to the Ethiopian; this linking was only strengthened by a xenophobic backlash as dark-skinned people were forcibly imported into Europe early in the Renaissance. Narratives of miscegenation arose and circulated to sanction official policies of exclusion; Queen Elizabeth is famous for her anxiety over “blackamoores” and their supposed threat to the “increase of people of our own nation.”
Monster Theory: Reading Culture by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, 1996 (via aphroditeinfurs)
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howlsroad-blog · 9 years ago
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“It Will Never Be Quiet Again: My First Month of Living With Tinnitus”
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