19 posts
Howdy | 28 | Tumblr veteran est. 2011 | a writer (occasionally) | fandoms of choice: Billy The Kid series (2022), The Hunger Games, Mistborn (Cosmere)
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howdyjourney · 1 month ago
I forgot how hateful the tumblr community can get with people who don’t follow the same views on certain things, politics included. I used to be a part of that „if you like/support/vote for XYZ dni, I hate you, die on the spot please” crowd when 17-20 and on here, preaching moral relativism, empathy and tolerance at different occasions, never getting into smaller details and living in an information bubble, safe and sound, and at my most hateful. so glad I got over it with age. hope yall find the same peace of mind one day, too.
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howdyjourney · 1 month ago
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Give me the book already !!!’
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
are we ready to be absolutely devastated by haydove guys
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
it's always so fascinating and heartbreaking when a character in a story is simultaneously idolized and abused. a chosen prophet destined for martyrdom. a child prodigy forced to grow up too fast. a powerful warrior raised as nothing but a weapon. there's just something so uniquely messed up about singing someone's praises whilst destroying them.
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
Lenore Dove can be translated as „light-hearted (bright) peace”. Also most likely alluding to Poe’s poem of the same title which talks of the death of a beautiful young woman, thus the name symbolizing deep grief and loss, also the color grey; in here could be also the loss of all things pure. In the poem, „evil eye” and „slanderous tongue” are responsible for Lenore’s demise. Capitol much? Exactly.
and all of that means that… Lenore Dove is Covey 😭
chapter 1 excerpt from suzanne collins's sunrise on the reaping, out march 18th!
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
At the End of tbosas when Donald Sutherland’s voice said “It’s the things we love most, that Destroy Us.” Is the single absolute COLDEST MOVIE ENDING IN HISTORY.
That shit had me out of my SEAT.
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
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Tom Blyth as William H. Bonney in BILLY THE KID S01E03, Antrim
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
suzanne collins, your work will always be appreciated
Suzanne really had the nerve to make us fall in love with Peeta—sweet, gentle, good Peeta—when everyone was obsessing over emotionally unavailable and mysterious dudes. And honestly, it makes me love Peeta even more now. His character was ahead of his time: a caring, loving partner, the kind of standard we only started to appreciate more recently.
I swear to God, I start tweaking every time I see a TikTok comment about how Peeta will never be able to love Katniss the same way he did before the war. It’s his love for her—and his inner strength—that pulled him out of the trap his own mind set for him. He came back to Katniss because he loves her. But, on some level, these commenters are right. They’ll never have the same love they had before the revolution.
They’ll have a better one.
The love of solitude and peace. The love of understanding. The love forged through war, one that carried them through every torture, every loss, every tear they had to shed. It’s the love that’s stable and strong. The love that’ll make every bad thing bearable. The love that helps you heal. The love that never runs out.
But honestly, you can’t really blame people who fell into the narrative of Peeta “hating” Katniss. We all understand where that idea came from. The older you get, the more you realize how good Peeta’s hijacking arc is. No, he doesn’t hate her. No, it’s not some twisted awakening of sexual desire. And no, Peeta is not a “bad boy.”
He’s a terrified boy. A boy who lost everyone, including himself.
My Roman Empire? It’s Peeta not only being scared of Katniss but also of his own mind. Can you imagine waking up and having no idea who you are? It makes my heart ache for him, honestly.
Suzanne not turning Peeta into a “bad boy” tells us so much about the story. Yes, it’s about love—partially. But on so many levels, it’s a deep exploration of society and the people in it. Katniss, confused by her own emotions, Peeta, terrified of his own mind.
So yeah, miss Suzanne Collins definitely had the nerve.
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
people LOVE to talk about the smirk after the “if it weren’t for the baby” line drop in the movies but in the books peeta doesn’t smirk he literally cries thinking about the life he could’ve had that’s no longer a possibility since he is going back into the arena to die for a second time like how could the movies get this so WRONG and people praise it
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
hot take: gale was never that close with katniss.
their friendship was one of convenience and bonding over shared trauma, but it was never all that personal. sure, they were great hunting partners, but not much else. the second he was involved in anything pertaining to katniss’ life outside of hunting, he would become irrational and angry. even katniss herself narrates that the worst part about losing gale would be «good hunting partners are hard to come by.» he’s like that one coworker who you always spend time with at work, but then that energy doesn’t transfer outside of your shared obligation.
not to mention the hostility toward peeta. and i dont just mean in a «boohoo he’s jealous» kind of way, i mean to the point of offering to murder him in mj.
do i understand he’s a complex character? yes. i also understand the majority of his anger is misdirected frustration with his circumstances. does that make him a good/close friend? absolutely not.
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
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even if its just a lie 🐍
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
why not let one of my first post be just the cowboys of Billy The Kid
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
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It's been a while but I've been inspired lol
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
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Tom Blyth as William H. Bonney - Billy The Kid 2.05 (Part 1)
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
Your style is so smooth I love it 🌻
౨ৎ꣑ৎHeart Shaped Locks౨ৎ꣑ৎ
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[fem reader] contains: abusive family pairing: fem reader x billy the kid summary: you don't understand why billy still wants you author’s note: billy fic!! it's a little short but <3 Pinterest Board Spotify Playlist
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The grass was soft on Billy's back. He adjusted his arm, careful not to shift you too much. A quiet breeze ruffled the leaves of the tree you were lying under, causing the shade to dance over your face, the sun beaming on you in patterns. You smiled softly; the lines usually held in place when you were closer to home melting away. He loved it when you became like this, as close to relaxed as you'd ever been.
"You're cozy," you said softly, nuzzling your head into his shoulder. Billy leaned in to press his lips to your temple. The idea that anyone at all could find comfort in him was still astounding. The fact that it was you was unbelievable.
He let his hand fall to your waist, rubbing just slightly. "Good." You settled your hand on his chest, smiling softly. What he wouldn't give to have that smile before his eyes at all times. He dreamt of having that someday, of being able to wake up every morning and see you beside him. For now, he had this, and it was enough.
"I wish we could stay here forever." You echoed his thoughts, and he pulled you closer, so your face was close to his neck.
"I know, sweetheart," he whispered, reaching up to smooth your hair. "I wish it too."
"I don't wanna go home," you mumbled, and Billy nodded, his heart heavy at the thought of you having to go back there. It wasn't a place he wanted you to be any of the time, let alone every night when he had to bring you back. "My brothers have been in a mood. It's a miracle I was able to get out today."
His hand moved to the side of your head without thinking, protecting with no visible object. "Do you wanna stay with me tonight?"
When he drew back to look into your eyes, you were solemn, the stress creeping back into your body. He could feel your shoulders tensing, see your jaw clench. You bit the side of your cheek, eyes on his hand as you thought. He didn't move it a muscle. "I want to."
"Hmm." He'd known a no was more likely when he asked. Billy used his hand on your head to thumb the side of your face. "We could have dinner."
"In public?" You sounded nervous. Billy remembered the dirty looks the last time you'd shared a meal in town together.
He shook his head. "No, just you 'n me. My place."
Your eyes were tired. Tracing your fingers up and down his chest, you murmured, "I'd better not."
Despite his expectations, a little strike of disappointment painted his chest. But he kept it out of his voice. "That's okay."
"I want to stay," you mumbled. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," he promised, rubbing your back. "We'll just have a nice day here."
He repeated it over the course of the afternoon, trying to reassure you. It was obvious that you felt bad, and so he showered you in extra love. Kisses, cuddling, soft words. You got it all over the next few hours.
Billy always had an uneasy feeling whenever he dropped you off at home, and it didn't go away today. He lifted you off the horse, pressing a kiss to your forehead and rubbing the backs of your hands with his own. "Are you gonna be okay?"
He watched you paste on a smile. "Of course. I'll see you later." You stood on tiptoes, kissing his cheek before you scurried back to the house. Billy didn't take his eyes off you until you disappeared behind the door, waving at him from the porch.
For the entire ride home, Billy couldn't shake the feeling. It usually wore off by the time he passed the tree close to his cabin, but today it stuck with him, growing roots in his chest and spreading like a disease.
You said you were okay. He tried to remind himself. You were okay. You were okay. This was far from the first time he'd brought you home, and it wouldn't be the last.
But still, it plagued him still, a chasm carved into him that his heart was about to collapse into.
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Droplets were pounding on the roof, but Billy hardly minded it. If anything, the rain was soothing, creating noise to distract him from his worries. You hadn't left his mind once, something dread inducing gnawing at his gut.
He dressed himself for bed, telling himself he'd check on you first thing tomorrow morning. Heaven knew if he'd be able to sleep, but he'd at least try. He had to respect that you'd have told him if something was wrong.
But what if something happened when you got home? Billy shook his head, pulling the covers over himself. In the morning. He'd see you in the morning and you'd be fine and he'd be able to hold you and know you were safe.
You didn't have anyone to protect you except him. Nobody to take care of you. It was something he could hardly fathom. How could anyone know you and not want to give you every bit of love and affection you needed and more?
"She's fine," he repeated to himself, staring at the ceiling. "She's fine."
He missed the knock the first time it happened, lost in the sound of the rain and the lure of his own thoughts. But the second time, he sat up, reaching for the gun on his nightstand. Reaching for his pants, he yanked that on, throwing one suspender over his shoulder and approaching the door with caution. This was the danger of settling- it was easier for an enemy to find him.
When he swung the door open, gun drawn, the sight of you, soaking wet and shivering, met his eyes. Billy's chest felt hollow. He set his gun aside, reaching for you and pulling you inside.
You were dripping water onto the floor, arms folded around yourself. Billy ignored all of this, pulling you into his chest and smoothing down your hair. "Oh, sweet girl...c'mere, let's get you somethin' else to wear."
He led you to the bedroom, sitting you on the bed and grabbing a shirt of his. "Can you unbutton your dress for me, honey?" When he turned around, you were fumbling at your buttons with shaky fingers. Billy knelt in front of you, taking over after you nodded at his silent asking.
Your skin was cold, and he held back the line of questioning on his tongue, concentrating on getting you into the shirt. The sleeves fell over your hands, the hem to your thighs, but he figured it was a good thing. You'd be warmer that way.
"Alright." Billy got up and returned with the blanket he saved for winter nights, getting you under the covers and spreading it out over you. As soon as he got into bed, you were burrowing into his chest, sniffling. He held you to him with one big hand over the back of your head, making sure the blanket was covering your shoulders.
After a moment of lying there, he found it in him to approach it. Billy held his lips to your head for a moment. "What happened, sweetheart?"
You sniffled again, your cold hands under his shirt. "M-my brothers saw me with you and t-they didn't like it-" Your breathing was getting erratic, and Billy held you tight to him, rubbing your back gently.
"Shh," he soothed. "Sweetheart...did you walk all the way here?"
The quiet nod against his chest confirmed it, and he sighed, kissing your hair again. "I knew somethin' was wrong. I could feel it all night."
"I'm sorry I came here," you started, but he shook his head, rubbing your back carefully.
"Baby, I'm glad you came here," he soothed, kissing your hair. "I always want you to come to me."
You sat up, staring at the pattern of the blanket over your legs. Billy watched you, leaning against the back of the bed. He could almost hear your thoughts spinning.
"Why are you with me?" you asked softly, bringing your knees to your chest.
Billy was frozen in place for a moment. He tried to formulate a response, but it almost felt like being kicked in the ribs.
You continued, fidgeting with the blanket. "We can hardly go anywhere in public because everyone hates my family. You have to deal with every time they make me feel bad. I can't stay with you as much...just..." your eyes found his, teary and about to spill over. "Why would you want to be with me if you have to deal with all that?"
Billy reached for you, pulling you to sit on his thighs. You let him drag you into his lap, shoulders slumped, body tired. He kept a hand at your waist, leaning you against his chest. There was a way to say what he wanted to, and he needed to get it right.
"You mean so much to me, sunshine," Billy said softly, lifting your chin so you were looking at him. "You light up my whole world. I don't know what I'd do without you." When your tears began to spill over, his thumb was right there to catch them. " don't deserve a single thing you've been through. I want you to be okay. And I've never thought you were a burden. Not once."
Sniffling, you hid your face in his neck. "Billy."
"You're my girl," he whispered, rubbing your side. "I love you so much. And I wanna take you away from here someday, just you 'n me."
"You and me?" you repeated softly, holding his wrist. He nodded, kissing your nose.
"You and me, darlin'," he promised, and you relaxed a little more against him. Billy eased you back into laying down, your body draped over his chest. "I'm not gonna let you go."
He was surprised by how quickly you fell asleep. Your hair was still wet, but your body was warming slowly. Billy held you tight to him, kissing your hair. You were safe and warm. He knew that for a fact.
It wasn't right yet. But you were in his bed, and nobody could hurt you here. It was a start.
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howdyjourney · 2 months ago
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TOM BLYTH Billy the Kid Season 2 Episode 6
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