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houseofsmallrose-blog · 5 years ago
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During this weird and uncertain time I’ve decided to FINALLY start my blog. I guess you could call this a blog right????
I don’t really know how to start though, so *JAY Z VOICE* ‘Allow me to reintroduce myself’ I’m Vanessa, 26 and I’m single Mum of 2. Overly dramatic, severely sensitive and way too honest for my own good. As you see in my picture we have Paisleigh, almost 2, QUEEN of sass and attitude, the wild and fearless one. We love her all the same though. We also have my right hand man Harvey who is 7 (though we are all convinced he’s secretly 67) probably one of the most intelligent humans you’ll ever meet, regardless of age. Extremely social (100% didn’t get that from me) and also probably the most loving human I’ve ever come across.
This will just be my space to vent. A diary I guess. I don’t know about you but I bottle a lot of things up, which causes me genuine headaches and I’ve always found writing an outlet for me. I don’t know what it is, but growing up I always kept a diary and it cleared my head. I guess I’ve got to move with the times and do it on the internet now...
I will be discussing pretty much all of my personal life experiences. Motherhood in general but also raising two feral children prodominantly alone (yes you read that correctly and yes I called them feral, continue reading hun) , dealing with mental health, pregnancy with health complications, current affairs and dealing with the loss of loved ones. So the good, the bad, the ugly and the damn right sad mate.
So buckle up, wash your hands darlings and stay tuned.
I’m rambling now innit, bloody typical, sorry.
Love you, mean it
Vanessa x
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