Imaging being
In love whit the wrong person and not whit the Person you should be
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Sometimes everything is to mutch. Sometimes i think
I need a break from live.
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Imagine being mentally healthy, to be able to remind you of everything every night after alcohol. And that you are no longer the only one who is really drunk. that realy sucks
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I'm sorry I don't like you the same way you like me. I'm sorry I can't return your love. I think I'm not able to fall in love with a person as much as I want to.
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I have a poison inside me, and i destroy everything i touch.
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You're gone. I endured it, I had no choice. But if someone else leaves, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive.
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Are u Death? i think im Death. Often, I am upset that I can not fall in love, but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it
Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now, but I swear
When I'm ready, I will fly us out of here -Rayo
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The time passes and I stand still
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I can't take it anymore. I can't stand life anymore. It is as if I were not the person determined over me. it's like I no longer belong to myself -rayo
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I've been in this hole for days. and I'm afraid I won't come out -Rayo
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I dont deserve anything -Rayo
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This deep sadness becomes close to unbearable on some days. I notice how life moves past me while I stop at the same point. and how no means of transportation can really help me get around. Move ahead. As I speak, just to hope that the deafening silence can be broken. How I do it so that I don't have to be alone with myself. So as not to have to be alone with my thoughts. -Rayo
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I am afraid to show my true self because I don't think that they will be important to me and that they will hurt me -Rayo
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I'm afraid to forget. I'm afraid to forget your face. I'm afraid to forget your voice. I'm afraid to forget the words you said to me. I'm afraid to forget you All I have left is the memory of you -rayo
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My life is pure chaos. I'm not coming anywhere. At school I have such pressure to perform. I just can't keep up -Rayo
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