hottombstone · 4 months
This is a fanfiction between Doc Holiday x(Fem) reader! I might make it into a series lol!
DISCLAIMER!! The series will have smut😏
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I’ve been riding my horse jack for what seems like years. The heat was stinging my lungs and having me in desperate need for water. Tombstone was just up ahead as you were relived to arrive after all the train ride before riding jack was nothin fun. As I ride into town there were men already drunk and women trying to keep their innocence from them. I hitched jack at a post closest to a trauf, he definitely needed the water more than me.
I go into the Oriental to grab myself a drink before heading to the hotel. I walk in and the immediate smell of cigars and whiskey is intoxicating. It was very crowded as I make my way to the bar. “What can I get for you miss?” The polite bar keeper said. “Just a whiskey on the rocks” I smile at him and he seems surprised that I dainty girl as myself would order something like that.
He hands me the glass and I pay him the money. I sit looking around my hat low so no one would really take notice of me. I was in a very simple black dress nothing fancy to make an impression. I hear a familiar laugh come from the poker table and I’ll be. It was your good friend Wyatt Erp! I get off the chair trying not to bump into all the drunks. I approach the table where he’s dealing. “Hello there ma’am what can I get started for ya?” I smile as I lift my head to show my face.
“Well a hug would be a good start and I’ll buy in with what I can.” He stands up and smiles big. “Y/n girl! I haven’t seen you in ages. Look at you!” He spins me around. “I can’t believe you’re in tombstone!” I grin. “Well Daddy always said I had a heart for adventure!” Wyatt laughs “He sure did!” “So you gonna deal me in or what?” He smiles and sits down. “Of course where are my manners.” He deals me in and shows me to the table.
All the men at the table don’t even look at me till I take my hat off and my beautiful long hair tumbles down showing soft waves. The two men are looking at me in a way that’s not attractive to you in any way. I hear a voice to my left “This isn’t usually a game for pretty daisys like yourself darlin.” I smirk to myself. “You’ve obviously been playin with the wrong women.” The other men laugh and I roll my eyes. “Who are you woman?” The dirty toothless man says.
I give a confident answer “I’m the Daisy who’s gonna bet you at cards.” They both laugh. I look to my left and the man raises his head to reveal his dashingly handsome face. He smirks “Let’s play then..”
“I raise..” I push my chips in. The other two men through down their cards in a fold. “That’s an awful lot a money you bettin on darlin.. I think you want to rethink your decision.” My face still straight showing no emotion. “I think I’ll take my chances..” he puts down his cards showing a flush and everybody’s in awe laughing he goes to take the pile. “Not so fast there handsome… I think my cards have a say in the matter..”
I put down my cards to show a full house. The room gets quiet. “Well..” I say to break the silence. “Thank you for the wonderful game but I best be on my way to rest.” I put my hand on the handsome man’s shoulder. “For your troubles..” I put a few chips in his hand and a kiss on the cheek. I stand up to leave.. “What’s your name darlin.?” “Y/n” “Well miss Y/n I’m Doc Holiday.” He says kissing my hand. I roll my eyes and smile “Well Mr. Holiday I’ll see you tomorrow.. but a game like that has a girl like me wore out.”
I take my hand away and give him a flirtatious look and walk out of the Oriental. I put Jack in a stable and get into my hotel room. I lock the doors and open the window for some cool air. I strip to a simple yet elegant sleep wear and close my eyes as butterflies flutter in my belly thinking of Mr. Doc Holiday…
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