BAU babes
65 posts
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
Hey y’all I know it’s been awhile. BUT IM LOSING MY MIND AND HAVE TO SHARE THIS WITH YA’LL. The dude that played Kevin in Criminal Minds got arrested (again) 3 BLOCKS AWAY FROM MY FUCKING CAMPUS. Why is this mf in Indiana 💀 this shit has me laughing so hard.
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
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I think we deserve a soft epilogue, my love.
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
Y’all, tumblr is pissing me tf off. I typed up the rest of my draft, saved it MULTIPLE TIMES, come back to post it. Half of it is fucking missing. 🙄 I’m so pissed.
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
Hey all! I know I’ve been a bit dormant. I’ve just been very busy and honestly have just been lacking in creative juices. I see your request, I’m going to get your request. I promise! I just need to get a good schedule going and get my creative juices flowing again. Please bare with me as I figure this out.
I’m so greatly appreciative of each and every one of you. See you soon ❤️
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
Pinky Promise
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Request: @jojosgirlkat1dluvr​  Paring: Derek Morgan x reader  Category: Angst w/ a happy ending  Warning: Arguing, crying  Word Count: 9.7k
You’ve been lucky enough to score the handsome hunk, Derek Morgan, as your boyfriend. You guys were head over heels in love with one another. You were the only girl Derek ever talked about having a future together with, and honestly, he was the only guy you could picture having a future with. But recently you’ve been feeling rather unwanted. Derek Morgan is a flirt, everyone knows that. But wouldn’t one expect their boyfriend not to flirt while in a relationship? Well, Derek didn't quite get that part, because recently Derek has been flirting more and more while on cases and out and about. It hurt your feelings, you felt like Derek wasn't interested in you anymore. Like he was only with you out of pity or something. But today you had enough, you weren't going to put up with it anymore. 
This morning when you came into work you saw Derek chatting with some girl from another agency, they seemed to be having quite a good time. Too good a time. The girl was blushing and giggling, you knew Derek was flirting with her. It hurt seeing that, that should be you. You were so done with Derek’s flirting, you were going to talk about it with him at some point. You went straight to your desk, not acknowledging any of your teammates.
“You okay Y/N? You seem tense.” Emily asked from her desk which was across from yours. 
“I’m fine.” You mumbled, Emily, taking the hint that you weren't in the mood to talk right now so she let you be. Derek soon finished talking to the girl and made his way over to his desk, stopping by yours. 
“Good morning beautiful,” Derek said crouching down next to your chair to be eye level with you. 
“Leave me alone Derek, I’m not in the mood.” You muttered, refusing to even look at Derek. The man's brow furrowed, concerned as to why you were acting like this. 
“What’s wrong babe? Did something happen?” He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder and you just shrugged him off. This wasn't like you at all and that concerned your boyfriend. 
“Derek, seriously, I’m not in the mood.” You said a bit more stern this time and Derek put his hands up in surrender. 
“Alright, alright,” Derek said with a sigh, walking to his desk, giving you time to cool down. He was so confused as to why you were acting like this, honestly, the whole team was confused. You were the happy go lucky one of the group, and this morning you were the complete opposite. All day at work you ignored Derek, refusing to even look in his direction. You got up at one point during the day to get yourself a coffee, once you made it into the break room Derek stood up to go talk to you. JJ furrowed her brow at the male. 
“I wouldn't do that if I were you. She’s clearly not in a good mood Derek.” JJ warned and Derek just shrugged and walked into the break room where you were making yourself a cup of coffee. 
“Y/N, what's going on baby? I’ve never seen you like this.” Derek asked as he waked up behind you. You just ignored him, acted like he wasn't even there. Derek let out an annoyed chuckle. “Oh, so you're going to ignore me now?” Derek asked and you just kept on ignoring him. You were tired of letting him get away with being a bad boyfriend. “Whatever, fine.” Derek huffed, frustrated as to why you were acting like this. You just walked past Derek and back to your desk, Derek didn't give you attention anymore so why not do the same to him? The team noticed the tension between the two, it was obvious something was going on. You stayed at your desk the rest of the day, luckily there was no case, just simple paperwork. As soon as you finished you turned it into Hotch and gathered your things and left, not saying goodbye or waiting for Derek to walk you to your car like he normally did. You just left, leaving everyone very concerned. If you were mad at Derek it had to be something bad if you were acting like this. The team called you the sunshine of the group, but today you were not the sunshine. 
You drove home, stopping to grab yourself some food. You didn't feel like cooking tonight. When you got back to your apartment you changed into comfy clothes and sat down on the couch eating your fast-food dinner and watching reruns of your favorite show. You thought a lot about what to do about Derek, you decided you needed to talk to him about this. Ignoring him forever wasn't going to do any good. You pulled out your phone and sent him a text. 
“Can you come over? We need to talk.” 
You sent the messages, nervously awaiting a reply. Derek just replied with a simple ‘okay’, that wasn't very assuring but you took it. Awaiting Derek’s arrival as you stress ate from a tub of ice cream. Derek on the other hand was a nervous wreck as he left work, he was nervous you were going to break up with him. He still was clueless about what you could possibly be mad at him for. His nervousness soon turned into anger, he convinced himself that you were going to break up with him for no reason. Ugh, men. 
But soon enough there was a knock at the door, you got up and answered to door to the upset man. He walked inside, and you shut the door before you turned to look at him. 
“So why are you breaking up with me? What did I do?” Derek asked, his voice laced with anger, but also concern. You furrowed your brow in confusion. 
“Who said I was breaking up with you?” 
“Well, it is pretty obvious Y/N. You ignored me all day at work, you send me a mysterious text saying you needed to ‘talk’ What else am I supposed to assume?!” Derek exclaimed, you were angry now. How dare he come in here and yell at you like you're the bad guy? 
“Derek, you’re being ridiculous! I was going to talk to you about why I was mad, but I won’t talk to you when you're yelling at me.” You spat back, and Derek rolled his eyes. 
“What's so important that you need to talk about that causes you to ignore me all day?” Derek asked, his tone sarcastic. 
“You know what, you can leave. I’m not talking to you when you’re like this.” You said seriously and Derek let out an annoyed laugh.
“Exactly, you were going to break up with me. Just do it!” He yelled, you about lost it then and there. 
“No, Derek, I wasn't going to break up with you! I wanted to talk about your flirting problem but clearly you don't need me! Go flirt with all the girls you want, you don't need me to hold you back because clearly, I am not important enough!” You yelled, tears pricking in your eyes. Derek’s face softened at this, he blew this way out of proportion. 
“Y/N... I didn't know... I’m sorry. We can talk about it.” Derek said, his voice much softer this time. You just shook your head and wiped your eyes, walking over to your couch and sat down. 
“Leave.” That was all you said and Derek shook his head. You were both so stubborn sometimes, it always caused issues. 
“No, I’m not leaving when you’re upset at me. We can talk this out Y/N, please baby.” Derek said, sitting on the other end of the couch. You didn't say anything, you just pulled your sweatpant clad legs to your chest. You were so upset, you just wanted your boyfriend to act like your boyfriend. Was that so much to ask for? Why couldn't Derek understand how terrible it makes you feel when he flirts with other girls. How insecure it made you feel. How unspecial it made you feel. You knew he wouldn't be happy if you went out and flirted with other men, especially in front of him. You couldn't take it anymore, you just couldn’t. With your face buried in your knees, you started crying, not caring that Derek was sitting only feet away from you. 
“I can’t- I can’t Derek.” You cried, hugging your legs close to your chest. Derek’s heart broke, he didn't know his actions hurt you so much. Derek scooted over closer to you, pulling you into his lap. 
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby. I’ll be better.” Derek said as he rubbed your back, trying to console you. You didn't care that you were mad at him, you needed comfort. You wrapped your arms around Derek and cried. 
“I just want to be good enough for you... Am I not good enough for you?” You sobbed into his shirt, Derek sighed and rubbed your back. 
“You are more than enough for me. You're the only girl I want.” Derek said and you pulled away, looking at him with your red teary eyes. 
“Then why do you flirt with other girls all the time?...” You asked, Derek sighed and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I don't know, you're my first real relationship. Flirting is... was just my thing. I just do it I guess. I didn't think about it hurting your feelings and I'm sorry. I will stop, I mean it, baby. Really I do, I love you and only you.” Derek said honestly, it sounded pathetic but it was the truth. 
“You promise?” You asked, Derek, nodded and stuck out his pinky for you. 
“Yeah, I promise. Pinky promise.” Derek said with a small smile, you smiled back, wrapping your pinky around his. 
“You know you can never break a pinky promise right? They are unbreakable.” You said with a soft giggle, wiping your eyes. Derek chuckled and nodded, kissing your forehead. 
“I know, I’ll never break that promise. Now let me make it up to you, we can spend the weekend at my place and I’ll take you on a date. How's that sound?” Derek asked and you grinned widely at him, nodding your head. 
“That sounds wonderful.” You said with a smile, kissing Derek's lips softly. Feeling much better now that you talked everything out with your lover. Derek kissed you back before pulling away. 
“But first let me make it up to you in another way,” Derek said with a smirk, a blush forming on your cheeks, Derek had the most intoxicating effect on you. It was safe to say Derek most definitely made it up to you. By the end of the weekend, you knew that Derek only loved you and that he was going to do everything he could to show that to you. 
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
It’s my last week of school guys! I’ll be updating soon, I promise.
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
i wanna fangirl over mgg and spence. will u pls join me? even tho we have never spoken. i want to make new friends, my usual ones aren't answering me.
I will gladly join queen 😌✌️
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
tagged by @emily-hottie-prentiss​ to answer these 9 questions:
1. Relationship status: taken <3
2. Favorite color(s): purple & yellow 
3. Three favorite foods: pizza, burritos, mac n cheese. 
4. Last song I listened to: Sway with me 
5. Last thing I googled: ‘Aaron Hotchner gifs’ lol
6. Song stuck in my head: Toxic by Britney 
7. Time: 12:05am
8. Dream trip: to be 6ft underground :) 
9. anything you want?: all the money in the world 
and I'm supposed to tag 10 people so here we go (no pressure at all!,, also sorry if you have done this already): @miniatureauthorpartyspy @dean-ilovemesomepie-winchester @itsmeiguessidk @pumpkin6278 @jojosgirlkat1dluvr @mggbler @karmaisabig-bitch @writergirlyy @kyleetheeditor @joeycupcakerichter
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
Guys, I started a CM TikTok. Plz follow me, I’m making edits. My tiktok is the same as my tumblr. @/hotchnersbiitch 
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
Hey guys, I’m going to be done with school in a few weeks! I’ll be updating a lot more!!
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
What About Us?
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A/N: Hey y’all, trust me I see all your requests I am getting to them. Slowly but surely I will get to them, college is a pain in the ass but once I go home for winter break I should hopefully be uploading more.  Request: @emily-hottie-prentiss​ Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader  Category: angst with fluff at the end Warning: Arguing?  Word Count: 1,006
Spencer was running late, very late. You had this date night planned out for almost two weeks now. You dressed up, did your hair and make-up, made a wonderful dinner that was now cold because your husband was over an hour late for your very scheduled plans. Plans that he knew were tonight, the plans that you reminded him about every day for the past two weeks. Saying that you were pissed was an understatement, you were furious. You left the cold dinner on the nicely set table before running upstairs to take off all your hard work you did to look nice for your husband, clearly he didn’t care and you weren't going to wait for him either. You sat at your vanity wiping off your make up when Spencer got home, he forgot that today was supposed to be his and Y/N’s date night. As soon as he walked in he could feel the tension in the air, you weren't there to greet him like always. Spencer furrowed his brow as he made his way upstairs to the bedroom, maybe you just fell asleep. Spencer walked into the bedroom seeing you brushing out your curled hair. 
“Y/N?” Spencer said you didn’t even bother looking at him, let alone responding to him. Spencer immediately grew concerned, what did he do? He eyed his wife, seeing her still in her pretty red dress for the evening and that's when it clicked. “Shit... Y/N I am so sorry. I totally spaced it, I got caught up with some stuff at the office.” Spencer said, watching you stand up and walk to the closet to change in to pajamas 
“Yeah, stuff that's more important than your wife apparently.” You finally responded Spencer, hearing the anger in your voice. He bit his lip as he followed you into the closet. 
“Y/N really, I spaced it, we can still have our date okay?” Spencer tried to reason, you looked over at him with an annoyed look as you changed. 
“I had this planned for weeks, Spencer! I reminded you like crazy so you wouldn’t forget and then you forgot!” You exclaimed, you were just so frustrated and hurt. “Am I not important anymore? We have hardly seen each other for well over a month. All you do is work, what about us? You promised you'd start making time for us.” You said pushing past Spencer once you got changed, walking to the bed, you just wanted to sleep and be mad. 
“Y/N, you know you’re important to me. I forgot I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.” Spencer pleaded following you, you just got in bed getting under the covers. 
“Yeah, it’s a little too late for that now. Leave me alone.” You mumbled, moving on to your side, facing away from your husband. Spencer sighed, he felt so bad, he messed up he knew that. 
“Okay...” Spencer mumbled, letting out a sigh as he left you alone in the bedroom to cool off. Spencer went back downstairs, he felt so bad he was going to figure out a way to make it up to you. He walked into the kitchen, sighing at the cold meal on the table, deciding to clean it up and do the dishes to hopefully make it a little bit better. He thought hard about your words, how you didn’t feel like he was making time for them anymore. She was right, it was hard for Spencer to make time for his wife. Spencer worked a lot and when he got home he was just so tired he wanted to just sleep, and you were very understanding of that because he was usually good about making time for the two of you. Until recently, and it made you feel not wanted and not loved. Spencer finished cleaning up before getting an idea to hopefully cheer you up, Spencer grabbed his car keys before heading out to his car. He drove to the store and grabbed a few things before coming back home. Spencer decided to go into the bedroom where you were sleeping, Spencer sighed and carefully sat on the bed. He started to slowly rub your arm to wake you up. You stirred in your sleep as you started to wake up, opening your eyes, and seeing your husband. You were about to smile at him when you remembered you were still mad at him. 
“What?” You asked in a sleepy, annoyed tone. Spencer pulled out a big carton of your favorite ice cream and some movies he picked up laying them out on the bed for you to see. 
“I’m so sorry I forgot about our date night, I’ll do better I promise. I got you stuff to make it up to you.” Spencer explained in a soft voice hoping his little plan would work. You looked at the treats and looked at Spencer before sitting up and hugging him, Spencer let out a sigh of relief, wrapping his arms around you. 
“It’s okay, just please start making time for us okay? I don’t want us to drift apart.” You whispered as you hugged Spencer. Spencer pulled away from the hug and kissed your forehead. 
“I promise I will. We won’t drift apart, I’m going to try to get time off. Maybe we can go on a vacation or something.” Spencer said, you smiled at this and nodded, leaning in and softly kissing his lips to which he eagerly reciprocated. After a few seconds, you pulled away and cuddled against him. 
“Now we eat ice cream and watch movies?” You asked and Spencer nodded with a small smile. Spencer got up and got the movie going before getting back in bed with you, snuggling close as you both shared the carton of ice cream. It wasn’t exactly how you wanted your night to go but you were happy with the outcome. Spencer was going to do better, and you were very content with eating ice cream and watching movies with your husband. 
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
Love at First Sight
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A/N: I’m sorry for the long absence, I’ve been so busy. Also, I don’t know shit about chess.... Request: @emily-hottie-prentiss​ Paring: Spencer Reid x reader Category: Fluff Warning: none Word Count: 890
“You’ll be moving up in the competition to the finals, your next opponent is Spencer Reid.” One of the scorekeepers informed you, you just shyly nodded your head and made your way in the direction you were instructed to go to, looking for the sign with the name of your next challenger. You were currently competing in a local chess tournament, you were advancing very well, you made it all the way to the finals. You’re eyes landed on the small sign that read ‘Spencer Reid’, you approached the table, standing in front of the pushed in chair. You looked at the brown-haired boy who was looking down at the board, his chin resting in his hand, defiantly not who you were expecting to be in the finals with you. You cleared your throat to sound your presence, the man looked up at you as you pulled the chair out, sitting down across from him. He looked surprised, almost confused, I guess Chess is a male-dominated game. 
“Uh, hi. I’m Y/N.” You said in a shy, quiet voice, sticking your hand out over the table to shake his hand. You quickly took in his features, he was quite attractive. 
“Uh, I kind of have a thing about germs,” he said looking from your hand to your face, he took in your features as well, very pleased at what he saw. 
“Oh, yeah, no worries.” You said as you sat down in front of the male, smiling at him as the referee came over and inspected the board before saying you both were good to begin the game. Spencer made the first move. 
“So I heard you’re reigning champion around here.” You said, trying to start a conversation with the handsome chess player. Spencer chuckled and nodded as you made your move. 
“Yeah, for the past five years.” He explained as he studied the board, preparing his next move. 
“That’s impressive. What do you do for a living?” You asked as you moved your pawn, Spencer looked a little taken aback by your skilled strategy. 
“I’m an FBI agent for the Behavioral Analysis Unit,” Spencer explained, you were definitely surprised at this answer. He didn’t look like an FBI agent, but honestly, it made him ten times more attractive to you. 
“That’s even more impressive,” You said with a giggle as you both took turns in your very intense game of chess. 
“What do you do?” Spencer asked, looking up at you with a small smile. You swear you could almost see his eyes glistening, or maybe it was just yours? 
“Oh, nothing as cool as being an FBI agent. I’m just a professor at a local university here.” You said with a nonchalant shrug. Spencer perked up a bit at this, a girl that's pretty and has brains? Spencer felt like that was impossible to find anymore. 
“No, no that's actually really cool. What do you teach?” Spencer asked, very intrigued by the girl. 
“Chemistry.” You said with a small smile as you took your turn. Spencer’s face lit up, even more, was this the girl of his dreams? 
“That is so cool. I have a Ph.D. in chemistry” Spencer explained, you smiled and raised your eyebrows. 
“Really? Me too!” You said with a bit of excitement in your voice, was this the man of your dreams? You both just looked into each other's eyes for a moment, you were the first to look away, looking back at the board and making your move. The game moved on for a while, you were both very skilled; which impressed Spencer even more than he already was. You guys chatted about everything from; chess, to your jobs, even about hydrocarbons and other chemistry things. You were very happy to have met Spencer, not only was he incredibly good-looking he was also so smart and had a lot of things in common with you. You’ve never been very good with boys, a bit awkward at times, so this was very new territory for you. 
“Checkmate” Spencer said stopping the timer, you were so close, but not close enough. You weren't upset though that was for sure the best game of chess you've ever played. 
“Solid game, you’re very good.” You said with a sweet smile as you stood up from the table. 
“You’re very good as well, I thought you had me there for a minute,” Spencer said with a smile as he stood up, clearing his throat before stuffing his hands in his pockets nervously. “Hey, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go grab something to eat... With me?” Spencer asked, his cheeks a small tint of pink, this was very much out of Spencer's comfort zone. He wasn't good with girls either, but he really liked you and didn't want to just never talk to you again. Your cheeks were bright red at his offer as you nodded your head. 
“Yeah, sure, that’ll be fun.” You replied you were so flattered that Spencer Reid wanted to take you out on a date. This was a date right? You didn't care, you were just excited to spend more time with him. 
“Well, let's get going shall we?” Spencer asked with an excited grin, you nodded adamantly before walking off together. So excited to see where this date might lead you.
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
Hey guys, my laptop is getting fixed right now, I get it back tomorrow. Trust me, I’ve seen all your guys requests and I’m getting to them, don’t worry. I’ll be writing a lot this week so hopefully by the following week I’ll have some new fics for y’all.
Also thanks for all the love on my posts, I just hit 400 followers which is so awesome. 💕💕
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
Anyone wanna roleplay with me? 🥺 I’ve really been wanting to do a good DerekxSpencer plot but they all fall through, but I’ll do whatever you wanna do too🥰
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
Hey guys! I just want to let everyone know; no updates this weekend. I’m going home to see my parents and celebrate my birthday. Thanks for all the love and support! 💕
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
Me For Her
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Request: @jojosgirlkat1dluvr​ ​
Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader
Category: angst w/ a bit of fluff at the end
Warnings: kidnapping, graphic depictions of violence, blood, crying, cursing
Word count: 2.7k 
You came back to, a groan leaving your lips. You looked around trying to figure out where you were when your eyes landed on Spencer in front of you tied to a chair, it all came rushing back. Hotch sent you and Spencer to talk to a few possible witnesses from the case you were currently working on. All was well until, who you found out to be the unsub, released this gas that caused you and Spencer both to pass out almost immediately, you remembered being dragged to a car before you blacked out again. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Spencer asked, you were tied up too, the both of you facing each other but there was space between you. 
“Where are we?” You asked the boy, you were scared, your eyes darted around the room trying to figure out anything to where you guys might be. 
“I think we are in a warehouse or a factory,” Spencer said he looked scared too but he was doing a better job of hiding it than you were. You tried to stay calm, you know no good would come from panicking. Spencer could tell that you were losing it though. 
“Y/N, we are going to be okay, the team knows we are missing. They will find us.” He said trying to assure you in your worried state. 
“Find you?” A man's loud voice echoed through the empty building. You felt your heart rate pick up, and your breathing become uneven. 
“They won't find you... alive anyways.” the man said walking and standing in between the two agents. He was tall and old, older than you and Spencer, he had a cigarette hanging from his lips. He was muscular and honestly, just looked really scary. 
“I don’t even want you, I want her. I just thought it would be fun to make you watch.” The man said, walking around you in your chair, you were terrified. 
“Don’t hurt her, please,” Spencer begged and the man just shook his head before grabbing your hair and yanking your head back, causing you to yelp in fear. 
“Is this your boyfriend?” The man asked, you just trembled in fear and shook your head. Although you wished he was, but he wasn't, and if this guy stuck to the profile, you were never going to be. 
“Please... leave her alone. Hurt me instead.” Spencer begged, the man just cackled at his pleas. 
“SHUT UP OR SHE DIES!!” the man yells at Spencer, you couldn't help but start crying. 
“Hmmm, where to start?...” The man questioned, this was their unsub, and this unsub was torturing and dismembering girls. You feared for your life. The man rolled out a metal cart with all kinds of different things; knives, guns, rope, saws, lighters, you name it it was probably there. The man took a long drag from his cigarette before walking over and putting the hot nub out on your forearm, causing you to scream out in pain at the feeling of your flesh burning. 
“Oh shut up, I’ve hardly ever done anything yet. If you can't handle that then you aren’t going to last long.” The man said in a condescending tone before flicking the cigarette butt somewhere on the floor, hot tears were running down you face. The man grabbed a knife off the cart and ran it lightly down the side of your face but hard enough to draw blood. Your salty tears running into your cut causing it to sting, you whimpered and the man looked at you. He just stared at you, pure anger and hatred in his eyes, he suddenly punched you square in the nose. You sobbed as blood gushed from your now broken nose. 
“Shut up bitch.” He mumbled as you cried, moving out from in front of you, you looked across at Spencer with frightened eyes. Spencer was scared for you, he was trying not to cry at the sight of the terrified girl in front of him, he wished he could just hold her and protect her from this bastard. The man put the tip of the knife on your clothed thigh, dragging it down splitting open the fabric of your slacks with ease. You winced in pain as he pushed the knife in deeper, a vertical gash forming on your thigh. 
“Leave her alone! Hurt me instead please, just leave her alone.” Spencer begged, he hated seeing her like this, he couldn't take it he couldn't lose her. The man snapped around and looked at Spencer, he walked over to him and spit in his face. 
“I thought I told you to shut up!” He yelled at the agent, Spencer tensed up as the man punched Spencer in the side of the head. 
“I said shut up or she’s dead!” He yelled again before walking over to his cart and grabbing a pistol, cocking it before walking behind the chair you were tied to. He wrapped his arm around your neck and pressed the cold gun to your temple, you were shaking with fear. You looked at Spencer with scared wide eyes, you didn’t want to die. 
“P-please don’t.” You whimpered to the man, you would beg for your life if you had too. Spencer was now crying too, he didn't want to watch you be killed in front of him. 
“Left or right?” The man asked Spencer, your chest heaving up and down in your state of panic. 
“Shoot me please, leave her alone, please. Me for her, please.” Spencer begged, the desperation in his voice clear as day. The man let out a guttural growl of frustration, pressing the gun harder against the side of your head. 
“LEFT OR RIGHT?! Answer me or I’ll kill her right now, I don't care.” He demanded Spencer. Spencer was panicked, his eyes darting from your bloodied face to the man's wicked one, Spencer watched the mans finger wrap around the trigger as he lost his patience. 
“Left! Left.” Spencer didn’t know what he meant by his request but he picked anyways, he didn't want the man to kill you. The man nodded in approval at his response, the man pulled the gun away from your head and walked around in front of you. He aimed the gun at your left shoulder. BANG. 
You screamed out in anguish as you felt the blood pour out of your wound. The man moved the gun down pointing at your left thigh, he was about to pull the trigger when Spencer yelled. 
“STOP! Please I’m begging you stop, please. Kill me, don’t kill her. Please.” Spencer begged, his voice breaking as he spoke, tears ran down his face. You were sobbing in pain, your body growing weaker and weaker. The man turned around and pointed the gun at Spencer. 
“You’ll kill yourself for her?” The man asked Spencer, pointing the gun straight at his face. 
“Yes, yes... I will. Please leave her alone, do whatever you want to me. Just leave her alone.” Spencer said in a quiet voice as tears slid down his face, the man put the gun at his side and nodded. 
“Alright, I’ll make you regret that decision. I’ll be back to have my fun with you.” The man said before walking into another room of the warehouse. You were practically hyperventilating at his point, from the pain, from the fear, from the sight of your blood rapidly leaving your body. Spencer was so worried, the team needed to get her and fast before you bled out. 
“Y/N. Y/N. Look at me, don’t close your eyes. Talk to me.” Spencer urged, trying to keep you alert. 
“S-Spencer... I don't want to die.” You slurred out, tears still running down your cheeks. 
“Don’t say that you're not going to die. You're not allowed to die. I love you Y/N, you can’t die and leave me. Fight for me. I’ll fight for you. Please, stay with me.” Spencer cried out, he really did love you, he couldn't lose you. You didn’t know if you were hallucinating or if Spencer was actually saying these things to you. 
“You.... love me?” You asked everything around you was spinning, you felt like your heart was going to explode. You were scared, you didn't want to die, not like this. 
“Yes, yes. I love you Y/N, stay awake. Talk to me, you can't die. We are supposed to be together, you can't leave me. I love you.” Spencer sobbed you wish you could hug him right now; your vision became spotty as you tried to respond. 
“I...” nothing, you couldn't finish your words. You were out, you could almost feel the life draining out of you. You didn't want to die.
“No no no! Y/N wake up, stay with me. Please!” Spencer pleaded, he was sobbing, pulling on his restraints trying to free himself to help you. Spencer watched your chest rise and fall, making sure you weren't dead yet. He watched, for several minutes, he noticed your breathing getting slower and uneven. You were dying. Spencer’s head shot up when he heard the commotion from and another room, the room where the unsub went. He did a double-take as heard Aaron’s voice yelling, it was the team, they found them. You had a chance to live. 
“We are in here! Help!” Spencer started yelling, trying to get the team's attention, he succeeded. Soon enough the team was running to them, Derek arrived first and ran to Reid. 
“Are you okay?” Derek asked making sure his friend was alright. 
“I’m fine. I’m fine. Get Y/N she's dying, he shot her.” Spencer said, still crying. Derek rushed over to you, cutting the zip ties that bound your wrists before pulling you onto the floor checking for a pulse. 
“Her pulse is weak! We need a medic, now!” Derek yelled as he started applying pressure to your wound. 
“Come on stay with me kid,” Derek mumbled to you, putting all his weight on to your shoulder trying to stop the bleeding as the paramedics came and loaded you on the gurney to try and save you, it didn't look like there was much hope. 
It was two days since you and Spencer were rescued. In some sort of miracle, you pulled through. It took several blood transfusions, but you made it. You were still unconscious mainly because of the heavy amounts of pain killers that were keeping you sedated. You slowly opened your eyes, letting out a little groan as all the pain hit you, but it was bearable. 
"Y/N, are you awake?" You heard Spencer's beautiful voice echo through your ears. You turned your head to look at him, he looked so tired, like he hadn't slept in days. He probably hasn't knowing him. 
"Spence? You're okay?" You asked, you really thought he sacrificed his life for yours. 
"I'm okay, you're going to be okay too," Spencer whispered, tears filling his eyes. He was just so glad you see you alive and talking to him, he loved your voice. You felt you face heat up when you remembered Spencer's confession, he loved you, you loved him. You fought so hard to stay alive for him.
"I love you too, Spencer. So much, I fought for you, just like you told me too." You said quietly, a few tears running down your face. Spencer smiled at your words, tears streaming down his cheeks too. He stood up and leaned over you, placing a soft kiss to your lips, you felt your heart flutter at the feeling. His kiss was full of love; love for you. At that moment you knew that everything was going to be okay, you had Spencer there to make sure of it. All the pain and worries left you at the feeling of Spencer's lips against yours, he pulled away and wiped away your tears. 
"I meant every word of what I said back there. I really did." He whispered, your faces only inches apart now. You nodded, you knew he meant it. 
"I know, I feel the same way, Spencer. I love you." You replied, reaching up and resting your hand on his cheek, rubbing it with your thumb. 
"I love you too," Spencer replied, placing a kiss on your lips. This wasn't exactly how you wanted to end up with Spencer, but it happened and you were thankful that it did. 
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years ago
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Request: @jojosgirlkat1dluvr​
Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader
Category: fluff
Warning: crying
Word count: 925
Another draining day at the BAU, the team has just gotten back from an extremely hard case. You loved your job but man, the hard cases took a lot out of you. You walked into the break room to get another cup of coffee before you left for the evening, as you walked in you spotted your best friend.
“Hey JJ.” You say as you walk next to your friend who was making herself a cup of coffee as well. You grabbed a paper cup and filled it with coffee as JJ started talking. 
“Hey. You were staring at your lover boy pretty hard on the plane tonight.” JJ teased as she added some creamer to her coffee, you felt your cheeks heat up, JJ was the only one that knew about your massive crush on your coworker, Spencer Reid. 
“Oh stop, Spence, is just too cute not to look at.” You gush as you added sugar to your coffee. 
“Girl, you need to ask him out already. How long have you liked him? Like a year?” JJ asked with a giggle, you just shrug. 
“A year and four months and twelve days.” You reply causing JJ to let out a soft laugh before you continued. 
“I want to JJ, I really do. I like Spencer so much, but I'm so nervous about being rejected by him. I don't know if I would be good enough for him. He’s like so attractive and smart; and I’m just me. Simple old Y/N. I just need to know that Spe-..” You stopped when you saw JJ’s eyes go wide, you already knew what happened. JJ noticed Spencer standing at the door, he heard everything. You turned around, your face red with embarrassment at the sight of him. You felt tears pool in your eyes, you rushed out of the room, pushing past Spencer and going to your desk. You grabbed your bag and got out of there as fast as you could, as soon as you were in your car you let the tears flow. 
“Aren't you going to go after her?” JJ asked the astounded looking boy. 
“I... I don't know what to say.” Spencer replied and JJ sighed, she also knew Spencer had a crush on you too.  
“Spencer, you're a genius, you'll figure it out. That poor girl is embarrassed and probably thinks every chance she had with you has been destroyed, now go tell her it's not.” JJ said, Spencer knew she was right, he liked you a lot. Spencer just nodded and hurried out of the BAU, hoping you haven't left yet. When he laid eyes on your car he let out a sigh of relief, he ran to the driver side, his heart breaking a little when he saw her crying. 
“Y/N.” he called out, tapping on the glass of the car window lightly. You jumped a little in your seat and looked over to see Spencer, your eyes red and teary. You roll down the window and let out a shaky breath. 
“What?” You asked, your voice in almost a whisper, hoping you weren't about to be rejected and even more embarrassed. 
“Two years, five months, and twenty-three days,” Spencer said softly, his eyes looked so pretty under the dim lighting of the parking garage. 
“That’s how long I’ve liked you. I think you're remarkably intelligent and very attractive. You are good enough for me, I didn't think I was good enough for you.” Spencer said sincerely, your eyes widened a little. 
“Really? You like me too?” You asked you couldn't believe this, how could he like you. 
“Yeah, really. I wouldn't have rejected you if you asked me, the only reason I haven't is because I’ve been too nervous to do so.” He explained, leaning into the car a little wiping away one of your stray tears with the bed of this thumb. Your heart fluttered at his touch, his hand was so warm and soft. 
“I want to be with you Y/N, I really do. I’m sorry I didn't act on my feelings sooner.” Spencer said, looking into your glossy eyes with his pretty brown ones. 
“I want to be with you too.” You replied you watched his eyes flicker from yours to your lips before back at your eyes, you knew what he wanted. You leaned in a bit and pressed your lips against Spencer's, his lips were soft and tasted like vanilla. You’ve dreamed of what this moment would be like and it was even better than you imagined it would be, Spencer pulled away first. His cheeks a tint of pink and a small smile on his lips, your face looking about the same as his. 
“Tomorrow night, after work, let me take you out. On a date.” He requested you felt your cheeks heat up even more. 
“Okay, that sounds perfect.” You reply a small smile on you face. 
“Great, then I’ll see you tomorrow then, okay?” Spencer questioned and you nodded your head.
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow, good night Spencer.” You say your smile even bigger and your blush even brighter. You leaned forward and placed a kiss on the boy's cheek, his cheeks flushing red again. 
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Spencer said before walking away to his car, a big smile on his pretty face. You rolled up your window before internally screaming, you couldn't believe that just happened, you pulled out your phone and called JJ. You had to tell her you just scored a date with the guy of your dreams. 
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