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i don’t even need to show you the blog but also WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH ALL THE REPUBLICAN SISSIES
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Only Republican heads will roll. #Jan6 #Traitors
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to add to the list of republican gay men, we now have the emergence of gay monarchists
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This is gonna be rough. 
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the fuck is with republican sissies? like why are there so many?
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This dog I’m sitting grabbed an American flag out of someone’s front yard, shook it in his mouth like it was a prey animal, then carried it 10 feet before shitting on it
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terfs unironically comparing themselves to the imperium of man. the space fascists.
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hates women but porn addled, against interacial but has very specific racial fetishes
its very much a case of the rules won’t apply to me but you’d think this guy would at least in some dark corner of his mind know that he’s a contradictory joke. not even a deliberate troll, just completely unable to be true to himself
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right on
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in a rare turn of events a diaper porn blog is challenging terrible takes from other porn blogs instead of adding to them. diaperboy1986 believes the science and advocates for the vaccine. godspeed you brave diaper man
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notice how he says if YOU die. he’s willing to sacrifice you not himself
funny how this pandemic is literally never going to end bc the people who keep complaining about the pandemic keep engaging in activities that prolong the pandemic
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who could have guessed someone defending JKR would have a blog full of transwoman obvectification? everyone obvi
also from everything i’ve seen the proposed show is a rumour tho its always hard to tell whats made up, whats an industry leak and what was a plan that fell through
Hey, so they’re making a Netflix Harry Potter.
With that in mind, we’re all gonna remember that JKR is a terf who has literally been cited by legislators engaged in legislation that actively harms trans people, and we’re not gonna give her any more money.
That means not streaming the new show on Netflix, because regardless of how much influence she has on the production, she gets paid for it.
We’re gonna make the show flop. We’re gonna show Warner Brothers that we don’t forget (of course, how would we forget, it isn’t as if she’s stopped), and that their business association with terfs is no longer profitable.
It is NOT like Lovecraft, because Lovecraft is very dead and his works are in the public domain. By consuming Lovecraft media, you are not giving any money to old Howard.
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Literal bootlicking white gay men calls easily verifiable facts playing the race card. Is anyone surprised.
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why the FUCK are there so many IDF cat girls all of a sudden
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there really could be a case for the worse the porn blog the worse the hot takes.
Haya Abu alOuf, a survivor of the #WehdaStreetMassacre in Gaza that took away the lives of 42 of her family members, neighbors, and loved ones, has something to say to the world. Hear her out!
Video credit: Al Masdar News.
Translated by Hanya Aljamal.
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getting addicted to hentai to own the libs? i think?
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My working theory is that sexually repressed conservative white men come to this website for the freaky porn and then once they start seeing leftist politics discussed openly it makes them feel unsafe and sends them in to fight or flight mode and in a frenzy they start leaving hot takes all over any post with the word socialism in it from their porn blogs
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someone with such a poor understanding of words shouldn’t be trying to sell themselves as an author. the really funny thing is they chose their pen name from a vastly more successful book series so they are drowned out of all google searches
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i will never understand why porn blogs think their audience wants both jack off fodder and fox news at the same time
reminder that george floyd wasn't a martyr who sacrificed his life for the betterment of white people
he didn't choose to die. he didn't sacrifice himself. he was murdered in cold blood
white people are already twisting this, thanking him for his sacrifice like he decided to be brutally murdered by a white cop for existing as a black man
like. stop thanking him for being killed just because it made you open your eyes! it was never his responsibilty to make you take a stand against police violence and racial profiling in the first place
you want to make something out of his death? acknowledge that it was senseless and never should have happened in the first place! stop glorifying this murder
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