hospital-kid · 13 days
why must my straight best friend be straight this is so unfair
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hospital-kid · 13 days
autistic folks when their routine gets disrupted, and they don't get alone time when they're supposed to get alone time
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hospital-kid · 16 days
guys hey i'm back WOOOO
i didn't die i swear i just forgot my login 😭
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hospital-kid · 2 years
i’d like to mention that i can’t see any sort of notifications, so if someone likes or comments i cant read it 🤡
im using the browser version of tumblr on an iphone 5s. so its kinda janky
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hospital-kid · 2 years
ive actually surprisingly been clean from cutting for a solid nine months now, but the past few weeks the urge has been getting stronger and stronger and i’m not sure how long i can resist it anymore.
vibes, amiright?
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hospital-kid · 2 years
take care of your cuts step by step♡
identify their depth
epidermis: very thin, like a line. didn't bleed or bled a little immediately after making it. gets bloody red, then blood droplets start forming inside it. overall looks like your usual, average accidental cut.
dermis: can be thin or wide. you can see a white layer inside them, and then they start bleeding. slowly start to get filled with blood, and then it starts pouring (takes a couple seconds).
hipodermis: wide. you can either see fat, muscle or bone. if you see a white layer surrounded by fat, that's fascia, not dermis. fat may look like beans. starts bleeding after a couple seconds like dermis.
take proper care according to depth
epidermis: softly wipe with a towel and cover with a bandage of choice (bandaids recommended for only one cut, gauzes recommended for multiple cuts in one spot). if you have anything to avoid infection, like an antibiotic that you can apply to it, pour a little in the towel and repeat the first step. do not use alcohol as a disinfectant.
dermis: grab a towel and wrap it around the damaged area. press hard (if it hurts too much, apply less pressure) against the wound for around 5-10 minutes, depending on how wide the wound is. apply disinfectant carefully with the same towel (not the bloody part), avoid putting it inside the cut. use bandage of choice (gauzes and clean cloth recommended). seek medical attendance if deemed necessary.
hipodermis: grab a towel and wrap it around the damaged area. press hard (if it hurts too much, apply less pressure) against the wound for around 8-10 minutes. cover the wound with bandage of choice (clean cloth/regular bandages recommended). seek medical attendance, cuts of this depth cannot be taken care of without a professional. do not try to disinfect it at home, wait for a doctor's opinion.
meet psychological needs
you will be alright, i assure you.
please talk to someone, a close friend or beloved family member, a partner, a teacher, etc. vent to them if you feel safe doing so, take your time.
write it down in a notebook, or the notes app. read it as if it was someone else's vent. try to imagine how you would respond to make them feel better.
this isn't over. you can keep going, i believe in you and i'm here for you if you want to talk.
listen to your favorite songs, cuddle with a pet, take a nap, doodle, have a snack, etc.
don't worry, you got this!
this can be scary for you and i get it, but i promise that you will heal from this, okay?
if you're panicking, take very deep breaths.
cry if you need to.
hug a plushie.
pour cold water in your hands.
drink water and have some food if you haven't had it in a while.
identify the issue once you feel ready emotionally.
deal with the problem by either solving it (don't be scared to ask for help!) or learning to cope with it.
take your time to heal.
healing isn't linear.
some time after cutting...
epidermis: after a day, you can remove the bandage. you don't need to cover it again, but if it's more comfortable for you then go ahead.
dermis: if it bleeds through, change the bandage. if it doesn't bleed through, change the bandage after a day. repeat until it gets better. avoid physical activity that hurts the damaged area.
hipodermis: time for the ER, baby! you will probably get stitches. do not, by any chance, attempt to remove them. follow medical advice given to you.
signs of infection
pus or cloudy fluid is draining from the wound.
a pimple or yellow crust has formed on the wound.
soft scab, the scab has increased in size.
increasing redness occurs around the wound.
a red streak is spreading from the wound toward the heart.
more pain, the wound has become very tender.
pain or swelling is increasing 48 hours after the wound occurred.
swollen node. the lymph node draining that area of skin may become large and tender.
a fever occurs.
the wound hasn't healed within 10 days after the injury.
if any of the above signs appear, seek medical help as soon as possible.
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hospital-kid · 2 years
i needed this. thank you
Hot take but canes are not a limited resource. Most mobility aids aren’t but canes especially. Canes are $20 at a lot of stores like CVS, Walmart, etc. You aren’t taking that resource away from “real” disabled people (hint: you ARE a real disabled person) in fact buying more canes creates more demand and works to make more stores carry them for better prices. You aren’t faking being disabled or hurting disabled people, you’re working to make canes more accessible which is helping disabled people.
Get the cane.
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hospital-kid · 2 years
me: *keeps getting sick over and over and gets overwhelmed by the amount of school im missing* body, why must you betray me and make me sick?
also me: *betrays body by not taking care of self, doesn’t eat or drink nearly enough* why is this happening, why do i keep getting sick??
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hospital-kid · 2 years
i actually prefer diet coke over normal coke 💀 its fizzier, and neurodivergent brain likes bubbles
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hospital-kid · 2 years
im that except im a guy and im a -10
She's a 10 but she has at least 20 different Gmail accounts because her tumblr account keeps getting terminated
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hospital-kid · 2 years
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hospital-kid · 2 years
i wonder if he would care if i told him i’m scared my 0rgans might be shutt1ng down?
i want to tell him. he always helps with my anxiety, always says the right thing.
he doesn’t say much to me anymore. and i need him more than i have really ever before.
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hospital-kid · 2 years
you can only be left on read so many times before you can finally admit they don’t care about you anymore. or did they even care in the first place?
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hospital-kid · 2 years
hey, i’m alive. this weird ancient extra phone i use for vent accounts was just being a bitch.
AnYwAyS, a lot has happened. 
main thing being that yesterday i had a panic attack because i can barely eat or drink anything (stomach shrank ig?) and i’m dizzy literally constantly, even laying down. so i messaged the eat1ng dis0rder hotline and vented and then when they asked my symptoms and i told them they were like “you should seek immediate m3dical attention.”
they asked how i planned on getting m3dical attention and i panicked and told them i had a d0ctors appointment in an hour. which wasn’t a lie- i had a dentists appointment. 
so basically i vaguely told the truth and it worked. so i might(?) be sl0wly dy1ng, which weirdly makes me anxious. probably because i want to be in complete control of my forever nap, and my org4ns slowly shutting down would be painful asf.
but i’m also scared i’m just overreacting and being dramatic and i’m really fine, so if i go into the h0sp1tal, i’ll just be taking a bed of someone who actually needs it.
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hospital-kid · 2 years
i actually used to have an “ed sheeran” group 😂 i even had terrible ed sheeran photos for the cover images- didn’t wanna face the ban hammer 💀
I wonder if Ed Sheeran knows he has a cult of starving kids in Tumblr
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hospital-kid · 2 years
my mutuals and i praying that july will be the month we miraculously lose 30 lbs:
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hospital-kid · 2 years
y’all i fucking jinxed myself in the tags of the last post jfc HE CAME ONLINE FUCK
does anyone else have this bad habit of venting to the one person you trust more than anything just to delete the messages to simulate the feeling of telling them how shit you’re doing without actually doing it so you don’t become even more of a burden?
no..? just me....?
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