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BTS as types of yanderes
Note: I’m reposting this because it was deleted? in the Tumblr purge. Sorry about that. Have a nice christmas everyone!
I’m writing this as a reference and also because it’ll clear up why I chose to write certain people the way that I did.
very much the overbearing type
obsessed with the idea of perfection
had loving parents growing up, and wants to have the same joy as them (or alternatively, you can pretend he had a bad family growing up and wants a perfect one to fix the ache inside)
connects his fantasy of having the perfect wife to the fantasy of having the perfect family
husband material
tl;dr he finds the image of having a pretty, obedient wife and perfect children very satisfying and almost arousing
controlling in a passive matter
expects to be listened to and finds disobedience distasteful
the end result of the relationship is marriage. period.
s/o cannot leave or do anything to disrupt the fantasy that jin wants
prefers emotional manipulation but is willing to become physical as another aspect of being the perfect husband (strong and dominant)
attracted to a strong personality and physically fit individual (a sign of mental fortitude)
the kind of person to very much fixate on the idea of s/o being the only one, no one else is even an option after finding them
sexual arousal is connected to tense interactions with s/o; aka he gets turned on from them feeling frightened or angry
he likes strong personalities because he considers himself a fantastic dominant and he likes the challenge of subduing someone who wouldn’t normally be subdued
not as attached to the idea of the perfect relationship as jin but nonetheless, he wants the outside world to think that he and s/o are a loving couple
wouldn’t hesitate to take away electronics or communication devices
his weakness is other men talking to his s/o
s/o is his. he said so, so they are. that’s the end of the story.
doesn’t feel the need to constantly give affection as a method of keeping his s/o; he feels that they should just be with him regardless
the least likely to care about the wants and needs of his s/o
not out of a lack of empathy for s/o but rather he genuinely feels that his desires are above theirs
no qualms about locking s/o up or chaining them to his bed/wall
if all in and all fails and s/o doesn’t act the way he wants, he’s fine with emotionally tormenting them to get the end result he needs
personality isn’t as important as s/o having the title of “suga’s s/o”
makes a habit out of subtly finding ways to cut off their other friends and family
unlike jin, finds no arousal or enjoyment at the thought of having a family; in fact, it’s the opposite. anything that removes s/o’s attention from him is bad and unnecessary.
desires the perfect relationship
wants to always be happy and wants s/o to always be happy
when they aren’t happy, he gets upset, and forces them to at least pretend to look happy
emotional and quick to change his mood at the drop of a hat
aware of how cheerful he looks on the outside and uses it to manipulate those around him
the kind of yandere that is characterized by fear
he is always afraid that his s/o is going to leave him or cheat on him with someone else because he considers himself not worthy of her
not the type of yandere to explicitly punish his s/o
he would rather go after the object (or what he percieves as being) of her affections
very much infantalizes and babies his s/o and refuses to think of them as being their own person, free of his control
however his need to see s/o happy may cause him to let go off the babying to let them go about their normal business
another selfish lover like suga. the relationship is 100% about him.
easily jealous, but doesn’t let it show in front of others.
after he starts dating s/o, he tries to make excuses to be alone with them as often as possible so that he can punish them for various things
truthfully its less about the jealousy aspect and more about the sadism
he enjoys knowing that he’s the only one that can cause s/o pain and pleasure at the same time
connects sexual arousal to the mindset of “owning s/o”
surprisingly, doesn’t need to be dating s/o to be satisfied. Regardless of whether s/o is dating or married to someone else, as long as he considers them “his”, he’s fine
unless he feels that s/o’s signficiant other is a threat, or that s/o is paying more attention to their family than him
in that case, he has no problem getting rid of them and just taking s/o for himself
painfully insecure and painfully desperate to prove himself to his s/o
thinks of himself as being the only man for s/o
doesn’t like to think about the fact that s/o has friends and family beyond him
“do you really need them when you have a man like me?”
jealousy is worst than rm’s and v’s combined
will lose his mind when s/o so much as even glances at another man
unlike jhope he takes it out on s/o instead of the other man
very rough sex and dominating behavior both inside the bedroom and outside of it
because he’s so emotionally attached to the idea of being a perfect boyfriend (keep in mind; jin wants to be perfect husband. jimin wants to be perfect boyfriend), he’ll start crying if he feels that s/o isn’t satisfied with him
if he ever gets into such a state, he’ll blame s/o and tie them up and leave them in his house
he’ll calm down after their helplessness reminds him that he has the power in the situation
shy and not that great at making friends so is really reliant on s/o
constantly conflicted due to by nature being submissive but also having the physical strength and charisma to be dominant
forces the latter persona a lot to keep s/o by his side
the kind to feel calm by watching his s/o sleep at night
just needs constant reminders from s/o that they belong to him
willing to hurt anyone for their sake
even himself
the only one out of the bunch to be willing to let them leave him (except for maybe jhope) as long as they reassured him that they loved him
the only thing he needs is that assurance of love
the kind of yandere that would rather die than see s/o hurt
like j-hope, prefers getting rid of oponents rather than hurt s/o
as he grows older and his behavior changes, his behavior will most likely mirror jimin’s; incredibly prone to jealousy and physically dominant
don’t see themselves as yanderes: Jin, Jungkook, Suga.
Jin and Jungkook don’t understand the concept because they each believe what they do for s/o is correct. Jin thinks that he is being the perfect husband while Jungkook thinks its normal to want to protect his lover. Suga is aware of his unusual behavior, but doesn’t care about societal norms.
aware of their mental condition/yandereness: V, Rap Monster, J-Hope, Jimin.
Only V and Rap Monster know how to control their behavior to trick Y/N. J-Hope and Jimin are aware that there is something slightly off with their behavior, but they justify it as being love (they very much take to the phrase “crazy in love”).
willing to hurt s/o: Suga, V, Jimin, Jin.
Rap Monster would reluctantly do it, and only when absolutely necessary. Jungkook and J-Hope would never dare lay a hand on Y/N. V and Jimin are more into hurting her in the bedroom, while Suga and Jin think it’s necessary to dole out punishments from time to time.
willing to hurt s/o’s romantic interests: Suga, V, Jimin, Rap Monster, J-Hope, Jungkook.
Only Jin wouldn’t hurt another man for his wife’s careless mistake.
willing to hurt s/o’s family/friends: V, Rap Monster, Jin.
Jin only when absolutely desperate. The one line that Suga won’t cross because of his own love for his family. Out of the three I mentioned that are willing, only Rap Monster would go as far as to hurt a direct/close companion of Y/N’s. V and Jin would prefer cousins or estranged relatives to show off their capabilities without ruining their chances with Y/N’s family (they want Y/N’s family to not realize what kind of people they are). Rap Monster is okay with hurting a sibling or parent if it means Y/N is paying attention to him.
likes s/o to be defiant and rebellious: Rap Monster, V, Jimin.
Definitely Rap Monster’s thing. He and V get off on this kind of behavior from their lover. Reinforced the “I own her” mentality they love. Jimin finds it unbearably sexy as well, due to his own possessiveness issues.
prefers s/o to be obedient and quiet: Jin, Suga.
Truly the most controlling of the bunch. Jin needs Y/N to be the absolutely perfect version of his fantasy. And Suga just doesn’t like having to go out of his way to be sadistic on a good day.
doesn’t care because they like s/o either way: Jungkook, J-Hope.
100% in love with everything about Y/N. They’re dedicated to making her happy, so they don’t mind the occasional submissiveness or dramatic outburst. I mentioned that Jungkook will eventually gain some of Jimin’s characteristics, but this aspect of him will likely stay the same. He doesn’t need Y/N to be rebellious to find her sexy, nor does he need her to be obedient to want her.
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truth left untold
—pairing: yandere!taehyung x reader
—premise/au: modern kidnapping / did you deserve this?
—wc: 1.1k
You were tired. So, so tired.
Taehyung licks his lips as he looks at you, taking a break from carving whatever weird wood figure he was making now to stare at you. You sighed, your hair falling further out of the tie holding it together as you turned to the side to avoid his gaze.
This put you in direct eyesight of the door, which served nothing more to ruin your mood. A callous, heartless reminder that you were a captive but only on your own terms. The door lay wide open, taunting you, almost an extension of Taehyung himself. You want to leave, Y/N? Then why don’t you?
You sneak a look at the knife your captor is holding. The whittle is curved dangerously, and Taehyung wields it well; the strokes he makes up the wood are so smooth, it was easy to mistake his hand for a gentle one, used to cutting vegetables. That’s not a mistake you can make, however, when you saw the same knife covered red just days ago.
Fresh tears come to your eyes, making you ashamed. You thought you had run out of tears the day of your parents’ murder, when Taehyung had walked into the living room in the middle of a family dinner and stabbed your father in the neck. In shock, you had sat there, speechless, as your classmate turned to your mother as she got up to flee.
The boom that had sounded out when he shot your mother in the skull had you shaking even now, your tears held chiefly in your lower lids as you shook. The look he had given you back then changed everything: you had never known that a murderer could look so warm and content.
“I wasn’t sure if I would need both, but I guess it was a good idea in the end.” His eyes had sparkled back then, waiting for you to laugh, to react to the inside joke. You had sat there, your eyes moving between your parents at the opposite ends of the table, slowly gasping as bile started to rise in your throat.
His hands had encircled your small shoulders, his nose resting in your hair as he purred, actually fucking purred, the madman: “There, there, baby. You don’t have to look if you don’t want to.”
He had slowly pulled you out of the chair, steading your trembling legs. All your life, people had told you that you processed things too slowly, and that it would come back to haunt you one day. You had never understood what that meant more than when Taehyung wrapped his hand around your waist and pressed his palm to your nose and mouth to restrict your air, squeezing tightly as you started to shake uncontrollably. Your hands flew up to try to dig his hands off, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Shh, shh. It’ll be all right.” He cooed into your hair, allowing your body to go slack and vision to blur over as you stilled. “One day, you’ll be just like me and everything will make sense then.”
Days later, you had still not gotten over the pain associated with the event. It didn’t help that Taehyung loved rubbing salt into your raw wounds; bringing up the fact that your parents were dead and reminding you that he was all you had constantly. Ever since the day you woke up in his car only to remain silent, he had taunted you with his intense stares and adoring, situationally inappropriate wooing. He was loving this, the fact that you didn’t need ropes, didn’t need to be watched. You wouldn’t go anywhere while he was here.
He stood up suddenly, breaking you from your thoughts. Your dull, barely-alive eyes took him in as he walked over to you, that damned smile still on his face. Crouching in front of you, he leaned in, smile bright like a kindergartener as he held your fist in his hand, pointedly removing each finger from your palm and kissing the figurine in his hand before pressing it firmly into the middle. You stare at the figure with resigned discomfort.
Much to your surprise, there were two different figures laying in your hand—you must have not seen him switch between the two. The duo looked almost identical, both being vaguely hominid-looking, with a torso, legs, and feet. They were on the beastly side, ugly things, though you supposed maybe Taehyung was just an artiste with a flair for horror. With disgust, you took note that the one on the right had small, upturned eyes—a feature you most certainly recognized as being your own.
Upon that realization, it wasn’t hard to figure out what the figurines were meant to represent. Especially now that you noticed the eerie boxy grin the other figure possessed, a wide, cheeky thing that you had seen too many times in the past few days.
Suddenly, he startled you, voice deep and booming and he ran a smooth finger across your palm.
“One day, you and I will be the same.” He toyed with your figurine, moving it around. “You will understand me like no one else can, and you will love me, just like I love you.” He leaned forward to kiss you, but you moved away. He paused, and instead moved to press his lips to your cheek, taking that if he could have nothing else.
His voice dropped to a whisper. “You can angry with me if you want, Y/N. I know it must be hard. People used to call me a monster too. They said something was wrong with me because I didn’t react to things like I should. If people saw you as I did when your parents died, they’d assume the same things about you.” You bristled as his hand swept through your hair, thumbing the soft strands. You wanted to correct him, tell him that you were upset, that the loss of your parents had hurt you, but your useless mouth couldn’t find the words. You just stared ahead, blankly, exhausted, as you always did.
“That’s why it has to be you. Only we can understand each other.” He pulled your hands to his, pressing your fingers down until you formed a fist around the figurines before covering them with his own hands. “One day, we’ll get away, far from here, far from people who hate us for being the way we are. We’ll make love, and you’ll become pregnant with my children, and we’ll raise them away from everyone else. We’ll make the perfect family of monsters.”
The tears from earlier fell now, running down your cheek smoothly as you processed his words. Slowly, like you did everything else.
He was right. That’s why you could never escape. Escaping was something that adequate people did, and you were not one of those people.
You were stuck with him forever.
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Yandere!BTS: S/O Trying to Escape a Second Time (Jin, Jimin, Suga)
A/N: WAIT WAIT before anyone says anything I know I picked the easiest reaction in the book @_@ you're absolutely right lol sorry my pals, I'm trying to get into the mood of writing again. I'm fucking inspired by all the great shit I'm seeing from other people though, keep rocking it I cry every time the yandere bts tag has content. I'll do my best to stick to my writing style/guidelines, but I might deviate a little.
A/N: I realized halfway through making this that Yoongi’s, for whatever reason, is like a goddamn novel and once I realized that I was like “shit I gotta publish this now”. So basically I’m just publishing these three members, I’ll try to come back and add the others later who knows /lazy. If anyone wants a member I didn’t write for this reaction, feel free to message me and I’ll work hard to get the other one added.
As a result of your first attempt, Jin had become paranoid and fraught with anxiety. Ever since he had caught you, you were always tied up. Jin didn't have time to watch you 24/7; the only thing he could do is fake a resignation letter for your work and charmingly redirect anyone who asked about you. From day to day, he left you tied to the bed, wrists and ankles pinned to the headboards and mouth and eyes covered. He knew you were going insane from the lack of mobility, but he didn't care. The only thing that calmed him down was knowing you could never leave him again while he had you restrained.
One day he came into your room and kissed your forehead, muttering sickly sweet endearments into your bruised skull before leaving you, the only sensation left to you the cold air grazing your sensitive skin. Your tired, overworked ears heard something hitting the pillow in combination with footsteps and your heart stopped.
Testing your sore fingers, you flexed your hand downwards and pushed down against the mattress. Gasping, you felt something metallic and rugged. Jin's work key, the one he used to open his office cubicle. Realizing the time sensitivity of the situation, you wasted no time in grabbing the key and dragging it back and forth against your ropes, not caring if you scratched your wrist. Desperation was driving you; you knew this was your last chance.
You didn't know how long it was before you got out of your hand restraints but once they were off you tore off your facial restraints and broke into a sob, shakingly cutting into your leg restraints. Your vision was blurry as you managed to undo both legs, falling off the bed in your attempt to get loose. There wasn't much time until Jin would realize that he left his key.
On adrenaline, you could ignore that you hadn't walked in god knows how long. The house that had once felt so familiar now felt almost like a stranger's. You pushed through, using the wall to guide you as you made it out the front door, blinking as the harsh sunlight hit you all at once.
You opened your eyes to gravel. Warm, harsh, grey gravel. As your senses fought to regain control, you dully heard light thumps. You raised your head to see the outlines of a pant leg. Two pant legs. Oh.
"Jagi..." Jin's voice was resolved. He must have figured out pretty early on what happened to his key. He said nothing for a few seconds. You had not been emotional upon realizing his presence, but now silent tears were leaving your eyes. You couldn't remember why you were upset; what had you just lost? You were lifted gently and placed over his shoulder, your worthless legs and hands laying limp against his muscular figure. Feeling tired, you pressed your face into his back, soothed by how familiar he felt.
"You knew it was a useless effort, Y/N." He soothed, locking the door behind him. "I'll forgive you because I know I've been tough on you. I'll make you some soup and then let you rest, all right baby?"
The first time you had left Jimin, you had not told him prior to your departure. The entire reason you had left in the first place was because of how clingy and possessive he was. All your friends said that verbally cutting him off would be dangerous, so you opted to use your job relocation as an opportunity to quietly leave him with only a note explaining why it had to be done.
You underestimated Jimin's drive. Days later, he showed up at your friend's place where you were staying until you found a new apartment. He looked like he had seen better days: eyes red, hair plastered to his face from the rain, frantically pacing around the apartment. Falling to his knees, he begged for you to come back to him. He would change, he would do better. He loved you, he needed you, you needed him.
And because it was true, you took him back. You had hated feeling claustrophobic but you had ached for him also. Against your friend's advice, you moved into the house that Jimin's uncle had left for him in the area. To your surprise, Jimin had changed. He was no longer angry when you hung out with male friends, he let you do what you wanted, he no longer had to be with you every second.
Everything had become so normal that you found yourself relaxing. This had been the dream you had wanted with Jimin from the beginning. Your friends were uneasy at first, but they accepted him as they realized his change for themselves. Life was good and you were prospering.
Except... something felt a little off. There was nothing wrong with Jimin, god no, he was an angel. Your baby boy, your one and only. He had changed for you and you only. He told you so everyday. Something about work became suffocating. Your friends's voices started to grate your ears. After a while, you realized you couldn't bear to hear them talk about Jimin like he was someone unimportant.
Which he was to them. But at this point in Jimin's plan, you wouldn't be able to rationalize that, would you? One day you went straight home after work. It was supposed to be like any other day. When you walked into the house to find the atmosphere cold, however, you froze. Dropping your stuff, you ran from room to room, desperately trying to find him. When you saw your suitcases moved around, you fell to your knees sobbing, ignoring that his actions mirrored the ones you had taken only a year prior.
You became desolate and heartbroken. You couldn't leave the house and when you did, it was to frequent the places that Jimin loved. It hurt so much, and his friends had nothing to comfort you. Your work called again and again but you ended up deleting every contact in your phone except his out of spite. Hour after hour, you left voicemail after voicemail, trying to rationalize what happened. How could he just leave you like that? Did he not want you anymore? Was this a sick joke after you left him? He knew it was a mistake, right?
You laid your head against your front door, watching the street from the porch. The neighbor walked out of her house, only to hurry back in when she saw you staring at nothing like a crazy person. Time passed slowly. It was snowing steadily. Your tongue caught a single snowflake, savoring it as the world transformed around you. You looked up.
Jimin smiled at you. "Did you miss me, baby?" Pulling you to your feet (not that it was hard, you jumped at him), he wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly. He teared up, looking giddy but relieved at the same time as he spoke: "There, there. I won't ever leave you again. You've learnt your lesson."
The first time you left felt like a joke now. The first two hours of commuting had been so relaxed, so calm; like you were single again and traveling free and unbothered. Within the third hour, however, he had found you and dragged you back so fast it almost felt like the first two hours had never happened.
It occurred to you now, that you had perhaps underestimated Yoongi. Even with your flawless lack of a paper trail, he had still come home from work and found you in, what, an hour? What kind of drive existed there that someone with eyes like his could need you so badly that he'd run for a mile in the snow to catch a bus to your sister's town?
It was a question that was quickly answered. After the first attempt, Yoongi never let you leave his side ever again. His anxiety had peaked; you had to be at him everywhere he went. At first, when you were still fighting with a tiger's spirit, he had you handcuffed to any pole that was nearby. He kept you gagged and sedated too; no chances were to be taken. You quickly got used to the hustle and rush of being transported from plane to plane and stinging cheeks taught you not to try to show your bound hands to booth attendants.
After some time, the drugs and gags slowly went away. You just didn't struggle anymore and he caught on; you only needed the ropes now, and he tied them gently too.
Then one day, after a period of complete obedience, you woke up. What the hell were you doing? Letting him touch and have his way with you while you sat obediently in his work vehicle? You watched him with careful eyes as he typed away at his keyboard, fully absorbed in his work. Every once in a while, he looked back at you, smiling warmly and making your heart pulse uncomfortably.
Gears in your head started turning as you evaluated your options. You only had one shot; one chance to make it in the hole. Fixating on a dent in the wall, you quietly counted your stars while waiting for Yoongi's "break". After an undetermined amount of time, you felt his weight next to you and lips against yours, melting softly against yours.
"Jesus, you're so fucking perfect." He purred, kissing you a few more times furiously before he hugged you. "When I get tired all I have to do is look at you and I feel alive again. Only you can do that to me, you know." He wasn't lying; you could tell just by the way his gaze turned soft and comforted just by seeing you.
"I know, honey." You cooed, leaning forward to kiss his nose. He smiled uncontrollably, unable to fight the giddiness that swept over him. You ignored the pang in your heart and went forward with your plan. "Yoongi I know this is a bit much but... could you get me my Rubik's Cube?" His smile faltered but you jumped to continue before he could say anything. "It's in the bag you keep in the room over. I know you hate leaving me alone but it would mean a lot. My hands get so tired without anything to do and it makes it harder for me to stay awake. Please?"
He stared at you intensely for a few moments, long enough for you to panic and wonder if he had figured out your game. Then he smiled and kissed you briefly before standing up. "Anything for you, baby. God knows you deserve it for how good you've been." He winked at you, and you internally screamed as he closed the door behind him. Here was your chance!
You got up and walked over to his desk, searching for anything useful. Growing desperate, you reached out with your hands and just grabbed his slim monitor, shaking the cords loose and pulling it with you behind the door. You waited. After an agonizing few minutes, the doorknob clicked into place, and Yoongi opened the door. Without wasting a beat, you slammed the monitor into his skull, not waiting to check his condition before getting the fuck out of there.
The plan had been founded on adrenaline alone so you temporarily blanked as you stood outside in the empty lot. Looking left and right, you took your chances and bounded towards what appeared to be the motel front desk. Bursting in, you ran to the front, shocking the lady waiting there into dropping her coffee. She looked at you, wide-eyed, as you pushed your bound hands out, trying to convey the extent of your determination.
“Miss, please, this might sound crazy–”
“Are you Agust D’s lover?” She said without missing a beat. You paused. Confusion must have been plastered all over your face. “How did you get out of his room?”
Realizing how badly you fucked up, you turned to go before another noise sent your heart into overdrive: the squeak of the door opening. You made a beeline for the exit but the lady’s slender hand grabbed your bound hands and roughly dragged you back towards the counter. You screamed, cursing madly as you tried to remove her grip. Another hand, also small but stronger and more firm, snaked around your waist and pulled you into a warm chest. The girl let go of your ropes and smiled at the person behind you. You stopped breathing altogether, the only sensation known to you the slow dripping of liquid on your shoulder.
Muffled? dull noises swallowed your ears. “I’m sorry sir, I have no idea how she got out.” A pause. “A-About your head... do you want me to get a first aid kit?”
Your lover kissed your neck softly, licking at the little specks of blood left by his injury. His hand around your waist shook a little, tightly gripping the edge of your hip.
“It’s fine. It’s my fault my dove escaped in the first place. I had forgotten how naughty,” he squeezed your hip tightly, “they are. You don’t need to worry about a thing, erase the footage of this event and I’ll have Y/N clean me up.” Yoongi pressed his lips to your ear, breathing into it softly. “Sound like a plan, darling?”
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Yandere!BTS: Punishing Their S/O
A/N: You guys are so lucky, this was almost a hyung line-only reaction but ya author couldn’t figure out one of the members so they ended up doing the entire group. This took so loooooongggg, oh my god.
"You know this is your fault, right?" Jin removed his jacket with ease and tossed it into the closet, formality gone. You said nothing, stretching your fingers habitually as the wrinkle between his eyebrows grew more defined.
You were sitting obediently on the bed, knees locked together. You were a result of his formal dinner frustrations, his tie wrapped around your mouth and your hands bound behind you to the headboard with another tie he had grabbed from the closet. You hadn't bothered fighting him when you saw the look in his eyes when he told you to get on the bed, too tired and disoriented to put up a struggle.
"The next time you want to complain in public about our relationship, think about all I've done for you and consider keeping quiet instead." He gestured to himself furiously, removing his belt. You watched him pull out a more casual ensemble. "Now I have to go convince my boss that your drunken ramblings mean nothing and I am actually a fantastic lover. Which I am, by the way." He looked at you.
You said nothing—it's not like you could say anything. He scowled anyway, putting on his watch. "Don't move until I get back."
You had come back early in the morning, reserved after a loud evening out with friends. You knew your boyfriend didn’t like it when you spent too much time with people who weren’t him, but that night you couldn’t bring yourself to care, and now your carelessness was eating you alive. The house was dark when you entered, and your footsteps were quiet unlike the pounding in your chest.
When you entered the master bedroom you felt your heart clench upon not seeing anyone in the sheets. Where had he gone? You turned your head to the side just as he slammed the door shut, startling you.
"Baby, it's not prowling hours." He was calm, collected. His eyes were as cold as ever. "What are you doing walking around at night?" He made his way towards you, raking his eyes over your flirty hemline and tease of an outfit. "Especially when I told you not to."
"Yoongi, I-I thought you were busy with work. What are you still doing up?"
"I love what I do, princess, but I still have to keep an eye on the things I cherish." Before you could even blink, he had reached out and swiftly grabbed you, keeping your struggling form against his chest as he continued. "Now do I have to lock you in here again or are your night trips over?"
"Do you enjoy hurting me?" He yelled, taking a step closer to you. Squeaking, you hurriedly shook your head but he didn't care. "Do you enjoy seeing me suffer, jagi? Do you love knowing that I die every time you look at another man?"
"Hobi, please, it was a mistake." Your lungs stopped working. "No, it wasn't. It wasn't anything. It wasn't what you thought it was!"
He burst into tears. "A mistake? So then, then," he picked up his knife again and before you could react, he slashed his arm again. You screamed but his voice rose over yours. His breathing was getting slower.
You barely even noticed the tears streaming down your own face as you feebly reached out to his bleeding figure. "I'm so sorry, please put the knife down. I can't look at you like this."
"Then don’t look at anyone but me," he whispered when you fell into his chest, dropping the knife and wrapping his bloodied arms around you. Three wounds were etched into his aching limbs. "I don't know what'll I'll do if I ever see something like that again—Jagi, my heart can't take it."
You looked at him anxiously. The older man smirked as he wagged a condescending finger, tossing your phone around in his hand like it weighed nothing. Biting your lip, you removed your blouse quickly, tossing it to the side. He growled.
"Try again, my love." Irritated, you picked your shirt up and tried removing it slower. Stress was a powerful motivator, and your movements became smoother. More seductive. Liking what he saw, your boyfriend purred. You hated him in that moment.
"Keep your shorts on and come here and sit on my thigh." When you didn't move, he started again. "Do you want to see your friends today or not?" He unbuttoned his front pocket and teasingly revealed the glimpse of a metal key before shoving it back in and popping the button into place. The next second his finger was once again pointed at you. "Three seconds, baby."
As quickly as you could while keeping your momentum, you made your way to his sitting form, resting yourself on the edge of his thigh. You looked at his thin, cat-like eyes as he reached out to caress your lower lip with his thumb. The movement was so gentle that you felt yourself ache momentarily for a second. He could be so loving when he felt like it, so possessive when he didn't feel like it.
"If you do a good job, I'll let you go, okay?" He grabbed your hand to bring it to his lips, bringing you closer as his eyes grew darker. "Show me who you belong to. Let me know who owns you, who satisfies you, who keeps you up at night. If the answer isn't me... then you'll never leave this room."
Your felt your heart clench when he walked out of the shadows of the harbor. “Your little sister is so cute, jagi.” Taehyung gently held up the child in his hands. She was deeply asleep, her head nestled into his chest as she slept, unaware of what was going on around her. He held her a little more tightly as his gaze landed on you.
Trembling, you pleaded. “Don’t hurt her.”
Ignoring you, he continued, petting her hair softly. “I remember being six. It’s a wonderful age, you know. All you have to think about is what mommy is going to make you for lunch, or what daddy is going to bring home for you to play with…” Teasingly, he tipped her over, relaxing his grip until she started to slide over the rail, inch by inch—
"STOP!" He shot you an exasperated look as your sister stirred slightly.
“Look at what you’ve done! Do you know what I’ll have to do if she wakes up? Can your sister swim, jagi? If I drop her because you don’t know how to keep yourself in check, is it really my fault? Is it? Is it really my fault if she dies because you can’t think of anyone but yourself?!”
A moment of silence. Then he smiled.
“Come here, jagi.” You obediently moved closer, keeping an eye on the girl in his hands. When you got close enough, you kept your head down, watching her chest rise and fall lightly. Both bodies radiated warmth, making you feel dizzy when he tipped your head upwards, staring into your eyes with an intense gaze and a light smile. “Kiss me. That’s all the apology I need from you. Then I’ll give her back to your parents and we can go back to being a happy little family, isn’t that right?” You frowned at the ill-mannered joke, but raised your head anyway.
His smile grew wider. “Good girl.”
His fingers tilted your head to the side, holding your face tightly in a bruising grip as his lips made his way to your neck. Gasping, you could only tremble as his teeth lightly touched your skin. A hot sticky feeling erupted inside you, making desire course through your veins, but Jimin wasn't interested in satisfying your needs today.
"Jagi, who do you belong to?" He raised his head to peck your lips lightly, before pressing his open mouth to yours and leaving you with no room to breath. When he detached himself, a strand of saliva popped in his wake, leaving him grinning.
"Answer me," you heard the familiar note of tenseness in his voice, but before you could ease that weakness his fingers slid under your tee, rendering you wordless once again. He used his teeth to mark your sensitive neck as you mewled, drawing lines to connect them with his fingers once he was done.
"You're my kitten. You're my everything." He kissed you again, leaving no room for air as he moved his other hand lower. "Why do I have to hurt you to make you understand that?"
"Y-You're not hurting me." You gasped. "Jimin, you're not hurting me."
He smiled sadly, his fingers digging into your thigh. "Not yet."
It was two in the morning when you began to stir. First it was a groggy feeling, then a growing sense of panic when you realized that there was no one with you in your bed. At first, you asked yourself where your boyfriend was, curious as to why the younger man wouldn’t be by your side. Then you remembered the truth about the night before, and you felt yourself pale considerably.
Shaking, you got to your feet and walked around cautiously, looking for your one-night stand. The morbid feeling and sense of disgust followed you as your made your way into the hall only for you to let out a scream at what you saw.
The floor was covered in blood, red inking the walls in uneven, blotched stains. At the end of the hallway, Jungkook sat in your chair, a bloody bat in his hands the only indication that something was otherwise wrong.
"What the hell is this, Jungkook?!" Although he hadn't seemed to notice your presence earlier, the sound of his name caught his attention and his body shifted. "Where is he? What did you do to him?”
He laughed dryly, "What did I do to him?" He moved fast, clearing the blood trail in what felt like seconds. "You slept with another man, noona. The real question you should be asking yourself is what I'm going to do with you."
Your boyfriend looked stark. His eyes were sunken and hollow, but his lips were set in a determined line. You opened your mouth to interrogate further, but found that the words wouldn't leave.
"Noona..." He took a step towards you, making you back up. "I love you so much." His voice trembled before rising in volume. "You have no idea what it was like for me to come home and see you in bed with some other — some man! He's gone now, but there's no erasing what happened last night." His eyes swept over you, lingering on the red marks on your collarbone. "What do I have to do to make you mine again? What do I have to do to make you think of nothing but me...?”
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Yandere!EXO: S/O Not Wanting to Follow Them to China (Traitor-line)
A/N: My EXO-M feelings are hitting me again at two in the morning. Thanks to @mint-yooxgi for their amazing Yandere!Yixing fic!
He felt his heart stop at your words. Was he hearing correctly? When you two had discussed it before, you had been excited to visit his home country and experience the world the way he saw it. He had already planned a trip around the province, what restaurants he'd take you to... god, he had already told his mother you were coming!
Why were you hesitating now?
You were looking more frightened by the second, and it was starting to get on his nerves. "What do you mean you don't want to go to China?" he continued, slowly, trying to process the rejection.
"I mean," you started,before hesitating. "You're scaring me, Kris. I don't think you're thinking clearly."
Scaring you? What? Kris was in his right mind. He was leaving EXO to go to China, where he could be free to make the music he wanted, with the love of his life by his side. He had planned this for months. “What do you mean?”
"Kris, you're making it sound permanent! Like, I'm going to actually live there with you!"
"Of course." He answered abruptly. Had you thought otherwise? Why would he suddenly give you up now that he has control over his life again?
"I can't do that. I have a life here, Kris!" You were clearly on the verge of panic now, and Kris was slowly coming to the realization that you were serious. Well, shit.
“Y/N...” He started out slowly, surprised at the emotion in his voice. “You’re coming. You and I forever, babe, remember? You can’t back out now.”
You shook your head no, mind made up. He felt himself get infuriated at the simple head gesture. The moment of emotional weakness was over. Without thinking, he grabbed your wrist, ignoring your wince of pain as you struggled. He looked around at the expanse of your apartment.
Growling, he spat, "You're coming. I'm not taking no for an answer". He pulled you along, suddenly throwing you into your bedroom. As you stumbled, he shut the door quickly. You scrambled to the door but it was too late. It was shut and held in place with what you could only suspect to be a chair.
"Kris!" You screamed, horrified at the turn of events.
A muffled voice came through the door. "The flight is tomorrow. Pack your clothes and necessities. I'll come collect you after I finish moving out of the dorms." He paused. "Y/N, if I have to drag you to the airport kicking and screaming, I'll do it. I love you and the fact that I'm doing this is proof of how strong that love is."
"Baby, what are you on about?" He sat down next to you on the couch, petting your hair while gazing at you with a concerned expression. A frown appeared on his face when you looked away. "My uncle bought us a house in Beijing. I'll teach you Chinese. What's the problem?"
"I'm not sure anymore." You confessed. "I thought this was a good idea at the start, but this is going too fast. I don't know."
Luhan laughed, putting you at ease. "Darling, why are you worried? I have everything planned. You just need to sign a few forms and we're set."
Sighing, you listed your concerns, careful not to hurt his feelings. You were glad he was pursuing better opportunities in his home country, but you didn't want him to do anything rash. And you had so much in Korea... you couldn't picture yourself residing there. Half-way through your speech he excused himself, leaving to the kitchen. A few minutes later, he returned with two glasses of mango juice.
Smiling at your thoughtful Lulu, you thanked him and drank from your glass generously before continuing. He was smiling at you, leaning his head to rest on his hand.
"... I need some time, Lulu." You reached out and grasped his hand to show the sincerity of your statement. A thought came to you. "Maybe I can come next year! By then, you'll have a new album out and I can come to congratulate you!"
He murmured, "You'd be a little congratulations gift." He tapped his fingers along your hairline, musing with an intense look in his eyes. Feeling strangely dizzy at the movement, you focused on his kind smile and pushed away the feeling.
"Unfortunately, I'd prefer you as a new beginnings gift." He continued, straightening and stretching his arms out to the sky before looking at you with a hopeful expression. "A new life with my favorite girl. Are you sure you don't want to just come now, Y/N?" His tone seemed a little bitter when he spoke next. "How do I even know you'll still want me in one year?"
Nervous, you drank some more juice. Despite it being your favorite, the beverage was doing nothing to calm your increasing nerves. "Of course I'll still want you, Lulu. I love you!"
His face softened. "I love you too, Y/N."
You smiled reassuringly.
In that second, your mind went blank. Your ears, filled with fuzz, could only make out Luhan cursing and the rustle of movement. Your stomach was wet, did the juice spill on it? Did you drop it? The questions circled around in your mind over and over as you felt light hands touch you all over. Your arms and legs couldn't move to react to the embrace. Drugs...? You thought, not really understanding why you were thinking about that.
"--m so sorry," who was this? "I didn't think you'd spill it... silly girl. It's okay we have... an hour anyway. I'll clean you up and get you in the car in no time."
Straining, you managed to look up at him. Your vision was gone in one eye and slowly fading in the other. Eye contact was made. In seconds however, you found yourself once again trailing to look at his lips. His slight smile.
"I can't wait for our new life together, Y/N. This is going to be a dream come true."
You stepped away as tears started streaming down his face. It was clear Tao had not been expecting the rejection at all.
"What do you mean you don't want to go to China?" His voice was cracking; you were worried for him. "I thought you loved me!"
"I do!" You screamed, frightened. "I do love you!"
He ran forward and grabbed your hands, kissing the fingers lightly. "Then come with me! I'm leaving this mess, you should too!"
This isn't my mess! You wanted to scream, but you kept the words to yourself. You had seen Tao's departure coming, knowing the feelings he had kept at bay ever since Kris and Luhan left, but you hadn't known that he wanted you to come with him.
"I can't live without you." Your stomach churned and you felt your heart ache. He sounded so broken. "You have to come with me."
With a final pull, you stumbled backwards, releasing yourself from him. You were surprised to find yourself crying too. "I can't, Tao." As you turned towards the door and gripped the handle you found yourself gasping for air, trying to leave him with something he could cling to. "If that means we're over than there's no other..."
Before you could finish his hands were on your jacket, gripping them tightly as he pulled you back from the door and buried his face in your clothes. Both of you were crying heavily now. He looked up at you with the most intense expression you had ever seen from him in your life.
"You can't go, Y/N. You just can't. P-Please. I can't do this without you, I can't live without you, you're my muse, my everything... I'll die without you."
#yandere kpop#yandere exo#yandere luhan#yandere kris#yandere tao#you guys luhan was soooo hard to write#lets be real hes the most 'yandere' of all the idols ive seen though lol
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Yandere!BTS: S/O Being Very Innocent
Jin would feel protective of a naive s/o. He would definitely want to be with her always, guiding her and helping her with everything. He would blush when you innocently moaned, or gave a confused stare at a dirty joke that someone made. He liked that you weren't a dirty, tainted whore (A/N: shut up Jin it's 2018). He would want to always protect your innocence.
At first, Namjoon was put off by your innocence. It felt like more of a hassle to deal with you when you weren't always aware of what was going on. But over time... it became intriguing. At your age, you were exceptionally pure and it was fascinating. He spent hours thinking about your unique world view and philosophies. After some time as a couple, he'd slowly begin to grow more agitated when he thought about the fact that you were interacting with other people and learning things from them. He liked being a source of power in your life. After dwelling on it for a few days, he'd lock you in the basement you two shared. You were a rare specimen, and he wanted to keep it like that.
He adored you being innocent. It made you so easy to control. He was indifferent and cold, but you always told your peers about how kind he was on the inside. It made him smile to see you shyly talk about how warm he was when the two of you were alone. Truly, you had to know nothing if you couldn't see what a bad person he is. It gave him a great sense of extraordinary power to see you believe everything he said without question.
He would love how innocent you were. Your cute stares, adorable questions, the way you would cock your head in confusion. He worried about you when he wasn't with you though. He hated to leave you by yourself. That's not something a good boyfriend would do. He wanted to be with you at all times, so that a stranger couldn't take advantage of you. You were so pure and good. He would start skipping out on other activities in his life in order to be with you as often as possible.
Jimin adored a naive significant other. He liked being the experienced one in the bedroom. Absolutely nothing made him feel more exhilarated than seeing you below him, eyes wide and mouth gasping as you clearly struggled to understand these new feelings. And with you, it was a whole other level. Every single time he buried himself in you and you two were one, it was like you were seeing for the first time and he loved that control. You were his proudest possession and he loved showing you off.
Jungkook found it absolutely precious. He would tease the hell out of you just to see your red face. Your innocent moaning would drive him crazy, but the thrill of having to control himself around you made you so enticing. The only thing he would hate is knowing that other men around you would experience the same bliss. He liked to think of your cute naivety as being for him and him only.
Like RM, V would think of a pure s/o as being a rare flower. He loved that he would be the only one to have the pleasure of having an untainted beauty for a lover. In the case that he met you and adored you, he wouldn't hesitate to keep you in his house. Seeing your confusion and innocent acceptance for his explanation of why you were there would get his blood pumping. It would make him want to keep you forever.
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A lot of you are in your teens/twenties like me, but I was thinking of this really interesting Yandere!Taehyung idea the other day. To an extent it makes me uncomfortable because family-related things weird me out (Jin is going to be hard to write for, hoo boy), but I thought I’d leave the idea out here and see what you guys think. Sorry about the reaction wait time, finals just ended for me.
Y/N is married and has a young child. Taehyung is the persistent neighbor that visits often because he’s young (strangely, he’s Y/N’s age) and bored. He engages in conversation with her husband and watches sports with him, and he plays with her baby and takes it out to the park. Her baby has already started recognizing him as a playmate. Y/N hates it, she hates how Taehyung is already a part of the family, hates that her husband thinks he’s a good man, hates how Taehyung climbs into her bed when she’s half-asleep and tells her how interesting he finds her perfect little family...
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Situations that would make Yandere!BTS jealous
A/N: Excuse my juvenile title. Please feel free to send me requests, ideas, anything to give me something to work with. Horror movies/stories on wikipedia are always a good start; I want to go beyond the typical yandere reactions (hence why I went through the trouble of actually thinking about what each member of BTS would be like as a yandere).
Jin truthfully didn’t like seeing you near any man. Period. Your brother and father were alright to him, but he hated knowing you had male friends, male co-workers, male acquaintances. For the most part however, this usually only bothered him. Seeing you tap your boss on the shoulder to ask a question would make him grimace (and wonder if he should try to convince you to be a housewife), but he’d keep calm and hold his position.
His breaking point was when they got affectionate. Running a hand through your hair, touching your nose lightly, making steady eye contact. Love was important to him. It was devoted, pure, shared between two people and two people only. His chest would rise and fall as he watched, not daring to ruin his image by intervening but screaming internally for it all to stop. What if someone else saw and thought that you and him looked good together? What if his happiness ended?
To be frank, not a lot of things make Suga jealous. He doesn’t care about your flirting, your touching, your ex-boyfriend. As long as you’re with him, he’s fine with seeing you go about in your silly attempts for attention.
Jealousy sinks in at the sight of burgeoning love. Suga is harsh and unmoving because he believes you belong to him and that the situation will never change otherwise. While not attached to the romance of the statement, he truly believed in the forever of it. If he sees your love start to turn elsewhere, he’ll lose his patience with both you and the object of your affections.
This boy needs a lot of working up to get jealous. For him, it’s all about the build-up. He’s so sweet and kind. He forgives you for so much. He forgives you for holding hands with your friend, for touching his shoulder, kissing his ears. If he was being honest (really honest with himself), the thought makes him sweat and tremble and gasp--but you grasped his sweaty palms in your hands and reassured of him of your undying love. Smiled your pretty smile and kissed his lips with a berry-soft mouth.
He watches for days, weeks, thinking why, why, why can’t she just touch me instead. Why do you need that friend? J-Hope lets the thoughts and confusion swirl in his mind deliriously. For him, what would finally cause him to snap is you emulating something you do with J-Hope with the other man.
J-Hope treasured your relationship. It was his reason for living. If counting the stars was something you two did together,
then only the two of you could do it together.
Namjoon gets jealous a lot. He just doesn’t show it. His jealousy is more of the traditional kind: he simply doesn’t like seeing other men look at you. He doesn’t want anyone to admire your pretty legs or kind visage but himself. The thought of not completely owning you makes him upset.
He’d be talking with his friend and they’d comment on you. Of course, he was proud that people were paying attention to how unique and gorgeous you were (after all, he only chose the best), but his mouth was left sour after they commented on less-than pure aspects of you. Namely, your beautiful body and kissable lips.
Jimin is very very very easy to make jealous. He can’t stand seeing other men around you. He always finds himself comparing himself to them. They’re taller, talented, gorgeous. He can see why sometimes your eyes widen at a particularly fine specimen. It drives him crazy with rage.
There isn’t even a specific situation for him. All situations are plausible for him to become angry. Whether you were at work or college, or even just giving a friend a ride. The thought of you seeing how mediocre he was in comparison made him scared. His least favorite scenario was you coming home after a long period of time alone with another man. That drove the fear straight to the most animalistic part of his being. What could have happened in all that time you spent alone together?
Taehyung doesn’t really get jealous. He gets possessive, he gets needy. But jealousy is beyond him. Jealousy only makes sense if you fear that the object of your affections will leave you for someone else.
You’re not leaving him, so it’s not a problem.
However, a situation that would make Taehyung jealous is a direct competitor. Meeting someone similar to him and seeing you express interest in them would have him frowning and dwelling over what to do with this new development. As long as he occupied a certain part of your heart, he was content. But he didn’t like the idea of someone else taking that place in your heart.
He’d have to do something about that.
Easily driven to jealousy, this boy is simply more timid with how to go about expressing his emotions. In a way, he’s the most normal. He simply just admits his jealousy. He admits that he dislikes it when you casually flirt with bartenders. He’s honest because he values your opinion and wants to hear what you have to say for yourself.
Specifically, what would make him jealous on the same level as Jimin or Namjoon would be seeing you interact with someone in a caring matter. He doesn’t like you being kind and big sisterly to anyone but him. Those kinds of affections were permitted for him only. To him, it begins to feel like he’s being replaced. That’s not a feeling he likes very much.
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Yandere!BTS: S/O Wanting to Be Unchained From Their Bed (Maknae line)
“No, no, no. Baby, don’t look at me like that.” Taehyung crawled over to you and held your face in his hands.
“Taehyung, I don’t want this,” you sobbed, tears streaming down your face. When he had shackled you, he hadn’t cared enough to take proper precaution, so the metal on your left wrist was digging into it painfully. The worst part is that you didn’t understand what you had done to deserve this treatment. Last night’s clubbing was a huge blur, and being abducted from your friend’s flat only further added to the haze clouding your mind. “Please let me go.”
He groaned, pressing his lips to your eyelids, nose, neck. You gasped as he pressed his tan hand to the expanse of your stomach. His favorite place to touch you. “I can’t do that, baby girl. You know why.”
The truth was that he was starting to get aroused from the situation. He considered himself a gentleman and good man of sorts but you were in so much pain. Truly, you should have known better. Your tears and crying face disturbed him, but they were a deserved sight.
“Disobedient girls have to be punished. Don’t you understand that, Y/N?”
Jimin couldn’t bring himself to look at you. He was so furious at you for that college ex-boyfriend, the drinks, the sharing of phone numbers. To him, you had basically gone and told him you wanted to break up. He couldn’t accept that. Even thinking about it made him so angry that his office chair shook from the trembling fury.
For the last two hours and nineteen minutes, you had been screaming and crying for him to let you go. Truthfully, he could barely make out what you were saying. The anger was truly blinding him. All he could do was relive finding you texting him on your couch.
When the timer reached three hours, he turned around to see that you had quieted down. Now you were just laying there blankly, staring up at the ceiling. He found the sight kind of cute.
Calling your name, he cooed. “Darling, don’t worry. Only more hour and your punishment will be over. Wait until then, okay?”
After all, he still loved you. No matter how much you made him angry.
Jungkook laid in bed next to you after finishing wrestling you to the mattress. He didn’t stay too close to you. For some reason, the gentleman in him prevented him from going any closer. For now, he just wanted to calm down and watch you quietly.
It was clear you wanted to be released. The banging and shrieking made it that clear. Originally, he had planned on just handcuffing your feet and hands to the bedposts, but he had gagged you when he realized he couldn’t bear to hear you shout obscenities at him.
He felt sad watching you somehow. It was never his intention to be this harsh with you, but his hyungs were right. You needed to be punished if he wanted you to remember you were his.
Your facial expression told him all he needed to know about how much you wanted your freedom. And he would give it to you. In time.
“Just a little longer, Y/N….”
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Yandere!BTS: S/O Developing a Crush on His Friend (Hyung line)
His eyes were fighting tears as he watched you through the crack in the door. Seeing the way you shyly touched Ken’s shoulder, how you gazed up at him from beneath your pretty eyelashes. That had been a look reserved for him and only him. He couldn’t believe that after all you two had been through together, you would divert your attention to another man, someone he trusted. Face red with disbelief, he forced himself to focus on that image of you two happily married. It was all he wanted and what he deserved after all his hard work to make sure no other man would have you.
“I’ll make her dinner when she gets home,” he spoke to himself softly as he left, feeling faint. “Her favorite. I’ll give her everything she’s ever wanted. She can’t leave me. She won’t.”
He set your phone on the table with a reserved calmness. He had wrestled the password out of you months ago, but until now, he hadn’t caught the secret app on your phone you had hidden behind a calculator icon. Jackson was a riveting man, sure; Namjoon chose his friends carefully, and Jackson was no exception. But the way you spoke to him… Namjoon had seen you act like that before.
It had been years ago, and it had been right before you worked up the courage to ask him out on a date.
Right then and there, he knew he had chosen the right one, the intelligent, driven woman of his dreams. He had felt reassured in his decision to kill off her pesky male friends. But perhaps he had been too careless. He had forgotten about his own friends.
“Y/N and I should talk when she gets back. She’s smart, she’ll know whats good for her. If not… well, I’ll find a way.”
Detached. That is how he felt, even as he could feel the volcanic eruption distantly approaching within him. He didn’t make friends easily, and when he did, he trusted them with his life. And you were his life. Logically, he knew Zhoumi didn’t do anything. It wasn’t his fault that your love had gone astray. But regardless, only Zhoumi falling would return your affections to him. And Suga was not willing to let you go.
“Hello? I have the pass-code to a man’s apartment. I need you to plant some things for me. Nothing life-ruining, just enough to cripple him...”
When the reality hit him, he fell down sobbing where he was standing. He didn’t care that people around him at the bus stop were staring at him and murmuring. The entire day he had spent trying to understand the image of you kissing Ravi on the cheek was wasted. Everything was wasted. All the selcas you had taken together, the laughs next to the blazing fireplace, the homemade gifts for each other made on a whim. In a second, Ravi had ruined all of that.
But even as he got up to do what he must, he still felt ruined. He loved Ravi, somewhere in his heart. But the problem was that he loved you more.
“If I kill him, the only place I can think of to hide his body is the river near where we used to go biking… oh, Y/N, what have you done? Do you know the work I’ll have to do now to dispose of his corpse? What a mess I’m in...”
#yandere kpop#yandere bts#bts reactions#yandere au#bangtan reactions#yandere suga#yandere jhope#yandere rm#yandere jin
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