hornyjello · 3 years
Hello guys.. so I know that I have been inactive. It just that, I got interested in other shows/movies/series and I want to write about them. However I was kinda getting pressured to write about Tenya Iida here from MHA even tho no one told me to.
Soo I want to take a break from writing for MHA, Thank you for your patience, I will try to update here if once I'm comfortable again.
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hornyjello · 3 years
Advance Merry Christmass Everyone!
I know I have been rather....inactive. I'm aware I haven't performing my duty as a writer in this platform, therefore I am truly sorry! In this upcoming christmass, I want to tell everyone that I might not post something until January.
I know this is my own account, and I'm doing my fanfictions in my own accord but I still want to say sorry for those request that I didn't get to post.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
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hornyjello · 3 years
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For those who have overactive guilt complexes like me…
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hornyjello · 3 years
Okay okay but I just saw this tiktok where a girl was going on a date with some guys and he sent her a google form to fill out asking what kind of date experience she wanted and then a post-date follow up form asking her to rate her experience and if that doesn’t give first date with Tenya vibes I don’t know what does
Okay guys so I'm still Alive😭🤧 just burden with school activities...coz christmas is nearly coming. I'll be posting the ask trust me I just don't have time. 🤧
OH...MY...GOSH... YES!
If that vibe was NOT Tenya's I don't know who else that is. I actually can imagine Tenya doing that but like- I'm also not sure? Coz even tho he's the type of guys who would absoloutely planned a date weeks before so that it would be perfect. I also think that he would want to suprise you.
Like, Tenya had the idea/information of your 'ideal date' on all the conversations that you guys have. After all Tenya is attentive, observant and the type to extremely focus to you. So I think he might do that but not where he would send you a form to rate the date.
Coz let's be honest, Tenya also respect other's opinion so instead of giving a form he'll ask it directly at you. Either "Did you like the date, love?" Or "How was the date?, My love?" And He can also ask it through call.
Heyy But that's my thought hihi let me know what's yours?🥰❤
DISCLAIMER: I know I haven't psoted for a while, and there's 2 ask where I didn't post. Because to be honest it's actually nearly finish but I don't have time to continue😭 my mind sometimes don't know what scene/momemnts to write next.
Like.....I would try to write but ended up staring at the story while my mind is thinking about the formula of our freaking mathematics, computer and science lmao
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hornyjello · 3 years
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Sorry but this was the first thing I thought when I saw him
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hornyjello · 3 years
Re-blog if you're accepting anonymous asks from anyone about anything
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hornyjello · 3 years
---------Fluttering Heart--------
Notes: I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I do! kyaah<33
Here are part One | Two
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Lying in his bed, Tenya was in thoughts. slightly pissed to himself, he ruffled his hair and aggressively sit on the edge of his bed.
Holding his hair with two fists, he thinks. Should he confess to you? Should he risk your friendship with you?
aaaaah....he doesn't know.
Standing up, Tenya decided to soak himself in the bathtub easing his body, letting his muscle relax. bubbles pop, cold water became warm and the time moves faster.
He finally decided! He would confess to you today! He would tell you what he feel about you. even if it meant risking his friendship with you, that he can no longer bear.
Dressing up in his blue polo shirt and black pants. Tenya brought his fat wallet with him, driving go to the nearest flower shop close to his house. He bought a bouquet, chocolates, a gold necklace, and a white chocolate cake then drives to your house.
Wait a cake-?
Waiting for you after ringing the doorbell, Tenya just realized he brought a cake and a gift. His happy, confident, and big smile was suddenly gone. And was replaced by wide eyes and a slightly opened mouth.
iakajsjs why did he bring a cake?! It's not your birthday! And it's definitely not your anniversary with him! Why did he buy you a necklace?! Is that fine? Is that okay?
And now that it was mentioned, Tenya suddenly panicked. Isn't he being too much? Or is it not? Is bringing a cake to confess your love to someone a good freaking idea?
Tenya panicked, immediately thinking of ways to escape. and When he's about to leave the house, the door suddenly opened. Showing you with your white shirt and black shorts, while eating a piece of bread.
Tenya freezes, even in your normal clothes you look astonishing. You still sparkle and you still look good. Looking at him and then at what he was holding, you suddenly smiled unconsciously.
"Is it my birthday today? Gosh, I was not informed, are you sure you are in the right house, Mr. Iida?" You said, grinning ear to ear while your shoulder's crossed.
'Oh, this is gonna be good... you thought
Rubbing the back of his neck, Tenya responds "Happy....birth...day? Uh-huh huh? wait what-?.....yeah- probably the wrong house- ah ehe" Tenya don't know what to say, he can't believe he just ruined his chance to confess perfectly
He then heard you chuckle, then a tear left your eyes and then you burst into laughter with your hands in your stomach.
looking at him, Tenya looks absolutely like a lost boy with his stuffed toy. So you calmed down not wanting to make the poor boy sad.
"oh Tenya~ pfft well Uhm would you, want to go inside my house?" you asked him but he shooked his head. 'Oh? well, why are you here? Do you need any help?"
"I like you y/n," Tenya confesses, looking seriously at your eyes. Like the time had stopped you hitches, freezing at the spot your in. Eyes eyeing him up and down, while your right eyebrow is up. "Your kidding right? is this a dream or something?"
Yeah....he fucked up...
Tenya was quiet and so are you, silence filled the air. thinking he ruined the friendship with you just because of one stupid confession.
He sight, Turning away from you ready to leave. "I-I'm sorry" Tenya wanted to leave, he was so ashamed thinking there's a chance. However, when he was about to leave, he felt a warm hand on his arm making him stop.
he look into your eyes and he saw something he didn't really expect. "Y-you really like me?" you ask him and he immediately nods. Tenya looks away at you and sigh again. "Look y/n, ever since the day I met you I really like you. and my feelings grow stronger and stronger as time passes by...I know you don't feel the same way b-"
Dragging Tenya by his collar you kiss him on his cheeks, "I like you too silly!" you told him while hugging him like a little kitten.
"wait are you serious?" Tenya said watching you get the things he brought to you. and kept the flowers closer to you, smelling them.
Chuckling, you turned to him "This smelled expensive" you shyly told him hiding half of your face with the flowers. "o-oh oh yeah- Uhm *gulps* yeah, sorry... hmm anything for you"
you then burst laughing at the cute man standing awkwardly in front of you. "Don't you want to go inside?......soon to beee......Boy....friend?"
Tenya blushed, looking up at the sky he nod. "I would love to, y/n"
By Hornyjello
Have a great day!
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hornyjello · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a pro hero Tenya Iida, who is in love with the nurse reader he once saved and now usually takes care of him when injured? He wants to ask her out but he doesnt know how to. Thank you!
----------Fluttering Heart---------
A Tenya Iida x Gn!Reader
Notes: I'm sorry for posting this late. I will try to be active more. It is just that I have so much schoolwork at the moment.
Part: One & Two
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If someone told Tenya Iida that he'll have a crush on his nurse one day, He'll never believe them.
Tenya Iida is a very reliable, workaholic, Strong Pro Hero of his age. Never really want distraction, never really want something or someone that will hinder his work.
but of course, no one can really stop a heart that has already fallen in love with someone, right?
As time pass by, you and Tenya became close friends. Always learning something new to each other, always enjoying time with each other.
And as both of you became closer and closer, he learned many things about you. Tenya learned that you are kind, Cheerful, Focused on your work, Loveable, and Someone that can really rely on.
And Tenya also learned his new weakness, You.
You that makes his knees weak, his mind crazy, and his heart flutter. He always feels like he's back in his days. Getting nervous and a blushing mess whenever their crush appeared.
Especially when your so close while patching his wound that he got while working. You touched his wound so gentle that his pain, worries, and Anxiety all disappeared.
He was so in love and mesmerize with you he stopped breathing whenever you were around.
"Tenya? Tenya? Are you okay?" You told him, and he was back to reality. "O-oh yeah! Yeah..." and you laugh "Your not breathing, Teny! I thought your dead!!" You joke, laughing while carefully patching up his wounds.
Tenya laughs with you and his heart flutter, it's this moment with you that really made him want to drag you out to church and ask you to marry him. But unfortunately, his big cute heart doesn't even have the courage to ask you out, So how can he do that?
Finally, finished patching up his wounds, You talk to him for a little while. Joking, complaining, and being comfortable with each other, letting all you stress out. But suddenly your eyes caught the sight of his scars.
And you trace it unconsciously. "That must've hurt a lot huh?"
"Yeah, it did. But of course, what's important is that I saved a lot of people and made their life much more peaceful," he said, and Your so amazed at him that you can't help admiring the pro hero.
Thinking back, You're actually once saved by him, in a terrible accident caused by a villain. You were about to get crushed by a large debris when Tenya used his quirk and saved you.
Continuing your life, more determined to be a professional nurse so that you can help others by giving back the kindness that a hero did to you. And months later you found out that the pro hero Ingenium needed a nurse.
So you volunteered...
And you were nervous, to say the least, but immediately loosened up when he recognized you. Tenya feels incredibly happy, Knowing that his the one who saved you and became your hero.
Back to the present, you look at his eyes and smile. Smiling softly at him with full of admiration and it made him blush.
Not wanting to be a creep or a pervert in your eyes. He looks away, Saving your smile on his mind forever. Clearing his throat Tenya stands up.
"Well, I should be going now you probably have some patients to assist to" you nod, also standing up from your stool.
"You did a great job today tho Tenya," you said and pat him on his shoulders. He returned the smile at you and spoke. "Thank you y/n, you did a great job today too"
"mmm mm, thank you....." you clap and catch his attention "I can't really say I'm hoping to see you again because this is a freaking hospital buuuut-" you shrugged and walk past him.
"I'm really looking forward to seeing you again hihi" you chuckled, Winking at the pro hero and saying your goodbye.
Before closing the door behind you, leaving the pro hero standing there. Shocked and a blushing mess.
Tenya got home early and was greeted by his pissed mother. Unfortunately, Tenya's mother learned that it was supposed to be his day off today. Scolding him for not giving himself a rest even for a day.
Scratching his head, he apologize and sat on the sofa with his brother.
it's been weeks since he last met you. And It's been so long since he saw your smile.
So he made a decision, and that is 'to volunteer to go on a dangerous a that will get him injured'. it's rash and irrational And oh...He knows but all is worth it when he finally saw you and your beautiful smile.
"He probably went to see that cute little nurse that's been helping him, Mother" Tenya's eyes widen at his Brother's words, immediately shaking his head. "Pfft you're redder than a tomato little brother, c'mon don't lie"
Tenya's day was filled with questioning by his family, as well as his friends after they found out Iida had volunteered for a dangerous accident.....for someone
Next day... Izuku had invited the Deku squad for lunch so that they can talk and catch up with each other.
"So Iida, I think I kept noticing that your arrival at the 'Hana-Hospital' had been more frequent these days" Izuku mention to his friend who tense up after hearing what did Izuku said.
"Mmm mm I agree, I actually live close by that hospital, so I saw Iida sometimes enter the hospital every after work" Todoroki calmly said while eating his boba.
"OoOoooh you had a crush on that nurse you once saved, don't you Tenya!" Uraraka cheerfully said and was followed by Tsuyu's statement.
"Iida, you're blushing kero~" Tenya covered his face with his right hand as Todoroki spoke. "Did you ask her out?"
"W-well no" "huh?! Tenya if you love somebody you should ask them out!"
"Says by somebody who can't confess their own feelings, kero~," Tsuyu said that cause a massive laugh to the group. Making Izuku cover his face with his hands. Todorki chuckled and spoke.
"Well, you should ask them out, Iida. After all, in the end, you are the one who will regret it" Iida then sigh, removing his hand that covered his face earlier.
"I know, I know, I'm aware of that Todoroki. However, I really don't know how to tell them how I feel. And if I did tell them, what if they didn't return my feelings? what if it ruins our friendship-"
"Well, would you rather if you two stayed friends?" Izuku interrupted, finally regaining his composure and no longer blushing. Tenya freezes, slowly processing the words from his friend.
Would it be okay if you two stayed friends?
Would he be able to attend and see your wedding with another person?
Would it be okay to see you kissing another person?
Would he be okay? Not being able to hold you, see you, and possibly kiss you?
Isn't his dreams to one day wake up in his bed with you in his arms?
As the night got darker and darker, and the sunrise and go brighter and brighter?
Tenya was quite don't know what to do, don't know what to say. Patting his shoulder, Uraraka started a new conversation with the group, leaving Tenya to stay in his thoughts.
By Hornyjello
Have a great day!
Part two is already posted! just click the link at the top, Loves! <33.
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hornyjello · 3 years
Hello! There are currently 2 asks in my ask box and I just wanna let you know, that I'm currently working on it eheheh♡ thank you for your kind words!!!🤧❤
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hornyjello · 3 years
---------Fluttering Heart--------
Notes: I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I do! kyaah<33
Here are part One | Two
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Lying in his bed, Tenya was in thoughts. slightly pissed to himself, he ruffled his hair and aggressively sit on the edge of his bed.
Holding his hair with two fists, he thinks. Should he confess to you? Should he risk your friendship with you?
aaaaah....he doesn't know.
Standing up, Tenya decided to soak himself in the bathtub easing his body, letting his muscle relax. bubbles pop, cold water became warm and the time moves faster.
He finally decided! He would confess to you today! He would tell you what he feel about you. even if it meant risking his friendship with you, that he can no longer bear.
Dressing up in his blue polo shirt and black pants. Tenya brought his fat wallet with him, driving go to the nearest flower shop close to his house. He bought a bouquet, chocolates, a gold necklace, and a white chocolate cake then drives to your house.
Wait a cake-?
Waiting for you after ringing the doorbell, Tenya just realized he brought a cake and a gift. His happy, confident, and big smile was suddenly gone. And was replaced by wide eyes and a slightly opened mouth.
iakajsjs why did he bring a cake?! It's not your birthday! And it's definitely not your anniversary with him! Why did he buy you a necklace?! Is that fine? Is that okay?
And now that it was mentioned, Tenya suddenly panicked. Isn't he being too much? Or is it not? Is bringing a cake to confess your love to someone a good freaking idea?
Tenya panicked, immediately thinking of ways to escape. and When he's about to leave the house, the door suddenly opened. Showing you with your white shirt and black shorts, while eating a piece of bread.
Tenya freezes, even in your normal clothes you look astonishing. You still sparkle and you still look good. Looking at him and then at what he was holding, you suddenly smiled unconsciously.
"Is it my birthday today? Gosh, I was not informed, are you sure you are in the right house, Mr. Iida?" You said, grinning ear to ear while your shoulder's crossed.
'Oh, this is gonna be good... you thought
Rubbing the back of his neck, Tenya responds "Happy....birth...day? Uh-huh huh? wait what-?.....yeah- probably the wrong house- ah ehe" Tenya don't know what to say, he can't believe he just ruined his chance to confess perfectly
He then heard you chuckle, then a tear left your eyes and then you burst into laughter with your hands in your stomach.
looking at him, Tenya looks absolutely like a lost boy with his stuffed toy. So you calmed down not wanting to make the poor boy sad.
"oh Tenya~ pfft well Uhm would you, want to go inside my house?" you asked him but he shooked his head. 'Oh? well, why are you here? Do you need any help?"
"I like you y/n," Tenya confesses, looking seriously at your eyes. Like the time had stopped you hitches, freezing at the spot your in. Eyes eyeing him up and down, while your right eyebrow is up. "Your kidding right? is this a dream or something?"
Yeah....he fucked up...
Tenya was quiet and so are you, silence filled the air. thinking he ruined the friendship with you just because of one stupid confession.
He sight, Turning away from you ready to leave. "I-I'm sorry" Tenya wanted to leave, he was so ashamed thinking there's a chance. However, when he was about to leave, he felt a warm hand on his arm making him stop.
he look into your eyes and he saw something he didn't really expect. "Y-you really like me?" you ask him and he immediately nods. Tenya looks away at you and sigh again. "Look y/n, ever since the day I met you I really like you. and my feelings grow stronger and stronger as time passes by...I know you don't feel the same way b-"
Dragging Tenya by his collar you kiss him on his cheeks, "I like you too silly!" you told him while hugging him like a little kitten.
"wait are you serious?" Tenya said watching you get the things he brought to you. and kept the flowers closer to you, smelling them.
Chuckling, you turned to him "This smelled expensive" you shyly told him hiding half of your face with the flowers. "o-oh oh yeah- Uhm *gulps* yeah, sorry... hmm anything for you"
you then burst laughing at the cute man standing awkwardly in front of you. "Don't you want to go inside?......soon to beee......Boy....friend?"
Tenya blushed, looking up at the sky he nod. "I would love to, y/n"
By Hornyjello
Have a great day!
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hornyjello · 3 years
Happy 61 followers guys!
I know 61 followers isn't much...BUT, thank you SO so muchhh for following. I know I have a long way to go in my writing skills. Buy you still followed and like my fanfictions.
THANK YOU! Have a great day a head of you♡☆
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hornyjello · 3 years
Hi! Can I request a pro hero Tenya Iida, who is in love with the nurse reader he once saved and now usually takes care of him when injured? He wants to ask her out but he doesnt know how to. Thank you!
----------Fluttering Heart---------
A Tenya Iida x Gn!Reader
Notes: I'm sorry for posting this late. I will try to be active more. It is just that I have so much schoolwork at the moment.
Part: One & Two
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If someone told Tenya Iida that he'll have a crush on his nurse one day, He'll never believe them.
Tenya Iida is a very reliable, workaholic, Strong Pro Hero of his age. Never really want distraction, never really want something or someone that will hinder his work.
but of course, no one can really stop a heart that has already fallen in love with someone, right?
As time pass by, you and Tenya became close friends. Always learning something new to each other, always enjoying time with each other.
And as both of you became closer and closer, he learned many things about you. Tenya learned that you are kind, Cheerful, Focused on your work, Loveable, and Someone that can really rely on.
And Tenya also learned his new weakness, You.
You that makes his knees weak, his mind crazy, and his heart flutter. He always feels like he's back in his days. Getting nervous and a blushing mess whenever their crush appeared.
Especially when your so close while patching his wound that he got while working. You touched his wound so gentle that his pain, worries, and Anxiety all disappeared.
He was so in love and mesmerize with you he stopped breathing whenever you were around.
"Tenya? Tenya? Are you okay?" You told him, and he was back to reality. "O-oh yeah! Yeah..." and you laugh "Your not breathing, Teny! I thought your dead!!" You joke, laughing while carefully patching up his wounds.
Tenya laughs with you and his heart flutter, it's this moment with you that really made him want to drag you out to church and ask you to marry him. But unfortunately, his big cute heart doesn't even have the courage to ask you out, So how can he do that?
Finally, finished patching up his wounds, You talk to him for a little while. Joking, complaining, and being comfortable with each other, letting all you stress out. But suddenly your eyes caught the sight of his scars.
And you trace it unconsciously. "That must've hurt a lot huh?"
"Yeah, it did. But of course, what's important is that I saved a lot of people and made their life much more peaceful," he said, and Your so amazed at him that you can't help admiring the pro hero.
Thinking back, You're actually once saved by him, in a terrible accident caused by a villain. You were about to get crushed by a large debris when Tenya used his quirk and saved you.
Continuing your life, more determined to be a professional nurse so that you can help others by giving back the kindness that a hero did to you. And months later you found out that the pro hero Ingenium needed a nurse.
So you volunteered...
And you were nervous, to say the least, but immediately loosened up when he recognized you. Tenya feels incredibly happy, Knowing that his the one who saved you and became your hero.
Back to the present, you look at his eyes and smile. Smiling softly at him with full of admiration and it made him blush.
Not wanting to be a creep or a pervert in your eyes. He looks away, Saving your smile on his mind forever. Clearing his throat Tenya stands up.
"Well, I should be going now you probably have some patients to assist to" you nod, also standing up from your stool.
"You did a great job today tho Tenya," you said and pat him on his shoulders. He returned the smile at you and spoke. "Thank you y/n, you did a great job today too"
"mmm mm, thank you....." you clap and catch his attention "I can't really say I'm hoping to see you again because this is a freaking hospital buuuut-" you shrugged and walk past him.
"I'm really looking forward to seeing you again hihi" you chuckled, Winking at the pro hero and saying your goodbye.
Before closing the door behind you, leaving the pro hero standing there. Shocked and a blushing mess.
Tenya got home early and was greeted by his pissed mother. Unfortunately, Tenya's mother learned that it was supposed to be his day off today. Scolding him for not giving himself a rest even for a day.
Scratching his head, he apologize and sat on the sofa with his brother.
it's been weeks since he last met you. And It's been so long since he saw your smile.
So he made a decision, and that is 'to volunteer to go on a dangerous a that will get him injured'. it's rash and irrational And oh...He knows but all is worth it when he finally saw you and your beautiful smile.
"He probably went to see that cute little nurse that's been helping him, Mother" Tenya's eyes widen at his Brother's words, immediately shaking his head. "Pfft you're redder than a tomato little brother, c'mon don't lie"
Tenya's day was filled with questioning by his family, as well as his friends after they found out Iida had volunteered for a dangerous accident.....for someone
Next day... Izuku had invited the Deku squad for lunch so that they can talk and catch up with each other.
"So Iida, I think I kept noticing that your arrival at the 'Hana-Hospital' had been more frequent these days" Izuku mention to his friend who tense up after hearing what did Izuku said.
"Mmm mm I agree, I actually live close by that hospital, so I saw Iida sometimes enter the hospital every after work" Todoroki calmly said while eating his boba.
"OoOoooh you had a crush on that nurse you once saved, don't you Tenya!" Uraraka cheerfully said and was followed by Tsuyu's statement.
"Iida, you're blushing kero~" Tenya covered his face with his right hand as Todoroki spoke. "Did you ask her out?"
"W-well no" "huh?! Tenya if you love somebody you should ask them out!"
"Says by somebody who can't confess their own feelings, kero~," Tsuyu said that cause a massive laugh to the group. Making Izuku cover his face with his hands. Todorki chuckled and spoke.
"Well, you should ask them out, Iida. After all, in the end, you are the one who will regret it" Iida then sigh, removing his hand that covered his face earlier.
"I know, I know, I'm aware of that Todoroki. However, I really don't know how to tell them how I feel. And if I did tell them, what if they didn't return my feelings? what if it ruins our friendship-"
"Well, would you rather if you two stayed friends?" Izuku interrupted, finally regaining his composure and no longer blushing. Tenya freezes, slowly processing the words from his friend.
Would it be okay if you two stayed friends?
Would he be able to attend and see your wedding with another person?
Would it be okay to see you kissing another person?
Would he be okay? Not being able to hold you, see you, and possibly kiss you?
Isn't his dreams to one day wake up in his bed with you in his arms?
As the night got darker and darker, and the sunrise and go brighter and brighter?
Tenya was quite don't know what to do, don't know what to say. Patting his shoulder, Uraraka started a new conversation with the group, leaving Tenya to stay in his thoughts.
By Hornyjello
Have a great day!
Part two is already posted! just click the link at the top, Loves! <33.
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hornyjello · 3 years
y/n: I have an idea!
Tenya: Sure! As long as it doesn't include rules breaking.
y/n: o-oh....Yeah, I don't have one anymore...
Tenya: wha- y/n! Do you know how important following rules are?! First rule-
*scolding noises*
idea: why are we even here?
Just to suffer?
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hornyjello · 3 years
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#Repost @mikias_poetry with @repostapp. ・・・ I saw this inspiring story of Haben Girma, a lady “blind and deaf” who graduated from Harvard Law and helped many with disability, and felt inspired to write. We share the same last name, Girma :). Got this great story from @selamkendie and @eritreastolemyheart. #HabenGirma #inspiring #deaf #blind #inspiration #poetry #poem #Eritrea #habesha #ethiopia #ethiopianart #art
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hornyjello · 3 years
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pro hero tenya iida ingenium makes sure his girlfriend is dressed to the heavens. perfectly tailored dresses by top designers, expensive perfumes that never fades, shoes you’ve only dreamed of wearing, and sets of jewelry in both gold and silver so it never clashes with your outfit. but his favorite part of dressing his little doll of a girlfriend is the necklace. the ingenium necklace. the one where the i’s are dotted with diamonds. the one that sits perfectly below your collarbones and catches the light no matter where you are.
you can tell he loves it. it’s quite difficult not to notice his gaze flickering between your necklace, eyes, and lips, and back to the necklace again. he cringes when you take it off for showers — no need, real gold never fades — but indulges in the opportunity to put it back on you after. his knuckles gently graze your neck as he straightens the chain, pressing soft kisses against your skin. and of course, he tops it all with an extra kiss to your forehead. “you look beautiful.” he corrects himself, “you are beautiful.”
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hornyjello · 3 years
This is so funny I can't- I 🤣 That's really a burn! Jeez-
baku won't love you back ur an adult :(((((((
this the most embarrassing anon hate ask I’ve ever gotten please think twice about shit you say
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hornyjello · 3 years
I just brought "to kill a mockingbird" last month, and I still haven't finish it😭 it was very good tho!♡
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The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame. x
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