hornybutnotmain · 5 months
need someone to "encourage" me to induce lactation - reminding me to pump every few hours, watching me to make sure i'm doing it for the right amount of time, feeling up my tits to see if anythings changed, attaching the pumps to me themself if i say i'm too busy to pump rn (or maybe i'm sleeping~)
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hornybutnotmain · 5 months
You say that you bet I'll turn into a dumb little cow for you and all it takes is for me to moo. I tell you that's ridiculous, and I'll do it just to prove that you're wrong.
It rings out throughout the room. My nipples noticeably harden, and I feel myself getting wet just at the mere sound of it. Trying to hide how good it made me feel, I say nothing happened. You ask me to do it again.
I start lactating, and I'm now noticeably wet. Hearing the sound of my mooing and feeling myself get dumber turns me on so much.
You don't even have to ask for me to moo again. I just do it on my own. I drop to all fours, cumming and waiting for you to milk me. You strip me of my now soaking clothes, then get ready to breed and milk me <3
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hornybutnotmain · 7 months
midnight thoughts
God ok... so like drug play right, getting sedated, aphrodisiacs, forced to get high and/ or drunk to be made more pliable... just aiudhlaeuid fuggin yes please on top of that, corruption, being pumped full of drugs and then just used for hours, maybe days or weeks. How ever long it takes to break that pretty mind until you don't object anymore... lets me honest though... this is just what I wish someone would to me randomly
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hornybutnotmain · 7 months
currently i keep thinking about being programmed by a hypnotherapist; them using their hypnosis to “help” you, while they actually just turn you into a dumb, mindless slut for them. rebuilding and reshaping your mind, making you more and more dependent on them until you leave your life behind and turn into nothing but their pet, their good toy for them to use whenever and however they please. just the thought of having your mind melted slowly but surely, all while thinking they’d never do anything like that is just so hot to me. even better when you slowly notice the ideas and fantasies that have been planted in your mind, thinking that the idea of being a mindless plaything has always been a part of you.♡
i am such a sucker for that concept istg.
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hornybutnotmain · 8 months
Whatever you do don't think about big, thick tentacles pushing inside of you while staring into a mass of glowing eyes flashing with hypnotic power
wow that'd be so good. i'd feel so exposed and helpless at first, my entire body on display as it pushed into me, spreading me wide open.
but i still can't bring myself to look away as the eyes melt and mold my mind, until all i can think about is how good it feels to be absolutely wrecked, and any embarrassment i felt about being on display for this creature(s) washes away as my boycunt greedily accepts and clenches tightly around its thick tentacles as they pump into me in a mutual climax- but my usefulness is far from over, i'm going to be used by them for a long time...
whoops, now i'm wet
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hornybutnotmain · 8 months
Tumblr media
Play with me 😉
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hornybutnotmain · 8 months
Conversational hypnosis. Subtle hypnosis. Thinking you're just talking when you realise you're in trance.
When did that happen? You don't know, but you don't mind. You keep sinking as your partner talks to you.
They smile, petting you. Enjoying the show as you dr o p . . .
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hornybutnotmain · 8 months
Sometimes I just want someone to sneakily hypnotize me in a conversation until I'm too horny and mindless to disagree with whatever they're saying. Is that too much to ask?
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hornybutnotmain · 8 months
shock collar? nonono. that's wonderful and all, but what about a pleasure collar? every time you even think of resisting or getting away, you get flooded with so much arousal that your brain blanks out and you forget everything else. what were you doing again? oh right, obeying, of course. because obedience is pleasure, and pleasure is obedience. that's all that matters~
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hornybutnotmain · 8 months
the reason i find stuff like hypnosis and aphrodisiacs so alluring is that they’d just allow my brain to calm the fuck down: no anxiety, no overthinking, no intrusive thoughts, nothing.
just a constant state of aroused bliss, knowing i’m safe in the arms of the person i’m sharing this with and yielding to them.
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hornybutnotmain · 8 months
currently i keep thinking about being programmed by a hypnotherapist; them using their hypnosis to “help” you, while they actually just turn you into a dumb, mindless slut for them. rebuilding and reshaping your mind, making you more and more dependent on them until you leave your life behind and turn into nothing but their pet, their good toy for them to use whenever and however they please. just the thought of having your mind melted slowly but surely, all while thinking they’d never do anything like that is just so hot to me. even better when you slowly notice the ideas and fantasies that have been planted in your mind, thinking that the idea of being a mindless plaything has always been a part of you.♡
i am such a sucker for that concept istg.
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hornybutnotmain · 8 months
I wanna have my brain melted away and replaced with someone smarters thoughts.
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hornybutnotmain · 8 months
I think someone should tie me up and force me to kneel for them while they slowly brainwash me into their obedient little plaything.
For funsies.
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hornybutnotmain · 8 months
There’s a lot of different kinds of inductions.
There’s relaxation, where you’re out in a state of relaxed bliss.
There’s confusion, where your mind becomes so confused it just gives up and listens.
There’s covert, where during Norma conversation, a tist will bend your mind and you’ll fall deep without even realizing it.
I want all of them
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hornybutnotmain · 8 months
How many of my good li’l subs are jerking off and rubbing their needy, wet, sensitive, horny, desperate cunnies to my blog?
Just LIKE the post so daddy knows, in case he decides to praise you or punish you in your DMs since your airheaded brain is too mush to REPOST.
Even if you did repost after trying and weakly fighting against that mush, you’d be wayyyyy more mush right after you obeyed and reprogrammed your silly mush for daddy.
You know what to do.
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hornybutnotmain · 1 year
Reblog this post if you consent to random Hypno messages, inductions or spirals.
Many people are looking to play (including me) but are struggling to find people!! Reblog to help find them :3
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hornybutnotmain · 1 year
Biting you (lovingly)
Biting you (lovingly)
Biting you (lovingly)
Biting you (lovingly)
Biting you (fiercely)
Biting you (lovingly)
Biting you (lovingly)
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