Tales of a Grey Unicorn
39 posts
my life in words and pictures
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horlipion · 4 years ago
Interview with Art Zine
Hey there, hru? Hope all is well!
Let’s jump right into it.
So tell me about your art. How/when did u get started? 
Chelly- I have been doing art ever since I was a kid. My mother was very supportive and nurturing toward my creative side. I would say that art took a more dominant roll in my life around 8th grade, that's when I began building a portfolio in hopes of being accepted to a magnet arts school. I ended up being accepted to Dillard school of the performing arts, where I developed my style and skill. Unfortunately due to an often turbulent home life and my mother's failing health, I was forced to give up my scholastic opportunities. However I have never stopped creating work and fortunately it has led to many new and lucrative projects.
What medium do you like to use?
Chelly- I love acrylics, sharpie markers and spray paint, as well as multi media. Sometimes I'll include glitter or collage elements. Recently I have been experimenting with incorporating heavy textures and three dimensional objects into my pieces.
What inspires your art?
Chelly- I draw a lot of inspiration from my dreams, personal experiences, nature, Esoteric symbolism and fantasy landscapes. I put a lot of my personal life in my pieces, however I also have my pop side which is more inspired by cultural trends, fashion, film and urban themes. I often find myself somewhat between the two sides.
Is there a message that you hope to convey to your audience?
Chelly- My intention is to convey emotions and experiences in an engaging way. I really want people to be emersed in my pieces the way someone might get into a film or piece of music. Ultimately I strive towards connectedness. I believe people have more in common than they might realize and that the sense of separation is merely an illusion. We all have something to share.
Are you currently on exhibit anywhere? 
Chelly- Not currently, no. I do have some pretty big and exciting projects lined up later this month. I will be painting the Good Intentions Kitchen food truck, which I am very excited about. I'm currently in the planning stages for a project at Virginia Key Outdoor Center ( VKOC). I do however show my work privately, by appointment at my studio located in Little Haiti.
Where do u see your art in 5 years?
Chelly- I'd like to see myself on the road, traveling with my art and making music as well. Hopefully collaborating with my favorite artists and musicians.
Are there any other art forms that you have experimented with?
Chelly- I've dabbled in film, photography, jewelry making and sculpture. I would like to get into installation art.
What’s your biggest memory as an artist?
Chelly- The most impactful memory I have as an artist has to do with the final performance of my former band Prostitots. We played a very intimate set and had an amazing audience. At the end of our set a man came to meet us and he told us that he was in Miami because he had lost his home and family in an earthquake in Haiti, he explained that he had fallen into a deep depression. He had come to out just to have a drink, but ended up watching our set. He told us he hadn't felt joy since the earthquake and that dancing to our songs made him feel happy. He smiled and gave us all hugs and thanked us for making him feel something good. It was the most impactful moment, better than any compliment I have ever received.
Now if the people want to see more of your work, where can they go? Social media, website, etc?
Chelly- I post most of my work on Instagram
@ chellypeyrefitte
You can find me on Facebook
Chelly Peyrefitte
If you are interested in booking a private viewing of my work at my studio, please contact me at : [email protected]
***please include up to 3 pics to be added, I usually say one or two of yourself or one or two of ur art!!!
Cheers! And thank u for being patient with me.
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horlipion · 5 years ago
Go download the album for Free!!
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horlipion · 6 years ago
Baker Actions
Spent a long time being
A ride or die
Until I realized that
It was only I
Who was doing all the dying
Catching feelings, why?
Halfway reciprocation
Keep me satisfied
And all the other drama
I would just play blind
Extend a friendly hand
And suck it up with a smile
Unconditional love
I'm placing nothing above
I won't regurgitate emotions
For fear of
Anxiety builds
My self-esteem
Would get killed
Thinking that
I'm the one that's damaged
Cause you out here seeking
Cheap thrills
I couldn't numb it with pills
I couldn't chase it with Coke
There wasn't any kind of substance
That would help me to cope
Seems like a good time to croak
In the bathtub I soaked
I think I'll open up a vein or two
we'll see who's a joke
Time passes
Flashes fast
before my aching eyes
Took too much effort
To think back on
Some better times
I'd rather end it now
then endore any other kind
of discomfort
by the aid of Your hand no more
I found the door
And with my fist
I will pound on it
Til bloody and bruised
Please help
Get me fucking
Out of this
A pretty pink knife
Is that how we ending this?
Until Interrupted
by a firm grasp
Clasped around my wrist
You ain't gonna
Stop me now
Open my eyes
take a look around
I think I found
a resolution
This here
Bottle of Clorox
my solution
Bottoms up
Oh fuck!
This ain't working fast enough
Bash my skull
In Hopes it will end it all
Leek out the contents of my brain
And paint the fucking walls
I crave it
Please work this time
I Pull back,
bash and
Repeat until I'm blind
But I didn't die
I wonder why
Staring at the spots
in my eyesight
Suicide watch
Because I
needed to be supervised
Stripped down naked
In a Velcro suit
single cell
Cause we can't trust you
Not to be stupid
With utensils
Or even with your
Toilet paper too
Got a tiny little window
Where the light peaks through
Just another little feature
Meant to torture you
And you ain't getting out
Until you give some proof
Of mental stabilization
The doctor's here for you
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horlipion · 6 years ago
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horlipion · 6 years ago
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horlipion · 6 years ago
Listen to G.T.F.O. My DM's by BLOCKBUSTER NIGHT on #SoundCloud
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horlipion · 6 years ago
G.T.F.O my DM's
I'm so fucking lonely
nah I ain't fucking lonely
forget that I said that
I kid I'm so full of baloney
you should just ignore me
my thoughts are dark and stormy
my speech is always corny
I'm weird and I'm never horny
barbed wire heart I'm thorny
I get worried then I stress about it
I'm full of doubts
but that's not one of them
which is funny cuz I love myself
I think I'm awesome
my charm is lost on them
so I fucks harder with myself
than any of them
a witty little son of a gun
if I like a topic
my conversation is fun
but if not I'm gone
in 60 seconds like
the block I live on
get pissed when these dudes out here
be calling me hun or ho or ma or red or dread or asking for head
please send me nudes
I've had it up to here with all of these dudes
single don't mean searching you dig
You don't have to go and be rude
just cuz I prefer to go it alone
and not with you
don't get mad at it
drop you like a bad habit
then hop away like a bad rabbit
No wait I meant bunny
don't give a shit about money
too busy digging my goals you get
na you don't
but that's why I dead it
that's right I said it
don't take it back
I said it with conviction you dig?
Well here's a shovel
go find another hole to try and crawl in
because I'm done with this kid
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horlipion · 6 years ago
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A magical morning
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horlipion · 6 years ago
The Dating Game
Hello, good morning
And welcome to the show
Let's meet our contestants
Say your name and let us know
A little bit about yourself
And what it is you do
So our lovely little bachelorette
Can choose which one of you
She would like to be her man.
Go on long walks
while holding hands
Carve both your names
Upon a tree
Inside a heart with an ampersand
Endless romantic glances
Like they do in fairyland
Or maybe if you're lucky
It'll just end on a one night stand
Bachelor number one you have the floor
Yo my name Plug babygirl
Dis nigga is a thug babygirl
Still a nigga a hug babygirl
Know I gotta lotta money babygirl
Cause dis nigga sell drugs
Pick me
I'ma be dat nigga dat you ride with
Pick you up in da Escalade
das my side whip
Oh who she is
Das Fiona she my side chick
My bad I didn't think you minded
Ok Bachelor number 2 you're up, tell us all
Why should she pick you?
Hi my my Clyde
I'm a real nice guy
I hang out with my mom
And dad all of the time
I live alone
I own my own home
I've made a few lucrative investments on the stock market so
But I'm a sensible guy
I still keep my 9 to 5
The benefits are good
they offer 401k
So you know
I like to travel
Some day I'd like own a boat
Maybe sail from coast to coast
Where I'd purpose you be my lovely wife
I mean
That is if you'll have me
Well, very nice you'll have to step it up there bachelor thrice uh huh huh huh just kidding
Bachelor number 3 you have the mic
Zeen zeen
Good day to you my queen
I've got compliments for days
I just wanna be your king
I recognize your struggle
Want to listen when you talk
Keep you satisfied
You will want for not
Support all sisters
You can call me
The uplifter
I even came with flowers
And I got a gift fiyaaaaaa
Well well well
Audience what do you say?
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horlipion · 6 years ago
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horlipion · 6 years ago
I came across a picture
I was wearing a smile
It was stretching ear to ear,
you coulda seen it for miles
I was clutching on a bottle
With a spring in my step
A Rose colored approach
My optimism was lit
But was it really the case
This cheesey grin on my face
Was I just hedging my bets?
Just kind of playing it safe?
Busy convincing myself
This is my happiest place.
Without a care in the world
at least none I would face
Expecting nothing would change
Nothing disrupting the pace
Pulled the rug from beneath
And I found me a trap
It's just a trap
It's all a trap man it's just a trap
I'm a trap and she a trap we all a trap
We fucking trapped
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horlipion · 6 years ago
Got to get
Get one on one
Til it's eye to eye we see
I'm a part of it
Like it's a part you
And you're a part of me
I not live for marriage
No push baby carriage
I live to be free
But sadness consumes me
Because I'm on this plain
In Metaphysical chains and
Woke up in the God seat
In my brain it's not complete
I don't mean defeat
It's illusion eye trickery
Not a subject for bickering
Light candles flickering
Shine as bright as
the observer can perceive
Distance not measuring
Because time folds
So behold the endless
Soup of chaos and probability
The ether
No true good
and no true evil
That's yin and yang
Dialate your pupils
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horlipion · 6 years ago
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horlipion · 6 years ago
Dick Pic in my DM
I woke this morning
to a dick pick in my dm
I guess I can't get mad
when I see him
With his little engine that couldn't
hold a conversation if he tried,
I should just testify
Your testees aren't the best things
that I could catch an eyefull of in the am
it's just awful like blue waffle
and I'd rather save that scare,
with your nasty unkempt pubic hair
Shitstreeked and wholey underwear
More like I wonder where you
would even consider that as presentable,
that's hairable excuse me I meant terrible,
so bad it's fucking up my vowel sounds,
it's turning in my bowels like sour fucking milk,
nigga you need some fucking help,
Id give you no stars if you were some fucking Yelp
but I guess that's why out here trying slide
In my dms behind a screen you hide
Talking though but let's see you whip it on me in these streets, oh nigga best believe I'll chopping meat. You can call me the butcher of 62nd St.
Come on and try me.
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horlipion · 6 years ago
Been living like a shadow
Trying to grab a dream like smoke
And when it slips between my fingers
I lose a little more hope
But that's the problem
I'm learning how to cope
laugh at this life
And all it's fucked up jokes
Like the one that's standing in the mirror
It could not be much clearer
I recognize the face but not the soul
Eyes full of fear
Cause I was blinded
Sometimes the light
at the end of the tunnel
Turns out to be a train
you didn't expect it
wrecks you
and leaves you
with a broken
Twisted mess.
But before you seek to end it
realize it's for the best.
It's like a test,
you could call it a pop quiz
Cause life will lay in on ya
When you least expect it
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horlipion · 6 years ago
Step Beyond
It's so very boring
All this his and her history
Got me thinking about ignoring
All these messages that pour in
It's not my life
it's just highlights
Of all this great frustration
No Status updates
I hesitate
No sms
It's just some mess
A constant drama that unfolds
my nerves on test
To put plainly...
That's shits below my station
My goal is to
Got to elevate
to take hold of my week
That noise is just
a dis trac tion
from the higher
Free quency
I seek
To Leave jaws
dropped in disbelief
Inspire others
to want to reach
Those spaces
all else fear go
Recognize your strengths
Ex pand
on what you know
Come now
Get up on your feet
And let's
Take a step beyond
Don't dull your focus
It's Smoke and mirrors
hocus pocus
Truth is
Folks like us be
But lost due
to the lack
of memory
Our ansestry
Is chemistry
The Galaxy
Gave out the dust
That makes us up
And someday will repeat
Because life's a circle
A cosmic tan dem
Star Bicycle
Through an ex panding
Celestial sea
Can't wait to see
What our energy
Will take the form of next
Don't get upset
All we have is
time to Perfect
So reflect
And project
Your will
and go make it so
You'll never get there
Til you try
So come on let's
take a step beyond
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horlipion · 6 years ago
I wanna be a pure soul
sometimes for me it's hard though
I wanna act right
But then I just get solo
Ignoring all
Outside calls
Because I can't
handle other's energy
No Not my enemies
I bet they thinking
What kind of friend is she?
No call and no show
Absent from everything
Couldn't make it to your wedding
And forgot our anniversary
Birthdays and holidays
They don't really
mean that much to me
That's plain honesty
I appreciate the sentiment
But the concept
is a foreign one to me
I was raised without a family
Except for the ones thats chosen
See They mean everything to me
They coming few and far between
No more than a handful
But that's a good sign
Don't you think?
They say that one is loneliness number...
Does that include
the company of my reflection
That's introspection
I would rather be alone
But damn, I still crave your attention...
(Dialing and a faint hello)
Are you awake?
I know it's late
But I just had to say I love you
And I couldn't let it wait
Because I appreciate you
So thank you for being yourself
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