I Just Remembered Sheep Bleat
98 posts
Minecraft sideblog I probably won’t use
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
I’m not sure exactly how to put this to words, but I think it’s fascinating that minecraft players have sort of… figured out a lot of things that make spaces beautiful, but also, the base game doesn’t have to and shouldn’t do them. Minecraft is beautiful, but it lives within its own bounds, where trees are square and come straight out of the ground and rivers are just water with dirt and gravel and sand at the bottom. YOU can construct a natural-looking coastline, or build complex trees, or vary textures of dirt and coarse dirt and rooted dirt and just a bit of concrete powder to keep the pattern looking natural along a dirt path, but minecraft itself has to operate under the rules of what its things are: Dirt is dirt. Rooted dirt is dirt that an azalea tree has put roots in. Path blocks are paths. This holds it back, and that’s good, because if the whole world already looked like a dedicated builder had been terraforming it for hours, then how could you ever build anything there? Every new space minecraft adds looks beautiful but in a way that begs you to improve it. We know how to make Minecraft prettier, but the only reason that’s fun is because Minecraft itself refuses to take our advice. I think that’s neat.
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
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Minecraft concept art is so beautiful.
Artist - Mariana Salimena
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
you know, regardless of what you think of it as a game, you have to respect minecraft for one thing
you pay for it once
and then you get it. forever
there's updates and new content but you don't have to pay a penny for it. the game has changed and grown in so many ways since i started playing in 2010 and i have not paid a single additional penny for it
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
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Minecraft chicken, I don't knowww
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
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Black Candle
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
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minecraft world gen can be real weird sometimes
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
It honestly blows my mind how many people were on board with this whole "stop the mob vote" shit even during the stream.
As far as I know you guys are whining and complaining just because you can't have all 3 mobs?? Like cmon.
This tweet from a bit ago kinda sums it up well for me.
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It's so annoying.
The winning mob isnt the only thing that gets added to the game each year, why are people pretending like it is?? Mojang's been consistently been adding fun shit throughout all these years, and yet the mob vote is being treated like the only thing that brings anything new to each update.
There was a lot of stuff announced this stream! And there's more to be announced later on!!
It's a fun and silly way to get the community involved. It's cute, it's enjoyable. I loved watching how excited my little brother got when he could participate for the first time and watch the announcement.
You guys are lame
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
Do you know how fucked up it is that minecraft has apples AND sweetberries AND chorus fruits AND cherries AND glowberries and they only let us make pie out of pumpkins. LET ME COOK
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
The modder argument is a fallacy.
We've all heard the argument, "a modder did it in a day, why does Mojang take a year?"
Hi, in case you don't know me, I'm a Minecraft modder. I'm the lead developer for the Sweet Berry Collective, a small modding team focused on quality mods.
I've been working on a mod, Wandering Wizardry, for about a year now, and I only have the amount of new content equivalent to 1/3 of an update.
Quality content takes time.
Anyone who does anything creative will agree with me. You need to make the code, the art, the models, all of which takes time.
One of the biggest bottlenecks in anything creative is the flow of ideas. If you have a lot of conflicting ideas you throw together super quickly, they'll all clash with each other, and nothing will feel coherent.
If you instead try to come up with ideas that fit with other parts of the content, you'll quickly run out and get stuck on what to add.
Modders don't need to follow Mojang's standards.
Mojang has a lot of standards on the type of content that's allowed to be in the game. Modders don't need to follow these.
A modder can implement a small feature in 5 minutes disregarding the rest of the game and how it fits in with that.
Mojang has to make sure it works on both Java and Bedrock, make sure it fits with other similar features, make sure it doesn't break progression, and listen to the whole community on that feature.
Mojang can't just buy out mods.
Almost every mod depends on external code that Mojang doesn't have the right to use. Forge, Fabric API, and Quilt Standard Libraries, all are unusable in base Minecraft, as well as the dozens of community maintained libraries for mods.
If Mojang were to buy a mod to implement it in the game, they'd need to partially or fully reimplement it to be compatible with the rest of the codebase.
Mojang does have tendencies of *hiring* modders, but that's different than outright buying mods.
Stop weaponizing us against Mojang. I can speak for almost the whole modding community when I say we don't like it.
Please reblog so more people can see this, and to put an end to the modder argument.
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
The most infuriating thing about the mob votes to me is how Mojang makes it so that popular features are "locked" behind one of the prospective mobs.
Like many people support the armadillo being added because they want wolf armor.
But Mojang could just add wolf armor. In fact it makes no sense at all that you would need a whole new material to craft wolf armor, it's totally pointless. There's no reason at all wolf armor couldn't be found in chests just like horse armor and be made from the basic materials already in the game.
In fact this would be better, because adding a new material for each new slightly different purpose is just bloat that makes the game harder to play due to the already hellish inventory situation.
But Mojang knows the best way to hype up the new update (apart from actually adding things people want lmao) is to get people to fight over what they want to be added.
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
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anyway, you guys should vote for [REDACTED FOR VOTE BIAS]
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
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horizontalcraft · 1 year ago
To be honest I find it pretty stupid that so many people complain about the Minecraft devs being lazy, because it's one of the few games that's still receiving free content updates 10 years after its release, who cares if those updates are relatively small. It's not like the game's stuck in a pre-release state and they're taking forever to add all the stuff they promised to, the devs have absolutely zero obligation to continue adding things, and they're still choosing to do so anyways
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horizontalcraft · 2 years ago
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horizontalcraft · 2 years ago
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redraw-ish of the first time I drew Steve and Alex
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