horanggyu ยท 2 years
I am so soft right now๐Ÿฅบ๐ŸŒธ
โ™ก ๐‡๐–๐€๐๐† ๐‡๐˜๐”๐๐‰๐ˆ๐. 1k words, fluff, established relationship. warnings: none!
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"-and then we went to this store that only had pink clothes!" hyunjin continued to explain the things that happened yesterday when he was out shopping with jeongin. his hands were flopping into the air, a big smile present on his plump lips.
you loved seeing him this way: excited over such small things, happy because he liked teasing his younger friend and laughing like there's no tomorrow. his dazzling grin made your heart pump faster in your chest as you both arrived in front of your house after your long walk in the park, and even though you wanted to be more responsive, you couldn't take your eyes off his pretty, sparkly irises. his eyes crinkle every time the corners of his mouth go upwards at the mention of his friend's name.
"I'm sorry, should I stop?" he mumbles, small puffs of air visible from the freezing cold outside.
your eyebrows furrow in confusion. "what?" it wasn't the fact that you didn't hear him. you did, but you were too focused on the way your boyfriend shone when he talked about the things he loved. "no, please don't stop. I like listening to you," hyunjin immediately avoids your loving stare as a blush spreads on his cheeks, settling on taking your hand in his big one.
"oh, your hands!" he gasps softly.
"what's wrong with them?"
"your hands are too cold, I'll warm them up."
before you could say anything, he grabs both of your hands and raises them up to his face, blowing hot air in your freezing palms and sending shivers down your spine.
"jinnie, you already gave me your jacket..." you mumble.
earlier this day, you didn't realize it would be so cold outside. after all, the sun was shining and the blue sky was clear of any angry clouds, but the air was hurting the skin of your cheeks.
"you're cold, take my jacket." he said back at the bus station, throwing it on your shoulders without even asking you. you appreciated it, but you also saw how his lips slowly turned purple and, for a second, you wanted to ask him to come inside.
but you were too shy to do that. you weren't dating for that long, and you didn't even have your first kiss yet, so you just pulled away from his gentle touch and undressed his coat, running around to place it on his back again. a chuckle escapes his mouth. he truly finds you adorable.
"you're so cute," hyunjin blurts out, making you squeak and hide your face in your palms. "noo, don't hide your pretty face!" his fingers find your cheeks and squish them together.
"stop teasing me, or else-"
"or else what?" he gives you his signature smirk as he leans closer to you.
you slowly sat on your tip-toes, placing your hands on his shoulders before pressing your lips against his. the kiss was soft and pure, just like your feelings for him and just like the colorful butterflies that danced in your heart around the erratic beat, as if they were attracted to light.
hyunjin touched your waist delicately, his unsure movements raising a subtle fear in your soul.
did I make the wrong choice? maybe it's too soon...oh my god. you thought and wanted to pull away, but he pulled you closer as soon as he felt you distance yourself. seconds felt like hours and you could've forgotten the fact that air was a thing if that meant you could taste his pretty lips for a little bit more. "that was..." "unexpected?" you cut him off, your eyes stuck on his cheeks. you didn't have the courage to look him in the eyes, not after you took such a big step. "sweet," hyunjin breathed after a while. you raised your head immediately, only to see how his eyes shone with a beautiful spark. a blush dusted his cheeks, his loving gaze making you take a step back. suddenly, his presence felt a lot more intoxicating. "thank you for today! you really...made me forget about things." you said, trying to calm down your racing thoughts. "you can always come to me," your boyfriend smiled sincerely and you were ready to do the same, until his fingers caught a stray piece of hair and placed it behind your ear, catching you by surprise. "you're very special to me, I don't want you to feel lonely anymore, so don't be afraid to tell me anything." a sudden thought made you jump and his expression turned into a worried one. "did I say something wrong-?" "I think I am in love with you!" fuck! turning around quickly, you opened the door and made your way inside, leaving the boy speechless, flustered and confused out of his mind, staring at the place where you used to be. after a few seconds of silence, a soft smile bloomed on his lips and he scratched the back of his head shyly. he slowly crouched down, feeling his knees give out from all the emotions inside his heart, that thumped in his chest so hard he could hear it in his ears. singing like a sweet melody while he drowned in his love for you. ding! he took his phone out as quickly as he could, almost dropping it on the ground. < good night, hyunjin... )
those were the only words he needed to break out into a grin again. < good night, sunshine. I love you. ) you smiled happily, placing your phone next to your heart and hugging it lovingly. you could still taste the sweet coffee he had a few hours ago on your lips as you giggle at the soft thought of kissing him again.
hyunjin, though...he could just slap his cheeks and sit up from his crouched position. calling his best friend, he placed the phone against his ear and stuffed his hand in his pocket to keep it warm, walking away from your house.
"oh my god..." the boy sighs, making hyunjin whine childishly.
"I haven't even said anything yet!"
he had to tell him about the kiss, or else he will explode from so many feelings. his heart and mind were full of you, and he was in love with everything about you. thinking about the next time he met you drove him insane, 'cause he already wants to kiss every part of your face just to show you how much he loves you.
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๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ ๐…๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐’ ๐„๐•๐„๐๐“ ๐Œ๐€๐’๐“๐„๐‘๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“ | ๐๐„๐‘๐Œ๐€๐๐„๐๐“ ๐“๐€๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“ : [ @enfinity / @retrovelvet147 / @horanggyu / @todorokiskitten / @softforqiankun / @prettyflxwer / @lushoonie / @soobin-chois / @seobseobs / @https-loverboy-com / @lolalee24 / @allorysayshi / @gyusteez / @maeum-your / @blessed-sky / @nar-nia / @nishimras / @woniewhite / @enhacolor / @joti17 / @bambisgirl / @rubik98 ] โ€” OPEN! send an ask or a dm if you want to be added and be notified every time I post something new! โ™ก
๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„. happy birthday, hyunjin! <3 I promised myself I won't do any more angst on idols' birthdays :( not after my beomgyu one-shot, nu-uh. I hope you liked this, by the way and thank you so much for requesting and for your patience <3
๐๐„๐“๐–๐Ž๐‘๐Š. @kflixnet !
ยฉ ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ง๐›๐จ๐ค๐ข๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ | ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ž ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐š๐ฅ, ๐ซ๐ž๐ฉ๐จ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐š๐ ๐ข๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐ซ๐ข๐ณ๐ž ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ค๐ฌ!
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183 notes ยท View notes
horanggyu ยท 2 years
oh shit ๐Ÿ˜ณ heeseung๐Ÿ˜ณโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ
That part made my heart flutter๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜ซ
eight. can't handle me? | smau + written. 2.3k words (these updates are getting longer and longer-). warnings: sunghoon. thatโ€™s the only warning you need.
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โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” written part starts here.
โ€œthe exhibition was amazing, oh my god,โ€ jake fanboyed when you both walked out of the museum. you fanned yourself with your hands from so much enthusiasm.
โ€œI have so many ideas for our project now. I feel like my brain will epxlode soon-โ€œ
โ€œplease no, we need your beautiful brain for this!โ€ he chuckled and gave you a soft pat on the head, making you giggle. โ€œonce you get back from your vacation, we can start,โ€ you nodded and watch the crowd of people that want to make their way into the museum.
seeing your lost gaze, a smile appears on his lips.
โ€œhere,โ€ he gives you his arm to hold onto and you take it gratefully as you start to step through the mass of adults.
once you arrive in the parking lot, you both let out a relieved sigh. he opens the car door for you, and then quickly makes his way to the driverโ€™s seat.
โ€œmy friends are already there, they are waiting for us. can you please tell me what time it is?โ€ you raise an eyebrow at his sudden question, oblivious to the fact that he was actually a bit scared to keep you for longer than seven pm.
sunghoon always had anger issues, but a jealous sunghoon can cause the apocalypse.
and he did not want to deal with that. not today, not after beating his ass in the race last night. the satisfaction was too good to throw away just because he genuinely likes to spend time with you. plus, he really does not want to see sunghoonโ€™s smug look when you probably choose to leave with him anyways. jake knows youโ€™re probably forced to spend your vacation with your fiancรฉ, and that youโ€™re too good for this world to say no.
โ€œitโ€™s around five pm, why? are we late?โ€ you started panicking, but he immediately calmed you down.
โ€œno, just making sure!โ€
โ€œphew,โ€ you puff your cheeks cutely. โ€œcan I play the music?โ€
you gave him the best puppy eyes you could muster, pouting a bit without even realizing. jake chuckled. he could not help but give into your silent plea and throw his phone in your arms. he didnโ€™t expect you to have the same taste in music as him, though, and you both ended up vibing and talking throughout your whole โ€“ short โ€“ trip to the cafรฉ.
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โ€œjakeyyy,โ€ jay said in the most annoying voice he could make when he raised his hand so you guys could see their table better, making said boy roll his eyes.
only five seconds in and his friends are already shamelessly making fun of him in front of his new friend. a soft chuckle escapes your lips as you bow to salute them politely, holding your bag in your hands.
โ€œnoona, youโ€™re finally here!โ€ you jump a bit at jungwonโ€™s excited tone, but immediately beam at the sight of him.
โ€œhi, wonie!โ€ his eyelashes flutter at the familiar nickname. jungwon knew it wasnโ€™t strange for people to call him that, but he was still a bit taken aback by how comfortable you still were with saying it after so much time. the boys share confused glances, and you clear your throat to stop the silence. โ€œuhm, Iโ€™m y/n, itโ€™s nice to meet you all!โ€
โ€œwe know who you are,โ€ heeseung spoke in a quiet tone. โ€œsit down, we want to talk to you for a bit, okay?โ€ he then gave you a reassuring smile that made you exhale softly. you do as he said and take the seat between him and jake, placing your bag on your legs and your palms on it to hide how nervous you actually were.
it was your first time being surrounded by so many boys, especially the heartthrobs of your academy. yeah, you were used to see them on the schoolโ€™s hallways, but seeing them up close made your heart beat faster. they didnโ€™t really have a stellar reputation. they were smart and rich, but they also ended up in detention quite often. you werenโ€™t scared of them. jake was really sweet to you until now, so you could only assume that his friends are also good people. after they shortly introduced each other to you, you finally got to know their names and you started to have fun for a while.
chatting with them brought happiness in your heart: jungwon was the most precious being you could ever meet, while jay and jakeโ€™s constant bickering got you laughing out loud several times. heeseung was just calm, but you already knew he wasnโ€™t really chaotic based on all the rumors going around your school. what you did realize, though, was that heeseung might be dangerous to others, but he quite literally has heart eyes for his friends. and riki wasโ€ฆriki. precious, yet chaotic, in a good way.
but then, even though you were having the time of your life, they finally dropped the bomb.
โ€œso youโ€™re sunghoonโ€™s fiancรฉe, right?โ€
โ€œdoes he treat you right?!โ€ jungwon tilted his head so he can see you better. his eyes held a spark ofโ€ฆsomething you could not really recognize. โ€œasking this because he is also our friend and we want to know.โ€
you avoid their eyes and instead choose to look at your hands resting on your lap. you could feel your palms sweating under their intense gazes, and you tried your best to crack a smile and inhale deeply.
โ€œyeah, of course,โ€ oblivious to their saddened eyes, you continued. โ€what kind of question is that?โ€
you canโ€™t tell them. you canโ€™t show them how much sunghoon hurts you, how easy it is to fall for his charms when he pretends to love you.
since this whole arranged marriage has been announced to you two, he made a habit of interlocking your fingers as you walk through the crowded hallway just to keep you close to him. you knew he only did it to show people that the rumors are true and that the article that was posted a while ago is correct, but you still cannot stop your heart from fluttering every time he does these little things.
he sometimes even brushes a stray piece of hair away from your cheek as you're both sitting in class together, and you can often see how he looks at you from his table at the canteen, when he's talking to his friends, but his dark eyes are on you.
but because of his mean behavior towards you, you were completely confused.
love seems like a luxury you couldnโ€™t have in this marriage.
jake broke your line of thought when he placed a hand on your shoulder. โ€œy/n, you can be honest with us, okay?โ€
ah, they probably already know.
as the realization hit you, you started to actually see what the sparkle inside the boys' eyes meant and you hated it.
"I don't want you to pity me, I am fine," you mumble. "I can take all the hate."
"but you don't have to," you turn around to see riki smiling softly at you. "why would you want to ruin your life like this..." he then starts to play with his fingers. his shyness was endearing.
for such a troublemaker, as his friends portrayed him, the boy was really mature and kind when he wanted to.
"you could marry one of us," your eyes widen in shock at jake's words.
"I thought you weren't ready to marry anyone," jungwon scoffed, shaking his head cutely to move the hair that poked his eyes. "fucking hypocrite."
"fuck you! y/n, don't listen to him, he's lying!"
"don't make me expose you-"
"I'm with jungwon on this one, since when are you okay with this idea?" jay asked, taking a sip from his now cold coffee.
"there's a friend in need here, hello?!"
riki's eyes start to sparkle at the chance to tease his friend, so he just leans his head forward, making the sunglasses that were resting on his black hair fall on his nose. "bet he wants to marry her for the moneyzzz-"
heeseung chuckles. "you disgusting gold-digger!"
"I am rich?!?!"
a small smile appears on your lips at their comfortable banter. hanging out with them felt like a breath of fresh air. it wasn't that different from your friendship with ning and sunoo, maybe a bit more chaotic, but it was fun to make new friends. especially since you don't have to hide your pain from them, because they already know how miserable you must be.
"thank you, guys..." you whisper.
the oldest boy sighs softly at your conflicted expression, closing his eyes for a bit as he inhales deeply.
"raise your head, princess," he flicks your forehead gently. you immediately cover your skin with your palms as a tiny gasp escapes your lips, "we're not pitying you. we just wanted you to know we are here for you."
and when you look at them again, you could finally see something else than pity in their soft gazes. it was not the feeling of compassion caused by your suffering and misfortune anymore, but the tender twinkle of understanding and acceptance that made your heart grow with happiness.
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you never jumped from your bed so fast in your entire life. not even when your mom used to prepare your favorite food. but now this wasn't about something as trivial as that, it was about the man that quite literally ordered you to come outside in the middle of the night, when you were so ready to just drown in your thoughts and your fluffy pillows.
just the thought of spending time with the one who hates you, all alone, makes you gulp almost painfully. but now he is already at your door? you really hoped your parents do not see you going out like this, dressed in your comfortable sweatpants and sunoo's hoodie - the one he left here when he sneaked into your room a few days ago to cry with you about some k-drama. a small flash of his cute crying face and fluffy hair appeared in your mind, and you found yourself smiling.
the timing was bad, though. like really bad, 'cause you just got to open the door and saw sunghoon already standing there, raising an eyebrow at your happy expression.
wow, he looks ethereal, you suck in a breath. his dark hair fell on his forehead, split in two this time because he kept running his fingers through it, and it was somehow beautifying his gorgeous features even more. you couldn't believe he could look more attractive, but this hairstyle just made him even more irresistible in your eyes and you had to stop yourself from slapping your cheek again.ย his opalescent eyes, darkened by hidden intentions, looked at you - right in the depths of your soul, shining with something that brought butterflies in your stomach.
"happy to see me?" he tilted his head to the right, with a ghost of a smile present on his lips. "perfect..."
before he could continue, your mother popped out from the dining room, beaming at the sight of your fiancรฉ. "oh, sunghoonie? you're finally here, darling," her words made you blink in confusion.
"finally here to wha-" you ask, but the boy grabbed your wrist and pulled you to his side, tucking you between his arms.
your mother giggled; she was ecstatic to see you so close to such a perfect man like sunghoon. for her, you two were the perfect couple, but she did not see the way you struggled to breathe, trying so hard not to melt in his grasp.
"yes! thank you so much for today," he politely bowed his head. "we'll be going now, if you don't mind!"
"very good then, have fun, kids! and take care of yourselves!"
you thanked the gods that you did not have to stay in his arms for more time, because his sweet, yet masculine scent made you dizzy.
"going?" you mumble when you found yourself dragged away from your house by the man you were so anxious to meet. "wait?! where are you taking me?"
an ironical chuckle escapes his lips, and he ignores you. it was dark outside, you barely even saw where you were stepping, yet he was walking so fast you didn't even have the time to question it.
"sunghoon, wait-" you dig your heels into the ground to try and stop him, but he's much more powerful than you, and you're suddenly pushed against his car.
trapped between his arms once again, intoxicated by his presence, feeling the vehicle trembling against your back.
"so you're running to jake already," a smirk played in the corner of his pretty lips. "why?"
you couldn't see him very well, but you noticed how he was slowly closing the distance between the two of you. you panicked for a second, you didn't expect him to do this. what was he trying to achieve?
he did it so easily too, that you felt his breath on your skin right before you placed your fingers on his mouth delicately to stop him, as your other hand was gripping his shirt tightly. your whole body tensed under his intense gaze.
sunghoon looked down at you through half-lidded eyes that still kept so much emotion, a fire burning inside his irises as always. not even the powerful lights of the car could compare to the way his eyes were sparkling right now, as an almost devilish smile bloomed on his lips and you shivered when you could physically feel it against your fingertips.
"tell me, y/n," he murmured, words slightly muffled by your touch. "can't handle me anymore?" you froze when sunghoon grabbed your wrist again and pressed a kiss on it, whispering the next words, "didn't you say you want me?"
with heat rushing to your cheeks, you try to escape from his grasp, but only manage to make him pull you even closer. your heart was beating rapidly inside your chest, and you prayed to gods that he won't notice now that you're glued to him, with his arm secured around your waist.
"are you finally ready to give up?"
sunghoon was taken aback by your sudden confession.
"I don't want to-" you started, but you stuttered so much that you took a second to calm down. you inhaled deeply, clearing your throat and looking straight into his eyes. "I don't want to! I don't want to give up on you, sunghoon...I," he squeezed your waist unconsciously, making you shiver in his grasp. "I want you."
โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” written part ends here.
๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„. HI OMG-
๐“๐€๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“. [ @lushoonie / @acciomylove / @prettyflxwer / @solitxre / @heyditseeey / @dancinginthetaillight / @luvrseung / @yi-zhuos5 / @bloomedberry / @jungwonswifex / @lomlyeonjun / @killyoselff / @satorinnie / @chiyuv / @wintrdust / @iovnyu / @msxflower / @retrovelvet147 / @horanggyu / @maeumiluv / @neozon3nha / @staryskyv / @miminyuu / @moatrash / @qtsoob / @saucytaehyung / @tadpoltail / @dalaaaa190811 / @joti17 / @hoonist0202 / @idyllicangel / @koroktsuya / @koakyuu / @abdiitcryy / @blessed-sky / @nar-nia / @maeum-your / @enhypensfeyborit / @nikirikii / @diestheticu / @person-standing / @sungookie / @certainyouthpeanut / @vantique / @angelbaby-rose / @m00nylup1n / @csmicbot / @sophhloaff / @chirokookie / @bambisgirl / @rubik98 ] โ€” OPEN! send an ask or a dm if you want to be added! โ™ก
ยฉ2022 sunbokie | please donโ€™t steal, repost or plagiarize my works!
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135 notes ยท View notes
horanggyu ยท 2 years
seven. rejected. | smau + written. 1.2k words. warnings: mentions of making-out? use of cigarettes, bad language (as always)
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โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” written part starts here.
that night, sunghoon could barely keep his anger under control. he didnโ€™t know what irritated him so much. maybe it was the way jake kept teasing him about his not-so-subtle crush for queen, or maybe it was from the way you were looking at him a few days ago. with a lost twinkle in your innocent eyes, chin resting comfortably on your palm, and bashfully turning away when he even slightly moved his head in your direction.
but just the fact that he could feel your gaze on the side of his face, burning his skin, even though he was so mean to you all this time drove him absolutely insane. sunghoon didnโ€™t really know if it was a good or bad thing, though. did he like it? sure, he did. he loved having your full attention, he adored having you melt under his touch, but to what extent? was he really ready to let you so easily fall in love and break your heart?
another thing that clouded his already blurry thoughts was: is he ready to realize that you did not deserve this? not quite.
so he shook his head, pressed his foot on the break pedal and stopped right behind what he could recognize as jayโ€™s dark blue racing car. taking the keys out, he threw them in the pocket of his jacket and took a second to calm down his nerves.
the street was already closed down by the other guys, and it was only a matter of time before the cops would be here again, yet it was so peaceful here inside his car that he couldnโ€™t find it in himself to leave.
but he could see the crowd getting impatient once they recognized his car, so, with a soft sigh escaping his lips and a fake smile blooming in the corner of his mouth, he opened the car door and left.
the atmosphere was warm, energetic, people dancing on the music that boomed throughout the empty place. the once buzzling roads were now full of teenagers and young adults alike trying to have some fun on this friday night, the smoke lingering in the air like a cloud, being slightly colored by all the lights. almost everyone was here tonight, sunghoon could swear he actually saw his class president too, but he doubted that heโ€™d be here, given the fact that he hates parties. sunghoon also realized that heโ€™ll probably never see someone so good in a place like this, shoving his tongue down a girlโ€™s throat like that person did right now. the sight made the boy furrow his eyebrows and look away uninterested.
โ€œstop everybody, the prince is finally here!โ€ jake whistled, while the others clapped at his appearance. he approached him with slow steps, a smirk growing on his lips. โ€œoh, who should I thank for your presence, your majesty?โ€
โ€œshut the fuck up, you nerd,โ€ the boy mumbled and took jakeโ€™s cup of cola, downing it in one go and throwing it away, ignoring the whines of his friend.
โ€œoi, I was drinking that!โ€ the pout on his plump lips only made sunghoon snort. jakeโ€™s australian accent always appeared when he was annoyed, it was strangely adorable in the princeโ€™s eyes.
โ€œmy bad,โ€ he apologised, but he was far away from being sorry. his eyes were automatically searching for someone.
jake sneered, โ€œugh youโ€™re so fucking whipped. itโ€™s disgusting.โ€
jay rolled his eyes and jungwon chuckled softly, agreeing with a nod of his head. the small action made riki, who was somehow jungwonโ€™s pillow tonight, also giggle at his hyungโ€™s affirmation.
โ€œlet him dream,โ€ the oldest mumbled. โ€œas if someone with anger issues could ever pull such an unbothered person like queen.โ€
โ€œas if he could pull anyone, you meant-โ€œ
before sunghoon could bite back at his friendsโ€™ teasing comments, the crowd of people went wild and the growl of an engine could be heard from afar.
it was so familiar, it sent shivers down his spine.
so familiar, the noise cut through the air like a thunder once it stopped right in front of him.
so familiarโ€ฆhe could recognize the sound of her car from miles away without even batting an eyelash. not that he would want to, โ€˜cause it seems to be hard to even blink around her.
โ€œmake way for the queen, peasants!โ€ someone yelled and everyone pushed back to let her park in her special place.
maybe he was whipped after all, but he wasnโ€™t the only one.
screams erupted from the crowd when she opened the door and placed her heel on the ground. the black boots hugged her ankles, just like the black pants and corset looked gorgeous on her body, and her dark hair flew in the wind when she finally stood up. she placed her gloved hand on her door, sending a dazzling smile to the people who have been so excitedly waiting for her since they arrived here.
how can sunghoon blink when queen was here? stealing his breath away just when she steps closer to him. he hated how he could not see her face fully because of the angelic mask she always wore, hiding her identity from them like she was some kind of celebrity. a celebrity who stole his heart without even trying.
โ€œqueen, a pleasure to see you as alwaysโ€ฆโ€ he mumbles and cranes his head to look at her, but she just sent him an indifferent look and waved shortly before continuing to walk to another person that seemed to attract her attention. specifically: yang jungwon, her favorite person.
she just had an intense presence. a dark, cool aura around her that made her seem invincible. she was powerful, making people fall for her left and right when no one even knows how she looks without that mask.
but sunghoon could bet she was pretty, โ€˜cause he could only see her red-painted lips, but they always looked so kissable.
โ€œrejected!โ€ heeseung laughed when jungwon scrambled to leave with queen back to her car. seems like heโ€™s the only lucky one who gets to see her drive that beauty from the inside, and everyone was jealous.
jake jumped on sunghoon, with an arm around his neck and the back of his hand ghosting over his own forehead in a dramatic manner, as he threw his head back.
โ€œqueen, my love! why wonโ€™t you take my hand and ride a horse together into the sunset? youโ€™re not interested in me at all and you can only see jungwon! how can I ever live in peace now-โ€
โ€œIโ€™ll break your fucking neck and give your eyeballs to the crows as dinner.โ€
โ€œhow about you stop giving fuck-eyes to queen and come race me already? the cops are going to be here soon, I canโ€™t leave your ass undestroyed-โ€
โ€œyouโ€™re not going to touch my ass tonight,โ€ sunghoon sent an icy glare to his friend who only showed him his pointer finger, before touching his butt for a millisecond. โ€œIโ€™m going to cut your arm off, oh my lord.โ€
โ€œsee you at the finish line, bitch!โ€
โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” written part ends here.
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๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„. oops, y/n's finger slipped.
๐“๐€๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“. [ @lushoonie / @acciomylove / @prettyflxwer / @solitxre / @heyditseeey / @dancinginthetaillight / @luvrseung / @yi-zhuos5 / @bloomedberry / @jungwonswifex / @lomlyeonjun / @killyoselff / @satorinnie / @chiyuv / @wintrdust / @iovnyu / @msxflower / @retrovelvet147 / @horanggyu / @maeumiluv / @neozon3nha / @staryskyv / @miminyuu / @moatrash / @qtsoob / @saucytaehyung / @tadpoltail / @dalaaaa190811 / @joti17 / @hoonist0202 / @idyllicangel / @koroktsuya / @koakyuu / @abdiitcryy / @blessed-sky / @nar-nia / @maeum-your / @enhypensfeyborit / @nikirikii / @diestheticu / @person-standing / @sungookie / @certainyouthpeanut / @vantique / @angelbaby-rose / @m00nylup1n / @csmicbot ] โ€” OPEN! send an ask or a dm if you want to be added! โ™ก
ยฉ2022 sunbokie | please donโ€™t steal, repost or plagiarize my works!
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126 notes ยท View notes
horanggyu ยท 2 years
six. whipped. | smau. warnings: bag language, mentions of getting laid (?).
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๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„. I smell...alone time with hoony/n soon. I also smell some heartbreak, but that's another story lmao.
๐“๐€๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“. [ @lushoonie / @acciomylove / @prettyflxwer / @solitxre / @heyditseeey / @dancinginthetaillight / @luvrseung / @wi9ter / @bloomedberry / @jungwonswifex / @lomlyeonjun / @killyoselff / @satorinnie / @chiyuv / @wintrdust / @iovnyu / @msxflower / @retrovelvet147 / @horanggyu / @maeumiluv / @neozon3nha / @staryskyv / @miminyuu / @moatrash / @qtsoob / @saucytaehyung / @tadpoltail / @dalaaaa190811 / @joti17 / @hoonist0202 / @idyllicangel / @koroktsuya / @koakyuu / @abdiitcryy / @nar-nia / @maeum-your / @enhypensfeyborit / @nikirikii / @diestheticu / @person-standing / @sungookie / @certainyouthpeanut / @vantique / @angelbaby-rose / @m00nylup1n / @csmicbot ] โ€” OPEN! send an ask or a dm if you want to be added! โ™ก
ยฉ2022 sunbokie | please donโ€™t steal, repost or plagiarize my works!
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119 notes ยท View notes
horanggyu ยท 2 years
I LOVED IT ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’•
โ™ก ๐’๐ˆ๐Œ ๐‰๐€๐„๐˜๐”๐: 0.9k words, established relationship, fluff. warnings: none!
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today is your free day, so you decided to spend it by doing some things that you absolutely love, but didnโ€™t really have time to indulge in them because of your busy schedule. and it was going pretty smoothly: dressed in your boyfriendโ€™s large t-shirt and some sweatpants, laying down on your couch and reading your favorite book with a hot cup of tea on the table next to you. but then jake came home and everything started going downhill since heโ€™s been a bit needier than usual lately.
โ€œwhy wonโ€™t you look at me?โ€ jake pouted and you exhaled calmly.
โ€œbabe, Iโ€™m trying to read this book!โ€
if possible, his eyes got even softer than they were before. he just wanted your attention, he didnโ€™t mean to disturb the peaceful reading session that you always do on Monday evenings, but jake did not know how to tell you that he missed you so much. for him, it sounded stupid. missing you just because he was away for a few hours literally felt too extra for him, even if he never heard your opinion about it.
โ€œcan you pleaseโ€ฆread it later?โ€
this time he succeeded in making you look at him, yet the annoyed glint in your eyes made him gulp almost painfully, before you went back and resumed the page you were reading. a relieved sigh escaped his lips; he took a moment to calm down his heartbeat. oh, how he loved staring into your pretty eyes, because no matter how mad you were at him, he could never miss the love hidden behind that fire.
โ€œcome on! I missed you, didnโ€™t you miss me?โ€ he tried again, placing his hands on your ankle and shaking your leg gently.
โ€œjake...โ€ he beamed at the sound of his name. he wasnโ€™t sure why he just melted everytime you said it, it was surely playing with his heartstrings.
said boy didnโ€™t wait for your answer and crawled on top of you slowly, pushing his head under your book and forcing you to raise it above you. you gasped at the close proximity, feeling his breath against your lips as he towered over you.
โ€œjake!โ€ you whined when he blocked your vision.
โ€œoh, but please, do continue reading your precious book.โ€
his ironic tone made you roll your eyes and literally turn your attention away from him, right back on the written words without saying anything else. it was so fun for him to tease you like this. the way your cheeks would puff out and youโ€™d pout unconsciously was so adorable in his eyes, he could not help but lean down to kiss your cheek. then he continued leaving butterfly kisses on your jawline, reaching your neck and placing the softest peck behind your ear. he knew your body like the palm of his hand, every weak and ticklish spot was thoroughly studied by him since you two started dating a year ago, and he made sure to use them in moments like these.
moments when he cannot resist you, laying there dressed in his clothes, looking gorgeous and serene. youโ€™re practically asking to be smothered in kisses and love.
his sweet actions made you purse your lips slightly, in a miserable attempt to hide the smile that was threatening to make its way on your features.
at first it was kind of easy to concentrate on your book, because he was just pleading and whining for some attention, and now itโ€™s getting harder and harder with every kiss placed on your burning skin. but even if you wanted to just hug him close, you also wanted to tease him a little more as a revenge for his usual antics. so he finally gave up.
โ€œyouโ€™re still reading that? even after all I did? y/nnnn,โ€ jake whined and leaned the weight of his body on yours, making you inhale deeply. โ€œdo you not love me anymore-โ€
โ€œyouโ€™re so dramatic.โ€
โ€œyou gave that book more attention than you ever gave me!โ€
โ€œyouโ€™re jealous of a book!โ€
โ€œno, I am not!โ€
โ€œyes, you are, baby!โ€
with an exasperated sigh escaping your lips, you throw the book away and take his face in your hands. you pulled him closer and gave him a soft kiss, stopping his dramatic whining as his eyes widened and his pupils dilated almost immediately. he was pleasantly surprised, as he didnโ€™t expect you to give in like this, and he couldnโ€™t help but lean down to press a longer kiss on your lips while you brushed your fingers through his dark locks.
"don't ever question my love for you again," you whisper and peck his forehead.
with soft smiles on your faces, there was finally some peace and quiet, and you both fell asleep on the couch after giving him the love he deserves, surrounded by warmth and happiness.
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๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ ๐…๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐’ ๐„๐•๐„๐๐“ ๐Œ๐€๐’๐“๐„๐‘๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“ | ๐๐„๐‘๐Œ๐€๐๐„๐๐“ ๐“๐€๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“ : [ @enfinity / @retrovelvet147 / @horanggyu / @todorokiskitten / @softforqiankun / @prettyflxwer / @gxmini03 / @soobin-chois / @seobseobs / @bobatonin / @lolalee24 / @allorysayshi / @gyusteez / @maeum-your / @blessed-sky / @nar-nia ] โ€” OPEN! send an ask or a dm if you want to be added and be notified everytime I post something new! โ™ก
๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„. I AM SO SORRY FOR DELETING THE REQUEST, BUT THANK GOD I HAD A SCREENSHOT OF IT!! here you go, my bestie @horanggyu ! <3 hope you liked it and it makes you feel better <333
๐๐„๐“๐–๐Ž๐‘๐Š. @kflixnet !
ยฉ ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ง๐›๐จ๐ค๐ข๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ | ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ž ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐š๐ฅ, ๐ซ๐ž๐ฉ๐จ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐š๐ ๐ข๐š๐ซ๐ข๐ณ๐ž ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ค๐ฌ!
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433 notes ยท View notes
horanggyu ยท 2 years
I am in love๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
๐‚๐‡๐€๐๐“๐„๐‘ ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽโ—ž LOSER LOVER ! baby.
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แƒฆ ๐–๐€๐‘๐๐ˆ๐๐†. just a few curse words!
แƒฆ ๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„. omg the ending is so soon ;-;; why am I attached to this smau, help- ALSO HAHA, redemption arc...?
แƒฆ ๐ƒ๐Ž๐'๐“ ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐†๐„๐“. wallpaper with cute cats = y/n's perspective, wallpaper with simple black color = heeseung's perspective, wallpaper with starry sky = jungwon's perspective, wallpaper with purple clouds = niki's perspective!
แƒฆ ๐“๐€๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“. @gxmini03 @retrovelvet147 @horanggyu @jongsaengseong @softforqiankun @prettygirlchaee @hutao-s @enfinity @ja4hyvn @xtra-cheese @milkycloudtyg @gongiz @yjwfav @nar-nia @msxflower @dinosdance @im-so-sh0ck3d @wonielover @prettyflxwer @luvrseung @hibuki-chan @bigtittietoji @enhacolor @i-d-y-l-l-i-c @ily-cuz-i @mochisnlix @hxxsng @kac-chowsballs @akichaaanuwu @niorawr @staysstrays @duolingofanaccount @markleepooh @peacheepie @acciomylove @theskzvibe @jungwonswifex @cyuuupid @woniewhite @person-standing | OPEN! (send an ask if you want to be added โ™ก)
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64 notes ยท View notes
horanggyu ยท 2 years
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Hello!This is my first post๐Ÿ˜Š
I hope you like it guys๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’•I am not a professional artist,but I try my best to improve
If you have any ideas of who I should draw next..let me know๐Ÿ˜‰
@sunbokie @retrovelvet147
17 notes ยท View notes
horanggyu ยท 2 years
i am crying in the club ๐Ÿ˜ญ
this is ajsjsjska...my heart
I am soft for him.I cannot ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’–
I will and cry in a corner
can I request a sunoo one๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
Touches ask game,hand holding,number 30
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โ™ก ๐ค๐ข๐ฆ ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ง๐จ๐จ: [ the prettiest ] แƒฆ 0.4k words โžถ fluff, established relationship. ๐ญ๐ฐ: none!
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sunoo was really trying to avoid your eyes, but he had no chance with you being so close, glued to him and literally following his every movement with your smitten gaze. he wasnโ€™t doing anything out of ordinary from his perspective, just talking about his day as you were both taking a walk together at night, in the park, yet to you he seemed like he was doing the most special thing in the world.
the first time he caught you staring, you actually turned around and faked innocence, so he let it go. the second time he caught you staring, he thought you were just listening to him and giving him your undivided attention, which he found really adorable. but now you didnโ€™t really care about being caught anymore, you quite literally made eye contact like itโ€™s your second nature.
sunoo wasnโ€™t uncomfortable, no way. it was the warmth that spread on his cheeks that really made him gulp and look away from you as much as possible.
โ€œy/n, why are you looking at me like that?โ€
โ€œlike what?โ€
โ€œlikeโ€ฆthat.โ€ he gestures to you, before shyly bringing his sweater paw to his face so he can hide half of his tiny smile. โ€œstop, youโ€™re making me shy.โ€
with a quiet giggle, you run to the other side so you can tease him, as you would do anything to see his smile. โ€œno, let me see your beautiful face!โ€
โ€œbaby, please! youโ€™re sooo pretty,โ€ you say and take his cheeks in your palms right at the moment he turned away from you again.
your hand accidentally brushes against his, a moment in which both of your bubbly laughs died out, a second in which he linked his fingers with yours, only to stare into your eyes for the first time tonight. the world disappears around you, leaving you, him, and the stars above to witness the lovestruck expression on your faces.
โ€œyouโ€™re the prettiest boy I ever met,โ€ you whisper. this time, you didnโ€™t let him shy away from you. you took his hand in yours and placed it on your cheek, nuzzling your face in his palm, leaving a soft kiss on his skin as the blush on his face darkened.
with a big happy smile, he leaned down to press a kiss on your lips and brush his nose against yours cutely.
โ€œI am your pretty boy.โ€
your eyes widen in shock and he giggles before throwing his arms around your body and hugging you tightly. sunoo's little chuckle made you burst out into a happy laugh as you ruffled his already fluffy hair and leaned your head on his.
โ€œmy pretty boy.โ€
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๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ ๐…๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐’ ๐„๐•๐„๐๐“ ๐Œ๐€๐’๐“๐„๐‘๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“ | ๐๐„๐‘๐Œ๐€๐๐„๐๐“ ๐“๐€๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“ : [ @enfinity / @retrovelvet147 / @horanggyu / @todorokiskitten / @softforqiankun / @prettyflxwer / @gxmini03 / @soobin-chois / @seobseobs / @dreamtonin / @lolalee24 / @allorysayshi / @gyusteez / @maeum-your ] โ€” OPEN! send an ask or a dm if you want to be added and be notified everytime I post something new! โ™ก
๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„. I am soft, don't touch me. LITERALLY GUYS DON'T TOUCH ME, I CANNOT HANDLE HIS CUTENESS, I AM WHIPPED- hope you liked it, laura! I am working on your other request rn hehe
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108 notes ยท View notes
horanggyu ยท 2 years
gurl...same sjdjjejqjjj
my tumblr is full of childe and zhongli too๐Ÿ˜ถ
I love it
hee and y/n๐ŸคŒ๐ŸคŒ๐ŸคŒ
๐‚๐‡๐€๐๐“๐„๐‘ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“โ—ž LOSER LOVER ! flash life before eyes.
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แƒฆ ๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„. it is currently 5 am, idk what I am doing, my mind is not ok right now. sorry for the suggestive jokes, I had to.
แƒฆ ๐ƒ๐Ž๐'๐“ ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐†๐„๐“. wallpaper with cute cats = y/n's perspective, wallpaper with simple black color = heeseung's perspective, wallpaper with starry sky = jungwon's perspective, wallpaper with purple clouds = niki's perspective!
แƒฆ ๐“๐€๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“. @gxmini03 @retrovelvet147 @horanggyu @jongsaengseong @softforqiankun @prettygirlchaee @hutao-s @enfinity @ja4hyvn @xtra-cheese @milkycloudtyg @gongiz @yjwfav @nar-nia @msxflower @dinosdance @im-so-sh0ck3d @wonielover @prettyflxwer @luvrseung @hibuki-chan @bigtittietoji @enhacolor @i-d-y-l-l-i-c @ily-cuz-i @mochisnlix @hxxsng @kac-chowsballs @akichaaanuwu @niorawr @staysstrays @duolingofanaccount @markleepooh @peacheepie @acciomylove | OPEN! (send an ask if you want to be added โ™ก)
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71 notes ยท View notes
horanggyu ยท 2 years
I laughed so hard that I literally choked on my holy water๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
I love it๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’–
๐‚๐‡๐€๐๐“๐„๐‘ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’โ—ž LOSER LOVER ! 2nd best reyna kr.
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แƒฆ ๐€๐”๐“๐‡๐Ž๐‘'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“๐„. team heeseung? first match starts soon :)
แƒฆ ๐ƒ๐Ž๐'๐“ ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐†๐„๐“. wallpaper with cute cats = y/n's perspective, wallpaper with simple black color = heeseung's perspective, wallpaper with starry sky = jungwon's perspective, wallpaper with purple clouds = niki's perspective!
แƒฆ ๐“๐€๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“. @gxmini03 @retrovelvet147 @horanggyu @jongsaengseong @softforqiankun @prettygirlchaee @hutao-s @enfinity @ja4hyvn @xtra-cheese @milkycloudtyg @gongiz @yjwfav @nar-nia @msxflower @dinosdance @im-so-sh0ck3d @wonielover @prettyflxwer @luvrseung @hibuki-chan @bigtittietoji @enhacolor @i-d-y-l-l-i-c @ily-cuz-i @mochisnlix @hxxsng @kac-chowsballs @akichaaanuwu @niorawr @staysstrays @duolingofanaccount @markleepooh @peacheepie @acciomylove | OPEN! (send an ask if you want to be added โ™ก)
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73 notes ยท View notes
horanggyu ยท 2 years
I am soft now๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
My heart skipped a beat ๐Ÿ’“
ok, imma be loyal.
#64 and #96 with loml jake. pls. ๐ŸงŽโ€โ™€๏ธ
โ™ก ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฆ ๐ฃ๐š๐ค๐ž: [ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ฏ๐จ๐ข๐œ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฌ๐จ ๐ซ๐ž๐ฅ๐š๐ฑ๐ข๐ง๐  ] แƒฆ ๐ŸŽ.๐Ÿ’๐ค โžถ ๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐ญ, ๐Ÿ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ. ๐ญ๐ฐ: ๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐š๐ฅ ๐›๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ค๐๐จ๐ฐ๐ง!
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it was three am when jake came home from his late shift at work and saw you crying on the floor of your shared bedroom. his tired eyes almost immediately opened wide, the exhaustion leaving his body so fast, he couldn't even process the way he threw his backpack to god knows where and stepped towards you quickly.
"y/n, come here," jake mumbles, falling onto his knees next to you. your name came out in a sigh when he took your trembling body in his arms and urged you to place your head on his chest. "talk to me, baby." he whispered in your hair, pressing a soft kiss on the top of your head, while caressing your back in a gentle manner. "I'll hurt whoever did this to you."
"no, it's just one of those days." you reply, burying your face further in his neck as he tightened his hold on your waist. he knew about your mental breakdowns and he also knew about the fact that you didn't need sugar-coated words; you only needed him to keep you close, you needed to feel his warm touch, to hear his pretty voice. "talk to me, please? get my minds off these things..."
at this moment, you would pay to see his cheerful smile that always brightened up your day. unfortunately, he couldn't bring himself to smile when he saw you in such a broken state.
"don't worry, jake. you know I am a strong person!" you say, but it sounded like you were trying to reassure yourself rather that him. you were very strong, jake didn't doubt that, but even the strongest people need a break sometimes and you didn't have one in a really long time. you were slowly breaking inside with all the stress and pressure. "so, please, just talk to me."
โ€œokay,โ€ he nodded slowly, trying to think of a subject that doesn't make you feel even worse. "what do you want me to talk about?"
a small smile blooms in the corner of your mouth as your eyes flutter close at the sound of his slightly raspy voice and gentle tone.
"tell me about your day, your voice is so relaxing..." you could hear his heartbeat quicken under your ear, a soft sigh escaping his pink lips before placing another kiss on your forehead.
"anything for you, my love."
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๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ ๐…๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐’ ๐„๐•๐„๐๐“ ๐Œ๐€๐’๐“๐„๐‘๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“ | ๐๐„๐‘๐Œ๐€๐๐„๐๐“ ๐“๐€๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“ : [ @enfinity / @retrovelvet147 / @horanggyu / @todorokiskitten / @softforqiankun / @prettyflxwer / @gxmini03 / @soobin-chois / @seobseobs / @dreamtonin / @lolalee24 / @allorysayshi / @gyusteez / @maeum-your ] โ€” OPEN! send an ask or a dm if you want to be added and be notified everytime I post something new! โ™ก
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horanggyu ยท 2 years
I am literally so tired...of seeing my friends get hurt. I am so tired of the fact that I cannot do anything to protect them. How can I share myself to 6 people and protect them all from everything? I just want to cry 'cause one of my friends has problems with her mom and she's always feeling like shit because of her, I am sad just thinking about my other friend and her bad relationship with her dad, and then my other friend who was a toxic relationship with a motherfucker that cannot even treat her like a human being. I am tired...of seeing people I love getting hurt. And when I think I can't feel more sad, I come here on this app and see my beloved moots feeling like shit, feeling like they aren't worth shit, when it's so wrong...
I know some people here for, like, a month or even less, and I already felt like I found friends. True friends with beautiful souls and minds, and I am just tired and exhausted of seeing them hating themselves!? I feel so helpless when I try to make them feel good and see how beautiful and amazing they are, how studying will surely pay off and how they should be proud of their achievements, even if they're small; how their writing is truly beautiful and how I cannot get enough of their stories and pieces of creativity.
I love my friends (moots or irl, idc, they're my friends), and when I make a friend, I protect them as much as I can. Even if I'm not there, even if I'm on the other side of the world, I am still their friend. And I put all my heart into my friendships and I love my friends so much, it hurts. Please.
You are worth it. You are beautiful. You are amazing and you mean something. To someone. To me.
If you cry, I cry and you cannot stop that. I am sorry for this long rant and I am not gonna give any names, but if you know, you know.
I've been crying for over thirty minutes and I just needed to get it off my chest. I'm sorry. But nobody can stop me from loving my friends and fro crying for my friends. Ignore this, please. I'll probably delete it soon when I wake up...or maybe I'll just keep it here. As a silent reminder that I am always here.
I am here and I care.
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horanggyu ยท 2 years
facts no printer.period.We are in the beomgyu-yeonjun relationship ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’–I love youuuu๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ’–
your moots as idols?
ooooh, this is interesting <3 it is not long since I've been on this app, so I don't know my moots really well :( but I'll try to do it for some of my closest moots. BUT PLEASE!!! don't get me wrong, this is just my opinion and in NO WAY I am saying my moots are IDENTICAL to these idols. it's just about โ™ก the vibes โ™ก !
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@horanggyu | choi beomgyu โ€” sassy, dramatic and a total bestie. loves hugs, she's literally a teddy bear and I usually see her being very loud and chaotic, but in a good way. we playfully fight a lot and I chase her around the house/road when we hangout because she annoys me so much. our other friends say we have a yeonjun-beomgyu relationship. I still love her very much, though! <3
@retrovelvet147 | jeon wonwoo โ€” calm and sweet when you first get to know her, but chaotic and comfortable when you become close to her. a total sweetheart and an angel <3 the wonwoo to my mingyu </3 I would give her my heart if I could but it's already stolen by lee heeseung haha
@softforqiankun | lee felix โ€” this person is literally my sunshine, I would hug her everyday if I could ;-; she is also really sweet and likes to make people smile. she deserves the world and she gives me such lixie vibes, it's insane! the love of my life, basically <3
@seobseobs | kang taehyun โ€” such a smart and amazing bestie. always here to make me smile and listen to me, but also chaotic (in a good way <3). we could rant for hours and never get bored, haha. also very mature, just like taehyun!!! which I find amazing because I can be very childish sometimes and I need someone to calm me down and that's zul!
@gxmini03 | bang chan โ€” she's really sweet and caring, very big sister vibes I get from her all the time! never sleeps, just like me, and we both stay up just to talk about music and movies. she is also really reliable and she scolds me whenever I do something bad :( also gives me hugs and always supports me.
@prettyflxwer | sim jaeyun โ€” rich babe, has a lot of friends and is SO TALENTED. she's also very cool without even trying and always makes me blush with her compliments, I am DONE. I love our midnight conversations about ramen, by the way. <3 let's do our own ramyeonz, babe!! <3333
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horanggyu ยท 2 years
[TEASER] 5 GIFTS FOR YOU โ€” thank you for everything.
INCLUDES: lee heeseung & park jay โ€” ENHYPEN, choi beomgyu โ€” TOMORROW X TOGETHER, lee minho โ€” STRAY KIDS, ji changmin โ€” THE BOYZ โ™ก + BONUS! lee felix โ€” STRAY KIDS โœง
AUTHOR'S NOTE (1): this is a special project for my one and only valentine, heather โ™ก @softforqiankun / who is also my favorite writer and person! I love you very very very much and if you don't like this...just ignore it, omg. It's just an illusion. this was supposed to be posted on your birthday, but I wanted to give you a little teaser before, because I am very excited! I promise to work hard on it and I'll do my best to make you happy โ™ก
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[pairings] โ€” heeseung x fem! reader x jay
[genre] โ€” love triangle, angst, fluff
[synopsis] โ€” the three of you have been best friends since forever. you moved in together after highschool, so you wake up together, eat breakfast together, go to work together. basically, you cannot imagine your life without them. but what if the boys have something else in mind? between friendship and love is a single step, and jay and heeseung were not sure if they want to take it.
โ€fighting over the same person...โ€ jay mumbled, his voice almost getting muffled out by the powerful sounds of the rain. โ€how did we end up here?โ€ he turns his head to look at heeseung, even if the drops were hitting his skin, and the sky was full of dark clouds that covered all the stars. โ€I donโ€™t know, but I hate it.โ€ the older boy answers; his tone was full of sadness and regret, but his orbs were empty and he was staring at nothing and at everything at the same time. his dark brown locks were slightly covering his eyes, as he dropped his gaze on the wet pavement under his feet. โ€but you love her,โ€ heeseung gulps at his best friendโ€™s words. "and I do too.โ€
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[pairings] โ€” best friend! felix x gn! reader
[genre] โ€” friends to lovers, fluff fluff fluff
[synopsis] โ€” between hushed words and bubbly smiles, a small โ€I love youโ€ changes everything on a beautiful night, when youโ€™re both trapped in the principalโ€™s office after you tried to sneak in and steal the answers for a test.
โ€felix, youโ€™re going to get us both caught!โ€ you whisper, while trying your best not to laugh at the way he almost got stuck while climbing through the window. โ€I did not remember this window being so small!โ€ โ€yeah, thatโ€™s because last time when we came here was in 9th grade!โ€ โ€please stop laughing at me and help me get through,โ€ his puppy eyes melted your heart as you sighed. you grabbed his arms and placed a foot on the wall to help you pull better, but ended up falling on your back with your best friend above you. โ€oh, wow, hi...โ€ he said, your faces just centimeters apart, as you felt the blood rushing to your cheeks. โ€...you come here often?โ€ โ€I sure hope I donโ€™t.โ€
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[pairings] โ€” fuckboy! beomgyu x fem! reader
[genre] โ€” fake dating au!, slight enemies to lovers, suggestive (no smut!!), fluff, a little angst
[synopsis] โ€” life sucks sometimes, especially when your old friend invites you to her wedding and demands for you to have a partner with you. the things is, what do you do when you lied that you already have a boyfriend just to shut her up? call: beomgyu. the most annoying person ever and the fuckboy of your school.
"you're literally so annoying," you roll your eyes and continue to apply a bit of lip tint, ignoring the way the corner of his mouth turned upwards at your mumbled insults. you could see him in the mirror, leaning on the wall, dressed in a black shirt that hugged his big shoulders perfectly. a shirt that was slightly unbuttoned.
"yet you still came running to me when you needed help. the irony," a small smile blooms on his lips.
"no one else was available!" you reply. "also. we're going to a wedding, not to one of your parties, so how about you button up that shirt? "
he raises an eyebrow and pushes himself off the wall just to take small, slow steps towards your figure. he stops right behind you and, god, you tried to ignore him and his powerful presence, but when you felt his fingers on your naked back, you felt a shiver running down your spine. he leaned down to press a kiss on your shoulder, before pulling up the zipper of your dress.
"do it for me."
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[pairings] โ€” demon! minho x angel! gn! reader
[genre] โ€” enemies to lovers, angst
[synopsis] โ€” after a bet with the devil, minho gets a second chance at life. only one chance to remain on earth, but if he fails, he has to go through the whole terrifying process of the underworld again. that's only if he can't resist, which seems to be suddenly possible with the will to stay with the person who accepted him as he is, along with the fire behind his cold brown eyes.
"please," he said with a desperate tone in his cracking voice, backing you up against the wall. "scream at me! be mad, throw things, just don't stay silent."
you avoid his gaze, looking anywhere else rather than in his pretty eyes that always make you weak. the wall felt cold behind your back but his strong โ€” yet gentle โ€” grip on your wrist felt so warm.
"tell me you hate me, angel." minho whispered, raising his other hand to take your chin between his fingers and force you to look into his eyes. "do it. tell me you don't like my touch and I'll stop touching you." your eyes flutter at his words. "tell me you don't like the way I kiss you and I'll be on my way."
he leans down to brush his lips against the skin of your cheek, making you gasp softly.
"tell me to leave and I'll go back to hell. because if I can't have you, I don't want anyone else."
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[pairings] โ€” god of love! changmin x human! gn! reader
[genre] โ€” soulmates au, heavy angst, fantasy themes
[synopsis] โ€” changmin, the fallen god of love, walks the earth to try and find one last chance to fall in love. he's in endless pain, tears of blood escaping his once sparkly eyes as he feels all the hatred that humans carry in their hearts. but he still has hope, and that hope turns into something more when he finally meets the purest of souls. you.
"changmin, please..." your voice came out more like a whisper, swallowing the lump that formed in your throat. you receive no answer and your sigh is met only by a grave silence. you feel your heart beating faster, pumping against your chest when you see him lowering his gaze to the ground. you give up, taking him in your arms, hugging his weak body closer to yours, and begin to cry.
don't leave me, min...
dark thoughts take over your mind and he doesn't seem to have to say anything. changmin rests his chin on your shoulder, his eyes closing as he leans all his weight against you. he finally opens his heart, a sigh escaping his lips as he could feel the purity of your soul healing his weak body and his burning skin.
"I'm sorry," he whispers.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE (2): HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, MY LOVE! also, happy valentine's day to everyone that supported me until now. I love you guys so much and I hope you will have a wonderful day! <3 these are just the teasers, I will post the full fics when I finish them. thank you so much for everything! it might take me a while because I want them to be perfect, so I apologize in advance for the wait I will put you through, my dear Heather. also please tell me if you want me to change anything!
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WANT TO SEE MORE? check out my main masterlist! โ™ก
PERMANENT TAGLIST: [ @enfinity / @retrovelvet147 / @horanggyu / @todorokiskitten / @softforqiankun / @prettyflxwer / @gxmini03 / @soobin-chois / @seobseobs / @dreamtonin / @lolalee24 ] โ€” OPEN! send an ask or a dm if you want to be added and be notified everytime I post something new! โ™ก
ยฉsunbokie 2022 | please don't steal, repost or plagiarize my works!
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horanggyu ยท 2 years
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ๅฝก laura !! she/her (^._.^)ใƒฝartist | @sunbokie 's bestie โ™ก
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