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Locked up
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How do they choose which sand to be the glass and which sand to be the sand in an hourglass... Imagine you and your best friend were two grains of sand and you had to be in the hourglass and your bestie had to be the glass. Ur together but youve never been more apart. A Sick and twisted practice hourglassery is...
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this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes only worsen my mental health] put on the best talent show this towns ever seen
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love how wikipedia’s “List of unsolved deaths” starts at 11,000 BCE. like, I don’t think we’ll be cracking that cold case anytime soon.
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How to make ice cream in Alaska
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A trans man coming out as a man is never a loss.
I don’t care if he went into a male-dominated field. All fields are cis dominated.
I don’t care if he’s a straight man now. He should be allowed to be himself and happy. He does not owe it to you to be a miserable lesbian for your comfort.
I don’t care if you thought he was hotter before. His happiness is worth the price of your desire. Also you’re wrong and I’m giving him my number.
More trans men is a good thing. More trans men means more closeted trans men are feeling safe to come out. That’s a good thing.
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im always thinking about that post where someones grandma said “some people have never cleaned a bathroom and it shows” bc it does show
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still so funny to me that gross has another meaning besides icky and is used seriously all the time. your gross annual income. your disgusting nasty amount of money you earn the whole year. pathetic
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I just started playing Crystal and this tweet won’t leave my brain
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this is eminem’s special goo. he injects it before recording and it’s what allows him to rap super fast. and it is banned in several countries
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