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Nagito Komaeda 狛枝 凪斗 hummingbird hotel ❀ room #420 affiliated with stella city
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
@ultimategamelover​ ❀
Winter had come to the city, it seemed.
The only thing required for Nagito to find out, was for him to draw the curtain from his own room window, he had done earlier. He had blinked a few times as he watched snowflakes travel down to the earth. If anything, this was certainly the opposite of the tropical island he had experienced just weeks before. It was a magnificent view, that was for sure!
Naturally, despite his cheers in joy, he hadn’t felt like the drastic change in environment was logical to him. As far as he knew, it only took him a few hours to be sent here prior to him waking up, (as he couldn’t imagine himself to be asleep for more than eight hours), which clashed with the kind of long travel you would expect was needed to get him to this place. At least fifteen hours of travel, perhaps. Most likely twenty or more.
Regardless of what he speculated, Nagito decided to go out and explore the scenery for himself. Traveling down the stairs, it didn’t take long for him to catch glimpse of a familiar classmate, who stood outside her own room. He decided to pay her a visit and walked over.
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“Nanami-san,” he laughed softly, “what a coincidence to find you here.”
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
nonalcoholicyakuza ❀
After having met two of his classmates who, by all means, he shouldn’t have been able to meet ever again (as being dead generally kind of does that to a person), encountering this peculiar person in the hotel’s restaurant was, actually, really not that surprising.
However, he couldn’t say he liked this meeting in any way whatsoever. Had he worried about him? Well, maybe. A tiny bit. But mostly because Fuyuhiko being here with so very few others mainly meant that the rest would still be stuck on Jabberwock Island with that bear- and, thus, also be in the Killing Game, still.
He may have some beef with this guy to put it lightly, that didn’t mean someone deserved to go through a killing game. So, to see him, is a very brief moment of ‘ah, he is okay’ and then a very long realisation of knowing that it’s now done with the relative peace and quiet of the city, even with it’s fucked up way of being and bringing people here. Actually seeing him, especially after having to deal with the aftermath of the second murder on the island once again, made him remember the words he’d said back then, the things he’d implied and had felt.
And frankly that relief of seeing Nagito Komaeda being okay and away from Jabberwock Island is immediately replaced with a burning anger that may or may not burst a blood vessel or two on Fuyuhiko, as he thinks back to his ramblings about hope and despair and how he had even dared to speak about Peko- things he hadn’t taken action against back then because of his own weakness, but now with the time and opportunity to really dip his toes into that fury, he really feels the wordsmith in himself awakening as they both become aware of eachother’s presence.
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Such an eloquent start to a conversation! Nagito rejoiced when he heard a voice that sounded all too familar. He turned to the blond in question and smiled, holding up his arms in delight. “Oh? What do I have to thank this wonderful meeting for?”
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“Kuzuryuu-kun! You really don’t betray my expectations.” He came closer to greet him and was ready to hold another lecture about how fate must have made their paths cross again, and how once again, Nagito was going to see the stronger hope beat the weaker hope in favour of creating true hope. He was getting excited just thinking about the things he could say!
Nagito gave a breathy laugh. “For us all to be separated from each other… how much despair it must have brought upon you. Especially after Pekoyama-san’s and the others’ tragic deaths! But I suppose that’s just the way things are… after all, she couldn’t become the true hope I had wished for her to be. A shame, really… she had so much potential.”
“But I suppose that doesn’t matter to you... After all, you made the choice to dispose of her alone, despite being given the chance to remain the last standing. You’re such a remarkable creature, Kuzuryuu-kun. I can’t wait to see how you’ll shine here.”
“I’ll get to see to what extent the Ultimate Yakuza can go!”
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
kusamochilover ❀
Knowing fully well that any discussion about how Komaeda wasn’t trash would fall on deaf ears, Hajime didn’t even attempt to bring that up. Instead, he looked down at the pile of mushrooms beside him and pulled up one eyebrow at them.
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“What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Do you know the side effects of eating those?” 
Despite their appearance, the mushrooms shouldn’t be harmful. During the Pumpkin ‘n Spice Festival, the residence of Stella City had been actively encouraged to try those mushrooms. Hajime had been here long enough to know Stella and Aries wouldn’t let any harm come to their beloved citizens. 
Unless Komaeda knew something that Hajime didn’t? He had mentioned just before that Stella City was frightening. That and Hajime wasn’t actually sure what would come from eating those mushrooms. Better to be safe than sorry. 
“You would die just to test your luck? I don’t think that would bring any hope. If anything that would bring despair to this city. I can already imagine the headlines in the newspapers…‘Idiot found dead eating poisonous mushrooms as a midnight snack.’ ”
"I don’t know.” Nagito quickly answered. That didn’t stop him, however, as he put the mushroom in his mouth and carefully chewed. It was a rainbow patterned fungus and, true to its name as the Rainbow Mushroom, was fast to turn Nagito’s hair a soft pastel colour of green. He laughed, because the effects after eating it wasn’t that noticeable to himself.
He continued eating, grabbing the mushrooms at random with the full intent of finishing them all. There were many in his pile: the neon orange one dubbed The Energiser, a brown one with white stripes called the Scentshroom, a light blue one called the Wondershroom, and a white and black mottled mushroom called the Jumbleshroom. So many of them, so unfamiliar to Nagito! It truly was a world of its own, laid out in the palms of his own hands!
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“Sorry, Hinata-kun...” Even if they killed him, then Nagito felt like he wouldn’t mind. Actively having chased after his own death many times before, he might actually think of it as a relief. Maybe, if he was truly lucky, he would find himself losing his own life from this action instead! “You must think I’m detestable for this... but that wouldn’t stop me. If I have a scrap of luck left, then I’m sure it brought me to you tonight for a reason. Yes, you can be my witness, Hinata-kun! By doing this, I’ll let you witness this important moment of my own miserable existence! Who shall rise, who shall fall? Will this cease my worthless life and finally let me act like the steppingstone I was always meant to be? We’ll finally get to see it!”
And it’s with those words that Nagito can no longer wait. He’s impatient with his actions as he eats the remaining mushrooms in his hands. A sigh leaves him afterwards, his head tilted up as he faced the sky. Nagito inhaled sharply and then starts laughing, much harder than before. Laughter fills the space around them and he gets to his own feet to continue his speech.
“I feel filled with so much energy and vigour, Hinata-kun! Truly this must be the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I await my own death!” His coat fell to the ground as he started shaking, and eventually, it felt like nothing mattered anymore. Nothing mattered, except for-- “We must celebrate, Hinata-kun. This feeling I have, this sweet euphoria I have stumbled upon. It happened, once again! Hope was amidst us all along!”
Nagito reached out to take Hajime’s hands and looked him in the eyes. His ramblings didn’t stop after that. “Baatney Spears was right, Hinata-kun. When she sang that someone was toxic, I understood exactly what she had meant with that. The emotions she tried to convey-- oh, Hinata-kun!”
“We were fools for not seeing this before!”
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
kusamochilover ❀
Hajime watched Komaeda pile up a bunch of mushrooms which he presumably had collected at Wonderland Woods. Hajime absentmindedly picked one mushroom up, but quickly placed it back down again once Komaeda mentioned this was a frightening place. 
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“Frightening how? Did something happen?” Knowing Komaeda and his luck a lot of things had probably happened to him in the short time he had been in Stella City. “Are you alright? If you need something you should come out and say it.”
Killing game or no killing game, Hajime didn’t want Komaeda to fall back into his old habits again. It was essential that Hajime kept an eye on him and made him feel like he was someone he could trust for everyone’s sake. 
"The sheep like me here, you know.” Nagito started explaining as he took a few mushrooms in his hands and examined them closely. The sheep had for some bizarre reason, been kind to him. The sheep from Toffee Tours had taken him to explore more of Stella City and its history, told him about the tragic story behind the Ram, the hope The Rock brought them, and the past behind the mysterious remnants of the walls. It felt enjoyable to a degree.
He had bonded with the sheep, too. Nagito loved the experience he got with all three of the tour sheep. He had enjoyed Choco’s sassy nature as she sneered at Nagito and pulled his leg a few times too often. Then there was Crois, who was serious and hardworking, and wanted to make sure Nagito got the full experience of Stella City’s experience, even if it came at the expense of ordering Nagito around to see certain things. All to receive a soft finish by being led around by the sheep called Coco, who was timid and shy, but their eyes sparkled when they told Nagito about the smallest details of the city. Ah.. this city surely must have resembled Hope to them.
It all went fine, until Nagito got pointed towards Wonderland Woods in the evening and was told about the mushrooms that grew there at this time of year. Apparently they had special side effects, but Nagito didn’t care to listen and plucked them at random. The place he found himself in may have changed from a tropical island to an autumn, almost winter, scene, but that didn’t stop Nagito from acting like he always would. If he were to trust anything, then it would be his own Ultimate Luck, and speaking of that--
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“To think I could become even more useless than this... I was already trash, but now I am even below that. I truly am despicable...  and a parasite of this earth.” He let out a soft sigh. “I must have the worst luck, Hinata-kun... could you imagine what would happen to me if, by unforeseen chance, I lost my own talent?”
His lips turned into a smirk and he raised his hands. “Wouldn’t that be remarkable? And especially if done by sheep? Therefore, Hinata-kun, surely you agree with me. There’s only one thing I have left to do.” He held out a mushroom to the brunet as he spoke.
“I just have to test my own luck, that’s all! Haha! Hahaha..!”
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
kusamochilover ❀
The splashing of the fountain behind Hajime made for a relaxing background noise as he let his mind wander. He had been fortunate to have an early shift tonight, which meant it wasn’t too late yet by a bartender’s standards. Knowing fully well that he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep now even if he tried he was in no hurry to get home. 
Just as he had decided he would stay outside in this nice and quiet spot for a little while longer, his peace was disrupted. From out of the shadows and into the street light stepped a familiar face. Hajime wasn’t quite sure why Komaeda had suddenly appeared in Stella City recently, but that didn’t stop him from waving back. 
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“Hi,” Hajime stoically returned Komaeda’s greeting. “It’s alright. Come sit with me.”
Being away from Komaeda for almost a year had helped Hajime a lot with figuring out how he felt about the lucky student. Hajime couldn’t say he had forgiven Nagito for his actions concerning the first murder that had taken place on the island, but his presence had become a lot more bearable and perhaps even slightly desirable. If anything Hajime wanted to get to know Komaeda better now that they weren’t in a life-threatening situation which brought out the worst in him. 
“…Why are your pants wet? Do I want to know?”
It brought joy to Nagito that he was even invited to come join the other, which he happily did as he dropped himself on the bench beside Hajime. He carefully glanced to the other as he listened to him speak, and met him with a smile in response, which turned into a laugh soon after.
“Do you want to know, Hinata-kun?” His mind spun as he tried recalling the events prior to this meeting in a chronological manner, but he found all of it hard to piece together. “I suppose I just ended up that way...? Ne, Hinata-kun. Would you care to listen to the things I have discovered today? I am sure it might be of interest to you too.”
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Nagito trembled from the cold as he felt the temperature affecting him. Being one to realize he might not survive the conversation if he remained in this state, he started piling the collected mushrooms between them on the bench to free up use of his coat again. Once done, he put it around himself to keep himself warm. It was a meager difference, but surely one that could help him endure being outside a little longer.
“After all, even without a killing game present here... this seems like a frightening place, regardless.”
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
astigmias ❀
          Who in the world was being so noisy? It’s so late at night, he didn’t expect anyone to be awake at this time, especially if they’re looking to break something. (Well, now that he thinks about it, perhaps that’s the best time to break something? Most people would be too disoriented to investigate… He’s thinking too deeply into it.) Late shifts (they’re always late shifts) always take so much energy out of him, he was a hundred percent ready to just collapse into his bed and pass out until the morning. The mere thought of it is what’s bringing Gaster to walk even, step by step, up the stairs and into his floor’s main hall, until…
          “ Oh, it’s perfectly alright–  “
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          “ … Hm? “
          Okay, that isn’t what he usually gets as a reaction when people meet him. From strangers nonetheless! Gaster isn’t sure if he’s ever met this person even in his life, but the other is… smiling at him. Getting cozy?! As much as he wanted to stop discrimination, this is an extreme step. Kids… are pretty weird.
          Is he just being too anxious? It seems like that, even if the other is spouting absolute nonsense. “ I’m afraid that I can’t play that role for you, sir. “ He starts, hand tensing for a moment as the other grabs hold of it. “ I’m an engineer– electrician– er, both. But I don’t think that I’m any…. reaper. To anyone. “ Cue a flashback to the time where he gave out candy wearing a long black robe, wielding a large scythe. Uh. “ I’m not quite sure if I can help you there, but I feel as if you staying alive would give people hope more than your death could. “Deaths during the war sure didn’t make him feel any more hopeful than before, no. “ Aside from all of that, it is nice to meet you. “
          Taking a millisecond to mentally brace himself, he takes Komaeda’s (metal… that’s sure metal that he’s holding right now haha) hand, giving it a firm squeeze and a shake. That’s a good greeting, right? “ Do you live on this floor? I can’t say that I’ve seen you around before. “ 
"An electrician...” While disappointed to a slight degree, Nagito’s eyes shimmered with the smallest bit of hope as he thought about the possibilities this could bring. Perhaps this skeleton could help him to his own electrocution? Or perhaps help him in another way? He was talking to an ex-Reaper, after all! Not everything is impossible. Bearing that in mind, Nagito’s intuition seemed to be spot on per usual, which is why he merely continued to ride the wave of this conversation that he had set into motion earlier.
“The way you talk about hope makes me happy, Sir...” He soon took his own hands back and looked at his robotic hand as he held it up. “But you seem to have the wrong idea about me... There’s nothing worthy of mention in my existence. If anything, I merely serve the purpose of a steppingstone for true hope.” Nagito soon turned to smile at Gaster.
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“Aha... but it’s a pleasure meeting you too, Skeleton-san. So you must live on this floor then, I assume? It’s actually my first time here... I woke up in a room I can only deduce is mine now, but I’m not so sure about that...”
The way he brought a sad tone to this conversation made him loathe himself, once more, which is why he was quick to laugh at his own words. Nagito held up his hands, as if he was about to announce something important.
“Sorry for being so gloomy. Haha, I forgot to introduce myself, didn’t I? Not that it is important... Feel free to forget my name once I have told you. I am Nagito Komaeda, but you can call me whatever brings peace to your heart-- ah, forgive my rudeness. I don’t mean to upset you by my assumptions. It might seem like you don’t have a physical one? Ah, but I can feel a metaphorical one coursing strongly through your body. Ah...”
“Forgive me, you truly are one amazing entity I have stumbled upon. Would you not tell me more about yourself?“
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
@kusamochilover​ ❀
Today had been a bit of a roller coaster ride for Nagito Komaeda. With evening fully have settled in a long time ago, he wormed a way through the woods of Stella City as he searched for many things to help him cope with his current predicament. Freshly picked mushrooms were carried in his coat as he waded his way through the river to get across, and with the cold currently numbing his legs, he felt like a part had died with him along the way.
“How beautiful...” He breathed to himself as he watched the sheep by the roads nuzzle into each other for sleep, lit by the moonlight that came piercing through the clouds. If his emotions hadn’t been torn to pieces and crushed to smithereens prior to this moment, he may have thought it was the photo copy of Hope he was gazing upon right now. Instead he felt a hollow emptiness, which he sought to fill with whatever he could get his hands on right now.
And just when he had wished upon that, he stumbled upon a familiar figure not too long after. He approached Hajime in a tired pace, wet ends of his jeans slowing him down, but he eventually managed to reach the brunet and drew a cold breath. It was cold enough for himself to see it, too, and he suddenly realized that it must be nearing winter right now, which was a massive change compared to the tropical life he had gotten used to before this. He supposed he wasn’t even lucky enough to arrive in the right season of the year.
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Nonetheless, he decided to ignore all that and chose to speak to Hajime, who had been resting on a bench in front of the fountain. “How fortunate for me to find you here, Hinata-kun.” Nagito gave him a hesitant wave. “I’m sorry, am I actually bothering you? I can imagine you don’t want me intruding on your free time at a late time like this... Perhaps I should take my leave again?”
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
To think that even when you’re transported to a new world, you would still meet your friends and fellow classmates, the Ultimates and symbols of Hope...
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Aaah... How amazing. Nagito was truly blessed by this development.
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
nonalcoholicyakuza ❀
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He’s feeling a disturbance in the air today. Something just ain’t right.
Something real fishy.
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Feels like Hope that’s being nurtured about right now!
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
badbatter replied to your post: @astigmias​ ❀ Who knew there was another world out...
this thread is cancelled
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The party has just gotten started. We can’t go cancelling it now...
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
@astigmias​ ❀
Who knew there was another world out there? Nagito had a lot to catch up to when had just awoken from his strange slumber, but he supposed that could wait for later. Ignoring the robotic arm that had replaced his left arm, he accidentally slammed open his own door and walked out of his room.
Oh... he supposed he would have to work on controlling that.
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Well, whatever. This was just another trial for him to endure. Surely, he had sacrificed his arm for the greater good, for the Hope he had always yearned for. With those thoughts racing through his head, he smiled as he walked through the hallway of the fourth floor. What was this place called? He didn’t even know, haha! He would find out someday.
It didn’t take long for him to be stopped in his own tracks, as he soon bumped into a skeleton he had not been familiar with. It was a pang of bad luck that hit Nagito, but the prospect of the good luck following this unfortunate encounter did nothing less than bring a smile to his own face. There were no losses to bear with this meeting. Fate would bring him the person he needed to meet.
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“Sorry about that.” He laughed as he apologized to Gaster. It took him a few seconds before he could properly take in the other’s form, and upon that, he gasped in amazement. Excitement sparkled in his eyes as he looked the other up and down. Oh, how fate had blessed him indeed! “How incredible... For my eyes to be able to feast upon someone like you.” 
“Are you one of the Hell Hounds of which the tales have warned me about? Or are you the Death God ready to take me with you to the Underworld?” He came a little closer to grab the other’s hand. “Oh, please! I am not worth much, but surely, trash like me deserves an early death, in complete solitude! Where are we going? Are you going to burn me? Incinerate me to ashes until not even my bones remain? Torture me for the sake of True Hope of mankind? By all means, go ahead!”
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
Did someone say Hope? Because I'm feeling hopeful at the prospect of roleplaying with everyone here! Nagito Komaeda at your service here ❀ Ready to nurture this place into True Hope [Application can be found under /app, or the link that says Profile!]
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Go into Hummingbird Hotel Room #420 as befits your URL, and stay there. I can’t believe I’m enabling you like this.
Anyways, have a look around! There might just be some classmates waiting to see you! Perhaps!
♎ libra
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
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this is all you need to know about dangan ronpa
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
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I just happened to pick this up overseas.
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hopelover420-blog · 7 years ago
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